Altruism and altruist - definition, types, social role

Altruism is not a very common phenomenon these days. Altruists delight some, surprise others, and cause suspicion among others. What character traits do these people have, is it easy to become an altruist, what theories of altruism exist, and is such a character trait really necessary? Let's look at all these questions in more detail in our article.

Altruism: what is it?

Under altruism

imply a principle of behavior in which a person performs good deeds, selflessly caring for the well-being of other people.

Essentially, the principle of altruism is to “live for the sake of others.” The term was first used by the founder of sociological science, Auguste Comte. By the concept, he meant the selfless motives of an individual, leading to actions that benefit only other people.

Psychologists have put forward an oppositional opinion to Comte's definition. According to their findings, in the long term, altruism provides more benefits than the effort expended on it. It was also concluded that altruists to some extent perform good actions with a degree of selfishness. Allegedly, a person gets special pleasure from the fact that people in whose affairs he took a significant part achieve success.

At the same time, egoism is still considered as the opposite of altruism. With selfishness, a person puts the satisfaction of his own interests first, elevating this to a life position.

Usually altruism manifests itself in caring, acts of mercy, self-denial for the sake of someone. It is important that in this case, healthy egoism is inherent in the individual, albeit to a lesser extent, giving primacy to good intentions.

Altruism can be mixed with various social experiences, such as sympathy, sympathy, goodwill and others. Altruistic actions that extend beyond the boundaries of friendship, family, and neighbors are called philanthropy, and people who are distinguished by such impulses towards those who are outside their acquaintance are called philanthropists.

Psychologists believe that gender also matters in altruism. Men are characterized by short-term impulses towards good deeds (helping to push a car, pulling a drowning person out of sea water, etc.). Women tend to take long-term actions (giving up a career to care for a sick relative). Vivid examples of altruism can be seen in volunteering, donation, and mentoring.

Theories of altruism

Sociologists and psychologists have long been studying the motives of behavior of altruists, having come up with interesting theories:


From a sociological point of view, several main theories of altruism can be distinguished: evolutionary, social exchange, social norms. They complement each other, and individually do not provide a complete understanding of why individuals are willing to provide help to others free of charge.

The theory of social exchange is based on the concept of deep egoism. Adherents of the theory believe that subconsciously a person who takes a selfless step first calculates his own benefit.

According to the theory of social norms, altruism is considered as a social responsibility. This means that altruistic deeds are an element of natural social norms inherent in society.

According to evolutionary theory, altruism is a part of development that helps in preserving the gene pool and is the driving force of evolution.

It is not easy to determine all the facets of this concept, taking into account only social research. It is also important to remember the so-called “spiritual” components of any individual.


According to the theory of psychologists, the basis of altruistic behavior is the reluctance to observe the torment and experiences of other individuals. This feeling may be present at the subconscious level.

Another popular theory is that altruism is a consequence of guilt, and by doing good deeds a person tries to atone for guilt.

Types of altruism

There are several types of altruism.


Social behavior in which people engage in some degree of self-sacrifice, but only if they expect reciprocity. The concept was introduced by sociobiologist Robert Trivers. If you do not take into account the scientific designations, it simply means mutual assistance. Good examples of community spirit are churches, small schools, student dormitories, and so on. This type of altruism is based on the norm of reciprocity and is a universal principle of social interaction.


Based on social norms. Showing selfless compassion towards others, such an altruist is afraid on a subconscious level of going against the rules of decency. Example: on a bus, give way to a mother and baby, help an old man cross the road, and so on.


In his writings, Sigmund Freud identified the tendency towards altruism with compensation for feelings of guilt. The individual tries to compensate for his anxiety with virtue towards others.


Almost every person has his own “internal censor” and here he plays an important role. Inner conviction dictates to a person that everyone would do the same in his place. Altruism is built on the reluctance to experience guilt or upset peace of mind.


A person seeks harmony between his own and other people's needs. Altruistic actions are not sudden impulses - in this case they are carefully thought out. With this type of altruism, the individual does not act to harm himself or anyone else.


Such altruists are ready to sacrifice in relation to their child. They do not think about possible benefits in the future, and are simply ready to give their best. Parents exposed to this type of altruism take into account the child’s personal desires, rather than trying to realize their own ambitions. The basis is selflessness, and in the future the mother will not tell her grown-up child that she spent her best years on him without receiving gratitude.


An individual makes self-sacrifice, falling under psychological influence (a religious sermon, a reproach from a loved one, someone’s tearful request, and so on) or imitating another person. In the absence of these factors, it is likely that the act of altruism is not committed - it may not even occur to the person.


An altruist helps people from his close circle (friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.) free of charge. This type of altruism can be called a social mechanism - it is an impetus for comfortable and trusting relationships in the group. It is worth taking into account that assistance provided for the purpose of subsequent manipulation will also be incorrectly called altruism.

Sympathetic (empathetic)

The main basis of compassion is kindness and one’s own motivations. It is more common in family relationships, as well as in relationships between friends and lovers. A person feels the need to help, driven by love and a feeling of affection.


The motive for such altruism is sincere satisfaction in the knowledge that self-sacrifice brings clear benefit to the needy. An example would be volunteering and mentoring.


According to the moral imperative of I. Kant, this or that understanding of morality can be designated as conscience, and it is precisely this that underlies this type of altruism. A person decides to make sacrifices not because of personal benefits and aspirations, but because he does not want to go against his conscience. Another form of altruism is its conceptualization within the framework of justice or justice. This is especially common in Western countries, where a citizen strives to achieve truth and its triumph in the world, sharply speaking out against injustice in society.

Who is an altruist person (an altruistic person)


- this is a person who is not guided by possible benefits when engaging in sacrificial acts towards others. Gratuitousness is quite natural for him: when doing a good deed, he does not think about the fact that he will be rewarded with good in return.

Other Traits of an Altruist


  1. Priority
    . An altruist puts his own interests in the background, putting the needs of someone else first, without feeling any discomfort because of this.
  2. Responsibility

    . Fully aware of his own actions, the individual understands that he must bear responsibility for them.

  3. freedom of choice

    . Altruism does not include cases when help comes under pressure or on demand. The altruist himself expresses a desire to take part in the matter; we are talking exclusively about his personal choice.

  4. Satisfaction

    . Having helped someone, a true altruist does not regret wasting his personal time. By giving up his own desires and needs in order to help another, he feels satisfaction and does not consider himself used or disadvantaged.

  5. Sacrifice

    . An altruist undoubtedly spends personal time, makes physical or moral efforts to help others. Material resources can also be used.

Often, altruistic actions help to reveal hidden personal potential. By providing support to those in need, the altruist simultaneously provides a kind of service to himself, becoming more confident and feeling empowered. The weaker ones usually need help, and on a subconscious level the altruist is satisfied with his position of “strong”.

Research shows that performing altruistic acts also helps a person feel happier. Psychologists have identified several main character traits of an altruist: generosity, nobility, sacrifice, philanthropy, selflessness, mercy, kindness. These characteristics have one thing in common - their focus is “from oneself.” Simply put, an altruist is a person who is more willing to give than to take.

Selfishness concept

The complete opposite of an altruist is an egoist. This person cares solely about his own benefit. He is only interested in his own interests, which are placed above everyone else. An egoist will never listen to the opinion of another person or “put himself in the position” of anyone. He does not tolerate a person with his own opinion around him.

Just as the struggle between good and evil is endless, so altruism and egoism stand on different scales.

Everyone reserves the right to choose - to be an altruist or an egoist, to give or receive, to help or demand help.

Altruism: pros and cons

The evolution of the planet will be impossible without altruism, but, unfortunately, this trait can also have negative characteristics.

First, let's look at the positive aspects for the altruist himself and the world around him


  • There is more safety and kindness in the world.
  • An altruist lives in accordance with his conscience.
  • Helping others fills a person with positive emotions.
  • People's consciousness changes for the better when they witness altruistic actions.
  • Evolution of society.

However, in some cases there are also shadow sides of self-sacrifice, let’s consider them


  • An altruist gets used to devaluing his own interests and sometimes infringes on himself and his family in order to help people who do not really need it. Self-sacrifice does more harm than good.
  • The altruist forgets about his own responsibilities, chasing after things in which his participation can help.
  • Being carried away by altruism, a person can take an action that in reality is beyond his power, thereby aggravating the situation or even losing his life.

People do good: a yard samovar

People do good every day and in all corners of the earth. This is how an ordinary city dweller from Kaliningrad treats children with delicious tea from a samovar and organizes their leisure time by telling interesting stories.

Everyone loves tea, especially herbal tea from a samovar. Better yet, drink tea with sweets while listening to interesting stories. In one microdistrict of Kaliningrad, “Selma,” a samovar with aromatic tea stands right in the yard and treats all local children. It is noteworthy that the organizer was not some public figure, but a simple resident of one of the houses.

The yard samovar is an event that is interesting for both adults and children. Just think how much joy such simple fun brings! And all this comes at virtually no financial cost. So why does this simple action surprise us and why not everyone just so easily takes out a samovar (teapot, ladle, pan - underline as necessary) and gives tea to children?

How to develop this quality in yourself

If you want to become an altruist, act like an altruist


  • Help others more often, seeing that you can do it
    . Start with small things. We can talk not only about individuals in your close circle, but also about strangers. A true altruist does not separate people who can be helped on the basis of family ties or personal sympathy.
  • Don't expect gratitude or favors in return
    . Philosophers say that a true altruist feels joy and satisfaction in providing useful services to others. He does not expect praise, personal gain, or commensurate feedback.
  • Be humane and merciful, do not make harsh conclusions about others, look for dignity in them
    . An altruist does not have to be a deeply religious person, but he loves people and values ​​life. Mercy can well be called one of the most important facets of altruism.
  • Generosity is an important quality of an altruist; he cannot be greedy
    . Have you noticed your tightness? Try to get rid of it. This includes not only material resources, but also personal time and participation in other people’s lives. Give people your attention.
  • Pass on your knowledge, because this is one of the most important manifestations of altruism
    . Information is very important to the world, and people who pass on their experience to those who need it bring significant help to the world. Of course, we are talking about good and useful skills. Note that successful altruistic people often engage not only in charity work, but also try to become mentors to those suffering, sharing important information with them. This category of altruists includes those who share useful knowledge on the Internet.
  • Try to achieve harmony with others
    . Altruistic-minded individuals do not create trouble for friends and relatives, do not hold grudges against opponents, and are not the instigators of conflict situations.
  • Don't do good for show
    . Altruists are usually quite modest and do not widely publicize their good deeds. True sacrifice has no common facets with boasting.

We all from time to time feel spiritual impulses to help someone for free, but it rarely comes to this - do not stifle these spontaneous desires within yourself!

People do good: a veterinarian from Ufa exchanged his winning voucher for food for homeless animals

Feeding homeless animals is a noble cause that each of us can do. But not many are willing to give up a valuable prize for this.

Ansar Sharipov, a veterinarian at the BSAU clinic, was awarded the prize and title “Property of the Capital.” They also came with a valuable prize - a trip to Crimea for two. However, the doctor did not take advantage of the opportunity to relax on the Black Sea. He decided to do a good deed and, selling a ticket, bought food for homeless animals. Afterwards, Ansar distributed it evenly among the volunteers who visited his clinic so that they could feed animals without homes.

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