Where does the fear of the dark come from and how can a child and an adult cope with it?

Most children are afraid Assessment instruments of darkness phobia in children and adolescents: A descriptive review of darkness. Experts believe Nyctophobia: From imagined to realistic fears of the dark, that this fear is natural and affects almost everyone. It appears in childhood, at the age of 3–6 years, and usually goes away over the years. But both teenagers and adults are susceptible to Nighttime Fears of Adolescents and Young Adults.

For some, this fear causes slight discomfort, but for others it becomes real torment. We tell you how the fear of the dark arises and whether it is possible to cope with it.

What is fear of the dark and how does it manifest itself?

This is a feeling of anxiety and restlessness that occurs in a person when he finds himself without light. Both the darkness itself and what it hides: real or imagined dangers can be frightening.

What Is Nyctophobia and How Is It Treated? This fear is just like any other:

  • it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • heart rate increases;
  • compresses the chest;
  • tremors in the hands and tremors in the legs occur;
  • goosebumps run through the body;
  • dizziness begins;
  • nausea, “twists” in the stomach;
  • throws you into hot or cold;
  • sweating increases;
  • I want to quickly remove what causes anxiety - turn on the light, run away from a dark place;
  • what is happening does not seem entirely real;
  • It becomes difficult to think, thoughts are confused.

Experiment with a lamp from The Big Book of Darkness

Where does the Sun disappear from the sky every night? Maybe it just disappears? No, the Sun remains in place, but our planet constantly rotates around its axis.

Take a ball and stick a piece of paper on it. Turn on the desk lamp and point it at the ball. Now slowly rotate it around its own axis. Is a piece of paper either brightly lit or lost in the shadows? The same thing happens to us. The planet rotates, so we find ourselves either under the Sun or in the shadow on the other side. Every point on Earth is illuminated during the day, but not at night. When we have night, it is day on the opposite hemisphere, and vice versa.

An ambulance is working around the clock, perhaps right now it is in a hurry to save someone’s life. No one even thought about sleeping at the airport; people were flying to relax and resolve work issues. A night bus rushes through the city, following a special route. The moon is waxing and waning, and a star map unfolds directly overhead.

Why invent monsters when there are so many interesting things in the dark?

Why is there a fear of the dark?

First, she appears What Is Nyctophobia and How Is It Treated? due to lack of visual stimuli. A person in the dark does not distinguish the objects around him, because of this he is anxious, and his imagination draws not the most harmless pictures.

Secondly, the fear of darkness is associated with the fear of the unknown: a person sees nothing and does not know what awaits him - and this is scary. There is a hypothesis: Fear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all? that the fear of the unknown is one of the basic and most ancient, and from it all other fears and phobias grow.

Thirdly, the fear of the dark may have been inherited from our distant ancestors. For primitive man, the night was a difficult time; many dangerous predators attacked people in the dark. Those who were afraid and exercised caution had a greater chance of survival. Now no one attacks us, but the instinctive fear of the dark remains.


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