Ischemic stroke: symptoms, consequences, treatment - MEDSI
06/28/2019 Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation due to blockage of blood vessels or their rupture. After
Care system - patronage, rehabilitation after stroke, nurses in St. Petersburg - photo 187
How to care after a stroke: recommendations and advice
March 15, 2021 When the acute stage after a stroke ends, the patient is discharged from the hospital, then
Treatment of nervous tics in children and adults
Nervous eye tic: causes of eyelid twitching and treatment
A nervous tic is a sudden, repetitive movement that occurs as a result of an involuntary contraction of a certain
How to cure epilepsy
Modern principles of antiepileptic therapy in adults
Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, when faced with an illness, patients
Suspiciousness: its causes and consequences, what a suspicious person is afraid of and how to become less suspicious
A suspicious person is a person who constantly and usually unreasonably experiences a feeling of anxiety about
Fixation Amnesia - Summer
Has it become impossible to record events in memory? Looking for the cause of fixation amnesia
Memory is the basis of a person’s personality, a kind of foundation on which his behavior is built.
Imbecility - how to live with it and who are imbeciles
Updated July 21, 2021 240 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Parents
Diagnosis of vestibular function
Romberg's pose is a simple diagnosis of hidden health abnormalities
To the reference book Diagnosis of vestibular function is carried out through rotational and caloric tests, as well as
Multiple sclerosis. Symptoms in women
Multiple sclerosis in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Multiple sclerosis is a fairly common diagnosis nowadays and, what is important, it is diagnosed
Psychopathy in men - Summer
Character psychopathy, personality psychopathy in children and adolescents, how to treat psychopathy
In the system of modern international classification of diseases, there is no such concept as “psychopathy” - it has been replaced
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