Green color in psychology: meaning, influence on humans

Green color: Pixabay Green color is multifaceted and positive, so it fits perfectly into any image. This is proven by style icons Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. To look no less luxurious, you need to know how to combine green with other tones. Collections of world-famous designers will help you create a fashionable look.


The ability of one color or another to influence people was known back in ancient times. It is noteworthy that the color green had similar meanings in different cultures. This is explained by the fact that most people associate it with nature, its awakening, the first spring shoots.

Among the ancient Egyptians, green colors symbolized the god Oris, the patron saint of growth, growth, and the kingdom of the dead. Thus, the Egyptians associated this color with both life and death.

The ancient Romans also revered it as a symbol of fertility, growth, and nature. They considered green to be the color of the goddess of love.

In the Middle Ages, Christians associated green shades with nature, youth and spring, but at the same time they meant deceit and temptation. This is why medieval Christians had a negative attitude towards people with green eyes.

Green consists of two primary colors - yellow and blue. Therefore, its meaning depends on which shades predominate - the warm shades of the sun or the cold colors of the sky

Meaning for humans

Green in psychology means calm, tenderness, peace, freshness. This color unites with nature and helps people become closer to each other. Psychology specialists use this tone to relieve negative states, remove anger, rudeness, constrained feelings, imbalance, and lack of emotions. It is not recommended in cases where a decision must be made quickly, as it relaxes.

Green in life is the color of leaves and grass. For most peoples it means youth. When characterizing the inexperience of a young man, they often say: “he’s still green.” It is the color of hope, fun, a bit of immaturity and lack of perfection. While it has a calming effect on the psyche, it can also produce a depressing impression, for example, in literature, when describing a depressing state, the term “green melancholy” is used, and in a state of anger, people noticed that a person “turns green.”

It is green that informs about safety on the road and signals permission to move. It is not recommended to use rich green colors in the morning, as it relaxes and deprives you of the necessary vigor.

Scientists have long noticed that this tone improves autonomic regulation, harmonizes, balances the processes of excitation and inhibition, and is endowed with a smooth calming effect on a person’s emotional state.

Thanks to the normalization of vascular tone and the establishment of blood supply to the vessels, the increased level of intraocular and blood pressure decreases.

A beneficial effect on blood circulation has also been noted, which helps eliminate tissue swelling.


The ancient symbolism of flowers largely coincides with their modern interpretation. So, green colors symbolize:

development growth calm carefree youth happiness wealth hope balance wisdom

They also symbolize gardening, farming and harvest.

In modern interpretations, the color green has predominantly positive meanings. However, many years ago in some cultures it symbolized evil spirits - evil spirits, sorcerers, demons.

Negative characteristic

In addition to positive properties and characteristics, green color also has a number of negative ones. Firstly, its excess leads to overexcitation of the nervous system. This is especially dangerous for people who suffer from frequent nervous breakdowns, anxiety, and mood swings. Bright colors make them impulsive and irritable.

Secondly, shades of the green spectrum are contraindicated for those who experience apathy, emotional and mental exhaustion. Pale tones will only worsen the situation, take away energy, and provoke a breakdown. Psychologists believe that an excess of green encourages such people to withdraw into themselves, separate from the world around them, and stop communicating with family and friends.

Negative effects of color

Each person experiences different emotions when contemplating a color. Some shades can irritate a person, while others can improve the mood. People who feel negative emotions when they see the color green have the following character traits:

increased anxiety inability to overcome difficulties the desire to stand out from others isolation

Such people prefer to lead a quiet, calm lifestyle. They do not like noisy companies and prefer to celebrate holidays with their family.

What does it mean if a man loves green: craving for green in men and character

Men who prefer green have:

  • Balance . It is impossible to piss them off. Only in extreme cases can they show a temper;
  • Purity of soul. They prefer to help others, and always smile sincerely;
  • Caring . Such men become good family men;
  • Sociability . They prefer cheerful companies, and always evoke pleasant emotions in their interlocutors;
  • Good mood for life. If troubles happen in a man’s life, he experiences them with a smile and can speak about himself with irony.

Shades of green

There are many shades of green, each of which has its own separate meaning. For example, people who love its dark shades value stability most of all in life. And those who appreciate pale tones have a calm disposition. Light green is used in color therapy to improve vision.

Turquoise (blue-green) is a cool shade, symbolizing freshness, coolness, and purity. Individuals who love turquoise tones have a timid character. Dark turquoise - not recommended for people with nervous exhaustion. Associated with cruelty and a tendency to isolate. People who are drawn to this shade are overly demanding of themselves, have a principled character and almost always achieve their goals. Brown-green - consists of four shades: yellow, black, green and red. Individuals who prefer khaki color attach great importance to pleasure, love relaxation and entertainment. Yellow-green - people who like this shade have many friends, strive to make as many acquaintances as possible, and love novelty.

What does it mean if a woman loves green: craving for green in women and character

Women who prefer green always choose family and help loved ones. They love meeting new people and leading an active lifestyle.

The character of such women is dominated by:

  • Empathy. Girls prefer to provide moral support to others. They make good psychologists;
  • Patience . Women can restrain their emotions and are not prone to hysterical attacks. They don't have sudden mood swings. Girls are able to find the right words at the right moment to support a loved one;
  • Politeness . Girls are attentive and respectful towards others.

Use in clothing

The predominance of one color in clothing tells a lot about a person. It is believed that in this way he shows his mood to the outside world. If, when purchasing any item of clothing, a person unconsciously chooses green shades, it means that he has a light, pleasant character, and is always ready to cooperate and communicate.

Delicate and rich green tones, especially if combined with orange or yellow, indicate cheerfulness and activity. In turn, wearing clothes of such colors helps to increase the vitality and energy of its owner. Therefore, if you feel a lack of energy, a loss of strength, then to activate your internal potential you can combine green, orange and yellow things. Dark green shades in clothes indicate that their owner is a detached, withdrawn person who prefers to live in solitude and solitude. Things in dark green tones have a calming effect, so you can wear them when you are in a nervous state.

What does it mean if a child loves green: craving for green in children and character

  • If a child prefers green, this indicates his high intelligence. You can give him puzzles and logic games. Such children develop a tendency to command as they grow older. They never deviate from the goal and clearly follow it.
  • Most children prefer green when they are in their mid-adult years (2-3 years old, school age and adolescence). If a child is constantly drawn to such shades, his character is dominated by determination, perseverance, stubbornness and self-control.
  • Such children often behave like adults. Despite this, they find it difficult to find a common language with their peers. If a child is drawn to green, it means he lacks parental attention. He needs to be given a sense of security and raised to be a creative person.

Interior use

Green colors in the interior help create a relaxing atmosphere, which is why it is often used when decorating meditation rooms and bedrooms. However, in the latter case, the predominance of green colors can lead to problems with waking up in the morning.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, green colors in the interior symbolize financial wealth, abundance, hope, and personal development. They give additional energy and inner balance. Green color is able to dispel negative energy, so it is often used in hospitals and public institutions.

Decorating an office or children's room in green colors will help increase concentration and improve a child's learning ability.

Fashionable looks

You can create a wide variety of fashionable looks using green basics or green accessories.

Green only

A fashionable monochrome look in green tones looks impressive. The only limitation is that it is not recommended to use shades of warm and cold tones in one ensemble.

A calm monochrome look can be created by wearing tight emerald-colored trousers, a jade-colored blouse and shoes the color of young grass. On a cold day, the set can be complemented with a gray-green jacket or cardigan.

A green suit with a skirt or trousers can serve as a basic item. To go with it, you should choose a top of a lighter shade, and shoes can be the darkest element of the look.

Business images

The classic combination for an office look is a dark green bottom (skirt or trousers) and a white, cream or light beige top (blouse or fitted shirt).

A set of a dark gray-green jacket, a light mint-colored blouse and brown or gray trousers looks quite formal.

You can create an interesting look using a dark green business dress as a basis. It can be worn with a beige or gray jacket and black shoes.

Everyday looks

You can use a wide variety of shades of green in everyday clothes. For the warm season, a variety of dresses and skirts in green shades are recommended. Flared or pleated skirts are especially good. Tops for such a skirt can be chosen in pastel shades or, conversely, bright ones.

For your summer wardrobe, it won't hurt to buy green shorts. They can be worn with T-shirts and tops in bright colors and ballet flats.

For spring or autumn, you can buy a dress in a bright or muted shade. It should be worn with black shoes and a black or dark gray coat.

Evening looks

Green outfits are great for various social events. A long evening dress in a rich or dark green shade looks elegant, hides figure flaws, visually elongating the silhouette.

Short dresses in various shades of green look especially flattering against tanned skin, so they are worth choosing for summer parties.

Rhinestones, embroidery or lace inserts are often used to decorate dresses (the lace can be the same color as the dress or contrasting). A richly decorated dress should be worn without jewelry, and for dresses of a simple cut, you can choose jewelry made of white or yellow metal.

Stylists advise not to use more than two additional colors in an ensemble with a green dress. So, it will be enough to wear black shoes and pick up gold jewelry. Makeup should be natural; it is recommended to use matte products without shine. Green shades of eyeshadow should be avoided, as they, in combination with a green dress, will give your face an unhealthy look.

Use in advertising

Each color is capable of shaping a person’s emotions, and this feature is actively used in the advertising industry. For example, red attracts attention and encourages purchase. Orange promotes a surge of vitality and an increase in optimistic tone, so experts recommend using it in advertising of medicines.

Yellow tones promote communication skills, which allows them to be used in advertising of travel services and PR agencies. Blue details help to quickly attract the buyer's attention and, unlike red, this color never causes negative emotions.

As for the green color scheme in advertising, it has a healing, relaxing effect. Advertising in green colors will be effective and appropriate for medicines, veterinary hospitals, dental clinics, health centers and water treatment systems.

Choice of stars

Green dresses are often chosen by stars for the most special events. Thus, Joan Woodward’s famous satin dress, in which the actress received an Oscar for the leading female role in 1958, went down in fashion history. Kate Winslet's lush green dress at the 1998 ceremony after the stunning success of the film Titanic was also memorable.

Combination with other colors

The color scheme of the interior, clothing and surrounding objects affects the human subconscious, increasing or decreasing performance, calming or, on the contrary, causing aggression.

A combination of several colors can also have an impact on the emotional and mental state.

gray and green - emphasize independence, encourage you to defend your own superiority yellow and green - indicate ambition, demand for recognition orange and green - indicate impulsiveness red and green - control initiative, determination purple and green - a symbol of irresponsible coquetry (a person seeks favor, and when does not feel bound by obligations) black and green - indicate a sanctimonious sense of self-righteousness brown and green - dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, desire to improve the situation

* * *

Almost all shades of green have an extremely positive effect on a person. And only in rare cases can this color cause harm.

Correct use of this color in advertising, interior design and clothing will help achieve harmony in all areas of life, improve your financial situation, and improve relationships with friends and family.

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