Blue color in psychology: meaning, what it symbolizes, characteristics

The first associations that blue color evokes for most are the sky and water. Looking at it, it’s like feeling the breath of a cool breeze on a clear summer day. It is believed that the name of this color in Russian comes from the word “dove”. Another version speaks of its connection with the word “depth”.

Visually, blue appears to be a lighter variation of blue. However, from the point of view of physics and coloristics (the science of colors), this is not entirely true. Light blue is a mixture of blue and green in different proportions. A huge number of sayings and catchphrases are associated with this shade. It can be called one of the most mysterious flowers, and we will try to reveal all its secrets in this article.

Main characteristics

Many people believe that this is the color of carelessness, lightness, and airiness. It personifies purity of motives and carelessness, calmness and even passivity. Others say it symbolizes indifference, coldness and detachment. One of the descriptions is the high intelligence, good manners, tact and creativity of a person who prefers aquamarine. The walls of educational institutions are painted blue to arouse in children the desire to learn and learn.

It has hundreds of shades, including:

  • heavenly;
  • azure;
  • turquoise;
  • cornflower;
  • sea ​​wave;
  • aquamarine;
  • topaz;
  • gray original;
  • the color of the water of Bondi Beach;
  • "Tiffany";
  • marshmallow;
  • sapphire.

Such an impressive palette encourages contemplation, awareness and the formation of harmony with the world.


Most language researchers agree that “blue” is derived from the word “dove.” The bluish color of this bird is one of the most pleasant shades of blue combined with gray. According to another version, the name goes back to the word “depth”.

The color is a combination of deep blue and crystal white, sometimes with a shift towards green. Interestingly, blue tint is rare in nature. For example, a cloudless sky does not have this hue at all, but appears blue due to the scattering of ultraviolet rays. And sea waters are often clear, not blue. In nature, blue and its shades are found among minerals and precious stones: sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and spinel.

What does the color blue mean in psychology?

In most scientific sources, the tone is considered calming, therefore it is widely used when working with psychologically unstable and unbalanced individuals. It quickly creates a trusting and comfortable atmosphere. However, it is worth knowing that different shades have different effects on consciousness. Blue is produced by combining white and blue, each predominating to a greater or lesser extent in the final color. The lighter it is, the more positive and light it evokes emotions. Dark, on the contrary, weighs down and tires and, with prolonged exposure, leads to indifference and apathy.

Variation of characters depending on tone

All people have their favorite color. Some people like two or three different shades. Using them, you can give a certain characteristic of a person, find out hobbies, goals and mindset, level of emotionality. Therefore, it is important to know what the color blue means and symbolizes. Those who like him are very bright and impressionable people who have managed to preserve their childlike spontaneity. They are prone to carelessness, sudden changes in mood, they can be very happy, and after a minute they become despondent and bored. They are characterized by a change of place, a desire to change the environment. They are capable of strong, sincere love and experience true happiness and satisfaction.

This is the color of creative and creative individuals, and not necessarily actors, artists or pop performers. These are playful, passionate men and women who strive for success, recognition and creating beauty around them. The shades of the heavenly can tell more precisely:

  • Light, pastel colors indicate sociability and openness. Those who prefer it do not like loneliness, often suffer from feelings of emptiness, boredom and depression. They have a large social circle, where they give everyone maximum attention, both material and spiritual.
  • Cold, metallic, dark characterize the attraction to diversity, self-improvement, new cities and countries. People are interested in everything unusual and even mystical. They can fall into religion or go high into the mountains for meditation and yoga, or choose the profession of a military man or sailor. They take everything from life, bathe in luxury and recognition.

All bluish shades distinguish self-sufficient people who know themselves well, know how to control, say “stop” at the right moment, and strive for harmony, order, silence and stability. Those who do not like this color crave change and constantly live in anxiety.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Red represents positivity, energy and enthusiasm


If you don't like the color red, then you are most likely currently experiencing stress at work or in your personal life.

may be afraid or lack self-confidence

, you are not ready to open up to new opportunities that come your way.

It could also mean there is some discomfort or frustration that is causing you to lose motivation to work, or you are struggling to find a goal to focus your energy on.

People who don't like the color red often have difficulty dealing with anger

. They are faced with feelings of rejection or defeat at an early age and lack self-confidence.

You may experience general fatigue or illness, and need peace and rest more than activity.

Think about all the successful moments in your life, try to establish connections with loved ones and friends, allow yourself to be loved in order to gradually regain self-confidence.

Blue color is a symbol of what

Different nationalities had their own views and color preferences, leaving their observations and conclusions regarding the influence of each color. However, almost everyone, regardless of region of residence or religious caste, argued that blue represents peace and tranquility.

  • In Ancient Egypt, the tone indicated noble origin and relation to a wealthy family. The veins on the legs and arms were specially painted pale blue to indicate that they belonged to a noble family. This, by the way, is where the designation “blue blood” comes from.
  • For Buddhists, this is an attribute of compassion, care, love for the world and all living beings. This is the color of harmony and purified consciousness.
  • In Judaism, tone is considered sacred.
  • In the West it is associated with progress and freedom.
  • In China it means immortality.
  • In Iran, India and a number of other Muslim countries, this is the color of grief and loss, mourning, sadness.
  • In America - courage and strength.
  • In Japan, they had an ambiguous attitude towards the heavenly and equated it with meanness and deceit, calling for it to mark scammers and criminals.
  • In Christianity, it traditionally denoted the connotation of heaven, piety and humility, humility and brevity.


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Pink represents romance, playfulness and childishness


If you hate the color pink, you might be considered a straightforward and unyielding person.


The color pink seems sweet and too feminine to you. You are intolerant of pretense and coquetry in any form and are capable of being firm if the situation demands it.

You are not inclined to show empathy and care towards people.

On the other hand, you have unresolved emotional problems

with one of the parents who stretches back from childhood.

Deep down, you miss joyful experiences and vibrant activities in life.


Non-traditional methods of treatment have long been in vogue, which have proven their high effectiveness more than once. One of them includes color therapy. Each shade affects a specific organ of the human body. For example, red completely reflects the circulatory system, orange is responsible for the kidneys, lungs and genitourinary organs, green characterizes the immune system. Already in ancient times, special attention was paid to the palette. The first mentions of treatment with different colors date back to the period of formation of ancient China, Persia, and Egypt. And if previously everything was based on guesswork and observations, now such therapy is scientifically substantiated and is explained by the influence of oscillations of waves of different lengths on consciousness. The highest point was occupied by red, the lowest by purple.

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Pale blue has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, improves metabolism, lowers body temperature, but activates sweating, and therefore helps eliminate waste and toxins. Surround yourself with turquoise objects, contemplate the sky, wear appropriate clothes and shoes.

Application in the interior

All rooms in the house, such as bathrooms, will look perfect in blue tones, which are associated with the transparent surface of the sea and clear skies. Many people tile the walls and floors of swimming pools, bathrooms and kitchens.

Azure-sky is also a good solution for bedrooms and lounges. What could be better than plunging into the soft and gentle, enveloping shades of lakes, conducive to rest and relaxation after a hard day of work. Designers recommend finishing the walls of verandas, bedrooms, attics and balconies in different shades of blue, or its combination with other colors. These solutions are especially relevant if the premises face south. The blue spectrum gives a feeling of cold, freshness and clean water. They cause breathing to slow down, thirst to evaporate, and the body to relax.

Application in clothing

The light color of innocence, naivety and good intentions. The more of it a woman wears, the more idealistic she is. The color is universal, so any girl can afford a couple of such items in her wardrobe. These things can be worn to work, a day out, or an evening date. Restraint and coldness of tones make it appropriate in any setting. Choose a shade depending on the time of year. Resonant, light and clean are more suitable for spring and summer, gray-blue for autumn, juicy turquoise and azure-emerald for winter.


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Blue color symbolizes freedom, stability and reliability


If you don't like the color blue, you're probably at a point in your life where you want to escape reality.

. You don't want to be tied to circumstances, and you crave freedom.

The current situation makes you feel constrained and limited

more-less. This could be a stressful situation at work or emotional pressure from a partner.

Disagreements and misunderstandings make you want to escape to an imaginary paradise where there are no unpleasant people and situations.

Also, a dislike for blue indicates that you do not like routine and are in search of new experiences.

. Perhaps you're just tired of responsibility.

Why is blue used in advertising: color symbolism

Shades of blue are widely used by modern IT specialists when developing software and designing websites and search engines, since they do not cause irritation and are associated by users with high intelligence. One has only to pay attention to the well-known VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Windows.

This same statement has been adopted by advertising companies that decorate websites and videos in blue tones. In recent decades, the shade has been classified as masculine, especially for children and young boys, just as pink is for girls. This gave impetus to marketers to use color in advertising toys and clothing for boys of different ages.

Cool shades are often used in products for creative people and the intelligentsia, but this color palette itself can cause boredom and monotony, so experts advise combining it with other tones. You can often find it in combination with black, white, blue, and red.

In addition, blue is associated with cleanliness, safety, and relaxation, which makes it possible to widely use it for things that create comfort: bed linen, pots for indoor plants and flowers, floor rugs, porters.


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Brown color is associated with durability, reliability, safety


If you chose brown as your least favorite color, then you can be called a sociable person, striving for pleasure and fun


You are an imaginative dreamer who loves to have your head in the clouds.

Everyday life and monotony quickly bore you, and you are not looking for a quiet life.

You are spontaneous and often have fresh and original ideas.

. You are witty, impulsive and generous.

It is difficult for you to find language with conservative and down-to-earth people, and you are looking for like-minded friends.

Impact on the psyche

Cold tones have a calming effect, giving a feeling of calm and regularity, in contrast to warm tones, which cause excitement and a surge of energy. Blue has a much gentler effect on the psychological state than dark blue or violet, rarely causes irritation or discomfort, and is not boring. Several features of the impact on the general condition of the body:

  • Heavenly reduces irritability, dissatisfaction, eliminates aggressiveness and imbalance, gives a feeling of security and confidence.
  • It improves attention and memory, adjusts thinking, helps to build and organize thoughts.
  • Gives birth to brilliant, unusual ideas, enhances feelings, excites imagination, and evokes inspiration.
  • Able to correct the condition of a patient with mental illnesses. Eliminates insomnia, phobias and neuroses, increases stress resistance.
  • When taken, color therapy lowers blood pressure and temperature, slows the heart rate, dulls pain, increases the tone of the muscular system, and is used for infectious diseases to relieve itching and discomfort.

If you like blue: what does it mean?

There is a close connection between a person's temperament and their color preference. That is why blue color can give a detailed description of a person.

  • Those who love this color are united by a love of creativity. Moreover, these are not easy hobbies; people strive to turn them into a business and use them to increase their income.
  • Azure is preferred by intellectually developed individuals, often working in the field of science. They are eager to know and explore, and gravitate toward the supernatural. Among them are humanists and lovers of technical subjects.
  • Those who love the heavenly have an even emotional background, make decisions with a clear mind, rarely relying on the heart and feelings, are always balanced and adequate.
  • These are purposeful people, focused on a specific goal, who correctly set priorities in order to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time. Women who prefer blue devote more time to their careers than to their families.
  • Despite the inability to show high feelings and radiate clear emotions, lovers of azure are very vulnerable individuals who suffer failures with pain and can become depressed when a “black streak” appears. Almost all representatives are pessimists and realists.
  • Women and men who prefer this color spectrum are perfectionists. This is a deep, perfect shade, like it, people constantly redo something, try and are rarely satisfied with the result.
  • They are characterized by antisociality. These are sociable and sociable people who, however, prefer a narrow family circle and quickly get tired of being in a crowd for a long time. They cannot stand loneliness, but they also do not waste time making dozens of new acquaintances.

What does dislike of color mean?

Certain character traits unite those who do not love the heavenly and have hostility towards it.

  • These are aggressive and unbalanced people who cannot control their words and emotions. They are distinguished by their activity and desire to organize mobile activities.
  • When making decisions, they are often guided by momentary emotions and feelings that arise and rarely rely on reason. These are irrational and uncollected people. They are not dreamers or creators.

Psychological effects of blue

The blue color inspires peace and lifts your spirits in any, even the most hopeless situations. Along with pink, blue is also considered the color of hope. It instills faith in the best, activates hidden internal resources in order to cope with the problem. Meditation on the color blue clears the mind of harmful thoughts and emotions. Therefore, psychologists recommend using this color when you need to make an important decision or make a final choice. This shade will weed out unnecessary feelings and allow you to hear your inner voice. With the color blue you can enhance your intuition.

As mentioned above, this color is known for its positive influence on human creativity. Therefore, psychologists recommend painting blue walls in schools, various clubs, etc. Blue sets you up for intense mental work and helps generate new ideas. Ten minutes of contemplation of a blue stone or a painting will help you out of a creative crisis when you can’t come up with anything interesting.

Who is it suitable for?

Blue is the color of intellectuals and creative men and women, among whom were professors, programmers, senior managers, artists, actors, writers and those who made self-improvement the basis of their existence. Blue clothes are a good solution for dreamers and dreamers. A dress will highlight a girl’s refined figure, and a tie or scarf will indicate a man who is watching him. The tone looks best in combination with white and black, light green, delicate peach, beige and cream, bright orange and discreet dark brown.

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