Frigidity in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment



Diana Igorevna

16 years of experience

Sexologist, psychotherapist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Receives English-speaking patients.

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Frigidity is a decrease in libido, a complete lack of interest in sex. Excitement does not occur even in frank moments. Some people experience pain after or during sexual intercourse. An integrated approach and consultation of several specialists are required. Let's look at how to cure frigidity, and what to do with female frigidity.

Symptoms and signs of frigidity

Symptoms of frigidity may be invisible to the patient, but are always noticeable to the partner:

  • attraction either disappears completely or appears in rare moments;
  • sexual intercourse is perceived as a duty, and any discussion of the topic causes irritation;
  • a person simply ceases to be interested in sex, even if a loved one is next to him;
  • if sex does occur, the body does not react to the process in any way. Excitement disappears, lubrication is not released, there are no emotions either, and as a result there is no orgasm;
  • before and after sex, painful sensations may appear in the genitals and anus;
  • after the process there is a feeling of disappointment or irritation.

Many do not understand what frigidity means, trying to justify themselves with other reasons. However, the disease can be truly dangerous if you do not pay attention to it in time.

During pregnancy

So-called temporary frigidity can be observed in a woman during pregnancy and after childbirth. During this period, significant hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, she is psychologically tuned specifically to procreation, so sometimes this also affects libido. However, this phenomenon is reversible, and a few months after childbirth, normal sexual desire is gradually restored.

Reasons for development

The causes of frigidity in women and men are divided into 2 categories: psychological and physiological.

Psychological reasons include:

  • prolonged stress and overwork bring rest and sleep to the forefront, rather than sexual pleasures; this is a normal reaction of the body, which tries to protect a person from even greater overload;
  • sexual violence, even if it happened many years ago, is a significant reason for a psychological barrier, especially if the negative experience was the first in life, in such a situation one cannot do without the help of a psychologist;
  • the partner began to evoke negative emotions or disgust, during quarrels, problems, breakups, mental wounds remain that do not allow you to turn to the person again, sex in this way is violence against oneself;
  • fear of an unplanned pregnancy, if the fear is obsessive, the girl cannot relax;
  • in families where frigid personalities grow up, it is not customary to express emotions, coldness and detachment are encouraged.

Among the physiological ones:

  • injured genitals cause damage to nerve endings;
  • after childbirth, the vaginal walls are severely injured, which is also a common cause of lack of desire;
  • Pathologies in organ development are less common.

Are you experiencing symptoms of frigidity?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call

Types of disease

Experts distinguish three degrees of frigidity:

  • the first - with excitement, but without orgasm;
  • the second – with indifference to sexual contacts;
  • the third - with aversion to sex.

The secondary division of pathology occurs based on the reasons for its occurrence; doctors distinguish:

  • abstinence – a decrease in sexual desire occurs due to prolonged abstinence;
  • constitutional form - the problem arises due to the anatomical features of the body;
  • nymphomaniac – in the absence of orgasm, erotic fantasies and desire are preserved;
  • postpartum – develops against the background of psycho-emotional exhaustion, a number of anatomical and physiological changes in the female body;
  • psychogenic – develops with severe shock, leads to disgust towards acts, is registered in patients after sexual violence, aggressive attitude of a partner;
  • retardation - a consequence of insufficient maturity of the reproductive system associated with unstable hormonal balance, lack of experience in sexual relations;
  • symptomatic – the disease is associated with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders, etc.;
  • emotional – refers to situational varieties, occurs with a negative emotional background.

Sexopathologists distinguish primary frigidity, based on unpreparedness (physical, emotional) for sexual relations. It is observed among young people and is associated with a discrepancy between expectations and reality during first contacts. The secondary form is caused by diseases of the genital area and brain, endocrine disorders, and tumors.

Risk factors

What to do if you don’t want further complications of frigidity, what should you do? In order for a person to fully develop, not only sexually, a healthy environment in relationships, in the family and good health is necessary. Unfortunately, these factors do not always add up together.

  • If a partner had the imprudence to ridicule another or regularly insults him, this provokes the development of complexes and closedness. Which may well lead to frigidity in women.
  • Also, if a partner forces another to have sex with him or her, the other will feel disgust at the mere thought of sexual intercourse.
  • Chronic diseases that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system can cause frigidity.


Diet for hormonal imbalance in women

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 3 weeks
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of products: 1400-1500 rubles per week

The diet should be varied and rich in all the minerals and elements necessary for women’s health. To enhance sexual desire, nutritionists recommend introducing into the menu some foods and dishes that have aphrodisiac properties. It is recommended to include in the diet more often:

  • red meat;
  • fish and seafood (oysters, shrimp, etc.);
  • eggs;
  • spices and herbs;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • vegetables and herbs (parsley, celery, avocado);
  • red wine in small quantities.


Lack of sex life and fear of a partner and sex can lead to depression. A person is in a depressed state, completely at the mercy of his own illness. The absence of a partner leads to loneliness if the problem is not identified in time. This also negatively affects the human psyche.

Hormonal imbalance, which often accompanies the disease, can lead to:

  • infertility;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • the formation of a malignant tumor;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

You cannot take your own health lightly, even if there is no need to have a sexual partner. Problems associated with frigidity in women can seriously ruin life.

Consequences of frigidity

Contrary to popular belief, a woman does not experience any hormonal consequences or problems with organs due to a lack of intimacy. The consequence of frigidity is the lack of a feeling of merging with a partner during sexual intercourse and the inability to enjoy sex. This can affect your sense of self, so lack of libido is usually treated by those to whom it causes psychological discomfort. In addition, a woman may be assessed by a man. Unflattering statements lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. Not only the woman, but also the man suffers from the lack of full intimacy.

“Sex is a natural need of a living being. Its deficiency has a bad effect on the entire body. The production of serotonin and cortisol decreases, which leads to bad mood, depression, and obsessive states.”

Osteopathic doctor A. Borodkin, Association of Osteopaths.

The consequences of psychological trauma and, as a result, frigidity, can lead to hostility towards the opposite sex, even to physical manifestations (skin diseases, attempts to harm oneself). In this case, help is needed to preserve the woman’s psyche and health.

But if no discomfort and problems in personal life are observed due to lack of libido, treatment is carried out at the discretion of the patient.

Preparing to visit the doctor

After the partner understands his problem, he has a question: how to get rid of frigidity? Specialists from JSC “Medicine” (clinic of Academician Roitberg) will help you understand your own problems.

Before visiting a sex psychologist, the patient can be examined by a gynecologist or urologist-andrologist. You should take a shower and don’t forget to bring a diaper and clean socks.

No special preparation is required for a meeting with a sexologist, except that you should be prepared to openly discuss your problems. JSC “Medicine” (academician Roitberg’s clinic) keeps data about each patient confidential.

Women can ask:

  • sexual life in the postpartum period;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • changes in orientation in adulthood;
  • Couples counseling is open.

Folk remedies for awakening libido in women

Is frigidity in women currently treated using traditional medicine without resorting to the help of a medical clinic?

Yes, but such treatment is general.

In pharmacies you can buy many herbs and herbs to awaken female libido and psychosexuality.

Or make your own herbal infusions.


  1. 5 tbsp basil (flowers) and yarrow, pour 1000 ml of sweet red wine and place in a dark place for three weeks. Shake every two days. Take 3 tbsp after meals daily. This infusion improves appetite and blood flow, relaxes, supports the immune system, and affects the elasticity of the uterine muscles.
  2. Coriander seeds help well - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Brew and drink like tea.
  3. You can do something about the frigidity of women using a decoction of maple leaves. In addition to its strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties, it tones and increases energy.
  4. Inhaling the aroma or vapor of verbena also has a positive effect on female sensuality and acts as a relaxant.
  5. Compote of rose hips and celery in a 2:1 ratio is beneficial for the body as an anti-inflammatory and stimulating drink. Add a spoonful of honey and the treatment process will become tastier.


I also know how to combat frigidity in women with the help of diet.

Feel free to add more parsley, herbs, sweet fruits and dairy products to your diet.

Eat vegetable salads with cabbage every day.

In the morning, replace coffee with a decoction of oats with milk, honey and cocoa. This drink will be more healthy and nutritious.

First, brew a glass of oats in one liter of water. When the liquid has boiled away a little, add milk, a spoonful of cocoa and bring to readiness.

Sweeten with honey. There you go!

A relaxing massage will also help a woman against frigidity.

You can sign up with a professional or do it yourself.

20 minutes of a classic session will improve blood circulation, emotional state and make the skin more elastic.

A great option would be a foot massage. It takes 10 minutes to relieve stress and restore emotional comfort.

The entire course usually consists of 7 – 10 procedures.

Only advantages!

Aromatherapy in the treatment of sexual libido by other means

What else can be done to eliminate frigidity in women?

No one knows you and your body better than you. Try to analyze your feelings, all the “stop” points.

Read psychological literature, approach this activity thoroughly and be honest with yourself. Psychological adjustment will be required.

Often the answers to how to get rid of a woman’s frigidity on her own, how to find yourself, how to discover the root cause, are found there.

Watch pleasant movies, listen to your favorite music, do aromatherapy to tune your sensuality.

Geranium, ylang-ylang, cinnamon and citrus oils will help you.

Frank conversations with your partner also help a lot.

Voice everything you like, what you want, try new things. Including various partners.

Diagnosis of frigidity

In addition to establishing the fact of lack of desire, the presence of pain, and so on, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of frigidity. If a woman has discomfort in the organ area during sexual intercourse, she is examined by a gynecologist, who makes a final verdict on the presence of a disease or pathology.

The psychological problem is clarified with a psychologist or sexologist during a series of conversations. Often, frigidity is a consequence of a girl’s immaturity, that is, she has grown physically, but is not yet mentally ready for adult life. In this case, a psychologist works with her.

What does frigidity mean in women?

What is frigidity in girls - lack of desire for sex. There are 4 types of this condition:

1. Low libido – women have a weak libido, but sometimes (rarely) she wants sex. During intercourse, she may experience orgasm. Also, this condition can be simultaneously combined with several forms of frigidity, including orgasmic dysfunction.

2. Sexual arousal disorder - a patient with normal libido, but cannot become aroused or maintain a certain level of arousal during sexual intercourse.

3. Orgasmic disorder – the inability to obtain an orgasm, or obtaining it extremely rarely.

Pain during sexual intercourse – during sexual stimulation, it is not clear why pain occurs. In this case, the patient has no diseases.


After diagnosis, the patient is explained how to treat frigidity. The set of procedures depends on the identified cause of the disease.

Treatment of frigidity may consist of the entire complex or several points:

  • hormone therapy;
  • sessions with a psychologist;
  • sessions with a sexologist in pairs or one at a time;
  • taking drugs that increase libido;
  • massage and aromatherapy.

Treatment of frigidity in women is often associated with the sensual sphere of relationships. The girl wants more attention, warmth, care, communication.

Frigidity: history, myths and reality

Both women and men are afraid of the word “frigidity”. The first associate sexual “inferiority” with it, some kind of negative mark, if not on the forehead, then certainly in the genital area. The latter experience disappointment in their sexual partners and partly the same sexual “inferiority” when they cannot bring a woman to orgasm.

What does the term “frigidity” mean? The word frigid is translated as “cold” (in temperature). The Greeks have a similar word - rigid. Therefore, frigidity literally means “coldness.” This means that frigid women are those who cannot get aroused and have an orgasm, according to such definitions. But for some reason no one calls men frigid when they have problems with erection and potency!

It is interesting that even in the Victorian era, which began in Europe in the 19th century with the accession of the British Queen Victoria to the throne, when the topic of sex became taboo, in rare, “behind closed doors” conversations about intimate relationships, no one called women frigid. On the contrary, “the coolness of women” (la froideur des femmes) was perceived approvingly, as normal female behavior, and even with a certain humor until the end of the century.

Then the word “frigidity” in relation to a woman began to be used almost simultaneously in several European countries, and “coldness” suddenly began to be considered a disease. Thus, almost the entire female population of Europe turned into patients, that is, suffering from some kind of pathology.

Alison Moore, a renowned lecturer at the Australian University of Technology, has devoted a lot of time to studying women's issues, including the history of the emergence and spread of the concept of frigidity when it comes to women's sexual function. Almost until the end of the 1980s, all female sexual disorders were defined (mainly by psychiatrists) in one word - frigidity, while the classification of male sexual dysfunction was much more diverse. The creators of female frigidity (and this concept was invented) had far from feminist views, but on the contrary, they were most likely misogynists.

As Alison Moore argues in several of her studies, the image of the frigid woman is found most often in the works of second-rate writers, in the textbooks of doctors and those who called themselves doctors, throughout the 19th century and until the 1930s, that is, almost a century and a half . This image was created by men, primarily French doctors, but it turned out that most of the authors of publications on this topic did not have a medical education or their education was incomplete.

Moore mentions the names of several pseudo-physician writers, as well as the names of two medically trained authors who were fond of journalism and published their articles in second-rate publications - Tese Pullet and Paul Voivenel. The publications of these doctors on the topic of female sexuality in the period from 1897 to 1930 led to the fact that the ordinary woman in the eyes of the public suddenly lost her sexuality and began to be called frigid. These publications were readily reprinted and distributed by many men - they are still being republished and sold to this day.

Unfortunately, there were many women who began to voluntarily call themselves frigid and popularize the image of the “frigid woman.” One of these popularizers was Marie Bonaparte, a French writer who was interested in psychoanalysis. This woman went to the extreme - she decided to undergo surgery to excise the clitoris to prove her theory about women's sexuality. Naturally, such actions of hers horrified readers and fans, forming and consolidating the image of a frigid woman as an ugly, insensitive, repulsive creature in a skirt. Her terrible image disgusted not only men, but also many women, however, the concept of frigidity as a disease was firmly established in women.

But how did a woman without any medical education manage to convince all of Europe of the truth of her views on the almost universal frigidity of women? You might have guessed it from her last name, but Marie was a relative of Napoleon (his great-granddaughter through the emperor's sister), an extremely wealthy aristocrat who received a good education in the natural sciences. She married the King of Greece, becoming a princess, while her mother owned almost all of Monte Carlo. Suffering from some kind of mental disorder (or simply “going crazy”, like most aristocrats), she became a patient of Freud, who was fashionable at that time, and became so carried away by his theories that she began to promote psychoanalysis throughout Europe. She called herself a “psychoanalytic writer,” and most of her works were devoted to issues of female sexuality, in which she boldly and even with some heroism presented herself as “the most natural frigid woman” (it couldn’t be more frigid!) and was proud of this title.

It’s funny, but having picked up medical terms from Freud and his colleagues, Marie even began treating frigidity in her own “clinic.” Fascinated by African culture, she was amazed by such a barbaric tradition as the removal of the clitoris (clitorectomy), which existed in some African tribes. Bonaparte mistakenly believed that removing the clitoris was a therapeutic measure, because the clitoris was to blame for the coldness of women (and her own too).

Stimulation of the clitoris to achieve orgasm was considered a disease by many psychologists (psychoanalysts) of that time and was called “clitoridism.” It was classified as a mental disorder (phallic disorder of impaired perception of gender). According to these "specialists", women stimulated the clitoris to achieve orgasm because they thought they were men and perceived the clitoris as a male sexual organ, while healthy women should only achieve orgasm during intercourse with insertion of the penis , that is, due to the “stimulation” of the vagina by a real male organ. Therefore, to treat such “deviations” of the psyche, women were treated by removing the clitoris.

Freud was not a supporter of such treatment for the “frigidity” of women, just as he did not condemn masturbation, including female masturbation. He insisted that Marie should not engage in “barbarism” with her body. After all, Madame Bonaparte not only decided to remove the clitoris, she wanted to “transplant” it into the vagina so that orgasm would be “natural.” But, of course, after such a terrible operation, Marie completely lost sexual sensitivity. At the same time, she, unlike a large number of doctors and psychoanalysts, correctly considered the clitoris to be the source of sexual pleasure, and therefore orgasm, and therefore did not deny its importance in a woman’s sexual life. Her mistake was that she was pathologically “fixated” on the idea that only the penis inserted into the vagina is “obliged” to cause orgasm in a woman and that therefore the placement of the clitoris is “wrong.”

Thus, “frigid” began to be called those women who needed something more to obtain sexual pleasure than men during the traditional way of achieving orgasm. Many women obediently accepted this male definition of frigidity, allowing their sexual partners to label them as frigid—a process that continues to this day.

Worst of all, in parallel with the labeling of a “frigid woman,” any manifestation of sexuality on the part of a woman was regarded as nymphomania - a pathology that, according to men, is characteristic only of prostitutes and is justified only in pornography. On the one hand, almost all men used pornographic products and the services of prostitutes (the majority had sexual relations with prostitutes at the dawn of puberty). On the other hand, the same men forbade their chosen ones to show their characteristic sexuality, showing the attraction and excitement that clearly owned them.

In 1968, American feminist Anne Koedt published an article “Myths about the Vaginal Orgasm,” in which she clearly defined the inappropriateness of accusing women of frigidity if they do not have a vaginal orgasm. According to Anne Koedt, women simply complicate their lives by searching for different types of orgasm, when in reality there is one type of orgasm, and it is expressed by receiving sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

Myths about different types of female orgasm were precisely created by men engaged in psychoanalysis. They called women who did not achieve orgasm during traditional intercourse frigid, since they allegedly did not have a vaginal type of orgasm. What was missed was the fact that these women had sexual intercourse without any preparation or sexual arousal. But it turned out that those women who had an orgasm due to stimulation of the clitoris were also included in the frigid group. This is how the male definition of frigidity came about - since a woman does not orgasm with the presence of a male penis in the vagina, it means that she is frigid, regardless of whether she is able to achieve orgasm in other ways. According to some adherents of precisely this view of a woman’s sexuality, everything sexual in a woman should revolve around one center - the male penis.

In addition to discrimination against women associated with power and politics, men tried not only to infringe on women’s rights, but believed that women were a less sexual sex compared to men. In other words, women began to be characterized as beings indifferent to the male sex. But such statements about the natural coldness of women contradicted the theory about women's unnatural coldness. Where is the line when you can say that a woman is indifferent to a man because of her illness, and not simply by nature?

Paul Voivenel argued in several publications that a woman’s shyness and modesty can be used to determine whether a woman’s coldness is natural or acquired. It turns out that by shyness a woman supposedly protects herself from obsessive brave suitors and at the same time instinctively pushes herself towards the man, feigning resistance and forcing him to wait. Coldness in marriage was considered the norm because women who wanted to get married were supposedly driven by the “marriage instinct.” In addition, many men even encouraged such coldness in marriage relationships. It turned out that married women should be naturally cold, and unmarried women should be unnaturally cold, which means they are sick. Many publications of the early 20th century argued that the colder a woman is in sex, the more one should refrain from “warming up” (exciting) her, because the passion that has awakened in her can supposedly be much more dangerous than male passion. It’s just not clear, for whom is it more dangerous - for a man or for a woman?

In 1970, Masters and Johnson published the book Human Sexual Inadequacy, which deals with sexual dysfunction. Until the end of the 1970s, there were only two types of sexual dysfunctions in sexology - frigidity for women and impotence for men, and these dysfunctions were included in the list of mental disorders. We owe these two scientists not only a description of the stages (phases) of human sexual reaction, but also the introduction into sexology of such concepts as “premature ejaculation”, “anorgasmia”, “vaginismus”, “female orgasm” (any). Helen Kaplan, a sex therapist, introduced the concept of “hyperactive sexual desire” (or drive) in 1977. In the American classification of sexual disorders, frigidity is designated by the concept of “oppressed (suppressed) female desire.” In 1980, the American classification of psychiatric diseases introduced the definition of “psychosexual disorder,” confirming the presence and dominance of psychological factors in women’s sexual dysfunction.

However, for many historians, it still remains a mystery how European society (because it was the source of the myths about frigidity) so quickly succumbed to mass self-deception, turning the definition of frigidity upside down - from a manifestation of natural modesty and shyness of women to a serious pathology that many Women are still intimidated by many men, and women themselves often tear out their hair: “Help, I’m frigid! I constantly get an orgasm when clitoris is stimulated, but I have never had a vaginal orgasm in my life! I can’t imagine how I can continue to live with such a serious sexual illness!”

Modern sexology has excluded the concept of “frigidity” from its terminology, and I advise all sexual partners to exclude and forget about frigidity. I also recommend that women not create a problem where there is none - precisely in those cases when a woman gets an orgasm by stimulating the clitoris and, instead of enjoying sexual relations, experimenting, searching for new techniques and types of sex, endlessly seeks a “vaginal” orgasm and clings to label yourself as “frigid”.

Just as men have one type of ejaculation, so women have one type of orgasm, which is called in one word - ORGASM. If it exists, then getting it during various sexual activities is the task of the woman herself and her partner.

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Home remedies

Herbal decoctions give positive results, but after a long period of treating frigidity.

Decoctions and tinctures:

  • tincture of golden root is prescribed in a course of 1-3 months, taken 10-15 drops daily;
  • Soak dried night violet herb in Cahors for 14 days, drink a tablespoon half an hour before meals;
  • tincture of ginseng is sold in a pharmacy, use 20 drops per day, ginseng also increases the overall tone of the body;
  • Decoctions of rose hips, chamomile and nettle will help stabilize the body's systems.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some folk remedies are also used to increase sexual desire. However, such methods are auxiliary, and it is advisable to use them only after the approval of a doctor.

  • Medicinal tea . It is necessary to mix dry chamomile, nettle and rose hips in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. Pour 300 ml of water into this mixture and boil for several minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day.
  • Drink with spices . Add 4 cloves, a little chili pepper and nutmeg to 200 ml of milk. Boil, strain, add a little honey and drink throughout the day. Take every day for at least two weeks.
  • Anise tincture . Pour 50 g of anise seeds into 200 ml of cognac and leave for two weeks. Drink 1 tbsp. l. a day before meals. The course of treatment is at least 3 months.
  • Dried fruits . Mix figs, prunes, dried apricots, dates, walnuts, almonds in equal proportions, chop everything and add a little honey. Take 1 tbsp twice a day. l.
  • Tea with ginger . Grind 50 ml of ginger, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. It is recommended to consume this drink with honeycombs. In this case, the wax should be chewed for a long time, but not consumed orally.
  • Cinnamon . It is recommended to add it to your morning coffee. This coffee should be drunk with dark chocolate.
  • Massage with aromatic oils . Patchouli, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood oils are suitable for massage. It is advisable that such a massage be performed by a loved one - this way the woman can relax as much as possible.
  • Oriental dances and yoga . These activities provide an opportunity to relax and explore sexuality.

Myths and dangerous misconceptions in the treatment of frigidity

  • True frigidity manifests itself as a complete lack of interest in sexual life. If a girl temporarily experiences inconvenience or is disappointed in her partner, this does not mean that she is frigid.
  • Often, frigidity in men hides its “imaginary” manifestation in the form of psychological problems. They arise due to stress, shock, and psychological trauma. After working through them with a psychologist, the problems disappear.
  • Also, frigidity in women is often resolved after a couple of conversations with a sexologist. The couple simply does not discuss their preferences.

How to stop being frigid

Depending on what cause was discovered, treatment and prevention are prescribed. If the problem is in the structure of the genital organs, then they resort to the surgical method. If there is a hormonal imbalance, take medication.

When there are weak vaginal muscles, they give instructions on certain physical exercises that strengthen them. For diseases of other organs, patients are treated by a therapist.

In other cases, the client is referred to a psychologist and psychotherapist. At the session, they discuss in detail what formed the basis for the emergence of frigidity.

Depending on the reason, they try to improve the situation in sexual relations. If there is a depressive disorder, then the appropriate pills are prescribed.

The sex therapist gives each woman recommendations, taking into account the individuality of the case.

There are general provisions :

  1. It is worth turning to your partner and sharing your experiences, since this concerns him too.
    In addition, together you can think about changing positions or the atmosphere during sex, and share your desires and feelings. Intimate relationships are a mutual process and the ability to listen to each other.
  2. Avoid stress and fatigue. Because the body must be full of vitality and energy in order to want to exchange it with a partner.
  3. Watch erotic films, read a novel with a passionate plot. This will fuel libido and fantasy.

  4. Try to diversify sex, because even previously favorite things can get boring over time. Treat it as an interesting and exciting experiment, finding new aspects that will satisfy both.
  5. Don't forget about expressing feelings not only in bed. And in the form of morning hugs and tender kisses, pleasant words to each other, compliments. So that a woman understands that she is desired and loved.


To avoid frigidity in men, it is enough to monitor your psychological and physical health. At the first deviations, immediately visit a urologist, psychologist and sexologist.

You should talk with your partner about your intimate life, talk about your preferences, what is unpleasant, and build a trusting relationship.

Don’t force yourself to go to bed with your partner because “it’s the right thing to do.” No one will like this and will cause complete rejection of both the partner and sex.

Consequences and complications

If sexual life causes discomfort, there is no sexual desire, and everything related to the intimate side of life causes negative emotions, then over time a woman may develop a depressive state. Frigidity can also lead to the development of other psychological problems.

If we are talking about physiological reasons, then this condition can subsequently lead to infertility and diseases of the reproductive system.

How to sign up for a sexologist?

You can make an appointment with a sexologist by filling out a simple form on the website or by calling the 24-hour number.

We are located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, not far from Mayakovskaya metro station, Belorusskaya metro station, Novoslobodskaya metro station, Tverskaya metro station, Chekhovskaya metro station.

With us you can undergo consultation and diagnosis of various diseases. Our doctors are true professionals in their field who are focused on the results of working together with the patient. If you have any questions, you can ask them to a call center employee by phone.

Causes of female frigidity

Frigidity is provoked by mental trauma associated with gross defloration (deprivation of virginity), attempted rape, fear of pregnancy or publicity of a relationship, physical disgust for a man, disappointment in one’s chosen one, neurasthenia, too strong a fixation on the lack of orgasm, depression, asthenization. Frigidity is promoted by ovarian dysfunction, androgen deficiency, damage to deep brain structures, infectious or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.), inflammatory diseases that complicate sexual intercourse.

Treatment nuances

First of all, the specialist finds out the causes of male frigidity that need to be eliminated. The methods used to get rid of sexual dysfunction depend on them. Lifestyle is also taken into account.

If there is alibidemia, the consequence of which is a somatic illness, then its treatment comes first, and only then everything else.

If a problem arises in an elderly person, then special drugs that enhance potency, of which there are quite a lot now, will help bring new colors to his sex life and restore his former strength. The doctor will tell you which ones to take, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. For men with low libido, this tactic is also suitable.

In addition to medications, phytostimulants: Schisandra and Eleutherococcus can eliminate male frigidity. Shilajit shows good results, as well as phytohormones and various vitamins.

Drug addicts and alcoholics who complain of alibidemia should first of all get rid of their addictions - sometimes this is quite enough to restore male strength.

Active sports that relieve stress, a favorite activity, avoiding stress, long walks in the fresh air, physical work, yoga, a change of environment, and a good rest away from worries will help you cope with frigidity due to nervousness. However, all this is shown to other men suffering from alibidemia.

Treatment methods are selected strictly individually. Quite often, a psychiatrist is involved, who has his own “arsenal” of tools. It will help the patient cope with stress, understand themselves, and find harmony with themselves.

Psychologists believe that sexual imbalance may be the cause of a malfunction that occurred in a representative of the stronger half of humanity when she was heavily immersed in work. It is enough to take your mind off her and pay more attention to your family, arrange a romantic trip or dinner for your other half, that is, revive old feelings. Experts say that quite often such measures allow you to quickly return to normal and restore normal sex life without any pills.

In severe stages of frigidity, which is already accompanied by erectile dysfunction, joint psychotherapy helps well. In this case, both partners are present at the session

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