Features of the hyperthymic type of character (personality) accentuation

Not all people have a stable psyche. An individual who has an unstable mental state is called hyperthymic or hyperthymic personality. Its weakness is the high risk of psychopathy under the influence of stress or psychological trauma. However, this type also has many good qualities that are important for successful communication with others and interaction with the world.

Such people are very interesting

Character traits of such people

Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

The hyperthymic type of character accentuation has its own strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons. Hyperthymic character traits are, first of all, a love of freedom, independence, and activity in all its manifestations. They are described in all books on psychology. Among the negative features associated with this definition are:

  • Non-obligatory and unpunctuality;
  • Hyperthyms often change decisions, and this is not justified;
  • They are quick-tempered and often get angry over trifles;
  • They easily succumb to the influence of others and often take the life position of a person “going with the flow.”

The last feature deserves special attention. Due to the malleability of their character, teenagers with this mental characteristic often end up in organized criminal groups. There are cases when a child from a well-to-do family, who has everything he needs, decides to steal food from a supermarket “just for company.” The desire to do everything together with someone is a characteristic feature of such a person.

Hyperthyms are responsive and friendly, but unpunctual

Attention! Such individuals are more susceptible to depression than other personality types. However, you should not be afraid of this - this condition usually goes away on its own, without requiring treatment, and does not last long. Hypertim is not one of those who likes to worry or be sad for a long time.


To establish contacts and interpersonal relationships, special importance is given to the extent to which psychotypes are combined with each other in marriage, in communication and at work. Therefore, it will be useful to know how compatibility develops - hyperthymia and...

  • ...schizoids are antipodes in terms of interaction with people, marriage is possible only if the schizoid is a man and the hypertim is a woman;
  • ... emotive - stability for this couple is provided by the emotive radical, while hypertim is not adapted to family relationships, although in the second half of life it calms down and already gets used to marriage;
  • ...epileptoid - marriage is possible only as a misalliance: an old and rich epileptoid - with a young and poor hyperthymic (for example);
  • ...hysteroid - the relationship begins as a bright and passionate romance, but quickly ends, since the hysteroid will definitely not tolerate cheating on its partner.

On the one hand, hyperthymic accentuation allows you to get along with almost any other psychotype. Its representatives rarely express complaints to their partner. But only until they infringe on their freedom or begin to claim their leadership. But others are not ready to tolerate their superficiality and frivolity. Hence - a huge number of subscribers on social networks, many friends, but with real friends and soulmate - serious problems.

Varieties of hyperthymic psychotype

Personality qualities - what is it in psychology, characteristics

Hyperthymia in psychology is a general concept that characterizes the instability of the psyche and its susceptibility to constant changes. There are many descriptions of a hyperthymic character, all of them are similar in one thing: such a person is distinguished by an increased level of physical and intellectual activity. Hyperthymas are divided into several types; below is a brief description of them:

  • Hysteroids (inappropriately react to stress);
  • With an unstable psyche (they love pleasure, are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, often cannot quit smoking);
  • Cyclical (mood and attitude towards the world around you constantly change);
  • Affective (hot-tempered, overly emotionally reactive to any stimulus).

Working with each specific psychotype requires an individual approach.


Since hypertims often become public people, there are many of them among celebrities. There are such types in art: fiction, cinema, animation. Some of the most striking examples:

  1. Examples from literature: Khlestakov (“The Inspector General” by Gogol) and Nozdryov (“Dead Souls” by Gogol);
  2. From animation - Masha (“Masha and the Bear”), Carlson (“Kid and Carlson”).
  3. Famous people: American actor Jim Carrey, Russian comedians Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, Ivan Urgant, ancient Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar, circus performer Oleg Popov, US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  4. Examples from the film: Captain Jack Sparrow (“Pirates of the Caribbean”), Popandopulo (“Wedding in Malinovka”), Savva Ignatievich (“Pokrovsky Gate”), Truffaldino (“Truffaldino from Bergamo”).

Age characteristics

Personal self-esteem - what is it in psychology

The main characteristics of a hyperthymic temperament largely depend on how old a person is. In psychology, hyperthymia can clearly manifest itself at different ages. The hyperthymic personality type is not only a diagnosis, it is also a way of life. Typically, such people love to travel and have a penchant for adventurism. A hyperthymic personality in adulthood is characterized by an increased desire to communicate with young people.

Children who show a tendency towards this type of temperament from birth are characterized by:

  • The desire to become an informal leader;
  • Frequent change of hobbies and interests;
  • Frequent changes of friends and girlfriends, a large number of friends;
  • Good study at school without the appearance of obvious interest in any particular field of knowledge (they know everything about everything, but a little of everything).

With age, these features only intensify.

In adolescence, there is a high probability of falling into “bad company”

Interesting. People of this type from early childhood love to speak in front of spectators and are not afraid of the public, so they often make outstanding representatives of public professions. An example is the famous American artist Jim Carrey, a true hyperteam by nature.


The hyperthymic type has divisions into separate types based on certain characteristics.

  1. Hyperthymic - hysterical. A non-standard reaction to stress is characteristic. When a person is in trouble, he makes every effort to prove his exclusivity and superiority.
  2. Hyperthymic - unstable. An individual with this type tries to do everything to get maximum pleasure from his life. He does not think about what could harm his main activity. This commitment may result in the development of alcoholism.
  3. Hyperthymic - cyclical. Such individuals are characterized by frequent mood changes due to external influences. The changes are cyclical in nature.
  4. Hyperthymic - affective. Such individuals are characterized by increased aggression. They often have outbursts of anger. Finding yourself in a difficult situation in which conflict flares up, unable to stop, accepts everything as a personal challenge to action.

Raising a hyperthymic child

The hyperthymic personality type manifests itself from childhood. Hyperthymic sthenic temperament implies a pronounced desire for leadership, so such a child will always be the center of attention. In order to properly raise a son or daughter with such a temperament, it is necessary:

  • Teach your child to strictly adhere to the daily routine by developing a brief reminder of the routine;
  • Gently, unobtrusively teach commitment and punctuality, and prevent lateness to school;
  • Choose the “right” friends with good characteristics for the child, who will teach only good things, because hyperthym quickly follows someone else’s example;
  • Monitor who the teenager communicates with in order to prevent crime and the development of alcoholism and drug addiction.

If behavior correction is necessary, you should contact a child psychologist; he will help parents find a common language with the child and better understand his characteristics.

A hyperthymic child demands attention and intends to achieve it by any means.

General concept of neurasthenia

According to scientific research, almost 50% of people leading active lives are susceptible to various mental disorders, the main part of which is neurasthenia - asthenic neurosis. It refers to an unhealthy deviation of the nervous system that occurs as a result of exhaustion after prolonged mental or physical stress. Therefore, this anomaly is more common in people whose age range is 20–40 years. Men are more susceptible to such deviations than women.

The causes of neurasthenia can be: prolonged overexertion, stressful situations, poor nutrition, personal tragedies, protracted conflicts, etc. In addition, the trigger for the development of the disease is somatic factors and chronic intoxication. To improve the patient’s condition, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the pathology and eliminate it. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to self-medicate; an appropriate specialist should work on the diagnosis and treatment of the resulting neurosis.

A neurasthenic person may perceive all the symptoms of the disease for a long time as a sign of temporary fatigue. But accumulating irritation can be aggravated by depression, which knocks a person out of his usual life. This subsequently requires longer and more complex treatment.

Timely contact with a psychotherapist at the stage of the first manifestations of the disease, which worsen over time, will help prevent possible complications. This will avoid the negative consequences of the disorder.

Methods of self-control, communication with hyperthymia

The hyperthymic psychotype is quite difficult to communicate with . To communicate constructively with such a person, you must:

  • Be calm about his optionality and not take his promises seriously (most likely, hyperteam will not fulfill them);
  • React calmly to sudden outbursts of anger; they quickly pass and the person calms down again;
  • Do not be jealous of your many friends and girlfriends;
  • Find him something interesting to do (people with this type of mentality cannot stand monotonous, monotonous routine work).

If you follow these simple recommendations, establishing contact will not be difficult at all. It will also be useful to find out as much as possible about what exactly hypertim is currently interested in. With hyperthymia, people usually happily talk about their hobbies and expect support from others in these endeavors. Even if the activity of a hyperthymic person seems strange and absurd, under no circumstances should this opinion be voiced, otherwise the interlocutor’s reaction may be inadequate. When starting a partnership with such a person, you should keep in mind that he is rarely a monogamist and is prone to cheating (both men and women).

It is not easy to communicate with such a person. However, if you want to establish contact with hyperthym, this is quite possible. The main thing is to positively perceive his increased activity and fussiness. Having met an understanding person, a hyperthymic person will happily begin constructive communication. Then it will be possible to profitably use the best sides of his character.


  • Provide opportunities for your child to release energy. If various clubs tire other children, then on the contrary, they will give this one strength and motivation to develop. And he will cause less trouble if he is passionate about sports and creativity.
  • Entrust him with organizational matters, for example, let him film a video congratulating one of the family members, when everyone who knows him says warm wishes in honor of his birthday. In general, you shouldn’t force him to do something he doesn’t like, namely, hard work. Create conditions for him in which, on the contrary, he can realize his potential.
  • If you have this character, be sure to play sports, meditate, swim, run. It is important not only to realize the accumulated energy, but also to learn to relax.
  • Keep a notebook in which you will write down your ideas, plans and accumulated feelings. It is necessary to gradually accustom yourself to reflect, that is, to engage in self-knowledge. This will increase the level of self-control and discipline.


Timely diagnosis of neuroses makes it possible to make favorable prognoses for their treatment. The main role in this is played by activities that help eliminate or minimize factors that have a negative impact on the human psyche. At the same time, the doctor optimizes the patient’s activity schedule, paying special attention to proper rest.

The psychotherapeutic work that a specialist conducts with a patient is aimed at explaining and teaching all constructive forms that make it possible to counteract external factors that are irritants. The specialist coordinates all manipulations with the patient: he identifies the negative circumstances that provoked the onset of the disorder, minimizes their impact on the person, using constructive methods for this.

Among the recommended activities that have a beneficial effect on neurasthenics are the following:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • periodic, high-quality and sufficient rest;
  • compliance with nutritional recommendations. The menu should contain products that contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • the presence of daily physical activity, which must be performed regardless of the patient’s wishes;
  • a contrast shower has proven itself well, which invigorates and tones;
  • breathing exercises that allow you to relax without losing concentration. It helps you focus on yourself and your feelings.

In some cases, drug treatment is also used. It consists of taking vitamin-mineral complexes, sedatives and tonics of plant origin. For hyposthenic neurasthenia, tranquilizers and antipsychotics may be prescribed. The wide spectrum of action of such drugs requires a qualified and competent approach, which can only be provided by a professional doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

Psychological types of your colleagues and employees

In order to successfully influence colleagues and employees, it is necessary to know the typological characteristics and psychological structure of each employee. Personality is a unique set of biological and social properties of a person, the most important of which are the social components that manifest themselves in human social activities.

Important components of personality structure are:

  • orientation, including various personality traits - needs, interests, ideological and practical attitudes, etc.;
  • opportunities, i.e. abilities that determine success in its activities; abilities - predisposition, inclination and ability to perform any actions. The basis of abilities is giftedness. It is important for the management system to promptly identify and use the abilities of employees, as well as create conditions for their development;
  • character - a set of mental characteristics, personality traits;
  • the ability to carry out self-regulation in practical activities.

Character is the result of a person’s interaction with the world, a set of relatively stable acquired qualities that express a person’s attitude towards himself, other people, things, society and are manifested in stable, habitual forms of behavior.
The following main types of character accentuation (strengthening of traits) are distinguished:

1. Hyperactive. The person is very energetic, independent, strives for leadership, risk, and adventure. He does not respond to comments, there is no self-criticism. It is necessary to be cautious about his unfounded optimism and overestimation of his capabilities. Traits that are attractive to interlocutors: energy, thirst for activity, initiative, a sense of new things, optimism.

The people around him do not like him: frivolity, a tendency to immoral acts, a frivolous attitude towards the responsibilities assigned to him, irritability in the circle of close people. Conflict is possible during monotonous work, loneliness, under conditions of strict discipline, constant moralizing. This causes that person to become angry. Such a person performs well in work that requires constant communication. He is characterized by frequent changes of profession and place of work.

2. Dysthymic (dysthymic). This type of person is constantly in a low mood, sad, withdrawn, taciturn, and pessimistic. They are burdened by noisy societies and do not get along closely with their colleagues. They rarely enter into conflicts; more often they are a passive party in them. They greatly value those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them.

People around them like seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice in these people. But such traits as passivity, pessimism, sadness, and slowness of thinking repel others from getting to know and befriend them. Conflicts occur in situations that require vigorous activity. For these people, a change in their usual lifestyle has a negative impact. They do well in work that does not require a wide range of communication. Under unfavorable conditions they show a tendency to neurotic depression. This accentuation occurs more often in people of melancholic temperament.

3. Cycloid (cyclothymic). The accentuation of character is manifested in cyclically changing periods of rise and fall of mood. During periods of rising mood, people manifest themselves as people with hyperthymic accentuation, and during periods of declining mood, as people with dysthymic accentuation. During a recession, they perceive troubles more acutely. These frequent changes in mental states tire a person, make his behavior unpredictable, contradictory, and prone to changing professions, places of work, and interests. This type of character is found in persons of choleric temperament.

4. Emotive (emotionality). This person is overly sensitive, vulnerable and deeply worries about the slightest troubles. He is overly sensitive to comments and failures, so he is often in a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and relatives who would understand him perfectly. He rarely enters into conflicts and plays a passive role in them. He does not splash out his grievances, but keeps them to himself. Those around him like his altruism, compassion, pity, and expression of joy over other people's successes. He is very efficient and has a high sense of duty. He perceives conflicts tragically. Injustice, rudeness, and being surrounded by rude people are contraindicated for him.

5. Demonstrative (demonstrativeness). This person strives to be the center of attention and achieves his goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, illnesses, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lies. He easily forgets about his unseemly deeds. He has a high adaptability to people. This type of person is attractive to others due to his courtesy, perseverance, focus, acting talent, ability to captivate others, as well as his originality.

But he has traits that push people away from him and contribute to conflict: selfishness, unbridled morals, deceit, boastfulness, a tendency to intrigue, shirking from work. A conflict with such a person occurs when his interests are infringed, his merits are underestimated, or he is toppled from his pedestal. These situations cause him to have hysterical reactions. Such a person is oppressed by a closed circle of communication and monotonous work. He can prove himself in working with constantly changing short-term contacts.

6. Excitable (excitability). These people have increased irritability, lack of restraint, sullenness, and boringness, but flattery, helpfulness (as a disguise), a tendency to rudeness and obscene language or silence, and slowness in conversation are possible. They actively and often conflict, do not avoid quarrels with their superiors, are difficult to get along with in the team, and are despotic and cruel in the family. Outside of fits of anger, these people are conscientious, careful and show love to children.

Those around them do not like their irritability, short temper, inadequate outbursts of anger and rage with assault, cruelty, and weakened control over desire. These people are well influenced by physical labor and athletic sports. They need to develop self-control and self-control. Due to their quarrelsome nature, they often change jobs.

7. Stuck (stuck). People with this type of accentuation get stuck on their feelings and thoughts. They cannot forget grievances and “settle scores” with their offenders. They have official and everyday intractability and a tendency to protracted squabbles. In a conflict, they are most often an active party and clearly define for themselves a circle of enemies and friends. They show a love of power - “the boring nature of a moral teacher.”

The interlocutors like their desire to achieve high performance in any business, the manifestation of high demands on themselves, a thirst for justice, integrity, strong, stable views. But at the same time, people of this type have traits that repel others from them: resentment, suspicion, vindictiveness, ambition, arrogance, jealousy, a sense of justice inflated to the point of fanaticism. Conflict is possible when pride is hurt, unfair resentment, or an obstacle to achieving ambitious goals. These people perform well in work that gives them a sense of independence and the opportunity to express themselves.

8. Pedantic (pedantic). These people are characterized by tediousness in the form of “experiencing” details; at work, they are capable of tormenting visitors with formal requirements, and exhausting their household with excessive neatness. They are attractive to others because of their conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, and reliability in business and in feelings. But such people also have repulsive traits: formalism, pettiness, boringness, the desire to shift important decisions to others. Conflicts are possible in a situation of personal responsibility for an important matter, when their merits are underestimated. For these people, professions that are not associated with great responsibility, paper work, are preferred. They are not inclined to change jobs.

9. Anxious (anxiety). People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low mood, timidity, and self-doubt. They constantly fear for themselves and their loved ones, experience failure for a long time and doubt the correctness of their actions. They rarely enter into conflicts and play a passive role. Conflicts are possible in situations of fear, threat, punishment, ridicule, and unfair accusations.

People around them like their friendliness, self-criticism and diligence. But timidity and suspiciousness due to defenselessness sometimes serve as a target for jokes and are often scapegoats. Such people cannot be leaders or make responsible decisions, since they are characterized by endless worry and weighing.

10. Exalted (exaltation). People with this type of accentuation have a very changeable mood, talkativeness, and increased distractibility to external events. Their emotions are clearly expressed and are reflected in falling in love. Traits such as altruism, a sense of compassion, artistic taste, artistic talent, brightness of feelings and affection for friends are liked by interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pathos, alarmism, and susceptibility to despair are not their best traits. Failures and sad events are perceived tragically and have a tendency to neurotic depression.

11. Introverted. People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low sociability and isolation. They are aloof from everyone and enter into communication with other people out of necessity; most often they are immersed in themselves and their thoughts. They are characterized by increased vulnerability, but they do not tell anything about themselves and do not share their experiences. They even treat their close people coldly and reservedly. Their behavior and logic are often not understood by others.

These people love solitude and prefer to be in solitude than in noisy company. They rarely enter into conflicts, only when trying to invade their inner world. They place high demands on their future spouse and are busy searching for their ideal. They have strong emotional coldness and weak attachment to close people.

People around them like them for their restraint, sedateness, thoughtfulness of actions, strong convictions and adherence to principles. But stubbornly defending one’s unrealistic interests, views and having one’s own point of view, which is sharply different from the opinion of the majority, pushes people away from them. Loneliness, intrusiveness, unceremoniousness and rudeness of others increase isolation.

12. Conformal (conformity). People of this type are highly sociable, talkative to the point of talkativeness. Usually they do not have their own opinion and are very dependent, they strive to be like everyone else and not stand out “from the crowd.” These people are disorganized and prefer to obey; when communicating with friends and in the family, they cede leadership to others.

Those around these people like their willingness to listen to the confession of another, their diligence. But at the same time, these people are subject to the influence of others. They do not think about their actions and have a great passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in situations of forced loneliness and lack of control. These people are easily adaptable to new work and cope well with their job responsibilities when tasks and rules of behavior are clearly defined.

The internal characteristics of the individual, through which external social influences are refracted in a specific way, are diverse. These are also individual features:

  • motivation of leading desires and interests;
  • value orientations, beliefs, ideals, life goals, scenarios;
  • self-esteem, anxiety, neuroticism;
  • personality typology.

The most significant typologies:

  • typology of temperaments (typological features of the nervous system);
  • constitutional typology (asthenics, athletes, picnics);
  • personality typology depending on the style of information interaction with the environment:
  • extroverts - introverts;
  • thinking - emotional type;
  • sensing - intuitive type;
  • perceiving (irrational) - decisive (rational) type and their relationships (16 psychosociotypes).

It is necessary to take into account, firstly, that belonging to one or another type is determined by genetic predisposition, secondly, that there are no “pure” psychotypes, and thirdly, there is a direct connection between the temperament and business qualities of a particular individual.
Temperament is determined by the innate dynamic properties of the nervous system, which determine the speed of response, the degree of emotional excitability, and the characteristics of the individual’s adaptation to the world.

The dominant instinct corresponds to a certain temperament, a certain body constitution, and certain properties of the nervous system. There are four types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic.

People of choleric temperament are active, purposeful, emotionally passionate, courageous, uncompromising. Their instinct of self-preservation is weakened and the instincts of dominance, preservation of dignity and research dominate. Their physique is lean, wiry, and hardy.

Cholerics have an unbalanced nervous system, are fussy, restless, and are characterized by harshness, straightforwardness, and stubbornness. Therefore, they are recklessly hasty in words and actions, conflictually unrestrained, with swings in mood and performance. Such a worker is not suitable for routine work and work that requires patience, such as long business negotiations. His capabilities as a leader are limited; a phlegmatic deputy is desirable.

People with a sanguine temperament are quick, easy-going, sociable, optimistic, compromising and flexible. They are dominated by the instinct of freedom, they are focused on risk, pace, quick results, and freedom of action. However, when they start something with passion, they rarely complete it and are unstable in their likes and dislikes. Average build and average height.

A strong, balanced, mobile nervous system ensures quick and thoughtful reactions, a constantly good mood, excellent adaptability to people, changing social situations, variability of interests, feelings, and views. Sanguine is ideal for working with people, including as a leader.

People with a phlegmatic temperament are slow, withdrawn, patient, peaceful, and stable. They are dominated by the altruistic instinct and instincts of self-preservation and procreation. They are consistent and thorough in their actions, stable in their likes and dislikes, and indifferent to praise. In terms of physique, they are broad-shouldered, broad-chested, and of medium or small height.

They have a strong, balanced, inert nervous system that ensures a balanced mood, constancy of feelings, affections, interests, views, endurance, resistance to long-term adversity, and slowness. A phlegmatic person is indispensable when working with documentation.

The main feature of melancholic people is their heightened sensitivity to the world around them. People of melancholic temperament are prone to heightened experiences, thoughts, increased sensitivity and fatigue, immersed in their world of experiences and thoughts, possessing high intellectual, creative, and sometimes artistic abilities.

In terms of physique, they are often asthenic - fragile, graceful, with a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated and thin limbs. They have a weak nervous system, which in tense stressful situations often leads a person to a state of confusion, slowness of thinking, deterioration in performance, and stupor. A melancholic person is shy, suspicious, touchy, does not believe in his own strength, and is prone to suspicion.

Depending on temperament, a person is initially predisposed to the dominance of certain emotions: some are initially prone to interest, joy, surprise (sanguine temperament), others to anger, disgust, hostility (choleric temperament), and others to sadness (melancholic).

Temperaments, as innate coping styles, are inextricably linked to human instincts. Instincts are a program of adaptation, self-preservation and procreation, fixed in the genetic code, and attitude towards oneself and others. Animals also have instincts as a genetic adaptation program, but human instincts are a qualitatively different adaptation program than those of animals.

The instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation are basic; they ensure the physical survival of man and the human species. Specific human instincts - the research instinct and the instinct of freedom - provide the primary specialization of a person, and the instincts of dominance and preservation of dignity ensure self-affirmation and self-preservation of a person in the psychosocial aspect. The altruistic instinct socializes the adaptive essence of all other instincts. Usually in a person one or more instincts dominate, and the rest are less expressed.

According to the dominance of one or another instinct, seven types of people can be distinguished:

  • Egophilic type - self-preservation dominates, from early childhood a tendency to increased caution, a tendency to suspiciousness, intolerance to pain, anxiety in relation to everything unknown, self-centeredness. The egophilic type may be one of the reasons for the formation of such a variant of a “difficult character”, which is characterized by excessive selfishness, suspicion, suspiciousness, hysteria, and cowardice.
  • Genophilic type - the instinct of procreation dominates, already in childhood the interests of this type of people are fixed on the family, in adulthood their credo is “the interests of the family are above all”, “my home is my fortress”, for the sake of children and family they are ready to sacrifice themselves.
  • Altruistic type - the instinct of altruism dominates; from childhood, kindness, caring for loved ones, the ability to give the last to others, even what he himself needs, are manifested. Selfless people who have devoted their lives to significant interests, protecting the weak, helping the sick and disabled are altruistic people.
  • Research type - dominated by the instinct of research, increased curiosity, the desire to get to the bottom of everything, endless questions and dissatisfaction with superficial answers, read a lot, do experiments.
  • Dominant type - the instinct of dominance manifests itself as the ability to organize work, set a goal and show the will to achieve it, the ability to understand people and lead them, efficiency, priority of status needs (careerism), increased need to control others, a tendency to take into account the needs of the entire team when the interests of one specific person are neglected. Leaders, executives, politicians, organizers, but also the “difficult characters” of tyrants and tyrants grow on the basis of this type.
  • Libertophilic type - the instinct of freedom dominates, the tendency to protest against any restriction of his freedom grows with it. Striving for independence, stubbornness, tolerance to pain, hardship, predisposition to risk, intolerance of routine, bureaucracy. The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are suppressed.
  • Dignitophilic type - the instinct to preserve dignity dominates, intolerant of any form of humiliation. Such a person is ready to sacrifice his life, his freedom, his career, his professional interests, his family, in the name of preserving honor and dignity.

When one instinct dominates, the tendencies of personality development are also one-sided.
The psychosociotype can quite significantly influence the state, behavior, level of activity or destructiveness of employees. A personality's psychotype is an innate mental structure that determines a specific type of information exchange between the individual and the environment, which determines the specificity of behavioral response in interpersonal and social relationships, the specificity of the manifestation of socio-psychological well-being.

Typological profiles will help you not only understand your strengths and weaknesses, but also cope with those who constantly create additional difficulties at work.

An employee needs to know what the preferences of the people around him are. Studying a typological portrait will help him penetrate to the very essence of the problem and find a path to peaceful discussion and successful resolution of the conflict.

There are four main preferences:

  • the first has to do with where a person gets his energy from - from the outside world (extroverted) or within himself (introverted);
  • the second is related to how a person collects information about the world - verbatim and sequentially (sensory-sensing) or more arbitrarily (intuitive);
  • the third relates to how a person makes decisions - objectively and impartially (thinking-logical) or subjectively and interpersonally (emotionally feeling);
  • the fourth has to do with lifestyle - whether a person prefers to be decisive and methodical (decisive, rational) or compliant and spontaneous (perceptive, irrational).

If a person is energized by people and activities and feels drained by being alone for too long, if he tends to talk first and think later, and if he is sociable and active, then he is most likely an extrovert.
If a person keeps his observations and thoughts to himself, and lively discussions tire him, if he prefers to listen more than to talk, if a person is uncommunicative and after talking with his interlocutor wants to be left alone with himself and his thoughts, then he probably belongs to for introverts.

There are usually more extroverts than introverts. Both types of behavior are completely normal if you understand their nature.

Extroverts and introverts find energy and strength in their own ways. Extroverts are as we see them, they splash out their thoughts and feelings; and in the case of an introvert, what we see reflects only part of their character. Introverts do not begin to open up immediately, but only if they trust others or in exceptional circumstances.

Information about the world around us is collected in two main ways:

  • if a person prefers specific information and, when collecting it, relies only on what can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, focuses attention on facts and details, then he is a sensory type;
  • If a person collects information in an arbitrary way, looks for his own meaning in it, relies on intuition, looks for indirect meaning and relationships between various phenomena, then he probably belongs to the intuitive type.

It must be remembered that those who belong to the sensory type take everything literally: they need specific information.
Those of the intuitive type, on the contrary, can find a hundred ways to answer a question, none of which will be sufficient for a person of the sensory type. People belonging to the intuitive category rely on their inner voice, their own intuition when making decisions, regardless of how others act in similar situations. For sensory people, on the contrary, the experience of others and common sense are the criterion for making decisions. Fantasy is alien to them.

People of the rational-decisive type create structural certainty that is regulated, planned and subject to control. They are decisive, think things through and are able to make decisions with minimal stress. Decision-type people tend to make a decision instead of using (considering) new information, even if this information should inevitably change their decision.

People belonging to the irrational-perceiving type try to be flexible, spontaneous, and adapt to a variety of situations. Making a decision and committing to it makes them anxious about how to solve a particular problem or even what to do today. Perceiving types tend to accumulate information instead of rushing to a conclusion (evaluation) on any issue.

The information that a person receives, being a sensory or intuitive type, leads to some kind of decision or action.

If, when making a decision, a person prefers to be logical, analytical, impartial and objective until he comes to a conclusion, then he belongs to the thinking, logical type.

If a person relies on his subjective attitude to information, on a subjective assessment of an event, taking into account how this decision will affect others, on interpersonal relationships, then he gravitates towards the emotional-feeling type.

Various moral and psychological qualities determine a certain type of behavior of each employee when communicating and different attitudes towards himself on the part of other employees.

Taking this into account, the production team can highlight:

  • collectivists - people who actively participate in team events;
  • individualists - those who gravitate towards independent actions;
  • pretensionists - people who are active, independent and persistent in achieving goals, but are vain;
  • imitators - individuals who have weak independent thinking, a desire to adapt to emerging conditions for fear of any complications for themselves;
  • passive - those who have a low level of volitional preparation, they are socially inert;
  • isolated - workers who push people away from themselves with their wrong actions or statements.

To successfully interact with the organizational environment, an employee must know what type of character the person he meets or works with is.

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In general, the first general impression of hyperthyma is good. They are smart, charming, talkative, and know how to win over and be the life of the party.

However, with closer communication, not the most pleasant qualities may appear:

  • optional;
  • lack of punctuality;
  • coarseness;

  • superficial attitude towards people and life in general.

It is easier to make friends with such people for those who have a similar type of character and are themselves hyperthymic.

Hyperthymic people are helped in life by their energy, resistance to stress and optimism. They are not inclined to give up and give up where others would have stopped fighting long ago.

Symptoms of neurasthenia

Factors that provoke the occurrence of neurasthenia may be fear of losing a job, a loved one, family, etc. They have one thing in common: fear for something or someone.

Reasons for contacting a psychotherapist may include the following:

  • inability to control negative emotions;
  • excessive irritability, internal anger that appears literally “out of nowhere”, short temper;
  • regular dizziness that occurs during severe anxiety or physical exertion, frequent headaches, which usually disappear by the end of the day, discomfort in the temples, tinnitus. Doctors have a special name for this syndrome - “neurasthenic helmet”. Pain in the head area occurs when it turns or tilts sharply. At the same time, they smoothly move to the back area along the spine. Usually this phenomenon is observed after physical exertion or mental stress;
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), stabbing pain in the chest area;
  • a feeling of fatigue that does not go away even after rest;
  • nausea, digestive disorders - frequent belching, heartburn, flatulence, lack of appetite or, conversely, constant hunger, broken stools, etc.;
  • unexplained changes in body temperature;
  • numbness of the extremities (tongue, nose, tips of fingers and toes);
  • tremor (shaking hands);
  • episodic derealization, decreased performance, memory impairment;
  • “biological alarm clock” disorder – disturbance of the period of sleep and wakefulness;
  • changes in skin color (pallor, excessive redness), which occur at the slightest excitement;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • in men – impotence, premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

To determine an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will help rule out more serious mental illnesses. Based on its results, the doctor will be able to determine the most appropriate treatment for each individual case. In modern pharmacology, there are drugs that have a local effect, have virtually no contraindications and are well tolerated, so they can be taken (exclusively under medical supervision) even by pregnant women or patients with concomitant mental disorders.


If you want to correct some shortcomings in the character of hyperthyma, you can try to work through them by practicing the following activities:

  • “finish to the end” - being carried away by many things, hyperthymic individuals often abandon their projects, so they should concentrate on completing previously started tasks. You should not grab onto everything at once, let each undertaking wait for its time and be completed in the order of priority that the hyperthymic person himself determines, which will never be completed;
  • "maintaining cleanliness" - not distinguished by neatness, hyperthyms often live slovenly, in chaos, which has a very bad effect on their mental activity, as it becomes scattered and disorderly. To form the right habits, you should start small - every day, first put things in order in one area (table, closet), then expand it, while at the same time trying to get rid of unnecessary unnecessary thoughts;

  • “making plans” is another technique that allows you to remove chaos from the life of hyperthyms. Its essence is that you need to learn to isolate the main thing, making plans for the day in writing and ranking them in order of importance.
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