How to please a girl: useful tips for all boys

From this article you will learn:
  • Which girl should you like?
  • Universal tips
  • How to please your classmate?
  • How to please the girl you love?
  • How to please an unknown girl?
  • How to please a girl who loves someone else?
  • How to please a girl by correspondence?

Boys often have the question of how to please a girl who has long been a source of admiration, and perhaps even more serious feelings. How to approach her and talk to her? How to overcome your own complexes and not be afraid of rejection? In this article you will find answers to these questions. A few useful tips will help you cope with indecisiveness and force (in the good sense of the word) her to pay attention to you. But first, let's decide who exactly you want to please.

Which girl should you like?

Which girl needs to please
So, you really liked the girl , but you don’t know how to approach her and what to do so that she pays attention to you and treats you differently. The actions will depend on who she is:

  • classmate;
  • darling;
  • a beautiful stranger;
  • if she likes someone else;
  • via correspondence on social networks.

Before we consider in detail how a boy will like a girl , we will give some universal useful tips that can be followed in any situation.

Interesting fact about girls.

Flirting is something that girls take for granted. You may think that she is flirting with you, but for her this will be completely natural behavior.

What to do if a girl doesn’t want to meet you

1. There is no need to be upset about this. There are simply a huge number of girls in the world. Therefore, one or two refusals do not mean anything.

2. There is no need to force yourself on a girl if she refuses you. If you start persuading her to give you a chance or start asking the lady about the reasons for her refusal, then by doing this you will humiliate yourself, but will not achieve anything.

3. There is no need to be ashamed that a girl refused to meet you. After all, there was nothing shameful in your desire. Well, you can’t guarantee the result.

Universal tips

Tips on how to please a girl
To please a girl, try to behave as naturally as possible. A few recommendations from psychologists will help you win her affection.

  1. Find out her interests , study the information she is interested in. To do this, visit her pages on social networks, talk to her friends. This will help you start a conversation with her: you will definitely have something to chat about!
  2. Be natural . When she appears, there is no need to make stupid jokes, laugh loudly, pester other girls, and especially not offend her.
  3. Watch yourself . To please a girl, especially a beautiful one, you need to look the part. Get your hair cut on time, wear clean and stylish clothes, your nails should not be bitten, wear unobtrusive perfume.
  4. Let the girl know that you like her : give her ambiguous glances, address her more often than others, make her stand out from the crowd.
  5. Don't boast about your victories. Learn to listen yourself, learn to empathize with her problems, express your readiness to help.
  6. Don't forget to give her unobtrusive, sincere compliments.

By following these recommendations, you can please any girl . The situation will be much simpler if she is already familiar to you - for example, a classmate.

This is interesting!

According to psychologists, if a group of three girls gathers, they will eventually talk about boys.

How to approach the girl you like and get to know her

This is probably the most common question from guys who want to start meeting girls. And it sounds like this: how to approach a girl you like and get to know her ? And they can also add: how to get rid of fear in this case?

I want to say that such questions are absolutely natural and today we will look at what is required to start taking the first steps.

How to please your classmate?

How to get your classmate to like you
Don't know how to get a girl to like you at school ? First, take the advice given above and do a few more things.

  1. Are you a better student than her? Offer to help her explain course material and do her homework.
  2. If she studies better than you, don’t be shy and ask her for help explaining something to you.
  3. Make friends with her company, because many of her are probably studying in the same class with you. This way you can learn more about her.
  4. Participate in joint activities with her. Make a wall newspaper, dance, stage a skit, sing a song - rehearsals bring you closer together.
  5. After classes, you can go home together and see her off.

If you liked a girl in class and you want to draw her attention to you, do everything possible for this, but naturally and unobtrusively. Show yourself to be cultured and polite. Don't try to be rude and cool - in fact, girls don't like boys who smoke and swear.

Bear in mind

Girls can do several things at once: watch TV, paint their nails and talk on the phone.

Causes of fear of dating

Even the most experienced guys, who have dozens of successful acquaintances behind them, are sometimes afraid to approach a girl they really like. And this is not surprising, because it is quite normal to feel fear in this situation. Another thing is that some guys are constrained by this fear, while others are motivated. Therefore, every guy needs to learn to minimize the negative impact of fear in order to approach any girl without any problems.

1. There are a large number of reasons that influence the appearance of fear in a guy. One of the most common reasons is the elevation of the girl in her own eyes. That is, the guy approaches the lady with the thought that he does not meet her high level. It is this fear that explains the fact that most guys only approach ordinary girls. Men are afraid of truly beautiful girls who look unapproachable. And even under the influence of alcohol, when almost all fears are dulled, not all men dare to approach such beauty queens. But quite often these fears are not at all justified.

How to please the girl you love?

How to please the girl you love
Sometimes it happens that you need to please the girl who is already with you, but you want to somehow refresh the relationship. Especially when the feelings seem to go away. If you truly love her and want to continue the relationship, do so.

  1. Never force your opinion on her. You must be equal.
  2. Respect her opinion. Listen to her advice.
  3. Make only the lightest jokes about her - and under no circumstances and not in the presence of others.
  4. Don’t demand from the girl minute-by-minute reporting where she was, what she was doing and why she smiled so sweetly at another. Jealousy is good in moderation.
  5. Take care of her.
  6. Don't be shy to show her your love.
  7. Look good.
  8. Give her compliments every day .
  9. Take me home.
  10. Invite me for a walk in the evening.
  11. Write romantic SMS.
  12. Give your girl gifts at least sometimes. If she truly loves you, even ordinary daisies from you will be important to her.
  13. Always remember the date you met.

Take care of your relationship with the girl you really like. It is very difficult to find love, and if you have it, don’t let it go.

With the world - by thread

Girls of one Pacific tribe are married off immediately at birth.

How to please an unknown girl?

How to get a girl
you don't know to like you Don't know what to do to get a girl you don't even know to like you ? Perhaps you just meet from time to time on the street or at some events, you are interested in her, but you don’t know how to make an acquaintance and draw her attention to you. Proceed as follows.

  1. If you have mutual friends, just ask them to introduce you to this girl. There is no need to be ashamed of your sympathy.
  2. If they are not there, show her visually that you like her: when passing by, try to catch her eye and smile at her.
  3. If you feel that contact has been established, in 2 days you can come up and meet, invite somewhere, pick up the phone.

It is only at first glance that it seems difficult to please a stranger girl. In fact, it’s very romantic - she definitely won’t forget that you singled her out from the crowd and decided to approach her first.

It is a fact )

If you make a date with a girl at 18.00, she will prepare for it in the morning, but will still be late. Don't blame her for this - such is the essence of women.

I'm afraid to approach the girl. Epilogue

I hope you understand that if you are still afraid to even look girls in the eyes, then after 2 weeks of practice you are unlikely to start taking porn models to your home on a minibus. First, learn to approach ordinary girls and you will see that the excitement goes away every time. At the same time, nothing will work out without practice. You can want something very badly, but do nothing, and then the fear will remain.

If you intend to grow, then when you encounter fear, be sure to step towards it. But do it gradually, because if you immediately set the bar high and don’t reach it, you may become cold and stop trying.

That is why, when working through fear, the level of discomfort should be acceptable. Take a step forward not through super-effort, but when it only slightly presses down on you. At the same time, work on your inner state so that you meet girls not with the thought “I’m afraid, but I’ll do it,” but with the thought “I love communicating with beautiful girls and enjoy communication regardless of the result.”

And to do this, you need to do not just stupid approaches, but certain practices to work through your internal state, which allow you to enjoy the process itself. During trainings at the Men's School, we work with a whole range of similar practices and tools.

At the end of the article, as an example, I’ll tell you one real story. One day a client came to me for personal training, whom we’ll call Timur. And the first block of training we had was getting to know the girls. We went with him to the streets, to shopping centers, cafes, restaurants and he was great at getting to know each other. He did this absolutely fearlessly and was not afraid of anything. I thought that I was very lucky to have such a student, and I sent him to very beautiful girls. He returned dazed, with burning eyes and the beauty’s phone number.

After a week of classes, we summed up the results of the dating block. Timur was pleased, but before the next block he asked for a break of two weeks to have surgery on his eyes, since he had minus 8 on one and minus 9 on the other.

Operation was successfully completed. But as soon as Timur returned, he categorically stopped approaching the girls. He began to see very well and began to be afraid of them from afar. Previously, when approaching, he simply did not understand how beautiful the girl was. He was great at making acquaintances, making an impression and picking up the phone. Stupidly did what I said and was pleased. It was only after the operation that he realized what he had done. The thought “I’m afraid to approach a girl” took on a clear outline for him.

As a result, we continued our studies, started all over again, and since he came with the goal of finding a wife, he found her. She was a champion in one of the Olympic sports and eventually became a famous model. She later gave birth to his son, and now he is a satisfied and caring husband and father.

How to please a girl who loves someone else?

How to please a girl who loves someone else
Everything is much more complicated if your task is to please a girl who loves someone else . Think a hundred times first about whether you need to interfere in the relationship between the two. Yes, achieving is always bold and challenging. But if she gave her feelings to someone else, is it fair? Think about it. But if you are determined, you can give the following advice.

  1. Become her friend.
  2. Try not to interfere in her personal relationship with another boy. Never. Give advice only if she asks you for it.
  3. You have no choice but to wait patiently for this relationship to end. Maybe you will be the only one from whom she will seek solace after the breakup.
  4. In all this there is a risk of forever remaining only a friend to her.

Here's how to get a girl to like you if she's dating someone else. If you can stand it, be patient. No - it’s better to step aside altogether and switch to another relationship.

Helpful advice

Never lie to a girl you like. She will intuitively sense a lie and may not forgive you for it.

The nuances of teenage relationships

Teenagers are hyperactive. The whole world is open to them. They dream of a bright future and absorb information with delight. The doors are always open. I want to communicate with friends and talk about forbidden topics.

Guys in the yard regularly discuss representatives of the opposite sex. Girls attract them like a magnet. Because of this, boys develop unusual feelings that force them to commit rash acts.

It is worth understanding that a 14-year-old girl can like cheerful and interesting guys. At a young age, girls are looking for a prince on a white horse, about whom they write in their personal diary.

Children's relationships are rarely based in an erotic context. School sweethearts walk hand in hand, hug, and secretly kiss. They are attracted by an unknown feeling. This information will help you understand ways to attract the attention of a beautiful girl at 11 years old.


How to accurately understand that a girl likes you

How to please a girl by correspondence?

How to get a girl to like you via correspondence
Well, the last situation, quite relevant for today: let's figure out how to get a girl to like you on VK . Well, or on any other social network.

  1. Don’t bombard her with messages for no reason, don’t impose.
  2. It’s better to start the day with a simple “Hello!” and end with a simple “Bye.”
  3. Once a day, when she is online, ask how she is doing.
  4. Ask the girl for some advice.
  5. Visit her page and let her know that you are interested in her. But only like what you really like there. Don't be a hypocrite.
  6. Offer her help in solving some problems. Become useful to her.

Now you know what to do to make a girl like you , so you can act according to useful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you don’t act rashly, know how to control your emotions and find the golden mean in everything, the girl you like will definitely pay attention to you.

Classification of fears

First, let's share fears and phobias. Phobias cannot be cured either by training or by willpower. If you have phobias, you need to go to a psychologist or psychotherapist or work through them with personal practices. Another thing is fears.

Fears are often associated with evaluating the results of your actions. Many guys are afraid to approach girls, touch them, or invite them to their home, or seem intrusive, just because they have had experiences in their lives when they were judged for expressing their Self.

Accordingly, there are 2 feelings that go hand in hand in this process - shame and guilt. Parents usually do the shame, and the feeling of guilt is carefully cultivated by society. Therefore, if you need a deep study of fears, then you need to go and do therapy, remove the feeling of guilt and shame for possible actions that have not yet been completed.

To better understand how fears manifest themselves in interactions with girls, I’ll give an example. Let's say you're sitting in a restaurant and you see some beautiful girl, or even more than one. The girls sit, smoke a hookah and look into your eyes. You experience fear, which begins to whisper some thoughts to you: “They are too cool for me... I don’t have enough money to invite them somewhere... I don’t know what to tell them... I don’t know where to take them... I’m afraid to approach to the girl." In this way, you rationalize the stiffness and feeling of physical heaviness in your chest, stomach, arms or head, and explain it to yourself with some clear and clear thought that devalues ​​your future actions so that you don’t feel ashamed. Because if you refuse, you may begin to feel shame or guilt and think that you are somehow different, because everyone gets to know each other correctly, but you get to know each other incorrectly.

Fear can even be felt as physical cold or heat. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it without trying to cross the border of fear. You definitely need to take some action and move towards fear, at least in small steps. And be sure to include some practices - working with a therapist, the New NLP code that we give at the training, yoga or any cyclic sport that allows you to launch certain processes in the brain that are similar to meditation.

Accordingly, you approached the girl, you were very scared, you blushed, turned pale, they sent you, and you left. Then work through the situation using the New NLP code and next time it will be 5 times easier for you. You will come up again and, perhaps, they will send you again, but at a new stage.

Also a great tool when working with fears is to break down the fearful goal into smaller components: first you say, “Hello.” Then: “Hello, my name is Timur.” Next: “Hello, my name is Timur, you are beautiful.” Each time you go further and further and end up making complex sentences with isolated adverbial phrases and they don’t send you. Because the further you get, the less excitement remains, simply because you are constantly practicing and working through your fears.

The main thing is to move gradually. Set yourself the task of coming up and saying “Hello” and asking any social question. When you do this 10 times, it turns out that girls do not bite your head off, and some even show interest in you, stop, look into your eyes, smile and answer the question. When you do 10 more approaches, you will see that some girls answer you in detail and waste their time on you. And your self-confidence becomes a little more. Because you don’t have any incredible expectations from your first approach and social question, and in case you don’t get an answer or get a sparing answer, you won’t be very upset. Thus, you gradually increase your self-confidence. This is exactly how fear processing works.

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