Qualities of a successful person: what a competent leader needs to have

Author: Sophia Certification engineer, technical documentation developer.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not want to achieve success in his career or in life in general, but this is not given to everyone. Many people feel they could do more in areas of their lives, but they don't know where to start, what to focus their attention on, or where to use their resources. Undoubtedly, anyone can become a successful person, but only under the condition of constant self-development. Success is not just luck. It is necessary to spend a lot of time studying the business, applying and improving your knowledge and skills even in the face of adversity and potential failure.

But this is still not enough! To achieve success, you need not only energy, time and the right skills, but also the qualities of a successful person.

What is success?

The very concept of “success” can be perceived in different ways: for some it is a career, a dream job, a high position in society, or the development of mental abilities, personal growth, charity, saving civilization, but for others success is love and family values.

In any case, success is achieving your desired goal, the opportunity to do what you like and live the way you like. A successful person is one who was able to start his own project and see it through to completion. A successful person always achieves his goals, whatever they may be. Successful people understand that they have choices in life and that they are responsible for any outcome of their efforts. They do not blame anyone or anything for their mistakes; on the contrary, they learn from their mistakes and move on. They don't give up on their goals when things don't go their way. They do their best and turn a problem into an opportunity leading to their personal success. So what qualities should a successful person have?

Ability to learn new things

Learn to learn
It is those people who have learned to learn who are always on the crest of a wave of progress. Knowledge determines a lot. Not everyone is able to extract knowledge from tons of written works. It is knowledge, in its narrow profile, that makes you an expert, that determines success.

We must develop the ability to receive them. They've been working on this since school. There are no bad students, as such, there are those who did not bother to understand this science. Perhaps they don’t need it, this can also be assumed. But the factor itself, if you don’t understand, still reach out to the teacher to explain again, is very important. It is called to comprehend, that is, to understand the essence.

From a psychological point of view

A science such as psychology provides its answers to the question of what a successful person is and what specific qualities he should have.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of characteristics identified by Western and domestic psychologists. Moreover, many of them divide all human qualities into two groups.

In the first group:

  • Energy and healthy lifestyle.

Today no one argues that “health” is another human resource comparable to others.

To work productively and bring your goals to life, you definitely need to pay attention to your health.

Energy is one of the manifestations of health. In the modern world, only a fast-thinking person, capable of changing his plans on the fly, can manage to implement plans, sometimes despite the circumstances.

  • Sobriety, self-confidence.

Only a self-confident person is able to objectively assess his knowledge: do not underestimate, do not exaggerate. Thanks to this, he initially occupies an advantageous position in which he is able to show his best side, which he can develop.

At the same time, he soberly assesses his strengths, sees his weak points and points of growth. This allows him to focus on what will actually produce results. And he simply delegates those tasks in which he is weak to others.

Self-confidence is closely related to high self-esteem. Successful people understand that failure is what they do, not who they are. They also monitor warning signs of low self-esteem to ensure they always maintain a positive self-image. They understand that self-esteem is a state of mind, and choosing high self-esteem is much more beneficial than choosing low self-esteem.

  • Discipline and self-control.

This point is put third, but its real importance is much greater.

In fact, it is difficult to name at least one successful person whose formula for success would not include these two simple words: “self-control” and “discipline.”

Only constant self-organization, the ability to get up on time, perform routine tasks and do your job with discipline, deny yourself desires and pleasures for the sake of a specific goal, lead to tangible results.

  • Desire to set goals.

If there is no desire to achieve more in life, to reach some heights, then there is no need to talk about success. A purposeless life is in no way comparable to a successful person.

Successful people constantly seek clarity in their lives, they know what they want and follow their goal. Unclear desires and beliefs lead to unclear results. It is this sense of direction that gives them the tenacity to stick to their goals and realize their dreams.

  • Hard work.

At trainings, the so-called “coaches” like to say: at one point they realized that they needed to do less, but with greater efficiency. All this is outright bullshit, forgive me for expressing my thoughts so simply.

All successful people, at some point in their lives, worked 14 hours a day and were passionate about their business, and only thanks to this they got ahead of their competitors and reached heights.

You can study dozens of biographies of the most successful people and be convinced that hard work is the basis of success.

Hard work is good. But you need to work in the area and area where your work brings maximum results. And everything else needs to be delegated to specialists.

The second group includes professional qualities:

  • Effective time management.

Time management is the ability to properly distribute your time.

Sometimes it is important to focus on work, but there should be time for rest. It makes sense to work a lot, but we must not forget about the economics of the project and the search for potential investors.

A successful person makes plans. Not for a year, a month, but the next day. He knows very well that he will work in the morning, and in the afternoon he will meet with the right people to sign important contracts.

  • Ability to plan and achieve results.

A well-written plan should be a natural extension of a good idea.

Planning is an important aspect that allows you to minimize risks and build processes in such a way that you get results.

  • Responsibility.

Responsibility for the possible and achieved result is an important characteristic feature of an accomplished personality.

When a person feels responsible for the result, he tries to solve the problem quickly and efficiently. As a result, all the forces of the body and all knowledge are modernized.

  • Ability to learn and think effectively

A modern specialist does not think for a second that he knows everything. This simply doesn't happen today.

Therefore, any successful person constantly learns, improves his skills, and acquires new knowledge. Moreover, it not only accumulates the information received, but constantly analyzes and looks for points of application.

Psychologists also highlight such a factor as social circle as a separate category. It is already easy to understand that the formula for success does not involve communicating with people who are simply “wasting their lives.” A person striving for success and self-development seeks communication with like-minded people. And, on the contrary, he avoids communicating with people who hinder his professional development.

One should not think that such a life becomes burdensome, turns life into some kind of planned hell. In fact, very soon a person’s thinking changes, and he is already completely immersed in the processes of creation, creation, and work.

Not workaholics, but “hard workers”

The second common quality of successful people is hard work. When Richard asked Martha Stewart what helped her achieve phenomenal success, she replied: “I have always worked hard. I just work, work and work all the time. Never trust that someone else will do your work for you.” Labor is the price of entry into the territory of success.

According to Larry Page, work was the key to Google's success:

We started working on this search engine eight or nine years ago, while we were still at Stanford University. And we always worked on it very hard, 24 hours a day. Inspiration alone is not enough for success. It is probably 10% inspiration, and 90% working up a sweat.

From a material point of view

The world is structured in such a way that it is quite difficult to separate material wealth from the overall success of an individual. You can be a brilliant chemist, but without having a modern laboratory, the construction of which costs a lot of money, it is unrealistic to achieve anything.

Therefore, the formula for success must be formed with an eye on the material world, on what can be calculated in monetary terms.

A successful person looks a little different from the material side. What is he like? This is discussed below:

  • Financial condition.

    There’s no need to explain anything here, because 90% of the world’s population directly equate money and success. As the proverb says: “If you are so smart, why don’t you have millions?”

  • Status

    . The second big reason for doing your best to achieve your goals. Status, influence, power - for some people they are even more valuable than money.

  • The opportunity to live the way you like, free leisure, travel.

    Here you can add luxury apartments, cars, things. This factor is often used when “showing off.”


Energy is the key to success
An energetic person acts an order of magnitude more than a person who lacks energy. There are many different people who have achieved great results. What do they all have in common? Precisely, all these people were very, very energetic.

Therefore, when we have a lot of energy, we actively move towards our dreams, and when our energy drops, there is a high probability that we will break the rules and stop. Remember, you are not a battery, you are a generator that can create energy. The target releases thirst, which is the driving force behind the generator. Live life to the fullest and abundantly. Be happy looking at everything that happens around you.

Personality qualities that contribute to success

So, having listed the signs of success, you can try to highlight those qualities that help each person and form the formula for success.

  • What contributes to successful activity, if we consider the structure of society objectively. More on this below.
  • The ability to convince others. Some people construct dialogue so precisely and know how to choose their words that it is difficult to disagree with them.
  • The ability to foresee the near future at some mental level. Almost like in chess, they “see” several moves ahead and use this knowledge.
  • Physical and mental endurance. This characteristic is closely related to health, but is not entirely identical to it. To achieve high results, you need to have a certain endurance to withstand all possible tests.
  • Formation of one's own personality. Unfortunately, the education system is designed in such a way as to bring everyone to the average. Therefore, people who are able to resist circumstances, who are ready to assert their identity, almost always achieve success.
  • The ability to properly communicate with others. Some people are able to understand the state of their interlocutor, neighbor, or employee sitting next to them. They use this skill.
  • Particular flexibility in relationships. Such people know how to retreat when they admit that they are wrong. As a result, they often receive compromise from rivals where others suffer a crushing defeat.


Be grateful
He is the most underrated.

When we are grateful we have a lot of energy. Gratitude is one of the most powerful drivers. Many people forget about the things around us that we can be grateful for. It’s easy to give thanks when everything works out and goes “like clockwork,” but this is not always the case in life. Life presents us with challenges. We need to learn to see the world with grateful eyes! For everything, give thanks. What's in it for you? Lightness and the ability to enjoy the little things.

Be grateful and achieve more goals.

Barriers to the growth of professional skills

It is noteworthy that even with many positive and “strong” qualities, many people do not achieve success. The fact is that there are barriers that limit human development. Some of them become such a solid wall that they completely block the possibilities for a successful life.

The list of psychological qualities that clearly impede a successful life can be very wide. The main ones should be listed:

A person is simply afraid of new situations. This is a very serious problem that is almost impossible to achieve success in most areas.

  • Fear of possible psychological discomfort and pain. Such a person simply does not try to make new contacts, does not get involved in a new business. In such conditions it is difficult to become a successful person.
  • Underestimating yourself, your skills and talents. The problem stems from childhood, from improper upbringing, and becomes an insurmountable barrier to the formation of an adult successful personality. This includes distrust of one’s abilities and fear of any mistake.
  • Lack of skills and abilities. A weak knowledge base, a lack of profession in principle - all this also does not contribute to a successful life. It is impossible to erect a building without laying a foundation. And here it’s exactly the same: no knowledge, skills, skills - no ideas, confidence, plans.

The above psychological factors become a serious obstacle to the development of one’s personality and achievement of goals.


Successful people understand the importance of living an honest and authentic life. Dishonesty distorts reality and judgment, and ultimately hinders your ability to make good decisions. In the bigger picture, dishonesty is often a series of small compromises that ultimately cause you to devalue the things you value.

This goes hand in hand with refusing to tolerate situations or people that compromise your integrity. When you live with compromised integrity or allow people in your life or business to question practices or business ethics, they can slowly brush aside your sense of self-worth and feed off their principles at the expense of yours. So first of all, be honest with yourself.

Qualities of the most successful people

Western researchers have collected a database and analyzed the lives of the most successful people. Among the objects of attention, as expected, were: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Arkady Volozh, Pavel Durov, Evgeny Kaspersky and others.

Based on an analysis of the biographies of the most successful business representatives, researchers were able to identify basic personal qualities that are likely to contribute to success.

Desire comes first

Surprisingly, the engine of many achievements was a banal “obsession.” The most successful individuals in modern history were so passionate about their goals that they did not notice obstacles.

Serious internal impulse

The model of life is based on the banal: wanted and did. For these people there are no external obstacles; they simply have not heard the arguments against.

Unjustified optimism

Where others would think and measure seven times, they begin to act. They firmly believe in their strengths and abilities, in the uniqueness of the idea, in the demand for a service or product.

Even major failures cannot shake the strong optimism that simply gushes out of them.

They firmly believe that there are no obstacles that a person cannot overcome.

Living in the present

The most successful people of our time are so competent in time that they literally operate with time:

  • evaluate ideas realistically;
  • think about the short term;
  • are able to connect strategic development plans with current needs.

Think according to the “need/don’t need” principle

This kind of thinking is usually called “black and white” and is not generally encouraged by society. But, surprisingly, the success formula of the best representatives of our time is built on this type of thinking.

When all life situations are easily sorted into “necessary” and “not necessary”, it is easier to achieve many goals.

The perception of the world around is simplified, and the goal becomes more clear and achievable.


It's strange that this point is so far from the beginning of the section, because it is often fundamental.

It is difficult to achieve something in splendid isolation, but in order for the team to work on your idea, they need to be captivated and convinced.

It is noteworthy that almost all successful people, at the stage of establishing their first business, did their best to convince others to work for the idea.

Tendency to take risks

“He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” - this phrase is very suitable for many people who are considered successful after the fact.

Ability to take responsibility

Every successful businessman perfectly feels his boundaries of responsibility: for words, employees, friends, a common cause.

Despite their straightforward thinking, startup owners understood perfectly well where and when they needed to take full responsibility in order to increase their business reputation and give confidence to others.

Rational attitude towards money

Those who have achieved everything themselves have a much simpler attitude towards money and consider it a means to achieve goals.

  • There is no hoarding for the sake of hoarding.
  • There is no unrestrained spending on luxury.
  • Money ceases to be a goal, but becomes a tool for further development.

They spend all the funds received on new projects, solutions, and innovative ideas.

Modesty, democratic views

Almost all modern intellectual leaders and owners of modern corporations are democrats. Some clearly and openly support this form of government, others indirectly preach the ideas themselves. Yes, they may not support a particular government in a particular country right now, but in general, they always show democratic views.

High ability to adapt

The world is changing so quickly that it is simply impossible to exist without this skill.

Successful people always know how to adapt to new realities, challenges, and systems. This is what allows them to remain among the leaders for many years and even decades.


Everyone knows it: the guaranteed way to achieve success is to find your passion. Much more important is how to find it. Richard divides people into “struggling” and “seekers.” “Struggling” are those who are lucky: they have already met their passion and are now moving towards their goal. And the “seekers” are trying to find passion.

Robert Munsch said that he tried many professions before finding his passion: “I studied to be a priest, but nothing came of it. I worked as a sailor on a ship. The ship sank. I searched for myself in many ways, but in vain. However, I didn't give up. And suddenly I found something worthwhile for myself.” And this is truly “something worthwhile.” Having discovered his passion for writing books for children, Robert already has 40 million copies of his works sold in 20 countries.

Take the advice of Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind person to conquer Everest: “Find your passion. Look for her in dark alleys and inaccessible places. She will bring you happiness."

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