Any society has developed certain moral standards. They are not enshrined anywhere at the legislative level, but are passed on by word of mouth or through special literature. There are no sanctions for failure to follow moral standards. The maximum that someone who fails to comply with them can run into is public censure.

good child

Don't blindly follow other people's opinions. Developed moral qualities are the basis for interacting with people and achieving success. Therefore, it is important to train them for both adults and children.

What are moral qualities

Moral qualities are closely related to the concepts of good and evil. Certain actions in a particular society are considered positive, others - negative. Any person should be able to take responsibility for his actions, and moral qualities are guidelines pointing to the direction in which to move and what should not be done.

Definition in psychology

Many definitions have been given to the concept of “moral qualities”. The most common of them sounds like this. Moral qualities are the totality of all characteristics that speak of a person as a conscious person. They are expressed in a person's actions and manners. By his behavior, outsiders can judge the presence or absence of specific character traits.

All these moral and ethical qualities are divided into three categories:

  1. Can. These are individual rights that do not conflict with either social norms or the values ​​of a particular person. They don't harm other people, but they don't have to. For example, everyone has the right to manage their money as they wish.
  2. It is forbidden. These are actions that can cause negative emotions in strangers or even cause harm to them. Some of them are spelled out in the criminal code. An example of a rule from the “no” category - it is prohibited to manage other people’s money if the owner has not lent it or has not authorized it.
  3. Need to. These are rules that have social value, but are not important for the person himself.

Important ! Moral qualities can conflict with each other. For example, a doctor does not want to treat a murderer and rapist, but wants to do his job responsibly.

The moral qualities of a person are based on intellect, will and emotions. A person has to constantly solve ethical problems. The answer to how best to act is not always on the surface.

If a person does something unacceptable, he feels guilty, his conscience awakens when he does something wrong. This mechanism shows that these actions should not be performed in the future. Conscience is the emotional component of moral qualities.

Kind child loves a cat

Will is realized when a socially significant action has no value for the person himself.

Psychological character of a person

Character is one of the components of the psychological portrait of a person. But it alone is not enough to form a full-fledged opinion about a person, which is necessary, for example, for hiring a responsible job or making an informed choice in your personal life.

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At the same time, you need to determine the person’s temperament.

There are four in total


  • sanguine
    _ A person with a stable nervous system is quite mobile and balanced. The processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system quickly appear and also quickly decline. Optimistic, sociable. The downside is that they are capable of irresponsibility and frivolity.
  • choleric
    _ A very mobile nervous system. It gets excited quickly, but cools down slowly. Extremely restless, always having to do something, energetic. Disadvantages: conflict-ridden, aggressive, hot-tempered.
  • phlegmatic
    . The nervous system is very stable and balanced, but not dynamic. Cannot switch from one topic to another, does not work at “high speeds”. But the result will be impressive - everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Reliable, responsible. Disadvantages - clumsy, rather dry in communication.
  • melancholic
    . The nervous system is very weak, vulnerable, impressionable. Soft, sensitive people. Cons: low performance, suspiciousness, isolation.

Individual abilities are considered as the third component within the psychological portrait


  • general, formed under the influence of intelligence. This is mental flexibility, hard work, and the ability to adapt.
  • special, appealing to a certain direction: to oneself personally, to communication, to completing a task.

To compile a psychological portrait, the following are also taken into account: intelligence, emotionality, feelings, communication skills, stress resistance, self-esteem.

Indicator of moral maturity of a person

Volitional personality traits - what is it in psychology, their formation
In everyday life, morality is synonymous with the concept of a “highly moral personality.” To become like this, you need to become psychologically mature. Here are some criteria for a moral personality:

  1. Responsibility is a person’s ability to understand that his actions have consequences.
  2. Internal locus of control. A morally mature person will not shift responsibility to other people. Instead of looking for someone to blame, he will think about how to solve the problem or correct the mistakes he has made.
  3. Adequate self-esteem. Any moral person soberly assesses his strengths and weaknesses and acts based on them. He actively applies the former, and compensates for the latter or tries to correct it. A mature person will not lean to the other extreme - hyper-responsibility. Not everything depends on her, so she clearly distinguishes which situations were provoked and which happened by chance.
  4. The ability to reflect: analyze one’s thinking, actions and the situation in which a person finds himself. This allows you to draw conclusions and put them into practice.
  5. Willingness to be punished or experience the unpleasant consequences of one's actions. Lack of desire to run from problems caused by mistakes.
  6. The ability to predict the consequences of your actions before they are committed. For example, a person addicted to alcohol does not think about the consequences of his drinking. If he had thought about it seriously before he poured himself a drink, he might have been able to refrain.

Thus, moral maturity goes hand in hand with personal maturity. Its central concept is responsibility, which includes all the points described.

A good elephant is an example of morality

Important ! The formation of a highly moral personality is a long process that begins when a person is a preschooler. Kindergartens use different methods to develop intelligent individuals who will show respect for themselves and others. At school they teach social studies, where they talk about morality.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain traits are inherent in one or another nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, and cheerful disposition. The Russian soul throughout the world is considered mysterious and incomprehensible, since Russians are not distinguished by the rationality and logic of their actions, and are often influenced by mood. Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly adopts the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him and lend a helping hand. It is impossible not to mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia has helped its neighbors at all borders of the country, and today only a heartless person will ignore the misfortune of another.

Types of moral qualities

Negative character traits - how to find and correct negative qualities
There are many classifications of types of moral qualities; if we summarize them, we get the following categories:

  1. Ethical. Norms that prescribe what is considered positive and what is considered negative.
  2. Moral. Rules of behavior based on love for one's neighbor. Although at first glance ethical and moral standards do not differ from each other, this is not entirely true. Even criminal gangs have their own ethics, which allow them to kill, steal and rape. But such actions are not moral, because they do not contain love for one’s neighbor. Also, there can be many ethics, but only one morality.
  3. Religious. These are moral qualities considered ideal in a particular religion. Previously, they were considered the main ones, and in a number of theocratic states they are included in legislation even now.
  4. Microgroups. These are norms accepted in a certain group. They can either be identical to the morality accepted in a certain territory, or be independent of it.

Libra is a common example of moral character.

Important ! This division is quite arbitrary. For example, the idea of ​​what love for one's neighbor is varies from person to person. Religious beliefs are also based on morality.

Basic moral qualities

Qualities of a man - bad and good character traits, what to cultivate in yourself
The division of qualities into good and bad is only conditional. The same characteristic is considered useful or harmful depending on the situation. For example, prudence can develop into indecisiveness. Lack of conflict can develop into weak character. Thrifting can seem like stinginess. Pride develops into arrogance. In any case, there are a number of qualities that are considered positive or negative.

Positive character traits

A quality that helps a person live and benefits people is considered positive. Such high, worthy characteristics from a spiritual point of view are considered:

  1. Determination. The ability to make drastic changes in life, readily accepting the possible consequences.
  2. Courage. The quality with which a person can do something despite fear.
  3. Strength of will. The ability to resist momentary temptations in favor of a prosperous future.
  4. Generosity. When a person easily partes with his resources for the benefit of another. Although generosity is usually associated with money, there can be other resources, such as time. Sometimes the latter is valued even more by loved ones. In general, you can be generous in a broad and narrow sense.
  5. Determination. This quality is considered especially positive when a person and his immediate environment strive for the same results. Then he becomes a leader, thanks to him, all members of the group begin to live better. If goal-orientation is focused solely on one's own goals, it can be destructive because it does not take into account the interests of other people.
  6. Decency, honesty. This includes the lack of desire to hide something from your loved ones, openness to them.
  7. Empathy. The ability to sense another person's emotions and act on them.

All these positive qualities can play a cruel joke, both on the person himself and on other people. Therefore, it is important to remain flexible and adapt to the situation.

Negative qualities

By analogy with positive qualities, those personality traits that harm oneself and others are considered negative. Many of them are the opposite of positive aspects: squandering, indecisiveness, callousness, deceit and others. Here are some other negative qualities:

  1. Inappropriate careerism. The case when excessive determination has a negative impact on other people.
  2. Aggressiveness. When a person does not know how to competently redirect negative emotions, causing harm to others.
  3. Irresponsibility is the thoughtless commission of actions that obviously have negative consequences.
  4. Parasitism is when a person takes the resources of another person without giving anything in return.
  5. Corrupt practices.

Manifestation of negative qualities of people in various situations

Career. On the path to promotion, the best qualities of a good person can be replaced by hypocrisy, lies, vanity, self-centeredness, hatred and arrogance.

Extreme situation. A feeling of fear for your health and life can cause unexpected actions (deceitful, treacherous, cowardly, weak-willed, and others).

Relationship. A clear example is jealousy, stupidity, greed, grumpiness and sloppiness. A person's bad qualities are especially noticeable when living together with other people.

Ways to develop moral qualities

The development of any positive characteristic is based on the development of appropriate habits. The easiest way to start is with one good deed a day, even a small one. After some time, this will become a habit; helping people will begin automatically.

You can reward yourself for strong-willed victories. For example, if you managed not to show a negative quality, you can praise yourself and do good.

So, moral and ethical qualities are characteristics of a person that can be described through the concepts of good and evil. The same qualities may manifest themselves differently in different situations, but there is a certain set of characteristics that people consider predominantly positive or negative.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of individual traits that manifest themselves in different types of activity, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people.
To more accurately assess the character of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail. Types of character:

  • cycloid – mood swings;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists of high activity and failure to complete tasks;
  • asthenic – capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive – timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • dysthymic – focused on the negative side of current events.


Moral qualities are a set of character properties that reflects a person’s inner world and worldview, his judgments about norms of behavior, which to a certain extent helps to assess the level of his spiritual development. Moral qualities include a set of human virtues that are developed in the process of accumulating practical, life experience.

Under the influence of external and internal factors, the formation of behavior patterns encouraged in society occurs, which further determine the characteristics of the individual’s actions, including in personal relationships. The definition of a term in psychology presupposes the formation of a system of rules that regulate human activity within society. Distinctive signs of positive moral qualities:

  • Unselfishness.
  • Lack of pragmatism.
  • Altruistic, selfless.

Moral qualities are such spiritual values ​​that comprehensively characterize a person, personify his inner content, which allows us to draw conclusions about a person’s psychotype. High moral qualities distinguish generous, noble, truthful people. The formation of moral qualities is carried out under the influence of intellect, emotions, and will. They can be:

  1. Positive (justice, honor, dignity). Character traits that do not conflict with the internal beliefs of the individual.
  2. Encouraged (responsibility, sense of duty). They encourage an individual to take certain actions that are approved by society, regardless of the internal attitudes of the individual himself.
  3. Negative (envy, money-grubbing, hypocrisy, cynicism). They contradict generally accepted principles and cause personal hostility on the part of other members of society.

Often the moral qualities inherent in one individual come into conflict, forcing him to experience emotions and make difficult moral choices. An example of a conflict between the principles of morality and morality and a person’s inner beliefs can be the moral choice that faces a doctor who is forced to treat a criminal.

The doctor experiences personal hostility towards the patient who has broken the law and committed an offense, but is bound by official duties and ethical standards and is forced to provide medical care to everyone in need. A similar example can be given with the participation of a lawyer who defends a criminal in court, experiencing negative emotions in connection with the assessment of his actions.

Features of formation and types

Moral qualities are character traits that are formed in the process of a person’s theoretical thinking, contribute to his self-determination and the ability to adhere to an objective position, moving away from subjective assessment.

Moral qualities are personal attitudes that regulate the behavior of an individual within the framework of relationships with other members of society. The value system is based on feelings and emotions approved in society. What are the moral qualities:

  1. Mercy.
  2. Compassion.
  3. Sympathy, empathy.
  4. Self-esteem.
  5. Feelings of shame for committing negative actions.

One of the main regulators of an individual’s behavior is conscience – a sense of moral responsibility to other people and society as a whole for actions taken. The degree of manifestation of conscience reflects the level of an individual’s ability to independently determine moral duties and exercise moral self-control over their actions.

The formation of moral values ​​occurs under the influence of many factors - upbringing, personal example of an authority figure, ethical standards preached in society. From childhood, an individual is instilled with the idea of ​​positive behavioral models. The list of rules is almost limitless:

  • Love your parents.
  • Take care of elderly relatives.
  • Do not take other people's things without asking.
  • Don't lie.
  • Do not offend the younger and weaker.
  • Be loyal to the Motherland.
  • Be obedient and hardworking.

The list of rules varies depending on the level of moral and spiritual development of the parents. In some cases (when the moral standards of the individual parent are deformed) it may contain attitudes that contradict generally accepted moral principles. When instilling moral values ​​in a child, parents give examples that embody positive and negative behavior patterns.

Moral assessment

An act is an element of moral behavior. An action can be active or passive (the absence of any action in a situation that requires an active response). The moral assessment of actions is the determination of the degree of conformity between the behavior of a particular individual and generally accepted behavioral models encouraged by society. To adequately evaluate an action, they rely on the following criteria:

  • The result of the action.
  • Ways to achieve the goal. If a person resorts to antimoral actions to achieve what he wants, even if the result is positive, the overall impression of the individual’s behavior is negative.
  • Motives that prompted an individual to act. If a person was motivated by noble impulses even in the event of a negative result condemned by society, the negative assessment is softened.

By adhering to chosen models of behavior, an individual finds a balance, a point of balance between his own aspirations, beliefs and standards established in society.


A morally mature person is the personification of successfully completed socialization. This is a person who has learned the norms of behavior encouraged by society and uses them in practice as a guide for his actions. Moreover, the desire to comply with generally accepted behavioral standards is dictated not by fear of reproach, punishment or possible benefit, but by personal beliefs, motives and principles. Sociologists give numerous examples of the manifestation of moral feelings:

  • Humanity, philanthropy.
  • Hard work, diligence.
  • Loyalty, devotion.
  • Sense of tact, delicacy.
  • Spirituality, religiosity.
  • Sincerity, openness.

Altruistic behavior patterns are inherent in many animals. Often females raise offspring of another species and show selfless care for their young. Helping relatives of a similar genotype contributes to the survival of competitive species, which significantly expands the understanding of natural selection of individual orientation. Such behavior is due to natural selection of group orientation; it helps the survival of the entire population.

Drawing analogies, we can say that the moral behavior of an individual is laid down in biological programs and is implemented at a subconscious level. People are biological organisms that are characterized by a certain pattern of behavior on a subconscious, reflex level. Among the reflexes inherent in nature and correlating with the concept of morality, it is worth noting:

  1. Maternal instinct.
  2. Caring for a partner with whom the instinct of procreation is realized.
  3. Caring for relatives and the population (society) as a whole.
  4. A sense of patriotism (love for the Motherland, place of birth).

Vivid examples of spontaneous morality are actions that are based on a person’s subconscious desire to follow norms that contribute to the preservation of the population as a whole. A woman breaks off a relationship with her lover upon learning that he is married, subconsciously assessing such a relationship as unpromising (in relation to procreation) and immoral (causing moral harm to the legal spouse of the partner, and therefore threatening a relative of a similar genotype and population). Special manuals provide other examples of spontaneous morality:

  • Providing assistance to an elderly person who is unable to cross a busy highway on his own.
  • Stopping a personal vehicle and assisting a person who is standing on the side of the road and gesturing for help.
  • An involuntary desire to help carry a heavy bag to a person who, for various reasons (old age, disability, physical weakness), is unable to cope with the task.

The presence of immoral people who violate moral standards testifies to the relative freedom of a person from the influence of biologically embedded models of normal behavior. A person is endowed with intelligence, the ability to think logically, predict, plan and independently choose moral values. Examples of the deformation of universal human norms can be traced in historical periods of totalitarian regimes, for example, Hitler in Germany, Pinochet in Chile, Stalin in the USSR.

Moral qualities are an indicator of a person’s level of intelligence and spiritual development, a reflection of the degree of his socialization and the presence of self-control. Morality is the basis of humanism, humanity and civilization. The collapse of moral ideals is accompanied by a surge in crime in society, indicates the degradation of members of society, and foreshadows large-scale humanitarian disasters.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Morality is the basis, the rules on which a person relies in his activities and life in order to achieve success, respect and recognition. And today we will look at what moral qualities a person has, so that you understand what you need to pay attention to if you want to improve and develop.


List of qualities


A person must understand what consequences his activity entails or, conversely, inaction. Unfortunately, it is characteristic mainly of developed and mature people, independent and with self-respect. Because it is difficult to be responsible for your actions if you are used to someone else solving issues and problems. And also, if there is an opportunity to hide, so to speak, lie low and expect that everything will resolve itself.

But it is also difficult to stand aside and feel guilty for what they have done if a person is confident in himself and understands that he simply cannot look others in the eye, and also treat himself well, knowing the truth about his cowardice.

The formation and development of responsibility is ensured by such a method as the imposition of fines. That is, for every offense you need to do something that you don’t really like, but is useful. In terms of education, raising children, everything is clear, they know the rules and restrictions, if you break them, retribution will follow.

But in relation to yourself, you will have to use self-control and endurance in order to bring what you started to the end, and still deprive yourself of something in case of misconduct.

Honesty and openness

These seem to be positive qualities of a moral person, but you should be attentive and careful so as not to harm anyone. Suppose, by opening your soul to a perverted narcissist, you will only give him trump cards to control you, and save time for independently searching for your weaknesses. You will learn more about such a person from this article, and then you will understand why this is dangerous.

So, before you trust completely, be careful and attentive. But you must always be as honest as possible with yourself. It’s more pleasant to live in illusions, but no one has canceled reality, and if you ignore it, there is a risk of getting hurt, or even worse, crashing.


It manifests itself not only in the form of love for one’s homeland, city, planet in general, but also in showing interest in the traditions of one’s country. It is important to know the history of your ancestors, respect and appreciate them in order to pass on the accumulated knowledge further to your descendants.

Patriotism manifests itself in the desire to change for the better, if not the planet, then at least the city, the street, and, ultimately, oneself. So, what do you know about your family? Who did what, what kind of life did they live, what were they remembered for, what role did they perform during their lifetime, what did they strive for?


This is humanity, care, empathy. The problem is that feelings happen, it’s not easy to cause them on purpose. Therefore, if a person does not experience sincere empathy, if he is simply accustomed to relying on some kind of insensitivity for some reason, he will have to make a lot of effort to develop this humanism.

Try to notice and be aware of the moments when you feel gratitude towards other people. Perhaps this will help develop your humanity. Yes, it’s difficult to just love everyone around you, because it’s about depersonalization and in general, you can dry up in one fine moment.

But if you identify the people who surround you and are interested in them, keep track of how they were useful, and how you can help them in return, then it becomes much easier. At the very least, a figure appears towards whom one can justifiably feel something.


Allows you to think about a person that he is developed, well-mannered and harmonious. It is pleasant to deal with him and trust arises much faster, if only the politeness is sincere, and not pointedly pompous, with the goal of getting what you want by using someone else.

Discipline and culture of behavior

There are rules, foundations and norms in society, and in order to be in it, it is important to comply with them. Otherwise, you may even end up in prison.

There is such a definition as a deviant person is someone who is not able to behave in a disciplined manner and observe norms and laws. You will learn more about what this means and how to cope with deviance in the article at the link.


It is highly valued in the modern world, but it presupposes not only loyalty to your partner, but also to yourself, as well as to your given word. Therefore, if you want to be valued and trusted, always keep your promises. As a last resort, warn and explain if difficulties arise, so you can save the relationship and “face”.


Regardless of your personality type, that is, even if you are an introvert, it is important to be able to cooperate and conduct joint activities with the group in which you are. A person needs to feel that he belongs to some community. This allows you to feel support that there are a lot of similar people behind you, even classmates, colleagues, etc.

But in addition to belonging, you must be able to interact with those around you. Not only compete and defend yourself and your interests, but also cooperate, share something, find compromises and help.


A moral person must be intellectually developed, but this does not mean knowledge of formulas and theorems, but the level of his awareness. That is, to what extent he can rely on his experience and feelings, how he distinguishes between what is good and what is bad, whether he knows how to make choices and whether he generally understands what he wants from life and how he can achieve it.

You need to learn to feel every moment of your life, notice the present and appreciate it. Then time will not fly by in vain, depriving you of opportunities. Check out the article on mindfulness.

Hard work

Oddly enough, slackers and rakes are rarely considered moral people, as well as those who achieved success undeservedly, and even worse, “by going over their heads.” Be diligent and do not stop in the face of difficulties. Then at least you can recognize your contributions and efforts when you achieve your goals and dreams.


It is a kind of sense of proportion, what can be said and what cannot, how close one can get, what questions will be inappropriate, and so on. A tactful person appreciates another person's boundaries and notices when the other person has lost interest in order to avoid appearing intrusive.

By the way, tactfulness significantly reduces the number of conflicts and tense situations.


Morality is closely related to the moral and spiritual qualities of a person. That is, it is important not just to profess some religion, but to keep faith in something in your heart, pay attention to self-development, reading books, any practices that give harmony and peace, as well as an understanding of your purpose. You will find detailed recommendations on how to increase your spiritual level here.

Respect for the older generation

It is a small branch of humanity, its important component, but we decided to pay special attention to this point. Without respecting your past and origins, it is impossible to be grateful, and accordingly, there is no sense of self-worth and good self-esteem.

No matter what our parents and grandparents are like, no matter what kind of life they lived and what kind of relationship they developed or did not develop with them, there is always a moment for which we should thank them, and for which they are worthy of respect.

Do you know what this moment is? This is a choice once made to save life, no matter for you or your dad, mom... Because that is why you now have the opportunity to read these lines and just be. That is why you have a loved one, a close person or friend, an idol, etc. And it is important to teach children to respect the elderly, help them and, of course, pay attention, which they sometimes lack.

Caring for the environment

Care for nature, our smaller brothers. We have long moved away from primitiveness, so a moral person will put out the fire before leaving the forest. He will clean up the trash after himself and will not abuse animals, if only because he has compassion.

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All properties inherent in a person, which manifest themselves to one degree or another throughout her life, are related in pairs, and have a positive and negative component in their direction. The direction of manifestation, in relation to the existence of a personality, in this case, is called the quality of personality, as a certain tendency in the properties of the personal structure, which are not explicitly observed, but reflect the processes occurring in the surrounding world and the human body.

Personality qualities can be arranged as follows, in accordance with the definitions given to them here. (The terms used to name qualities are selected according to the degree of greatest correspondence between their interpretation existing in society and the definitions given to them here, according to which they are divided among themselves).

The belonging of qualities to one or another subplane is not arbitrary, but reflects the relationships that exist between them, which is expressed in the definitions given to them.

The total number of qualities used to describe any personality is 192. The names of qualities (the terms used) are quite conventional and serve as some labels for convenience of presentation (each name is assigned a definition, which is the “content” of a specific quality used in building a personal structure).

The possible intensity of manifestation of these qualities is associated with the moment of birth (the beginning of the formation of an independent personality structure) as a potential opportunity for one or another personality to form and further develop within such limits. Whether it will be fully realized depends mainly on the educational influence of others (primarily parents) and the state of the environment.

Personality Qualities - Spiritual Plan

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

REAMY - the ability to perceive new spiritual states that are not currently being realized in the environment.

WILL - the ability to distinguish one’s spiritual states, resolve spiritual conflicts, influence the spiritual state, thoughts and feelings of others.

COURAGE - the ability not to be afraid to perceive something new, maybe tragic, based on a strong state of mind.

RESPONSIBILITY - empathy and response to the state of others, all living things, the emergence of a desire to help, alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate, etc.

JOY is the internal state of “the soul sings” and its manifestation in the process of communication with others and internal life.

SENSITIVITY - the ability to perceive the spiritual state of others.

KINDNESS is the desire and constant need to do good to others, caused by a spontaneously arising internal state.

CONSCIENCE is the ability to have a spiritual response to what is happening, manifested, among other things, as “love for one’s neighbor,” even in the presence of negative emotions.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

PASSIVITY - the desire to remain invisible for fear of causing an unfavorable response from the outside, often associated with spiritual fatigue or weakness of spirit

SELFISHNESS is the desire to satisfy one’s spiritual needs at the expense or to the detriment of others.

STABILITY - the impossibility of changes in the spiritual state when the environment changes.

DISAPPOINTMENT - inability to perceive personally significant values, internal immediacy.

IMITATION - susceptibility to external influences leading to changes in internal “landmarks”.

INTENSITY is the desire to convey one’s spiritual state to others, often accompanied by the hope of some kind of help or support.

DISTRUST - a spiritual lack of perception of others due to fear of showing one's feelings or sharing thoughts, often based on previous negative experiences.

SINCERE is an open manifestation of one’s condition, associated with a desire for self-soothing, often due to the inability to take on too much responsibility for what is happening.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SENSITIVITY - unconditional perception of the partner’s states and the emergence of an internal spiritual response.

CONGRUENCE - the ability to be yourself, the ability to express your spiritual state to your partner.

CONFRONTABILITY - readiness to express one’s spiritual state, with the hope of establishing sincere relationships.

GENEROSITY - caring about the spiritual state of a partner more than about one’s own.

ALTRUISM is a selfless acceptance of a partner’s autonomy, contributing to the expansion of his spiritual capabilities.

IMMEDIATENESS - the ability to perceive the spiritual world of children and participate in their games “on an equal footing.”

EMPATHY is the ability to perceive “on the fly” the changing spiritual states of a partner, and manifest this in communication.

OPENNESS is an open manifestation of one's spiritual state to a partner to improve relationships, but not exhibitionism.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

DEPRESSION is the desire to “withdraw into oneself,” usually based on an inadequate perception of reality and, as a consequence, the lack of hope to change anything, self-immunity.

ATTACHMENT - the desire to limit oneself to maintaining a once established spiritual connection with a partner, not noticing changes in oneself and the partner.

SARCASM is the desire to isolate oneself from a partner due to his lack of perception and loss of faith in the possibility of improving relations.

Vanity is a manifestation of the internal instability of one’s own “I” in relationships with a partner.

ALIENATION is a manifestation of the enslavement of the spirit in communication with a partner, reliance on the schematic nature of relationships.

FROZEN - living in past spiritual states, often idealized, the desire to “adjust” your relationship with your partner to them.

JEALOUSY is a manifestation of spiritual self-torture, often based on an inferiority complex and internal self-doubt.

OBSESSION - artificially playing out “childishness” in order to gain internal stability, fear of being left with oneself.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

GENERITY - the ability to free yourself from unpleasant spiritual states, and not transfer them to the source that may have caused them.

CHARM - the ability to create spiritual comfort for others.

DELICITY - the ability to communicate without conflict with others, helping to resolve possible disharmonies.

TOLERANCE - the ability to perceive the environment as it is, and not try to immediately transform it.

SENSITIVITY is the ability to provide spiritual support at the right time to someone who needs it.

HONESTY is the ability to objectively perceive the environment and show this in relationships.

GENERALITY - the ability to perceive misfortunes in the world around us as our own and “root for everyone with our soul.”

PARTICIPATION - the ability to perceive the misfortunes of others as one’s own and provide appropriate assistance.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

ALERT - fear of influence from others that can unsettle you, usually based on internal conflicts with yourself.

UNCONTAINMENT is the inability to behave adequately with others, excessive manifestation of one’s own “I”.

DIPLOMATICITY is a conformity of relationships, freeing one from any active actions, somewhere akin to “my house is on the edge.”

Arrogance - self-affirmation through emphasizing one’s, usually imaginary, superiority in relation to others.

Schadenfreude - obtaining satisfaction from the spiritual discomfort around, often associated with envy - life “vampirism”.

CRUELTY - influence on the environment with the aim of destroying existing relationships for self-satisfaction.

arrogance is an attitude towards the environment as a “second class”, associated with one’s own internal failure.

NEGATIVISM is a manifestation of inadequate perception of the environment for personal self-affirmation.

Personality Qualities - Intellectual Plan

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

AWARENESS - the ability to observe, compare, analyze phenomena and processes in the surrounding reality and their interrelations.

MEMORY - the ability to remember and retrieve necessary information from memory in the process of thinking, the ability to use accumulated experience.

PERSISTENCE - the desire for results in solving emerging tasks and problems. The ability not to abandon the conclusions received on the spur of the moment.

METHODICALITY - the ability for long-term concentration, systematicity, scrupulousness. Having sustainable interests.

RESPONSIBILITY - the ability to determine the place and meaning in life for new information about the surrounding reality.

CURIOSITY - the presence of a conscious interest in the surrounding reality, the desire to understand the World.

PASSION - the ability to “disconnect” from the environment in the process of thinking, the ability to concentrate attention and focus on achieving a goal.

INDEPENDENCE - the ability to resolve contradictions in incoming information without relying on generally accepted opinion or authorities, its practical application.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

BIAS - an approach to emerging issues and problems from a subjective, evaluative position, the impossibility of leaving the usual “framework”, a black and white alternative.

FORGETTING - inability to remember and accumulate experience.

INDECISIBILITY - fear of drawing conclusions in the process of thinking, abandoning untenable decisions and making new ones.

Scatteredness is the simultaneous occupation of many issues, for the solution of which there is not enough energy and time, the inability to determine the main thing and concentrate on it.

ABSORPTION - failure to grasp incoming information, its essence, inability to divide information by degree of importance.

CURIOSITY - the desire to obtain new information - as an end in itself, change for the sake of change.

ABSOLUTION - jumping from problem to problem, inability to complete a solution to an issue, susceptibility to external influences.

CARELESS - inability to concentrate, self-withdrawal from attempts to influence tomorrow, living in the present moment.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SELF-UNDERSTANDING is an understanding of one’s own essence and level of personal value, awareness of decisions made and choices made.

UNDERSTANDING - perception of the essence and personal value of a partner, the ability to explain his actions and actions.

REVENUE - the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, relying on accumulated experience, interpret it correctly and use it to improve mutual understanding with a partner.

INFLUENCE - the ability to influence a partner, promoting his development, based on an understanding of objective laws.

ACCEPTANCE - the ability to accept the reasons and motives of a partner’s behavior, the absence of an unreasonable desire to threaten or defend.

SELF-SACRIFICATION - the ability to sacrifice, experiment with oneself, not claim the freedom and independence of a partner.

ADEQUACY - revealing oneself and one’s understanding of what is happening in a relationship with a partner, the desire for dialogue.

KINDNESS - the ability to meet halfway, showing your disposition and sympathy for your partner, readiness to support him.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

MISUNDERSTANDING - addiction to an internally fixed way of thinking, failure to perceive information that contradicts the stereotypes of relationships with a partner.

ILLUSION - a far-fetched perception of the image of a partner and existing relationships.

BOREDITY is a manifestation of dependence on current stereotypes in planning joint activities.

NAIVITY - the desire for a fictitious, simplified ideal of relationships, selective perception of what is happening and the partner.

SELF-LOVE - ignoring a partner for the purpose of self-affirmation, often based on the fear of debunking the image of one’s own “I”.

SELF-SUFFERING is a conscious desire for emotional release through a certain interpretation of a partner’s behavior.

IMMUNITY - the inability to understand the reasons and motives of a partner’s behavior, lack of readiness to search, often due to lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.

LACK OF ALTERNATIVES - rejection of other people's opinions, imposition of strict demands on a partner (often inflated), lack of flexibility in relationships.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

PRACTICALITY - the ability to determine the best way to act to achieve a personally important goal.

CONFIDENCE - having one’s own opinion, immunity to manipulation of consciousness by others, but not dogmatism.

LEARNING ABILITY - the ability to perceive information and the ability to use existing methods of knowledge transfer.

PATIENCE - the ability to “not give up” when something doesn’t go well, the ability to carry out preparatory work.

DISCIPLINE - the ability to self-organize in the process of practical activity.

SERIOUSNESS is the ability to deeply comprehend what is happening and its manifestation in communication with others.

HARDWORK - the ability and satisfaction from the process of intellectual and practical activity. Constant work of the mind.

RESPONSIBILITY - consciously taking on obligations and directing efforts towards their implementation.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

Cunning - manipulation of the perceptions of others for the purpose of self-preservation or self-satisfaction, perhaps unconsciously.

FLIRTTHOUGHT is a superficially scattered perception of the environment, often with the goal of “not noticing” problems and the need to solve them.

RIGIDITY - inability to concentrate and difficulty in “switching” thinking when new information appears.

AGGRESSIVENESS - protection of internal limitations in development and existing stereotypes by eliminating the source of danger.

ADventURISM - insufficient understanding of reality combined with an active nature, reliance on chance.

ENVY - orientation towards simplified, fictitious or imposed values.

LAZINESS is an inability to engage in practical activity, usually based on a lack of understanding of its personally significant meaning.

RECESSITY - being carried away by the moment, resulting in the commission of ill-considered actions.

Personality Qualities - Emotional Plane

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

IMAGINATION is the ability to create a complex of sensations that do not clearly follow from what is happening and serve as the basis for associative thinking and fantasy.

EMOTIONALITY - perception of the environment and oneself by changes in internal sensations and their emotional expression, sometimes unconscious.

DETERMINATION is the ability to expand and change one’s emotional state, which serves as the basis for making decisions for practical activities.

RELAXEDNESS - the desire to obtain new emotional states caused by internal or external influences.

AESTHETICS - the ability to perceive and create completeness, harmony and beauty of forms.

INTUITION is the ability to understand the picture of what is happening and the ways of its development based on the available fragmentary data and the emotional state they cause.

INDEPENDENCE - perception of the environment without relying on existing stereotypes or external manipulation.

LIVABILITY - the ability to perceive unexpected emotions and feelings, the absence of “obsession” with anything.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

DEPRESSION is a state of hopelessness due to the inability to understand one’s feelings and emotions or what is happening around.

VANITY - ambition, development to unreasonable proportions.

AMBITIOUSNESS is the perception of the environment through the prism of self-affirmation, the need for which is constantly growing and determines decision-making and behavior.

EDITION - resolution of internal conflict, emotional release, through a sharp transition to another state that has become the usual norm.

Pickiness - the desire to “find the straw in the eyes of another”, “to make a molehill out of a molehill”, usually for the purpose of personal satisfaction or self-preservation.

ANXIETY is a state of internal uncertainty about the correct assessment of the environment or one’s own actions, fear of the unexpected.

SELF-AGGREGATION is the inability to “look at oneself from the outside,” based on the fear of debunking one’s own, usually invented, image.

TOUCHING - the desire to evoke a feeling of self-compassion, for the purpose of emotional satisfaction or release.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

RESTRAINT – conflict-free perception of a partner’s emotional states, acceptance of his individuality.

CREATIVITY - the willingness to change your emotional perception of the environment depending on the state and needs of your partner.

COMPASSION - emotional unity with a partner, help in overcoming a difficult or restless mental state.

TENDERNESS is the ability to create for a partner an atmosphere conducive to receiving emotional satisfaction.

PERSPECTIVENESS - the ability to find a mutual positive emotional connection and anticipate the development of the present and its trends.

INITIATIVE - the desire to search and experiment, the ability to look at the ordinary with a fresh look.

AUTHENTICITY is an open demonstration of one’s emotional state to a partner, the ability to be oneself in a mutual relationship.

Courtesy - the ability to give compliments, create conditions for a partner to express themselves emotionally.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

UNPREDICTABILITY is the formation of a state of uncertainty that allows one to renounce any type of responsibility for what is happening.

MASOCHISM - obtaining emotional satisfaction or emotional release from suffering of any kind

RUDE - ignoring the emotional state of a partner or one’s own and manifesting this in words, actions, and deeds.

Shyness is the economical use of one’s positive emotions by “fencing” oneself away from one’s partner.

BELLIOUSNESS - the desire to dominate by manipulating the partner’s emotional state, rejection of the partner’s right to be himself.

FALSEY - the use of tricks to keep a partner at a safe distance for oneself, often leading to a breakdown in contact with oneself.

Maliciousness is a subtle attack on a partner by creating a certain emotional state in the latter, usually as a way of self-affirmation or self-preservation.

STATICITY - rejection of the new, conventional correctness, adherence to clearly defined boundaries and frameworks in the manifestation of one’s state and demanding the same from the partner.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

BALANCE - the ability to restrain, control the manifestation of one’s feelings and emotions depending on external conditions.

ENERGY - the presence of the necessary “vital force” to achieve what is planned and the ability to use it.

ARTISTICITY is the ability to transform, “transition” into different states of human nature and perception of what is happening.

TACTICITY is a manifestation of a sympathetic attitude towards the emotional state of others.

RELIABILITY - the stability of internal states during significant changes in the surrounding reality, the manifestation of this in communication and teamwork.

COURAGE is an unconscious sense of one’s capabilities that does not clearly follow from previous experience and their use in critical situations.

LUCK is the ability to anticipate trends in the world around us and unconsciously use them for personally important purposes.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP is the ability to sense and use a situation conducive to the realization of internal aspirations.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SUSPICIOUSNESS - the desire to see a “backward meaning” in the actions of others that poses a threat to the internal state, often associated with past negative experiences.

INSTRUCTION - the desire to obtain emotional release at the expense of others, often associated with the presence of internal complexes.

TIMITY is the desire to protect oneself from all possible and impossible consequences of one’s activities, based on reluctance or fear to change anything about oneself.

LOVE OF POWER - the desire to realize one’s undertakings with the help of others, often due to a lack of one’s own strength or time.

WILLIESS - rejection of other people's opinions and changes in reality that contradict a previously developed attitude towards the environment.

DICTATORSHIP - the desire and practical activity to dominate others by using one’s capabilities in relation to others.

CAREERISM is a pragmatic approach to life and self-realization, self-restraint in the manifestation of one’s states in connection with a chosen or imposed lifestyle.

CONSERVATISM is the rejection of new things that require changes in the perception of the environment.

Personality qualities of the Physical plane

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

HEALTH - stability of the “physical states” of the body under external and internal negative influences, longevity.

STRENGTH - great physical capabilities, withstanding overloads.

REACTION - the ability to “instantly” respond in the state of the body to external or internal influences.

EXPLOSIVENESS - the ability to physically concentrate.

RECOVERABILITY - the ability to endure extreme overloads without damage to the body and return to a normal state.

AGILITY - rhythmic work of the body, absence of fuss and unnecessary movements.

ENDURANCE - the ability to be exposed to prolonged external influences and the monotony of life on the physical plane without damage to the body.

TRAINABILITY - the ability to develop physically.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SOLENESS - susceptibility to external or internal influences on the body, leading to disruption of its vital functions.

WEAKNESS - inability to withstand overload, low level of physical development.

INERTIA - a long-term attitude towards ongoing changes in the environment, the impossibility of rapid restructuring in the functioning of the body.

Slowness - inability to concentrate for a sudden change in physical activity.

FATIGUE - inability to restore physical strength in the process of life.

UNCOORDINANCE - the inability to establish the rhythmic functioning of the body, leading to excessive consumption of physical and other types of energy.

FATIGUE - inability to live a monotonous life and the associated physical activity.

UNTRAINABILITY - inability to develop physically.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

CHARM - cuteness, physical attractiveness, expressed in manners and behavior.

PASSION is an emotional and physiological interdependence that manifests itself in behavior and sexual relationships.

GRACE - ease and coordination of movements and behavior.

FREEDOM - experimenting with oneself, the opportunity to rebuild the interdependence of the mental and physical.

SEXUALITY - the ability and need to satisfy sexual needs.

CONSIDERATION - the ability to non-violently transition one’s body into a state that suits the partner.

Playfulness is the ability and need to create a sexual mood and its satisfaction, based on the physical properties of the body.

ACTIVITY - the ability to lead in sex, based on the physical capabilities of the body.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

INTENSITY - lack of “zest” in manners and behavior.

COLDNESS - lack of need for physical relationships.

CLUSHNESS - awkwardness manifested in movements and behavior.

DOMINANCE - inability to yield to a partner, suppression on the physical plane during sexual relationships.

COMPLEXITY - the presence of stable psychophysical relationships and the impossibility of changing them.

INDIFFERENCE - sexual infantility, inability to play during sexual relationships

WILLINGNESS - the need for special conditions for the connection between emotional and physical states.

FRIGIDNESS - lack of relationship through the physical plane.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

COMPOSITION - the ability to mobilize the body to perform work, manifested in hard work and conscientiousness.

STABILITY - an adequate response to external influences, the ability to family life and relationships in a team.

GRACE - refined beauty, flexibility, cheerfulness, something that “pleases the eye.”

ATTRACTIVENESS - harmony, manifested in wisdom, eloquence, etc., helping to captivate others.

SWITCHABILITY is the ability to change the type or rhythm of activity, which is also manifested in public leadership.

CONTROL - the ability to change your physical and physiological needs in different conditions.

ELEGANCE - presence of taste, ability to behave in society, to be a companion, sex appeal and intelligence.

AFFECTIVITY - likability for others, based on norms of behavior and methods of communication.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

UNBALANCE - inability to perform work, sometimes causing parasitism and personal gain.

Philistinism - difficulties in development and creativity, sometimes leading to pettiness, litigiousness, and routine in life.

AWFULNESS - inability to control oneself and one’s body in the process of life.

DISHARMONY - unevenness in development and needs, possibly fanaticism.

OBSESSION is a constant concern and inability to change the way of activity, manifested in conservatism, cynicism, hypocrisy.

UNMANAGEMENT - inability to self-govern, manifested in gourmetism, epicureanism, dependence on praise and flattery.

UNATTRACTABLE - lack of taste, unnecessary.

ANNOYING - capriciousness, pretentiousness, moralizing, leading to negative reactions from others.

List of moral personality criteria

First, let’s look at what positive qualities a person has, the presence of which determines his moral and ethical level:

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  • Humanism (philanthropy);
  • Responsibility (in relation to people; taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, choices, etc.);
  • Honesty;
  • Loyalty;
  • Respect for others (understanding and accepting their characteristics, for example, caring for a pregnant woman, attentive attitude towards the elderly);
  • Tolerance (accepting the fact that no one has to be perfect);
  • Politeness;
  • Discipline (ability to keep your word, fulfill promises);
  • Chastity;
  • Honoring elders;
  • Cleanliness, respect for other people's work.

Negative personality traits that relate specifically to the moral side can be designated as the opposite of those listed. Moreover, this means their absolute opposite . Since man is not a deity, there are periods in his life when he violates his own moral boundaries. For example, it is not always possible to tell the truth, because sometimes it can cause harm. Or a person may become rude in response to rudeness. When we talk about immorality, we mean a complete lack of morality or significant moral qualities.

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It should be understood that morality and ethics are relative. At different times and among different peoples, they were formed and changed in their own way. Observance of high morality is important in religious cultures and families, since believers believe that for non-compliance with these laws they will be punished before God.

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Before emancipation, women's morality (especially such qualities as chastity and fidelity) was practically a cult. In the modern world, the situation has shifted and now such moral convictions are no longer expected from the weaker sex.

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The boundaries of morality in today's society are quite blurred, which causes a lot of controversy. Does this indicate human degradation or evolution?

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Morality in modern society

Some scientists believe that morality and ethics are contrary to animal human nature, excessively limiting it. But in fact, they are what define us as a civilized society .

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Without morality, people would still live like animals, acting purely on instinct. The presence of morality indicates the existence of a mind that controls human behavior. And the presence of intelligence indicates the possibility of developing moral qualities.

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The stumbling block is that moral requirements are always put forward by society, but whether to comply with them or not is up to the individual to decide, but his decision is greatly influenced by collective beliefs. Now there is a cult of freedom of choice . Everyone does what they want and lives the way they want. Therefore, the younger the generation, the lower their moral ideals, because nothing is required of them.

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No, this does not say that morality must be hammered in with fists. It is enough to show the standard of morality that one would like to strive for, not because it is necessary, but because it is good, it makes the person himself and the people around him happy.

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It is impossible to teach a child to respect elders if you yourself do not respect elders, and if you do not respect the child. Only if you bully him, which will eventually break his personality.

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If every person thought about the moral education of himself, then the level of morality in society as a whole would increase many times over. But this is not profitable for most, because many people want to live solely to please themselves and their desires .

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Character or temperament?

Very often these two concepts are confused with each other. Indeed, both character and temperament shape human behavior. But they have a fundamentally different nature. Character is a list of acquired mental properties, while temperament is of biological origin. Possessing the same temperament, people can have completely different characters. There are 4 types of temperament: an impetuous and unbalanced choleric person, a leisurely and imperturbable phlegmatic person, an easy-going and optimistic sanguine person and an emotionally vulnerable melancholic person. At the same time, temperament can restrain certain character traits, and vice versa, character can compensate for temperament. For example, a phlegmatic person with a good sense of humor will still be stingy in showing emotions, but this will not prevent him from demonstrating a sense of humor, laughing and having fun in the appropriate society.

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