All about psychological defense, or How to correctly understand your reactions
A person constantly faces a conflict between his inner world and the surrounding reality. The human psyche is structured
3 sides of communication in social psychology and their functions with examples
The sides of communication are closely interconnected. In total, there are three aspect aspects of communication interaction between individuals:
Mental and psychological health of a person and personality
Mental health is an integral part and essential component of health. The WHO Constitution states: “Health
Topic 15. Social conflict and ways to resolve it
The concept of social conflict The concept of social conflict is much broader than it might seem at first glance.
Theories of personality in psychology as the basis for the further development of science
Personality theories in psychology are a set of theoretical and practical material about the nature of development
Objectives and organization of a psychological experiment
Man and the characteristics of his personality have been the object of interest and study for centuries.
Functions of the psyche. Features of mental reflection
Mental functions are certain properties and qualities of the psyche that ensure adaptation to changing conditions.
Animal psyche and human psyche. The emergence and development of consciousness
Lecture “Human Psyche. Functions of the psyche" PSYCHE Plan: Concept of the psyche Functions of the psyche Disturbance of Consciousness
Psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist - what is the difference and who to contact?
Contents Who should I go to for treatment? Psychologist Psychotherapist Psychiatrist Neurologist and neuropathologist Don't let me
Peripheral neuropathy. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
The collective concept of neuropathy of the lower extremities combines pathologies of the peripheral nervous system in the area
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