The use of B vitamins in neurological practice

Rating of vitamins for the nervous system

In order to select highly effective, safe, and most beneficial drugs for the nervous system from a wide variety of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, we consulted with the opinions of doctors and experts in this field. Worthy applicants were assessed on a group of parameters:

  • Formula - what components it includes, their origin, form;
  • Concentration – dosage of important substances, compliance with daily standards;
  • Additional components – micro-, macroelements, plant extracts;
  • Benefit – what effect does the drug have on which organs and systems;
  • Efficiency – how quickly positive dynamics are observed;
  • Dosage regimen – frequency of administration, convenience, course duration;
  • Safety – does the composition contain harmful components, allergens;
  • Restrictions – by age, gender, health status;
  • Risks – the likelihood of developing undesirable reactions;
  • Other criteria are brand, country, cost, packaging, consumption.

The result of a comprehensive study was a review of 10 nominees of imported and domestic production. Among them are 6 products for adult patients and 4 for children. Thanks to customer reviews, we were able to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each.

The best vitamins for the nervous system of children

Even more important is the preventive intake of vitamins for the brain and nervous system of a child’s growing body. We have selected complexes of substances that can help young patients better tolerate stress and increased mental and physical stress. In addition, such products strengthen the immune system. According to pediatricians, the best buyers in 2021 were 4 nominees.

Centrum for children

A complex of vitamins in tablets from the famous American brand Pfizer is intended for children aged 4-12 years. This is due to the optimal concentration of substances required by a growing organism for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and PNS.

The drug differs from many analogues in the absence of gluten, safety for tooth enamel, and a convenient dosage regimen. The benefits are noticeable almost immediately. Release form: chewable tablets, one package contains 30 pieces.

The active formula includes all B vitamins, as well as A, C, E, K1, and the important D3. They are supplemented with minerals - iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium. This set supports the development of important systems and organs, improves hormonal levels, normalizes metabolism and redox processes.


  • Multi-component formula;
  • Chewable tablets with a pleasant taste;
  • Simple scheme of use;
  • Benefits for a growing body;
  • Performance;
  • Optimal dosages.


  • Large tablet size;
  • Sweetener.

The method of administration is simple - chew the tablets in parallel with eating. From 2 to 7 years old, one piece every other day is enough, from 7 to 12 - every day. Duration – 1 month. The drug is prohibited for hypersensitivity and phenylketonuria.

Vitrum Kids

An effective vitamin and mineral complex in the form of chewable lozenges from the American brand Unipharm. The nominee is narrowly focused, its components are selected specifically for the age group of 4-7 years.

One jar can contain 30, 60, 100 pieces. Active formula – 12 vitamins + 10 minerals. Such a rich, balanced composition covers all the needs of a growing body.

It is worth noting the high concentration of iodine, D3, which means this is the best support during the cold season. Doctors prescribe Vitrum Kids to children who have had colds, infections, chronic diseases, or surgeries. Thanks to their pleasant taste, the child accepts them with great pleasure.


  • Rich composition;
  • High content of iodine, cholecalciferol;
  • Convenient release form with a pleasant taste;
  • Comprehensive support;
  • Safe composition;
  • Boosting immunity.


  • Large lozenges;
  • Risks of overdose.

The manufacturer recommends a single dose in the first half of the day after meals. You should not take any other dietary supplements at the same time. The lozenges are easily chewed to a powder state. Limitations – hypervitaminosis A and D, intolerance to ingredients.


Effective support for the nervous system, brain and mind of a growing child from Slovenian. The main difference is the different release forms to choose from. When purchasing, you should take into account the presence of dye and sugar.

Syrup is suitable for the youngest patients; chewable lozenges of different flavors are suitable for older patients. Age indications – 1+, 3+, 4+, 7+. The basis of each drug is a set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the age category.

Receiving such substances and their dosages stimulates brain activity, optimizes the functionality of the brain and central nervous system, ensures emotional stability, and increases the body’s resilience. By improving metabolism, the child's appetite improves.


  • Several forms for different age groups;
  • Prevention of rickets, vitamin deficiency;
  • Support of the nervous, immune, skeletal system;
  • Good taste;
  • Improved appetite;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Coloring agent, sugar;
  • Risks of an allergic reaction.

The syrup is taken in a single dose of 5 ml from 1 to 3 times, depending on age, chewable lozenges are prescribed according to the same principle. Exceptions are children with hypersensitivity to components, hypervitaminosis A and D, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, and phenylketonuria.

Alphabet kindergarten

A vitamin and mineral complex from a Russian manufacturer, distinguished by a clear distinction between substances, taking into account the peculiarities of their interaction. The formula excludes preservatives, synthetic dyes and flavors.

Thanks to this, the ingredients arrive in the right combination, are better absorbed by the body, and do not conflict with each other. Because of this, the manufacturer requires separate administration of tablets at strictly designated times of day.

All dietary supplements of this brand are divided into subtypes for different ages. For convenience, each group is colored differently - pink tablets with iron and cherry flavor, vanilla yellow with calcium + D3, orange with antioxidants.


  • Good composition;
  • Availability of calcium for growth;
  • Division into age categories;
  • Comprehensive assistance;
  • Competent scheme;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Strict admission rules;
  • There is not enough packaging for the course.

The pink lozenge is taken in the morning, the orange one at lunch, and the yellow one before bed. The first prevent anemia, the second strengthen the immune system, the third promote the formation of the skeleton and muscle development. Contraindications – intolerance, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.


Sulbutiamine is a “doubled” molecule of vitamin B1 or thiamine. It has an increased ability to dissolve in lipids, which contributes to improved penetration of this compound through the blood-brain barrier into the brain.


999 rub.

Sulbutiamine breaks down into thiamine and improves trophic processes in nervous tissue, leading to an increase in cholinergic conductivity, which normalizes and stabilizes the integrative activity of the brain. Sulbutiamine also accumulates in the cells of the reticular formation, enhancing their activity in activating the cerebral cortex. This leads to a reduction in asthenic symptoms, increased motivation, improved cognitive activity and restoration of a person’s “aliveness”.

How to choose vitamins for the nervous system

It is necessary to choose vitamins to restore the nervous system only after consulting a doctor and identifying missing substances through a blood test. This is the only way to prevent an overdose and help your body. After this, select a dietary supplement based on composition, effectiveness, age specifications, and quality of raw materials.


There are many useful components that improve the functioning of the nervous system. The following substances that affect the central nervous system and PNS are especially needed:

  • B1 – source of energy, responsible for memory function;
  • B3 – helps to obtain energy from carbohydrates;
  • B4 – stabilizes the central nervous system, heart function, cerebral blood supply;
  • B5 – responsible for memory, energy, stress resistance;
  • B6 – promotes the production of serotonin, supports the central nervous system;
  • B9 – supports memory, an important substance for cell division;
  • B12 – helps brain function, improves emotional background;
  • C – stimulates mental abilities, memory;
  • E – fights fatigue, calms;
  • D – eliminates symptoms of stress, irritability and nervousness.

Magnesium has a normalizing effect on the nervous system. Zinc is an essential substance for the correct functioning of the central nervous system and metabolism. Potassium and iron are responsible for the transmission of impulses, calcium for the transmission of excitation and inhibition of brain nerves.


Depending on the desired effect, you will be offered drugs with a calming or stimulating effect; these may also be vitamins that improve metabolic processes. For increased irritability and insomnia, the first option is appropriate; for chronic fatigue and depression, the second option is appropriate. The third group is preventive, it is useful to everyone without exception.

Age category

Each age has its own group of dietary supplements. The older the person, the lower the ability of the intestines to absorb healthy ingredients, which means the higher the dosage. B vitamins and minerals are extremely important for children for growth and development. Pregnant women - ascorbic acid, tocopherol, cyanocobalamin.

Women's complexes always include iron to maintain the hematopoietic system. For men of reproductive age - zinc, selenium. Old age is accompanied by a decline in function; calcium, cholecalciferol for the musculoskeletal system, and ascorbic acid for blood vessels are especially important.

Raw material quality

The more reputable the manufacturer’s brand, the higher class of raw materials it uses. This explains why drugs with similar components differ significantly in price. In fact, there are 3 types of dietary supplements in terms of quality:

  • low quality - in addition to the necessary ingredients, the drug is supplemented with a large amount of ballast substances;
  • average – the ratio of important and additional components is approximately 50:50;
  • high – vitamins from plant materials, completely identical to natural substances.

About a dozen companies today can boast of high quality, which corresponds to a rather high cost. But it is fully justified by the safety, bioavailability, and effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Nerves and emotions

Nerves and emotions, emotions and nerves are a vicious circle, the cycle of life, the state and proper circulation of which determines the quality of our life and the level of stress in it.
Emotions are undoubtedly of a physical and spiritual nature, influence and shape character, and are transformed over time and throughout life. But the most important thing is that they can be controlled and corrected. Thanks to which the nervous system is strengthened and the level of depression, blues and stress is reduced. This is interesting: emotions are born as a combination of the physical properties of the body, the flexible brain, the environment in which a person is located, as well as his culture and upbringing. But humans also have an emotional brain - the most ancient type of brain cells that has been with us from time immemorial. This is the limbic system in the very center of the brain. It is believed that this part of the brain is responsible for communication with the higher self, for the spiritual component of the personality. So if you want the quality of emotions to be at high vibrations, spend time on your culture, the environment you are in and self-education.

Which vitamins are best for the nervous system?

The use of vitamin complexes allows you to maintain normal functioning of the nervous system. To do this, you need to find a suitable composition based on your age, health status, and characteristics of your body. The results of the rating will tell you what to buy from the proposed nominees:

  • Neurobion is a harmonious combination of neurotropic substances that activate recovery processes;
  • Solgar magnesium citrate – high quality raw materials with easy absorption of components without contraindications;
  • Lady's formula Antistress enhanced formula - the best women's biocomplex for calming the psycho-emotional background, support during menopause;
  • Doctor's Best Magnesium – patented organic magnesium with high bioavailability;
  • Vitrum Kids is a multicomponent preparation with a high concentration of vitamin D and iodine;
  • Alphabet kindergarten - separate intake of all the substances a child needs for harmonious absorption.

The nervous system needs proper vitamin support. Remember that both deficiency and overdose will be equally harmful. To ensure that dietary supplements are as effective as possible, take tests and consult with your doctor before purchasing.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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