Possibilities of using adaptol in clinical practice

Carbamine esters of substituted propanediol

Meprotanum. Synonyms: Meprobamate, Andaxin, Gadexyl, Quantil, Sedral, Tranqul, etc. Blocks the transmission of excitation in the area of ​​interneurons of the spinal cord, thalamus and hypothalamus, due to this it has a general calming, muscle relaxant effect, has anticonvulsant activity, enhances the effect of hypnotics and analgesics, without affecting the autonomic nervous system.
As a sedative and anxiolytic, it is indicated for the treatment of neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, including those associated with severe somatic diseases or accompanied by muscle hypertension, as well as diseases of the joints with muscle spasms. It is also used in the treatment of vegetative dystonia, premenstrual tension syndrome, menopause, initial forms of hypertension, gastric ulcer, skin itching, before surgery, etc., since it eliminates the anxiety of patients associated with this pathology and dangerous interventions. It is prescribed orally after meals 2-3 times a day, 200-400 mg per dose. The dose can be increased to 2–3 g/day. For insomnia, 200–600 mg is prescribed half an hour before bedtime. The highest dose for adults is 800 mg/day.

For children aged 3-8 years, meprotan is prescribed 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day, for children aged 8-14 years - 200 mg 2-3 times a day. Doses are increased and decreased gradually. Sudden cessation of the drug may lead to a resumption of fear, anxiety, and insomnia.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, symptoms of dyspepsia, increased drowsiness, feeling of heaviness in the limbs, impaired coordination of movements. In some cases, euphoria is observed. Typically, these phenomena disappear in the coming days after discontinuation of the drug. There is a danger of addiction to meprotane.

Release form: tablets of 200 mg in a package of 20 pieces.

Do not start pharmacological treatment without consulting a psychiatrist


Adaptol (tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione) is an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) drug. It has a wide range of medical indications and can be used for the treatment and prevention of a number of common psychosomatic pathologies. Well tolerated by patients. Allowed for use in pediatric as well as geriatric practice. Is the so-called "a daytime tranquilizer." It has moderate sedative activity, eliminates or softens manifestations of anxiety, anxiety, psycho-emotional stress, and increased aggressiveness. It does not have a muscle relaxant effect, does not impair coordination, does not depress cognitive activity, and does not affect physical performance, which allows the drug to be used for any type of activity. Without having its own hypnotic effect, the drug potentiates the effect of co-administered sleeping pills, improving sleep quality and reducing the number of unmotivated night awakenings. Adaptol has a very high toxicity threshold, because... in its chemical structure it is very close to substances formed in the human body as a result of natural metabolic transformations. Does not cause pathological addiction. Removes the body from the influence of the sympathetic nervous system, which allows the drug to be used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, relief of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and chronic fatigue. Does not cause euphoria or high spirits. Adaptol neutralizes the aggressive effect of free radicals and allows you to better tolerate oxygen starvation, which makes it possible to use it in cases of circulatory disorders in internal organs and in cases of hypoxic damage.

The “ginseng-like” effect of Adaptol is in demand in situations where it is necessary to support the nervous system in case of disruption of internal regulation and increased stress. The drug has a wide therapeutic range: it is used for neuroses accompanied by psycho-emotional instability and irritability, for cardialgia of non-ischemic origin, to improve the tolerability of drugs of other pharmacological groups (benzodiazepine tranquilizers, antipsychotics). Tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione is chemically inert, which allows it to be combined with other drugs. In addition to the mentioned tranquilizers and neuroleptics, these are antidepressants, sleeping pills, psychostimulants, nootropics. Another advantage of Adaptol is its effectiveness in eliminating or suppressing symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. The drug also has a moderate nootropic effect, stimulates cognitive activity (memory, attention, concentration, intellectual activity), without exacerbating the symptoms of psychopathological disorders. A decrease in blood pressure or body temperature is not a reason to discontinue Adaptol: in the future, these indicators will return to normal on their own. Allergic reactions, in turn, require stopping the medication course and prescribing another drug. Cases of overdose with Adaptol have not been described in the specialized medical literature. The drug can be used in combination with antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives and hypnotics.

Diphenylmethane derivatives

Amizil (Amizilum). Synonyms: Benactizine, Actozint, Lucidil, Phobex, Procalm, etc. Central anticholinergic, blocks predominantly m-cholinoreactive receptors. It has a calming effect, enhances the effect of barbiturates, other hypnotics, analgesics, local anesthetics, inhibits the cough reflex and blocks the effects of stimulation of the vagus nerve, as a result of which mydriasis occurs, gland secretion decreases, and smooth muscle tone decreases. It is now rarely used in psychiatric practice. In somatic medicine it is used for Parkinson's disease, smooth muscle spasms, cough, before operations, as a mydriatic agent in the diagnosis of eye diseases, etc.

Prescribed orally after meals 3-4 times a day, 1-2 mg (adults). The course of treatment is up to 6 weeks. For cough, prescribe 1–2 mg 1–3 times a day.

Side effects are mainly due to the anticholinergic properties of amizil. Like atropine, it can cause dry mouth, increased heart rate, mydriasis, etc., and due to its local anesthetic effect, numbness of the tongue and palate. Euphoria and slight dizziness are sometimes observed; in case of overdose, motor and mental agitation, convulsions, and hallucinations are observed.

Release forms: tablets of 1 mg and 2 mg; powder (for preparing a solution in ophthalmic practice).

pharmachologic effect

Adaptol is a medicine belonging to the group of anxiolytic drugs. The drug has a tranquilizing effect. Effectively relieves feelings of fear, anxiety, eliminates irritability, anxiety, and reduces strong emotional stress. The effect of this medicine is not accompanied by changes in motor functions and muscle relaxation, or a decrease in mental activity. Thus, the drug is considered a daytime tranquilizer.

Adaptol tablets do not have a hypnotic effect, but at the same time potentiate the effect of drugs that are used to treat sleep disorders .

The drug provides an antioxidant effect, which is especially clearly manifested under stress of various origins, accompanied by oxidative phenomena.

The drug has antagonist-agonist properties of the adrenergic system. Dopamine is noted , and therefore a normosthenic effect is noted.

When taking tablets, the severity of withdrawal symptoms decreases in people who have stopped smoking tobacco.

The active substance affects the emotiogenic zones of the hypothalamus and the four main neurotransmitter systems, ensuring their balance and integration. In this case, there is no adrenergic blocking peripheral effect.

The nootropic effect of the drug is also noted. Adaptol activates cognitive functions, improves mental activity and attention.

Adaptol price, where to buy

The price of Adaptol 500 mg is on average 500 rubles per package of 20 pcs. The price of Adaptol in Kharkov and other cities of Ukraine is on average 150 hryvnia. You can buy the product at any pharmacy. Whether the drug is available with a prescription or not, you should ask the doctor who prescribes the drug.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Adaptol tablets 500 mg 20 pcs Olainfarm JSC
    RUB 721 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Adaptol (500 mg tablet No. 20)Olainfarm OA

    RUR 697 order

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  • Adaptol 300 mg No. 20 capsules AT "Olainfarm", Latvia
    177 UAH. order
  • Adaptol 500 mg N20 tablets AT "Olainfarm", Latvia

    272 UAH. order


  • Adaptol capsule Adaptol (mebicar) caps. 0.3g No. 20 Latvia, Olainfarm JSC

    185 UAH order

  • Adaptol tablets Adaptol (mebikar) tablets 0.5g No. 20 Latvia, Olainfarm JSC

    285 UAH. order

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Analogues of Adaptol

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Mebix , Mebikar , Mebikar-Tathimpharm seem to have an effect on the body . The price of Adaptol analogues depends on their dosage and manufacturer, some drugs have a lower cost.

Which is better - Adaptol or Grandaxin?

Grandaxin is a drug that belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives and has an anxiolytic effect on the body, without having a sedative or anticonvulsant effect. In general, its effect on the body is similar to the effect that Adaptol has. The doctor will tell you which drug to prefer on an individual basis.

Indications for use of Adaptol

The following indications for the use of Adaptol are determined:

  • neuroses and neurosis-like symptoms;
  • complex treatment, if necessary, to stop the somatovegetative side effects of antipsychotics and improve the tolerability of drugs from this group;
  • pain in the heart not associated with angina ;
  • vegetative manifestations during menopause ;
  • oxidative stress of various origins;
  • complex therapy for nicotine addiction.

To learn more about when Adaptol tablets are prescribed and what they are for, you can ask your doctor.

Reviews about Adaptol

Reviews about Adaptol on forums indicate that the drug is a truly effective remedy in the treatment of neuroses. The tablets relieve irritability and help get rid of fears and anxiety. The reviews also talk about improved performance. Reviews from doctors about Adaptol are also positive. Experts note that the medicine softens the effects of tranquilizers and antipsychotics and rarely causes negative effects. In addition, tablets can mitigate the negative symptoms that a person experiences when quitting smoking.

Those parents who used the tablets for children also left mostly positive reviews of Adaptol. However, this drug can be given to children only according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

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