Tormented by a migraine? Review your diet

Diet to prevent migraine attacks

Zaplavnova T.M. neurologist, department of neurology

Migraine is an ailment that can affect anyone. In recent years, according to statistical data, in most cases the disease affects women, but it also does not bypass men. Today we will pay attention to the symptoms of the disease and consider a very important issue - proper nutrition for people with migraine. It is a special diet that will reduce the intensity of symptoms of migraine, ease a person’s general well-being, and recover faster. Symptoms of migraine Migraine is a chronic disease. Almost always it occurs with fairly frequent periods of exacerbation. A person usually begins to feel a severe headache that is pulsating in nature. After a certain period of time, this unpleasant sensation repeats. Patients complain to the doctor of a headache in one side of the head. Most often it is the area

  • eye,
  • forehead and
  • temples.

Associated symptoms are often noted, for example,

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness.

With classic migraine, the disease takes a slightly different course. A painful spasm in humans is preceded by an aura. It is characterized by strange taste sensations, impaired sensitivity in the hands, and impaired sense of smell. The list of these signs also includes vision problems (for example, the so-called fog that appears before the eyes, the inability to tolerate bright lighting). In addition, the patient complains of intolerance to loud sounds. This is called phonophobia. The duration of the aura can range from five to sixty minutes. The end of the aura occurs immediately at the moment of the onset of a painful spasm or right before it. Note that migraine without aura affects approximately seventy percent of patients, while migraine with aura is a more rare form and occurs in approximately thirty percent of cases. There are many diseases that are characterized by headaches. But migraine pain is specific and dangerous. There is no need to ignore the disease; you should immediately consult a doctor.

More about migraine

Migraine attacks develop when a disorder occurs:

  • metabolism;
  • balance of histamine levels and
  • serotonin, which take an active part in the functioning of the human immune system, as well as in regulating the functioning of the unequal system.

Serotonin is responsible for the constriction of blood vessels, histamine for their dilation. Those people who know the horror of headaches characteristic of migraines should know that the disease occurs when histamine is produced in large quantities, and serotonin in much smaller quantities. What factors influence the concentration of these substances? Factors can be very different. The main ones:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • sleep duration;
  • stressful situations;
  • heavy loads (mental, physical);
  • the foods we include in our diet every day;
  • sex life;
  • other.

Nutrition for migraines: important rules To cure migraines, doctors individually prescribe appropriate medications that prevent a migraine attack. The second method of therapy is preventive measures. You should always remember about nutrition, because with its help you can reduce the frequency of headaches, and in some cases get rid of them completely. The reason for this is substances that narrow, dilate or relax blood vessels, causing the development of the disease. These substances include:

  • tyramine;
  • nitrates;
  • caffeine;
  • histamine;
  • monosodium glutamate.

This group also includes products containing: simple sugars; copper.

A little later we will look at prohibited and useful foods for migraines, but now we will list the basic rules that the patient should adhere to.

An attack may occur as a result of missing a regular meal. To prevent this, you must strictly adhere to this rule -

  1. eat 3-4 times a day.
  2. Fasting is strictly prohibited. This factor can easily provoke the development of this disease. Tolerance to many foods may change during the course of the disease. This process occurs differently for everyone. You should approach this issue with caution and try, with the help of personal observations and doctor’s advice, to choose the right diet.
  3. It is necessary to avoid pickled, fatty and salty foods.
  4. It is also recommended to significantly reduce the amount of sweets consumed.
  5. You should not include exotic foods in your diet or conduct experiments in an attempt to find certain foods that will not provoke the development of the disease.

Remember that sudden changes in diet are also provocateurs of headaches, that is, migraines.

What is forbidden to eat? Prohibited products include:

  1. smoked meat and fish;
  2. alcohol, especially beer, red wine;
  3. fatty pork meat;
  4. nuts, beans; offal (for example, brains, kidneys, heart);
  5. salami sausage;
  6. jerky.

The patient must also exclude:

  1. various cheeses, especially aged ones (this can be Roquefort, Brie, cheddar);
  2. fish caviar;
  3. citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, pineapples, avocados, etc.).
  4. fermented bean curd; sauerkraut; kvass, brewer's yeast. The nutrition of a person suffering from migraine should be aimed at eliminating headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, it is worth limiting the use of:

  1. jellied meat, meat broths;
  2. jellied fish and meat dishes;
  3. radishes, horseradish;
  4. mustard, onion and garlic;
  5. heavy cream, sour cream;
  6. sausages, small sausages and frankfurters.

Products with caffeine. Often, products that contain caffeine are provocateurs of the disease, so their consumption is reduced to the maximum. This group includes:

  1. coffee;
  2. energetic drinks;
  3. tea (black, green);
  4. Coca-Cola drink;
  5. chocolate,
  6. cocoa.

Note that there are cases when a drink such as coffee, on the contrary, helps to overcome migraine attacks (only at the very beginning of its occurrence).

Proper nutrition Nutrition should include:

  1. brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  2. poultry meat;
  3. dried fruits;
  4. oils (olive, corn oil, sunflower oil);
  5. sea ​​fish; fresh anchovies; flax seeds; green vegetables (cucumbers, broccoli);
  6. pears, green apples, peaches, cherries.

Fresh fruits have a beneficial effect on the body: raisins, sweet cottage cheese; cream cheese, feta cheese; boiled eggs; low-fat milk; beets, celery; dried fruits; vegetable stew; tomato juice, sour fruit drinks, loose leaf tea. With your doctor's permission, you can include healthy dates, pumpkin, melon, bananas, and figs in your diet. Remember, the occurrence of a headache and other symptoms of this disease is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Healthy eating, giving up bad habits, playing sports, walking, and not stressing will make it possible to overcome migraines. Pay special attention to nutrition, as it plays a large part in the success of treatment! Don't forget, self-medication is dangerous!


Drug therapy

A diet can significantly alleviate a person’s condition, but, as a rule, it is impossible to do without medications. To diagnose migraine and select therapy, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. Systemic drugs are prescribed that affect the mechanism of attack development and reduce its intensity.

Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, naproxen and others, are used for pain relief [7].

For severe dizziness, medications based on betahistine are prescribed. These drugs relieve symptoms of vertigo (vestibular dizziness), nausea, and tinnitus characteristic of vestibular disorders.

The most effective is complex treatment that combines medications, diet, psychotherapy, gymnastics, and a “biofeedback” (BF) training system.

Amines against joy

In first place among the foods that provoke migraines is food that contains amines (biological active substances that cause brain vessels to first contract and then dilate). When the blood vessels dilate, a painful spasm occurs. Tyramine belongs in particular to the class of amines. This ingredient gives a spicy taste and aroma to expensive cheeses, ham, smoked fish, crabs, sausages and other meat and fish products.

Tyramine in the body competes with one of the important neurotransmitters of the brain - serotonin, displacing it from the body. Whereas it has been scientifically proven that it is a violation of the metabolism of serotonin (which is also called the hormone of joy) that is the cause of the development of migraines in a large number of people. Amines are found not only in cheeses and sausages, but also in marinades, sauces and pickles, and even in some fruits (citrus fruits, pineapples, bananas) and nuts.

Article on the topic

Curb migraines: how to treat headaches

Chinese restaurant syndrome

Everyone has heard about monosodium glutamate. True, most are sure that this flavoring additive is found only in cheap fast food: bouillon cubes, crackers and chips. In fact, you can get a fair amount of glutamate in an expensive restaurant. Chinese and Thai establishments are especially prone to addiction to this additive. However, this is not such a big sin. After all, the Chinese and Thais extract their glutamate from natural products (usually from fermented fish and shrimp), while Europeans use a chemically synthesized product. In principle, monosodium glutamate is not harmful, unless, of course, you eat it in excess (that is, more than 9 g per day). But still, in 10% of people, even a pinch of this spice causes a headache (as well as excessive sweating and difficulty breathing). It is these symptoms that have earned the name “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” For those who cannot tolerate glutamate, it is better not only to avoid restaurants serving south-eastern cuisine, but also to carefully read the ingredients of the products you buy (sometimes glutamate is hidden under the name of hydrolyzed vegetable protein).

Article on the topic

Headache: symptoms, causes and types of attacks

Calcium deficiency

Calcium is needed for more than just strong bones and teeth. It also plays a big role in ensuring muscle contractions. Thanks to a sufficient amount of calcium, even those muscles that we cannot control, such as the heart, work. Calcium is also important for the normal functioning of blood vessels.

If there is not enough calcium, the body can signal a problem with a headache. Usually this is not localized pain in the temples or the back of the head, but pain throughout the entire head, aggravated by any movement.

Products containing calcium : sesame, dairy products, almonds, garlic, parsley, hazelnuts, soy.

“According to statistics, 90% of people are familiar with headaches and have experienced them at least once. But no one thought that the most common food for us could cause headaches. There is a list of foods that often cause headaches after consuming them, for example, alcohol (we also include beer here), pickled and smoked foods, coffee, chocolate and cheeses, warns Anna Ivashkevich, nutritionist, clinical psychologist-dietitian, member of the Union of National Associations clinical nutrition . “But, in addition to the foods themselves, our eating habits can also provoke pain: irregular meals and even improper drinking regime. A migraine or headache may not occur immediately, but only several hours or days after consuming a particular product.”

Helps with headaches

First, drink water and eat foods containing calcium, potassium and magnesium. All these three elements are involved in complex chemical reactions and are needed for the high-quality absorption of each of them.

It is also recommended to pay attention to foods rich in vitamin B2 and other B vitamins. They improve metabolism in the brain, in particular, help the synthesis of nerve cells. Vitamin B2 is found in dairy products, meat, and fish.

It is also a good idea to include watermelon, cauliflower, broccoli, eggs and fatty fish in your diet. Also pay attention to grapes, strawberries and greens. Tea with a small amount of ginger also helps with headaches.

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