Interesting psychology, or everything about a person for beginners

Psychology is a science that studies a person, his behavior, way of thinking, and the reasons for certain actions. It is possible to achieve the desired goal (for example, a positive solution to a problem, establishing social relations) by knowing the motives by which a person acts in a particular situation. Psychology is a complex of important knowledge about a person. This knowledge, combined with the skills to apply it in society, is a prerequisite for achieving authority in society.

All life is a constant confrontation with circumstances, aimed at the supremacy of personal interests. Human goals are a highly paid position, creating a full-fledged family, popularity, public recognition, etc. Human psychology and its knowledge contributes to the achievement of the desired results.

Characteristics of the term, areas of human psychology

The purpose of human psychology is to study the psyche of the individual, the features of its expression, functioning, and aspects of development. The term itself comes from Greek and means “the science of the human soul.” Over the course of its long development, it has absorbed a lot of important knowledge. Psychology began to be perceived as an independent discipline in the 19th century. She contributed to people's understanding of the nature of psychic aspects. Human psychology includes a number of areas based on the study of personal, mental, behavioral, unconscious, and moral issues. This division contributes to a detailed study of the concept of the nature of the psyche.

The term "personality" is usually used outside of psychological terminology in a different sense; for example, as a legal entity, a person who has achieved exceptional results, historical persons, persons of social status.

The term “personality” has been used in psychology since the beginning of the twentieth century. Personality (Latin “persona”) denoted the mask of ancient drama actors who performed on stage. It was associated with the external, public manifestation of the psyche, but the inner essence of a person was obscured. Later, the concept of role came into use as part of the study of social psychology.

From a psychological point of view, a personality is every person, a member of society, occupying a certain position and role in society:

  • position is the special position of an individual in a social group (subordination, dominance, for example, in professional, personal life);
  • a role is a combination of the expected behavior of an individual in society, set by norms and conventions (the role of a student, a nurse).

Personality is formed throughout life.

Areas of human psychology:

  1. Cognitive (cognitive). The goal is to consider the form of cognitive activity and its content. Human behavior is determined by the mind, the level of intelligence. This area studies the acquisition, preservation, and practical application of various knowledge.
  2. Associative. This direction studies the psyche based on associative methods. This area is based on the assumption that the primary role is played by feelings, under the influence of which consciousness is created. Association of complex terms with simple ones makes them easier to understand. Fixing associations ensures their repetition.
  3. Gestalt. The psychology of people in this sphere is based on the explanation of mental processes through certain integral formations - “gestalts”. Through thinking and perception, the senses perceive surrounding objects as integral forms.
  4. Humanistic. Its basis is the study of personality and human abilities. People live by their experiences and perform certain roles based on specific situations. The primary task of human life is self-improvement. He strives for higher achievements only after satisfying lower needs.
  5. Deep. The purpose of this field is to study the unconscious processes considered to be the driving factors of individual behavior. We are talking about psychoanalysis, founded by S. Freud. It is based on the assertion that human personality is based on instinctive, emotional processes. Psychoanalysis helps scientists determine the causes of mental phenomena.

Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"

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Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that personality structure includes not only an intellectual, but also an emotional component. But before Goleman’s work, experts paid little attention to the emotional component. The generally accepted point of view was that a person is only as successful as his intelligence. Often the level of intelligence of applicants for a particular position was determined by the Eysenck test.

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. from Harvard University, has proven that personality theory is incomplete without recognizing emotional intelligence. Often it is emotions, not intellect, that determine a person's success in society. Interestingly, Goleman was twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

Goleman described the purpose of his book Emotional Intelligence as “bringing reason into the world of emotion.” He analyzes how the brain works and why feelings suppress rationality. Describes the mechanisms of formation of emotional intelligence and the dangers that await people who are unable to control their own emotions.

The book has sold more than five million copies in the United States alone.

Psychological literature for beginners

To independently master human psychology, specialized literature is required. You need to start studying with the basics - the basics of psychology. A proper understanding of complex terms requires mastery of basic concepts. This information is contained in textbooks on psychology of the 1st year of the university. Having mastered the basics of psychology for beginners, you can move on to studying classic specialized scientific works. Top Authors:

  • Z. Freud;
  • K. Horney;
  • E. Fromm;
  • A. Adler;
  • C. Jung.

The most famous works to start studying psychology include:

  • D. Ariely, “The whole truth about lies”;
  • N.V. Baturin, “How to manage emotions”;
  • M. Seligman, “The Path to Prosperity”;
  • E. Paul, “Know a Liar by Their Facial Expression”;
  • E. Muir, “Self-Confidence.”

In addition to books on human psychology, you can read interesting thematic magazines, in particular the following:

  • “Existential and humanistic psychology”;
  • "Russian Psychological Journal";
  • "Experimental Psychology".

These are not psychology lessons for beginners; Such magazines are intended for people more familiar with the topic.

Books and magazines are based on the fact that every person has a number of qualities. Properties that manifest themselves with high intensity are dominant. The main ones are called cardiac. Central qualities are significant, they manifest themselves in certain situations. Secondary properties are less significant, less intense, and associated with specific circumstances.

Properties and qualities are characterized by a number of features, including:

  • universality (property is inherent in all people, for example, conscience);
  • individuality (a certain personality characteristic);
  • constancy (duration of a certain personality property, for example, throughout life);
  • polarity (positive and negative properties);
  • hierarchy - a differentiated arrangement of properties (related properties are combined into one main quality, for example, a sense of confidence, determination, assertion of opinions = self-confidence);
  • depth (the deeper the property, the less it depends on the environment, life circumstances);
  • penetration (dominance of one property over others, more pronounced in human behavior).

While the study of human psychology begins with books, acquired knowledge is consolidated through practical activity. Before consulting people, a psychologist works on himself, reviews (if necessary changes) his character and behavioral traits. This means that he is studying himself. To provide psychological assistance to people, a specialist must independently overcome his own phobias and complexes.

Conflict practices: you cannot live peacefully in conflict

Course starts: soon, start date to be confirmed. Course volume: 6 modules, 32 lectures. Venue: "Universarium". Course authors: Candidates of Sociological Sciences E. Yu. Kostina, I. V. Kupryashkin, A. V. Vinokurova, S. V. Goncharova, A. Yu. Ardalyanova. language .

The name of the course is no coincidence: the question of where to put a comma seems obvious, but the lecturers will also tell you about the opposite point of view.

Most of us face conflict on a daily basis. And many try in every possible way to avoid them, because it is a waste of emotional resources, stress and sheer negativity.

However, sometimes disagreement and debate can be beneficial. For example, they help people get to know each other better, teach them to achieve mutual understanding, increase a person’s activity and sense of responsibility, and stimulate personal development.

Therefore, do not rush to smooth out an unpleasant situation at any cost. Understand how to manage conflict and learn about tactics and styles in such moments. Listen to the opinion of experts - perhaps you will change your views on sorting things out.

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The importance of psychology lessons

Knowledge of human psychology is applicable in almost all areas of human life. Sometimes situations arise that require people to make an important decision, to determine the right approach. Social psychology lessons help you take an unmistakable step. They will be useful to all people who want to adapt to society, achieve mutual understanding with the environment, understand the causal factors of current events, the motives that drive other people. Psychological knowledge helps in solving personal life problems and confronting the problems that accompany a person in life. In addition to specialized literature on psychology for beginners, you can learn this science with the help of expert recommendations.

Psychology lessons developed for teaching embody knowledge taken from various theoretical materials. Professional psychologists work on them, whose task is not only to bring a number of scientific conclusions to students, but also to adapt them to practical use. Each lesson contains useful recommendations and various thematic tips.

The first step in learning is to study the person's personality. The study of causal factors affecting people's behavior requires determining the causal factors that influence their mental state. Practically, psychological theory is applied thanks to special methods. Having studied everything about psychology, the future specialist learns to influence other people and create friendly relationships with them.

You can get rid of fears and be confident in yourself with a specialist. For example, from the psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

What is the advantage of specialized psychology lessons over self-study using literature? The training course is specially created for beginners in this science who want to quickly learn to understand people. An experienced specialist, along with theoretical information, indicates the possibilities of their practical application. Without this, training with the help of psychological books can last for years without results - a person will not learn to behave in a conflict, difficult situation.

In addition to theoretical material, the specialist uses thematic games and exercises in the classroom. This helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improve understanding not only of others, but also of oneself. During lessons, students can participate in psychological tests and watch thematic videos.

What to do if you have a delicate mental organization

Steps that will help you:

  • self-acceptance;
  • development of critical thinking;
  • self love.

First, accept yourself for who you are. A subtle mental organization is neither good nor bad. This is fine. Don't judge yourself for it, but don't justify all your problems with it either. Understand yourself. Accept yourself and talk to yourself.

Secondly, it is necessary to develop critical thinking. But at the same time, stop engaging in self-criticism. Knowing about your subtle mental organization, about your childhood traumas, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel offended, anxious, hurt, stop for a moment.

Photo by Anete Lusina: Pexels

Stop and ask yourself a question: do they really want to offend me? Am I being rejected? Don't they love me? Or is it that little girl in me who was so afraid when she was scolded? Try to look at the situation from the outside.

Switch places with another person. Look at yourself through his eyes. Does he want you harm? Does he treat you badly? Does the fact that you made a mistake make you bad, unloved or untalented? If such a girl came to you, how would you talk to her?

Thirdly, you need to take the most difficult and most important step - to love yourself. Accept yourself, praise, take care of yourself. Turn off your inner critic and work on improving your self-esteem. When you learn to love yourself, you will close the urgent need for self-acceptance and stop being afraid of loneliness.

The role of psychology in human life

The formation of human personality occurs already in childhood by absorbing information coming from the environment. Character is built under the influence of this knowledge. In accordance with the dominant character traits, the presence of desire, a person can cope with problems or succumb to them.

Self-control is an important factor in solving all problem situations. It is difficult to unbalance a person who is able to keep his emotions under control. He is aware of appropriate behavior in society and knows how to find the approach to people necessary to achieve the target result.

Human psychology in this regard is based on a number of rules. Compliance with them is a guarantee of success:

  • understanding people;
  • positive relationships with others, regardless of their social status;
  • respect for the interests of others;
  • accepting difficulties and overcoming them;
  • defending your interests, regardless of the situation;
  • leaving mistakes and failures in the past after learning from them;
  • constant actions aimed at achieving success;
  • lack of fear of new things and responsibility.

All people sometimes find themselves in situations that require certain actions that have not been taken before. Some begin to act immediately. Others despair. Still others are waiting for the “opportune” moment. An excellent reaction to a similar situation is due to individual personal characteristics, moral principles, education, and upbringing.

A morally unstable person gives in to danger because he does not know how to behave. Instead of taking action (eg running away), he loses clarity of thought, as a result of which he becomes vulnerable.

Successful solution of problems encountered in life requires preparation for them, strengthening of the will and psyche. Awareness in the field of psychology will help solve most of these problems. Psychological preparedness for difficult situations minimizes fear, supports an adequate response to an unusual situation, and the correctness of actions.

Ken Robinson "Calling"

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Ken, a professor at the University of Warwick (UK), is known for his work on reforming the learning process and speaking at TED conferences.

He suggests that modern education should: offer a variety of subjects and an individual approach to their study, develop curiosity through the efforts of creative teachers, develop creativity, responsibility and empathy in students.

In the book “Calling. How to Find What You Were Made for and Live in Your Element” Robinson argues that calling emerges when passion and ability meet. In childhood, people are confident in their ideas and devote themselves entirely to each activity. Over the years, when they enter the education system, they lose this confidence.

The book provides guidance on how to find your passion for what you do and contains many examples of people who have found their calling.

Interesting facts in the field of psychology

Education in the field of human psychology facilitates personal growth, helps to establish positive relationships with the environment, and helps to achieve success in professional activities. Scientific progress in this area has opened up new, previously unknown interesting facts about human psychology, and explained the reasons for specific actions or lack thereof.

Interesting facts in psychology that make you look at the human soul from a different perspective:

  1. Happiness lies in keeping the brain constantly busy. The lack of new information and the ability to switch thinking between individual topics is depressing.
  2. During sleep, the brain remains active. As a result, after waking up, a person remembers only really important facts.
  3. The gray brain matter is a “sensor” of possible danger. But most people often ignore the signals sent to him, relying on happiness.
  4. When starting a new activity, a person needs 2 months to get used to it. After this time, all innovations become automatic and do not cause discomfort.
  5. People who suffer from nightmares usually feel cold in their sleep.
  6. The best method for getting rid of anxiety is a book. Reading will help you switch your thinking faster and more effectively than music, sports, alcohol, or watching TV.
  7. Expecting too much = painful failure. The more mundane the plans, the quieter the reaction to failure.
  8. A notable fact of interesting psychology: when in an unknown place, people tend to stick to the right. Therefore, the queue on the left is always shorter than the queue on the right.
  9. The tendency to disrupt order manifests itself in the presence of manifestations of reigning anarchy.
  10. Few people want to argue with a calm person. Most people prefer emotional opponents.
  11. The longer you sleep, the lower your risk of mental illness.
  12. To create a positive relationship, it is important to say the name of the interlocutor.
  13. A way to quickly fall asleep: in a supine position, close your eyes and roll your pupils up. This position promotes sleep.
  14. The loudest speaker often wins the debate. Although often the emotionally speaking person turns out to be wrong.
  15. An interesting psychological fact is that the lack of ability to assess the consequences of erroneous actions is the reason why incompetent people often achieve heights. They are characterized by stubbornness and self-confidence due to lack of professionalism.
  16. External beauty is less common among criminals. Beautiful people get what they want from life in any case: either through charm or at the expense of others.
  17. People focused on solving a problem often do not notice what is happening around them.
  18. A few second glance is typical for ordinary interlocutors. A prolonged gaze indicates physical attraction or hidden aggression.

Conflict resolution practice. Me - family - work - society

Course duration: 5 weeks. Platform: Coursera. Course organizer: Tomsk State University. language . Free: no certificate required.

Another course that will help you understand the essence of conflicts and form a positive attitude towards them.

The author talks about the prerequisites, structure and characteristics of intrapersonal and family conflicts, as well as disagreements at work.

You will learn to diagnose and analyze difficult situations, find the causes and choose the right strategy for resolving them.

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Psychology of human memory

Memory plays an important role in human psychology. Storing information in memory contributes to development, learning, and personality formation. The fundamental stone of memory is the change in nerve cells under the influence of stimuli, the long-term preservation of excitation. This leads to a number of biochemical changes in neurons. When recalling things in memory, nerve cells become excited despite the absence of stimuli.

The psychology of memory is associated with the qualities of water. This is not surprising, since the human body consists of 80% of this liquid. Water remembers the conditions in which it was previously. This quality is due to the absorption capacity, the ability to transform and redistribute energy.

Individual psyche

The human psyche is a nebulous area that scientists have been unable to unravel for many years. Proven facts:

  1. When the subject begins to remember the past, he unconsciously changes it. Nerve pathways are activated in different ways. Changes are influenced by events from the present, the desire to remember the forgotten.
  2. The Dunning-Kruger effect explains the intensity of career growth. People with low qualifications often overestimate their abilities due to incompetence. When making bad decisions, they are not able to realize the mistakes, and therefore do not worry about the current situation. Experts assess the situation soberly and often underestimate their capabilities. Because of this, career growth slows down.
  3. According to statistics, 90% of diseases have a psychological basis. Therefore, final recovery can only be achieved by restoring mental balance.
  4. A person feels happiest only at 23 and 69 years old. Youth gives many opportunities, a sense of the future. In old age, a person experiences the moments that happened to him.

Experts who study psychological disorders insist on adding Internet addiction to the mix.

Methods of psychological influence on people

Society is people in constant communication. They influence each other, consciously or unconsciously. Methods of influencing others have a number of options:

  1. Infection. This is the transfer of an emotional state between people. Panic and the cry of one person spoils the mood of everyone present. You can become “infected” with both negative and positive emotions.
  2. Suggestion. The motivation for a specific action is instilled through verbal or non-verbal speech. Each personality is characterized by varying degrees of suggestibility. Insecure people, including children under 13, are more suggestible than independent people.
  3. Belief. Action on the part of a person is caused by logical thinking. The higher the intelligence, the less prone to persuasion.
  4. Imitation. People often copy the manners of others (consciously, unconsciously). Frequent role models are successful, wealthy individuals.

Manipulation is another way of influence. The manipulator gets what he wants, the opponent is left with the illusion of an independently made decision.

Human psychology is an interesting science. Anyone can understand its basics. But not everyone is able to practically apply the acquired theoretical knowledge. A psychologist will help you understand the intricacies of this complex discipline.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.


Course duration: 9 weeks. Platform: Coursera. Course organizer: St. Petersburg State University. language . Free: no certificate required.

Psycholinguistics is a complex discipline that studies speech processes and is at the intersection of psychology and linguistics. This course will introduce everyone to the basic concepts, terms, modern approaches and methods of this field.

The authors will talk about existing theories of the emergence of language, experimental morphology and syntax, as well as linguistic studies of writing, reading, bilingualism, oral spontaneous and children's speech.

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