How to master hypnosis for beginners - exercises and techniques

ANO DPO Educational

  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, st. Varshavskaya, 23, building 2, room 25-N
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  • License: 78Л03 No. 002471

Medical - one of the elders of our review - began its activities more than 20 years ago. During this time, his name gained all-Russian popularity: branches of this clinic opened in many cities of the country. Since the leading direction of “Doctor Bormental” is the psychotherapy of excess weight, hypnotic technologies are actively used here, the effectiveness of which has been proven over two decades of practice. With their help, more than half a million Bormental patients have successfully lost weight: this figure is recorded by a certificate from an international rating agency. Hypnosis courses at Bormental have been regularly held since 2001, but initially they were intended only for psychotherapists of this company, and it was a great success for outsiders to attend them.

The reputation of the specialists here is at the highest level: classes are conducted by experienced hypnologists and psychotherapists with scientific and media fame, and the team of teachers is headed by the author of the “Doctor Bormental” method, candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist Andrei Bobrovsky. His popular science books on psychotherapy, publications in top media outlets and expert speeches on federal TV programs speak of the recognized authority of this scientist. The hypnosis course program is detailed and interesting; trance techniques are practiced both with one person and with a group.

The educational website is distinguished by detailed information, transparent prices and feedback, and groups on popular social networks unite tens of thousands of subscribers (Odnoklassniki - more than 43 thousand, VKontakte - more than 45 thousand).

You can study hypnosis courses either face-to-face or remotely, and the online teaching platform ensures that the training is in no way inferior to the real format. The cost of courses, taking into account their quality, is very affordable - from 25 thousand rubles for face-to-face training and from 17,000 rubles online. Things are going well with the state teaching license (it is published on the website), and with the document issued upon completion of studies - just fine. is the clinical base of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University, and graduates of hypnosis courses receive a state-issued certificate from one of the most respected Russian universities.


  • The center and its specialists are widely known.
  • Huge practical experience.
  • Extensive and interesting training program.
  • Affordable price.
  • Certificate of St. Petersburg State University.


  • Hypnosis courses are conducted irregularly.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Sergey Gorin. Have you tried hypnosis?

If you decide to really understand the basics of hypnosis, then the work of the domestic author Sergei Gorin “Have you tried hypnosis?” will be the best option. This book can be called a textbook, in which you can gradually master the techniques and methods of suggestion, step by step, and study the theory of manipulation, both of the individual and of the crowd as a whole. All information is presented in an accessible manner, with explanations. The author is no stranger to light humor, so it definitely won’t be boring.

Many who have tried to read this literature will say that the information is presented haphazardly. But this seems to be the case at first glance. When the reading comes to an end, a clear picture forms in the brain of what the writer wanted to convey.

Monograph “Have you tried hypnosis?” came out back in 1995, but today it is also in demand. In 2021, S. Gorin released a continuation based on letters from readers. But it is strongly recommended to start your reading, of course, with the first book.

Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology named after. B. D. Karvasarsky

  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, 8th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 83, 6th floor
  • Telephone:
  • Email:
  • License: № 0988

This reputable scientific and methodological center takes its origins from the NIPNI named after. V. M. Bekhterev is the oldest medical and scientific institution that made a significant contribution to the formation and development of domestic psychotherapy. Since 2014, doctors, psychologists and social workers have acquired postgraduate additional professional education and advanced training here.

Among the many educational programs in psychology and psychotherapy, there is also a course in hypnosis. His students study classical and Ericksonian hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy. The 72-hour study takes place in the form of a training seminar. The list of course topics is quite broad, although theorizing is kept to a minimum: the emphasis is on practicing hypnotic skills in practice.

The composition of the teachers inspires respect: candidates and doctors of sciences, honored scientists and other scientists with titles. The hypnosis course is taught by a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist with 15 years of experience, Denis Andreevich Omelchenko. He is a member of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association and the Association of Specialists in the Field of Clinical Hypnosis.

The site is somewhat old-fashioned, but convenient and friendly, with detailed schedules, prices, program descriptions and feedback. The institute’s groups on popular social networks are quite developed: on Vkontakte - almost 43 thousand, on Facebook - more than 9 thousand.

Despite the reputability of the institute, the price of hypnosis courses here is affordable: from 21 to 27 thousand rubles. The license for educational activities and samples of documents issued to graduates also do not raise any complaints. The only problem: for some reason the legal and actual addresses of the respected establishment do not match.


  • A large scientific and educational center with reputable teaching staff.
  • The courses are taught by an experienced hypnologist.
  • Reasonable price.


  • There are no distance hypnosis courses.
  • The actual and legal addresses of the institute do not match.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Stephen Gilligan. Therapeutic trances

Many books are devoted to Ericksonian hypnosis. And among this variety of literature it is quite difficult to choose a worthy copy. But still, there is one special book - “Therapeutic Trances” from Stephen Gilligan.

A distinctive feature of this book is the presentation of the material. Everything is systematized and structured. Moreover, everything is described in great detail. After reading this material, you will not need to look for information anywhere else. Everything is here! This includes theoretical data, methods, techniques, strategies, all kinds of ways to immerse yourself in trance and hypnosis. All this is diluted with stories from the practice of S. Gilligan. And, probably most importantly, in this book you can get acquainted with ready-made transcripts of various therapeutic sessions.

This book can truly be called an encyclopedia on hypnotherapy. Such literature is suitable for both experienced psychotherapists and hypnotherapy specialists, as well as beginners in this matter. The latter will definitely appreciate this scientific work.

Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. 1st Miusskaya, 22/24, building 1
  • Telephone:
  • Email:
  • License: № 039535

We present the oldest forge of Russian personnel in the field of psychology and psychotherapy: they have been engaged in professional retraining and advanced training here since 1992. The staff of 30 experienced teachers is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist Elena Gordeeva. The ten-day intensive course “Fundamentals of Ericksonian hypnosis” is led by clinical psychologist, member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League Natalya Oshemkova.

The hypnosis course lasts a total of 88 hours and includes a basic course in Ericksonian hypnosis and hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis and work with therapeutic metaphors. The training program on the website is described in detail.

The site is equipped with feedback, and the groups on social networks are quite developed: about 9 thousand subscribers on Vkontakte and about 5 thousand on Facebook. The content is regularly updated with up-to-date information.

The cost of hypnosis courses is from 34 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the time of payment. Based on the results of training, a certificate of advanced training of the established form is issued. It remains to add that the institute carries out educational activities on the basis of a state license published on the website: everything is honorable!


  • A reputable institution with over 27 years of experience.
  • Opportunity to familiarize yourself in detail with the hypnosis course program on the website.
  • Availability of state license and certificate.


  • Hypnosis courses are taught by a little-known teacher without a scientific degree or medical education.
  • No distance learning.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Mikhail Gordeev. A Fundamental Guide to Ericksonian Hypnosis

Well, the selection should be completed with the wonderful book “Fundamental Guide to Ericksonian Hypnosis” from Mikhail Nikolaevich Gordeev. The author is a famous Russian professor, Doctor of Science and director of the Moscow Institute named after M. Erikson, who has more than 20 years of hard work behind him. He is internationally qualified as an NLP trainer. Gordeev conducts many different webinars on the topics of Ericksonian hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and trance techniques. She also works in the field of child hypnotherapy and treatment of early childhood traumas.

All scientific and practical activities of M. Gordeev are reflected in the book “Fundamental Guide to Ericksonian Hypnosis.” This is a huge encyclopedia of methods and techniques. With the help of this manual, you can learn from scratch various ways to immerse yourself in prostration.

The book is suitable for both practicing hypnotherapists and those simply wishing to learn the secrets of hypnosis. All information is presented in an easily accessible form.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all of the above literature will help you become more familiar with hypnotherapy, master simple techniques of trance and hypnosis, and understand human psychology. Of course, after reading such a volume of information, you can lay a reliable foundation of knowledge. But still, just reading in such a matter as the study of hypnosis is not enough; for better immersion in this topic, constant practice is required, honing various methods and techniques. The easiest and most convenient option to do this is to take courses. This type of training will allow you to effectively study theory and, most importantly, master practical skills in a short time. You can check out the 5 best hypnosis courses here.

And finally, it is worth noting that in order to achieve some result, you should constantly read new literature, practice and develop, hone your knowledge in courses.

Courses by Gennady Ivanov

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 26
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

This school of hypnosis is headed by Moscow psychologist and hypnologist Gennady Ivanov, quite famous in his genre. At the same time, he offers hypnosis treatment, introducing himself as a hypnotherapist. However, this is an “artistic exaggeration”: he is not a doctor at all. Initially, Gennady was educated as a physicist, and then as a journalist. But later he became interested in hypnotic phenomena: as he writes about himself, “he began to often sit in the lotus position, eat light bulbs, walk on coals, and even graduated from the Kirov Institute of Practical Psychology.”

She has been working in the field of hypnosis since 2013. Actively publishes articles in the media and appears on Russian television channels. By the way, the TV presenters of the programs “Street Hypnosis” and “Stars under Hypnosis,” as well as a number of hypnotist-illusionists, were trained by him. One of them, the popular pop hypnotist Alexander Matyukhin, periodically acts as a co-host of courses. The rest of the teaching team consists of three more hypnologists.

In Ivanov’s courses you can learn hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis and hypnosis itself, including street hypnosis: Gennady especially loves it and energetically promotes it. A special feature of hypnosis courses is the initial immersion of the student in the role of a “patient”, and then in the role of the hypnotist himself, which allows not only to study, but also to experience the hypnotic effects in all its beauty and completeness. Hypnosis courses last from four days to two months.

The site is detailed, even too much: it is clearly overloaded with information about the personality and biography of the media hypnologist, as well as lengthy discussions about hypnosis “in general.” The number of groups on social networks is quite decent: more than 20 thousand subscribers on VKontakte and more than 16 thousand on Facebook.

Hypnosis courses are conducted both remotely and face-to-face in mini-groups. The minimum price for training is 25 thousand rubles; online students are given a discount. Graduates are promised a certificate of advanced training under the program of additional professional education. True, on the voluminous website there was no place for an educational license: you just have to take my word for it!


  • The media personality of the presenter.
  • Convenient and exciting form of learning.
  • The site contains many interesting articles and videos about hypnosis.


  • Lack of a leading scientific title and medical education.
  • Information about the license for educational activities has not been published.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

William W. Hewitt. Hypnosis for Beginners

William W. Hewitt is a professional hypnotist with extensive experience in this field. Over 20 years of work, the author has honed his techniques and methods to perfection and has accumulated vast experience.

The most interesting thing is Hewitt's attitude towards hypnosis. He believed that this process was beneficial, healthy and natural. The author also teaches self-hypnosis, working on oneself; as a result of such manipulations, one can forever defeat bad habits, develop useful skills and abilities, overcome fears and phobias, improve memory and logic, learn to find a common language with other people, and much more.

William W. Hewitt describes all the techniques in detail, which is not often found in other writers. Therefore, even an unprepared person will easily be able to apply them in reality, plunge into a trance, know his essence, and work on himself.

If you don’t know where to start on your journey of learning hypnosis, then definitely choose “Hypnosis for Beginners” by William W. Hewitt.

NLP Institute

  • Website:
  • Address: Zagorodny Prospekt, 27/21, 4th floor, office 36
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

The Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming opened in St. Petersburg in 2004. His direction is practical psychology, aimed at activating and revealing personal resources. They do not suffer from excessive modesty here, declaring “in the first lines” of the site: “We are a team of unique individuals and specialists with a psychological education.” If we look at this team more specifically, it consists of ten NLP trainers, business trainers, hypnologists and coaches.

Many self-development programs are taught here, including “Ericksonian Hypnosis Intensive”. The program includes well-known techniques of hypnosis and self-hypnosis for a wide audience of listeners. The leader of the hypnosis courses is a former radio technician, and now a psychologist, hypnotherapist with 12 years of experience, Konstantin Pukhov. According to the website, Pukhov is “one of the best specialists in Russia.” However, this statement is not confirmed by any titles, regalia or facts, except, perhaps, training courses from world-class celebrities - Mikhail Ginzburg, Jean Becchio, Stephen Gilligan, etc.

The site is equipped with feedback and is very detailed: descriptions of programs, prices, schedules, blogs, promotions, etc. But the popular popularity of the NLP Institute is not too high: about 4 thousand subscribers on Vkontakte and a little more than 500 on Facebook.

The hypnotic intensive lasts 13 days and costs 60 thousand rubles - a considerable price for knowledge that is obviously only suitable for “personal use”. On the website it was not possible to find either a teaching license or samples of certificates issued upon completion of hypnosis courses. However, the institute does not pretend to be an official educational activity - it is purely promoting personal self-development.


  • Solid “experience” of the institute.
  • Wide range of programs.
  • The presenter was trained by famous world-famous hypnotists.


  • A cumbersome site with aggressive marketing techniques (unsubstantiated use of epithets “unique”, “best”, “progressive”, etc.)
  • No online training.
  • High price.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Buhl P.I. Medical hypnosis technique

We have already written about one of Pavel Ignatievich Boul’s books. But the author has one more work worthy of attention. So, this is the “Technique of Medical Hypnosis”. Buhl tried to use hypnosis whenever possible in the treatment of patients. He succeeded well in this matter, which is why he shared his accumulated experience.

The book reveals the secrets of medical hypnosis; many techniques and methods are described by the author. All information is presented in detail and systematized. The author tells us interesting and surprising cases from his practice.

The book is suitable for a wide range of readers. It will arouse interest even among experienced psychotherapists. And for beginners, this is a great option to easily and simply get acquainted with hypnosis.

Courses by Vladimir Makulov

  • Website:
  • Email:

The next representative of our review runs his “modest” business in the area of ​​interest to us single-handedly. Until 2008, Vladimir Makulov from the town of Vladimir near Moscow worked as a marketer, which, in all likelihood, helps promote his own product - a hypnosis course in video format. That is, in fact, Makulov is selling video recordings. In the available videos, one notices the use of obscene words—apparently, this specialist prefers an emphatically shocking teaching style.

Makulov carefully hides information about his basic education. Neither on his website nor on social networks you will find any mention of whether he has a psychological education confirmed by a diploma. This does not stop him from pompously declaring on his website that he has “the most complete education in hypnosis in the CIS.” In almost every paragraph, Makulov characterizes his person with expressions: “the first in Russia”, “having the most experience in the CIS” - and the like in the spirit of “Ostap carried.” Having completely lost his shores, Makulov proudly calls himself - why waste time on trifles! - “the founder of modern hypnotherapy.” And at the same time, “president of the national association of psychosomatic specialists” (by the way, created by himself and not registered anywhere).

Similar techniques from the field of aggressive marketing on the site are used everywhere. As a result, a lot has been said about one’s own greatness and fantastic talents, but little about the content of the programs. If you separate the wheat from the chaff, here's what the hypnosis course program contains: 5 step-by-step video lessons, original articles and videos for independent work with difficult feelings. Let's face it, it's not very good. But on Vkontakte, the “father of Russian hypnology” has more than 5 thousand friends, whom he never tires of shocking with obscene expressions on his “wall.”

The price of video courses is small - a few thousand rubles (there are even free ones), but their practical value is like laughter. It’s not worth talking about the state license for educational activities and official certificates from IP Makulov.


  • The site contains photographs confirming communication with famous foreign hypnosis specialists.


  • Lack of information about the leader’s education and license for educational activities.
  • Active use of aggressive marketing techniques: epithets “best”, “first”, “only”, etc. without actual confirmation.
  • Low-informative training program.
  • There are no hypnosis courses as such - only videos for self-study.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Richard Bandler. Transformation. How to use hypnosis to change your life for the better

Richard Bandler is the founder of the approach known as NLP. And even if you think that you know everything about it, then the Works of R. Bandler are still worth studying. Since this is the primary source, the basis of the basics. For beginners, this literature will be an important discovery into the world of human psychology, neurolinguistic programming, and hypnosis.

30 years of painstaking work and practice allowed R. Bandler not only to become a famous psychotherapist, but also to save his life. So, at an already mature age, he was accused of murder. But thanks to his intelligence and NLP methods, he was able to achieve liberation.

In 2010, the author wrote his work “TRANSFORMATION. How to use hypnosis to change your life for the better.” This printed edition has become the best of all the author's works. Its main difference from previous works is the reflection of R. Bandler’s many years of practical experience. The author shares not just methods, suggestions and trance techniques, but interesting stories from personal experience. And the exercises at the end of the chapters are an interesting and useful addition. Also, for beginners, at the end of the publication there is a glossary of all terms, so there should not be any difficulties in reading this literature.

European Academy of NLP Yuri Mashchenko

  • Website:
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

This review participant seems to be competing with the previous one in self-presentation techniques. Just think: “European Academy”! In the minds of potential students, they picture a serious organization, a majestic building, thousands of students, professors, departments... But in reality this is nothing more than a loud name. There is no such organization. There is no license for educational activities. There isn't even a physical address. There is only a one-page website with a home email address. And individual entrepreneur Mashchenko Yuri Valerievich.

The enterprising trainer lists his “titles”: “master NLP practitioner, master of speech hypnosis, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, DST practitioner, owner of several business projects”... However, Mashchenko provided information about higher medical education, which gives the right to be called a “therapist”. didn't bother. What university and what specialty he studied at, and whether he studied at a university at all is a mystery.

The training lasts 12 days. The hypnosis course program is described on the website in an extremely streamlined manner and is full of standard marketing mantras in the spirit of “this is the thing you really need.” However, judging by social networks, the “master of hypnosis” is not doing very well with “recruitment”. On VKontakte, the “academy” has about a hundred subscribers and breaks between posts for a month and a half. And the public page on Instagram contains only 13 publications, and 10 of them are dedicated to retro cars.

But all this does not prevent you from indicating in the “Cost” section the minimum amount of 24 thousand rubles, and it grows by leaps and bounds as the start of the course approaches. Well, and, as usual, a countdown timer with the inscription: “Hurry up to sign up with a discount!”, as well as the promise of a certain certificate from - no more, no less - “the first certification body in the world.” True, it is honestly said that this certificate is recognized only within the NLP community - that is, in fact, it is a “dummy” crowning regular “self-development” courses.


  • Discounts on the course if you register in advance.


  • There is no information about the presenter's education and a detailed program.
  • Using aggressive sales techniques on the website.
  • High price.
  • No distance learning.
  • There is no license for educational services.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Viktor Strelkin NLP Center

  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, Staro-Petergofsky Prospekt, 18 E
  • Telephone:
  • Email: [email protected]

The team of this center consists of two assistants with diplomas of NLP masters, headed by the head, consulting psychologist Viktor Strelkin. From his dossier it follows that he is also an NLP trainer, business coach, coach consultant and even a teacher of refrigeration. In fact, behind these sophisticated “titles” lies not a classical education in state universities, but the completion of all sorts of trainings and courses - like those that he himself conducts. Judging by the information on the website, Viktor Strelkin has been consulting and training for a quarter of a century.

The hypnosis course is embellished with the epithet “certification”, but this is probably for the sake of respectability. Since a sample certificate is not presented on the site, there is only a laconic phrase about how the students will be rewarded: “qualification “hypnologist” or certificate of course participant.” The course consists of five parts lasting 4 days. The topics on the site are described briefly, the main emphasis is on Ericksonian hypnosis.

On Facebook, only 204 people are subscribed to the NLP center page, and on Vkontakte - more than two thousand, and the presenter personally has more than three thousand as “friends”. The rhetoric describing the center and its services on the website is very restrained compared to previous participants, but on social networks Strelkin discards “false modesty”: “leader in NLP training”, “the oldest NLP center in St. Petersburg” and other big words that are not supported by documents.

Taking into account the above, as well as the lack of a published teaching license, the price for a full course of hypnosis is simply extortionate - 80 thousand rubles. However, a number of discounts are provided, but this is of little consolation.


  • Quite a comprehensive training program.
  • Various discounts.


  • A low-authority team of teachers with an education that does not inspire confidence.
  • No correspondence courses.
  • Exorbitantly high price.
  • There is no license for educational activities.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Osho Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh. Hypnosis in the service of meditation

This is not an ordinary book, but a DVD edition. This format is more convenient and practical, especially for beginners. But this is not even the main thing, the most interesting thing is the content. Believe me, there is something interesting and surprising here even for experienced hypnotherapists.

Hypnosis, trance, meditation have been practiced in India for thousands of years. The Indians have reached unprecedented heights in this matter. Therefore, it is definitely worth familiarizing yourself with this amazing DVD edition in order to at least slightly reveal the secret of Indian hypnosis, learn other methods and techniques, and learn from the experience accumulated by Indians over the centuries.

The video is only an hour and 20 minutes long. During this time, the viewer will have time to get acquainted with Osho and his activities at the Meditation Center in Pune in India. Osho will tell you a lot of interesting things about Indian techniques and methods.

Take a little time to watch this video, it will allow you to look at hypnosis from a different perspective.

All-Russian Center for Hypnosis Training by Alexey Voskoboinikov

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. metro station "Profsoyuznaya", Nakhimova Avenue, 57
  • Telephone:

Moscow hypnotist Alexey Voskoboynikov is pleased to have an official diploma in psychology. However, this is where the joy ends: in the manner of many of his “colleagues,” he calls himself a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, without having a medical education. Judging by the dossier, Voskoboynikov is famous for “successfully practicing hypnosis on foreigners, old people and children.” The “All-Russian Center” is presented as a small business card website with a bunch of spelling errors. This “splendor” is accompanied only by Alexey’s personal VKontakte account, where it turns out that he is also a folk healer. There is no team of teachers in the “all-Russian center”: hypnosis courses are taught by Voskoboynikov himself.

Training takes place face-to-face and remotely. There is no program for hypnosis courses on the website - only general phrases that after training “you can easily influence yourself and others, change your life” and even “earn money by practicing hypnosis.” True, it is not clear how to do this: the practical value of the suspicious certificate “on a full course of training in instant, classical and pop hypnosis” is negligible.

Full-time hypnosis courses last 4 days and cost as much as 45 thousand rubles. However, apparently realizing that this was too much, the “All-Russian Center” relented to the action “Hurry! 9,500 thousand!” And the price of distance learning, consisting of 8 lessons via Skype, is completely ungodly - 60 thousand rubles for a bright piece of paper “from Voskoboinikov”.


  • There is distance learning.


  • The presenter is a little-known specialist without a medical education.
  • The website does not provide a course program.
  • Distance learning courses are conducted only individually via Skype.
  • High price.
  • There is no teaching license or standard certificate.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Dave Elman. Hypnotherapy

Dave Elman is the man who was able to popularize hypnosis. He conducted various courses and seminars on hypnotherapy. Such training was available only to doctors, while he himself did not have any special education. D. Elman set himself the task of teaching hypnosis to as many doctors and dentists as possible, while spending as little time as possible.

D. Elman presents hypnosis to his students as an effective, fast-acting and powerful means for treating a wide range of therapeutic diseases. His teachings are radically different, for example, from the theory of the same Milton Erickson. Therefore, reading his book “Hypnotherapy” is even more interesting.

In the publication you can find many methods and techniques. For example, the writer introduces the reader to both methods for achieving trance and various methods of immersing a person in a deep hypno-coma. For those who want to understand hypnosis in all its forms, this book is a must read.

Danilov courses

  • Website: https://xn—-9sbhgaodd4bfcjl2c6c.xn--p1ai/
  • Address: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 117
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

Vasily Aleksandrovich Danilov is a representative of the classical Soviet school of hypnosis. However, as Vasily Alexandrovich himself writes, he has been practicing hypnosis for only 10 years. In Soviet times, he, therefore, was doing something else. This is one of the few representatives of the review who is a doctor by training: a graduate of the Moscow Medical Academy. However, in the doctor’s diploma posted on the website, the line with the assigned qualification is cut off. Why did it happen? Another diploma - in psychology - was obtained from the Saratov “International Academy of Expertise and Assessment”, an institution with an extremely dubious reputation. Among his educational documents there are certificates of both a psychoenergetics specialist and a traditional healer - but this is not at all serious.

However, let's return to the hypnosis courses. The program of the six-day course is not very informative, the topics are covered extremely poorly, and the text is replete with typos and errors, for which a school Russian language teacher in anger would give a “failure.” The groundless criticism of colleagues teaching, for example, Ericksonian hypnosis is also cause for concern: “Milton Erickson himself, of course, was a genius. But it is impossible to convey this genius, these intuitive approaches.”

A course of hypnosis is unreasonably expensive - from 60 to 80 thousand rubles. Danilov does not conduct distance learning and even criticizes such forms of knowledge acquisition. But this does not stop the venerable doctor from offering hypnosis sessions via Skype on Instagram, where he has 4.5 thousand subscribers.


  • The presenter has a higher medical education.


  • The emphasis on the Soviet school of hypnosis narrows the scope of modern clinical hypnotherapy.
  • There is no license for educational activities.
  • High price.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

Milton Erickson. My voice will remain with you...

Milton Erickson is one of the most famous American psychotherapists of the 20th century. His scientific works became the basis of modern psychiatry and NLP. But most importantly, he studied medical hypnosis. In this area, he achieved incredible results and laid down the principles of the so-called “Ericksonian hypnosis” or trance.

The book “My Voice Will Remain with You...” precisely reflects all of Erikson’s scientific and educational activities. But don’t think that this is a dry and boring theory. No, the author wrote short stories in which he reflected real interesting cases of his practice. This story is read in one sitting. It combines subtle humor, mystery and knowledge of the unknown. The book is written so simply and captivatingly that even a beginner can easily master it. It will be useful to get acquainted with the work of M. Erikson not only for people interested in hypnosis and psychiatry, but even for journalists, marketers, etc.

International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation

  • Website: maeo.rf
  • Address: Saratov, st. Panfilova, 1
  • Telephone:
  • E-mail: [email protected] maeo.rf
  • License: № 1420

This is one of the most mysterious institutions in our review. The year of creation is 2013, which is far from a fact. There is no information about the teaching staff. In the video reviews of students on the website, words of gratitude are expressed only to the curator and rector, and not a word about the teachers.

The “training program to become a psychologist-hypnotherapist remotely in 3 months according to professional standards 2016-2020” includes the following topics: “Animal psychology and comparative psychology”, “Occupational psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics”, “Developmental psychology and developmental psychology, educational psychology” . And a few more topics that are, to put it mildly, very distantly related to hypnotherapy. Where did they get such professional standards? Do they even keep in touch with reality there?

Further more! The organization is located in Saratov. The license for educational activities was issued at the address Panfilova, 1. But Google maps shows this institution in the “Real Estate Appraiser” section. And Yandex maps show exactly the same photo at a different address. A sign above the entrance to an apartment in a residential building reads: “ANOC professional standard,” and the text on Yandex maps states that here they train to become a neurosurgeon, neonatologist and neurologist for... 10 thousand rubles! You won’t envy someone who falls under the knife of a surgeon trained there. All this looks, at least, suspicious. Doubts are reinforced by the use of aggressive sales techniques: “Promotion! Only 3 places left!”, “You’re in luck: today there are discounts - reserve your place!”, “A gift for you - the last 4 certificates are free!” In general, a muddy story...

In order not to torment you further, we reveal the secret. The essence of training is this: you get online access to “training materials”, which, most likely, can be found freely available on the Internet. Next, write a “work” based on them, send it to the specified e-mail, and they will send you a diploma by mail. And all this - without leaving your apartment. Voila! For just 30 thousand rubles (this is the price of hypnosis courses), you became the owner of a beautiful piece of paper, the usefulness of which is questionable.


  • Possibility to remotely receive a colorful certificate.


  • The practical usefulness of the certificate is minimal.
  • The training program is not related to the stated topic.
  • No information about teachers.
  • Distance learning only.
  • Confusion with the license and location of the training center.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

National Academy of Further Professional Education

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. Fruktovaya, 7, building 1
  • Telephone:
  • Email:
  • License: № 039872

Don't look for this academy on Google Maps. Google is not familiar with it - not a single review. There are no reviews on Yandex either. There are not even groups on social networks. This organization has one actual address, but the license is registered at a different address - in a small office next to a grocery store on the first floor of a residential building at Moscow, st. Nagornaya, 15, bldg. 8. Somehow completely unpresentable for the “National Academy”! Although there is still a license for educational activities, this cannot be taken away.

The proposed courses of Ericksonian hypnosis, lasting 2 months, have an extremely concise description and are conducted only remotely. The teachers are invited specialists from other cities, who, apparently, broadcast via Skype from their apartments. One of the teachers presented on the course page is a candidate of historical sciences from Chelyabinsk Pedagogical University, but this does not change the essence. But the point is that we have before us another office selling diplomas in various specialties - from an accountant to a foreign language teacher or psychologist.

That is, the function of the institution is simple - the sale of diplomas, the value of which for employers is small, but still there. “Education” costs only 4-5 thousand rubles.


  • Availability of a license for educational activities.
  • Low price.


  • Poor descriptive part of the program.
  • Hypnosis training is limited to distance learning.
  • Lack of reviews on Google and Yandex maps.
  • There are no groups on social networks.

Scores based on criteria

Prestige of the training centerQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificates

How to influence the subconscious

The hypnotic effect occurs through the invocation of subconscious trust and the establishment of so-called rapport. The theory, techniques and practice of hypnosis are inextricably linked with this concept. Rapport is the connection established by the hypnotist with the hypnotized person.

With the establishment of rapport, the hypnotized person becomes more receptive to the suggested words of the hypnotist, readiness to carry out suggested tasks, and loses reaction to other external stimuli. To create unconscious trust and rapport, the hypnotist identifies himself with the hypnotized person - makes his behavior similar, adjusts his posture, gestures, movements, and breathing patterns.

Adjustment to posture and movements

The simplest technique in creating subconscious trust is to adjust to the pose of the person being hypnotized - it must be copied, directly or crosswise (that is, like in a mirror). If, for example, the client's left leg is on top when crossing his legs, when cross-adjusting, the hypnotist should have his left leg on top. But a person rarely sits still, so movements also become the subject of adjustment. This adjustment is more difficult; you need to be very careful, watching and repeating gestures and facial expressions, and at the same time not letting your partner realize it.

The easiest way is to adapt to a person’s gestures, and when copying a gesture, you don’t have to complete it, but only outline and repeat the direction. It is convenient to reproduce the frequency of blinking - the opposite party is almost never aware of this.

To learn this technique, you need to do exercises - copy the pose of a person who is in a motionless state. Repeat changes in posture, gestures, movements. When copying a movement, you can only reflect it by direction; it is important to repeat its frequency. By copying the rhythm of blinking, you can stop it at some point or close your eyes. If the subject does the same, it means that the adjustment is working and the state of hypnosis is approaching.

Adjusting to breathing

Training to adjust to breathing requires a lot of attention, since there is a direct connection between this function and the subconscious. The direct type of adjustment is an exact copying of the rhythm of the subject's inhalations and exhalations. This adjustment is most effective. But if a person's breathing rhythm is too fast or slow, it may be difficult to reproduce. In this case, indirect adjustment is used - they copy the breathing rhythm by moving, for example, a finger.

When performing training exercises, you need to work on both types of adjustments. Watching the person, begin to breathe evenly in time with his inhalations and exhalations. Then select a subject with an increased breathing rate and try to copy the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation by shaking your leg or moving your finger.

Voice and speech

The voice is the hypnotist's working tool. A clear, strong, pleasant voice, easily moving from tone to tone, introduces the hypnotized person into a state of trance. Speech should be clear, unhurried, and convincing. It is necessary to develop your own voice, which will act hypnotically, train it in accordance with these requirements, learn to change intonation, make it rhythmic if necessary.

There are two more rules used in hypnosis:

  1. The speech should not contain negatives. Negations do not exist in the subconscious; it does not perceive them. An exercise for training such speech is to avoid using the particle “not” at all for some time, and instead of using negative words, use others that are suitable in meaning. Then return to normal speech, but when talking about experiences, do not use the negative particle.
  2. Phrases should be general in nature, not specific to the situation. The person being hypnotized must have unoccupied space for his impressions and feelings. This facilitates a faster introduction into trance.

After these initial techniques have been successfully mastered, you can move on - study and train in a self-instruction manual on the basics of hypnosis, techniques for inducing trance through associations, suggestion with command words, hypnotization with built-in messages, using a person’s natural trance. Mastering the techniques of breaking patterns, overloading, and anchoring will add to your knowledge and techniques. It is also important to pay attention to autogenic training.

This is only a small part of the recommendations and exercises for mastering hypnosis. To learn practical hypnosis, you need to work hard using the hypnosis tutorial for beginners, use videos with exercises, examples of techniques, and advice from experienced specialists. Such information can be obtained on the channel of psychologist and hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Bottom line

Our review of hypnosis courses has been completed and is reflected in the summary rating table. While reading the review, you probably already noticed that hypnosis courses are truly a Klondike for overly enterprising individuals, rattling off the catchy names of dubious institutions and sonorous “titles” that they call themselves due to the lack of real achievements. Only a few of our participants are able to provide high-quality and in-demand education in this area. We can only wish that the result of your good intentions to master the art of hypnosis would be an official diploma and serious knowledge, and not financial costs for “personal growth,” the quality of which is highly questionable.

Name of the training centerPrestigeQuality of trainingInternet activityfair priceAvailability of licenses and certificatesBottom line
ANO DPO Educational10108101048
Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology named after. Karvasarsky 10107101047
Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology109891046
Courses by Gennady Ivanov108108844
NLP Institute8876534
Courses by Vladimir Makulov3356118
European Academy of NLP Yuri Mashchenko4555423
Viktor Strelkin NLP Center5453421
Voskoboinikov All-Russian Hypnosis Training Center4443419
Danilov courses6642422
International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation5287830
National Academy of Further Professional Education5538829
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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