List of negative human character traits and how to correct them

In this article we will tell you:

  1. How does bad character manifest itself in different situations?
  2. List of negative qualities of a person with transcript
  3. Negative characteristics of people
  4. Combating manifestations of negative character traits

We are not perfect, all people have strengths and weaknesses. The psychology of personality and its constitutional characteristics of the body determine the presence of positive and negative qualities of a person. The constancy of character manifestation determines the state of the nervous system. At the same time, its dynamics are determined by external factors. The society in which a person lives dictates conditions in the form of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. From birth, everyone is assigned good and bad qualities as a person. But how they will be manifested in later life depends largely on upbringing and the ability to control oneself in any situation.

Upbringing and the type of family relationships mean a lot for the formation of a child’s character traits. Often, the predominance of negative traits becomes a serious obstacle to a prosperous life, friendship, finding a good job, and also in love.

As already said, there is a division into positive and negative qualities of a person. The question arises, can only negative traits be present? Psychologists say that this is almost impossible. Even the most notorious scoundrel has positive traits.

Classification of personality traits

Human personality is studied taking into account innate and acquired qualities .

Mental properties are understood as stable phenomena that influence activity and characterize a person from a psychological and social perspective.

Basic properties : temperament, character, orientation, abilities.

Temperament – ​​a set of individual personality characteristics associated with dynamic aspects, type of nervous activity. It is the basis for character development.

The term was first introduced by Hippocrates. Temperament was divided into 4 types. In our time, the turning point was I. P. Pavlov’s study of the types of the nervous system, of which four were also described.

Negative traits of temperaments:

  • choleric, mobile, unbalanced, vindictive, impatient, impulsive, capable of aggression,
  • sanguine &ndash, hasty, hyperactive, fickle, overestimates himself, suffers from mood swings,
  • phlegmatic, reacts poorly to external stimuli, has difficulty adapting, does not show initiative, does not communicate well with people,
  • melancholic, indecisive, insecure, pessimistic, vulnerable, prone to depression.

Temperament is an innate personality trait.

Character – acquired traits, permanent mental properties that determine the characteristics of a person’s behavior and his relationship with people and the surrounding reality.

Direction – a system of motivations, motives, that is, what a person wants, what he strives for, attitudes. It is formed in the process of education, socially conditioned.

Abilities &ndash, personality traits that are conditions for the successful implementation of a specific type of activity

Selfishness is love only for oneself

An egoist is driven only by personal gain; he always thinks only about himself, his well-being. You cannot expect responsiveness, mutual assistance, or participation in business for the benefit of others from such people. An egoist will not do what is unprofitable for him. It is worth remembering one thing: an egoist is doomed to loneliness; there will never be anyone around him who wants to help, because he himself is not capable of this. It is very difficult to live and work with such people, they do not know how to sacrifice, they think only about themselves, they strive for a comfortable life, they extol their own desires above those of others. Outside opinions and criticism are unimportant for them. Decisions are made only based on one’s own desires and goals.

Selfishness - only for your loved one

The egoist loves himself very much, even forbids others to love themselves, because, in his opinion, they are simply unworthy of it. Self-confident people who have high self-esteem become egoists. The problem lies in the formation of personality, which often develops from childhood. At a certain point in life, due to unfavorable conditions, selfishness begins to form. This can happen at any age.

Basic personality traits

A personality is assessed in terms of the presence or absence of certain traits:

  1. Independence and independence - is a person able to act without relying on the opinions of other people.
    Independence is a trait of a mature personality; it can be psychological, mental. An independent person can easily endure loneliness.
  2. The ability to be creative – this factor determines whether a person can create something new.
  3. Activity and determination – the ability to act, achieve, realize your goals, possession of willpower, the ability not to waste yourself on meaningless activities.
  4. Adequacy , a calm, wise attitude towards life and situations, the ability to act wisely.
  5. A sense of humor helps you cope with life’s troubles.
  6. The desire for development – ​​whether the individual has potential, a desire to move forward, or whether he is satisfied with the current state of affairs. If there is no development, then the reverse process results, degradation.
  7. The ability to take responsibility, first of all, for yourself, your life and actions.
  8. Self-respect, dignity – a person must understand personal boundaries, be able to prevent negative people and situations from entering them, and at the same time respect other members of society.

Personality is the presence of individual character traits, but these are not just differences, but the presence of moral principles, as well as an acceptable way of interacting with the world.

Negative qualities of your character, test:

Arrogance - false confidence in superiority

It is very difficult to communicate and work with such people. An arrogant person always puts himself above others, treats them with disdain and arrogance, and ultimately suffers himself. Friends and relatives often turn away from arrogant people. It is unbearable to be in the company of someone who constantly belittles, does not want to see their merits and skills in others, puts himself on the first step, without even having a small part of the merits of his interlocutor.

Arrogance is false grandeur

Such behavior hides complexes that were laid down a long time ago. The personality hides its insecurity and inability under non-existent greatness. All this in order to appear better to others. Arrogance contradicts the normal awareness of one’s abilities, perception of others, and interaction with them. This trait is one of the most negative; it only brings disappointment to others when communicating with such an interlocutor.

What are the negative character traits?

The study of personality is integral to the analysis of negative traits; their list is quite extensive; let’s look at the most common ones:

  • aggressiveness – a person actively defends himself, while often provoking others into conflicts,
  • gambling – the desire to achieve what you want without taking into account the risks. Often leads to situations that threaten life, health, financial well-being,
  • apathy – a feature of temperament. The presence of this trait leads to the inability to achieve the set goal, the person is indifferent to everything that happens to him,
  • irresponsibility &ndash, reluctance to make important decisions, refusal of responsibility for one’s actions, refusal to realize the consequences of what has been done,
  • ruthlessness &ndash, lack of sympathy for others, inability to sympathize, inhumane actions, in pathology leading to the death of living beings,
  • lust for power – the desire to control all people with whom a person interacts, to subordinate to one’s will,
  • suggestibility – easily submits to behavior imposed from the outside, while the result of one’s actions is not evaluated. However, too low suggestibility can cause poor learning,
  • stupidity &ndash, inability to draw logical conclusions even from the simplest situations, lack of sound criticism,
  • rudeness &ndash, unwillingness to adhere to polite behavior accepted in society, deliberately expressing negativity, provoking a scandal,
  • greed – may manifest itself in pathological hoarding, reluctance to share things or finances even with loved ones,
  • cruelty – causing pain, discomfort to people, animals for the sake of personal satisfaction. The impact can be psychological, emotional, physical,
  • addiction &ndash, obtaining benefits, pleasure from the effects of substances, interaction with certain people, situations, can harm physical and emotional health, financial well-being,
  • envy – a tendency to compare one’s values ​​and the values ​​of other people and experiencing negative emotions, experiences, desire to have something like others about this,
  • spoiledness – the desire to get what you want without taking into account opportunities, circumstances, here and now,
  • laziness &ndash, lack of desire to do anything, strain, move, think,
  • deceit , characterized by a conscious desire to create in others the wrong impression of facts and events in order to obtain personal benefits,
  • hypocrisy &ndash, pretense, assurances of goodwill, love, friendship, but at the same time think differently,
  • vindictiveness , a desire to do something in revenge, a tendency to focus attention on conflicts, prolong them, punish offenders,
  • narcissism &ndash, praising oneself, one’s merits, actions, neglect in relationships with other people,
  • touchiness &ndash, reaction to situations that do not meet expectations, the opinion that the world should revolve around them, and people will certainly fulfill desires, act accordingly,
  • irritability – excessive manifestation of emotions, the strength of which does not correspond to the situation. May be caused by external factors or internal,
  • cowardice &ndash, the inability to resist, the desire to leave, escape from people and situations, the presence of various fears,
  • selfishness – the desire not to take into account the opinions of other people, to live for the sake of one’s comfort.

Cruelty - open hatred

People with this character trait, unfortunately, can take any action, even the worst. Often cruelty begins to manifest itself in childhood, where the child takes it out on animals, and as an adult redirects his quality to people. From a very early age, parents can prevent this by explaining to their child that hurting others is unacceptable. If a cruel person has a family, he will certainly show his worst qualities in it; children will take a bad example from their parent, becoming cruel.

A cruel person not only causes physical pain, violence, humiliates, insults others morally, and can set them up. As a result, he takes pleasure in the suffering of the victim. It is extremely important to understand that these actions are destructive and in reality do not bring anything good. It is much more important to improve yourself, to stop being angry and offended. Cruelty reflects:

  • own dissatisfaction;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • inability to cope with emotions, grievances;

Cruelty is a negative attitude towards the surrounding world.
A cruel person blames those around him for all his troubles, bringing them suffering. Others perceive him as strong, powerful, domineering, they are afraid, they avoid him. It is immediately clear that it is difficult for a cruel person to communicate with loved ones; he has few or no friends. The most terrible consequence of cruelty is revenge for the grievances received. It can manifest itself in a variety of methods, ranging from prolonged, gradual bullying to physical violence. Such a person, who is possessed by cruelty, often simply loses his mind. You can get rid of this, sometimes the process takes a lot of time, involves working on yourself, working with specialists whose goal is to convey the negative of this quality.

Examples for resumes

The study of character traits is used in hiring. This allows us to predict the ability to adapt to the team, achieve success, and work for the benefit of the company.

A trait such as deceit is a factor that suggests that a person cannot be trusted with responsible and secret tasks. Such people easily spread gossip, provoke conflicts, resort to betrayal and theft.

Intransigence is an obstacle to coherent teamwork. Cowardice is not acceptable at dangerous sites or for working in law enforcement agencies.

If a person has a tendency toward addiction, it means that he has a reduced responsibility to society; at the same time, along with this trait, there is often a tendency to lie.

Resumes are often asked to indicate positive and negative aspects of character.

But the person himself is unlikely to reveal his negative sides. In the questionnaire, applicants indicate those features that cannot significantly influence the opinion about them .

For example it could be:

  • straightness,
  • unscrupulousness,
  • workaholism,
  • risk appetite
  • excessive emotionality,
  • slowness,
  • pedantry,
  • fear of air travel.

Some characteristics, despite their negative connotation, may nevertheless be favorable to work .

For example, workaholism will indicate that a person pays full attention to the chosen activity and can work overtime, pedantry - that he will approach work carefully, and lust for power is necessary for leadership positions, however, with the caveat of the ability to properly manage one’s status outside of harm to others.

Negative qualities in a resume are assessed from the point of view of how much they can affect work and communication with the team.

Where it is not necessary to have contact with other people, shyness will not interfere with activity. If the work involves constant communication, then excessive sociability will even be a plus.

What to say if during an interview you were asked to name your weaknesses:

Deceit is the success of the false ego

A clear manifestation of one’s own insecurity, a desire to impress others, even if this means using a lie. A deceitful person comes up with false information, presenting it as reality. The consequences are very sad: distrust of others, loneliness, loss of work, because few forgive lies. If a person constantly lies, over time he himself will become entangled in lies and will certainly be exposed.

Deceit - self-betrayal

Often, a liar simply does not want to, does not know how to perceive reality, and deliberately creates a distorted image of himself, events and facts among others in order to achieve a selfish goal and prevent the negative consequences of his deed.

Impudence - unceremonious behavior

There are many proverbs in the Russian language on the topic of arrogance, one of them says that arrogance is the second happiness. Perhaps, but only for the arrogant and only temporary. Those around such a person will always dislike and despise. Impudence is a related trait to impudence and impudence. The trait manifests itself in different ways, including raising the voice, looking directly at someone, and embarrassing the interlocutor in various ways.

Arrogance - contempt for others

Often, arrogance is the result of impunity, awareness of one’s safety, superiority over others due to despair, self-confidence, high status, position. Many people respond to impudent behavior with irritation, contempt, and are ready to speak out and fight against it. This is because the arrogant person often steps over those around him.

Hypocrisy - immoral actions

Pretending to be kind, loving, and sincere is a manifestation of one of the worst qualities, called hypocrisy. A hypocrite is ready to go to great lengths to achieve his goals, flatter others, and commit immoral acts. Very often a hypocrite is an egoist. The main thing that forces one to hypocrisy is fear of one’s own opinion, perception of the real, low self-esteem. Such a hypocrite is not only with others, but also with himself.

Hypocrisy - masks of one face

This trait can be recognized by several signs. The person smiles insincerely, is tense, has a deceitful, glassy look. When communicating with a hypocrite, one should be very alarmed by the lack of interest, natural emotions, and a sharp change in attitude after discussing a topic or doing a joint task. It is possible to overcome a character trait, but only if the hypocrite himself wants it. It is important to convey to him that it is much better to tell the truth, be sincere, engage in self-development, be responsible, and adequately assess oneself and opportunities.

We keep the brand

When pointing out strengths and hiding weaknesses, you need to be prepared for the fact that during an interview the personnel officer may ask you to demonstrate some of them using a specific example. That is, if “modesty” is written on the resume, the appearance should be appropriate.

Stress resistance can be tested by a two-hour delay in admission, during which the applicant’s behavior will be monitored.

When pushing your intellectual abilities, you need to be prepared to face tests. Etc. and so on.

Vindictiveness - accumulation of negativity

A person who harbors all grievances inside, then repays each potential offender in full for them. A vengeful person is always ready to return evil for evil, regardless of whether it is advisable or not. There are two types of vindictiveness:

  • healthy
  • unhealthy

Vengefulness - accumulation of negativity
The first personifies the readiness to respond blow to blow, but not to destroy the offender, but to stop such blows, to protect oneself. The second type of vindictiveness is worse; the person will not rest until the offender is destroyed. The quality is fueled by hatred, anger, resentment; a person is able to sit for a long time and think about plans on how to make things worse, to take revenge. Vengeful people harm themselves by devouring their own personality from the inside with anger and dissatisfaction. Usually those who do not know how to forgive, have inflated self-esteem, and perceive everything painfully become vindictive. This trait destroys from within, gradually causing hatred towards everyone.

Important Tips

Before you start listing personal qualities, it is worth studying examples and examples of successful and well-written resumes that can be found on the Internet. We can safely say that the following rules apply here:

  1. Information should only be truthful and reliable, since deception cannot be hidden for long, and therefore it is best to simply be honest.
  2. When expressing personal qualities, there is no need to be clever - short and understandable phrases will characterize the applicant much better than written stories.
  3. Be sure to be literate and formulate phrases stylistically correctly.
  4. It is important to highlight 4-5 qualities that really matter to an employer.

If you put maximum effort into writing your resume and think through the right answers to even the most inconvenient questions, the employer will receive a document that will really be interesting and memorable, which means the chance of getting your dream job will be increased significantly.

Society's attitude

According to generally accepted opinion, good qualities of a person always lead to personal development. Unacceptable actions, on the contrary, drive you into a dead end. Adequate and dignified behavior is highly valued. Important indicators are fair, ambitious, trusting and kind relationships. Condemned - betrayal, pettiness, envy and indifference.

The manifestation of dark and light sides is always assessed together. There are no ideals. With a good upbringing and compliance with all the parameters of a benefactor, it is possible that the presence of bad habits related to negative properties. Each individual has the right to independently choose an appropriate model of behavior throughout his life.

Examples of descriptions by profession

Sales Manager

Required qualities: communication skills, activity, result orientation. Will be well appreciated: competent speech, resistance to stress, non-standard thinking, competent speech.


Required qualities: attentiveness, responsibility, learning ability. Will be well appreciated: resistance to stress, non-conflict, scrupulousness.


Required qualities: competent speech, resistance to stress, accuracy, diligence. Will be well appreciated: pleasant appearance, well-groomed, neat.

Video: How to write a resume correctly

Hello! Almost all people have undesirable character traits. Many people try to hide them, but it doesn’t always work. Let's find out what the negative qualities of a person are. The list will help you find them in your home so you can try to fix them.


It’s good to be calm, non-conflict, and liked by everyone. For example, a person took your seat in a movie theater - is it difficult for you to change seats? The cashier didn’t give me enough change, but it was just pennies. A colleague went on vacation and delegated the deadline to you last week - but you won’t ruin the relationship. In general, everyone around feels good when you are calm and non-conflicting.

But when you are ready to openly enter into confrontation, you sit in the place you have chosen, do not do their work for others, and feel pretty good.

Greed - thirst for more

Greedy people always cause contempt. This trait prevents you from building relationships with others, from working, from living, from being happy. After all, a greedy person always wants more, is unable to stop, help others, or enjoy what he has. A stingy person is ready to minimize all expenses, even to his own detriment. Greed is also manifested in the reluctance to part with unnecessary things, excessive saving of money, hygiene products, household services, and other things.

Greed is the path to loneliness

The reason for this behavior is self-doubt, depression, low self-esteem, and self-rejection. The desire to receive more and more comes precisely from one’s own dissatisfaction. Thus, a person tries to elevate himself not by personal development, but by material accumulation. There is no cure for this, the worst trait, but it is imperative to fight it. After all, such a quality has an impact on the psyche, emotional health, and leads to constant tension and illness. Greedy people are actually very unhappy, because they are often lonely.


“You’re just lazy” is a convenient phrase for forcing someone (or yourself) to do something you don’t want to do without any explanation or motivation. The word “laziness” nestled next to its brother “need”. But sometimes, instead of being ashamed and overcoming, it is better to stop and think.

You may be lazy because action seems meaningless to you. For example, you bought a dishwasher and a robot vacuum cleaner, and all your older relatives now consider you a level 80 lazy person. Or you sabotage the case because it was imposed on you against your will. Or you’ve already done your part of the work faster than everyone else and don’t want to help anyone - you have the right.

Finally, laziness can be a good indicator that you are tired, burned out, or depressed. If nothing makes you happy anymore and you barely have enough energy to watch TV shows in bed, this is a serious symptom. Self-flagellation will only make things worse.

So there is no need to fight laziness (you need to be able to rest). But it’s better to listen to her.

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