What is love for children? Scientific justification for the ethical and pedagogical concept of “love for children” article on the topic

The meaning of the word "love"

  • Love

    1. a feeling of deep affection for someone or something ◆ Motherly love

    for a friend.
    ◆ I love my fatherland, but with a strange love
    My reason will not defeat her. Lermontov, “Motherland”, 1841 ◆ And the heart grows and wants to burst from the fullness of some unusual feelings and from the great, silent love
    for people, for the land. Gorky, “In People”, 1916

    2. a feeling of favor, sympathy for someone ◆ With her cunning and insinuating mind she knew how to acquire love

    their masters
    Pushkin, “The Blackamoor of Peter the Great,” 1837 ◆ His main good feature, which arouses almost general love
    for him, was his modesty. Tolstoy, “There are no guilty people in the world,” 1911 (quote taken from the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes (MAS))

    3. feeling of warm heart inclination, attraction to another person ◆ Marry for love

    ◆ First love
    once met me, // Free, boiling
    // I was happy. Pushkin, “Rusalka” ◆ [Sonya] was all breathing with happiness and love
    since Nikolai arrived, and this girl’s faithful, unshakable
    had a joyful effect on him. Tolstoy, War and Peace, 1863–1869

    4. someone’s about a person who inspires a feeling of love (in the previous meaning) ◆ - Farewell, mother, farewell, my bride, my love

    Garshin, “Four Days”, 1877 ◆ - Do you see the girl in a blue blouse? - Valka suddenly whispered to Pavlik. - […] This is Alyoshka’s love
    : Tasya. B. L. Gorbatov, “My generation”, 1933 (quote taken from the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes (MAS))

    5. love relationships ◆ [grandmother] spent several years working in winemaking in Kizlyar. It was there that she lived in secret love

    my mother - Nastya. Gladkov, “The Tale of Childhood”, 1949 (quote taken from the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes (MAS))

    6. internal desire, attraction, inclination, attraction to something ◆ Love

    for the freedom of the homeland in Insarov […] throughout the entire body, and no matter what enters it, everything is transformed by the power of this feeling.
    Dobrolyubov, “When will the real day come?”, 1860 ◆ I’m talking about her passionate love
    for the theater.
    Chekhov, “A Boring Story”, 1889 ◆ By this time I realized my certain attraction to landscape - and only to landscape ( my love
    for portraits came later). A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, “Autobiographical Notes”, 1935–1951 (quote taken from the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes (MAS))

    7. addiction to something, preference for something ◆ Love

    to adventure.
    ◆ Bykov especially often laughed at his love
    for sweets. One day Ulenkov immediately spent all his pay on chocolate and cakes. V. M. Sayanov, “Heaven and Earth”, 1935–1954 (quote taken from the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language in 4 volumes (MAS))

    Phraseologisms and stable combinations

    • priestess of love
    • for the love of art

  • love till death
  • love at first sight
  • unhappy love
  • dry love
  • LiveInternetLiveInternet

    Here are the children’s answers to the question: “What is love?”, which they answered during the competition for the most loving child. (Selection of photos from the Internet)

    Love is when someone loves you, they say your name in a special way.
    Your name feels comfortable on his tongue. Billy, 4 years old
    Love is when Grandma got arthritis and could no longer bend over and paint her toenails with polish. Then grandfather began to do this for her, even after he also developed arthritis in his hands.

    Rebecca, 8 years old

    Love is when you share your fried potatoes and don't expect them to share them with you too.

    Chrissy, 6 years old

    Love is what makes you smile even when you are tired.

    Terry, 4 years old.

    Love is what ends up in the room with you at Christmas if you stop unwrapping your presents and listen.

    Bobby, 7 years old

    Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.

    Noel, 7 years old

    Love is like old grandparents who are still friends even after they have gotten to know each other so well.

    Tommy, 6 years old

    Love is when mom gives dad the best piece of chicken.

    Elaine, 5 years old

    Love is when Mom sees Dad dirty and sweaty and still says he's more handsome than Robert Redford.

    Chris, 8 years old

    Love is when your puppy licks you even after you've left him alone all day.

    Marie Ann, 4 years old

    Love is when you love someone, your eyelashes open and stars fly out from under them.

    Karen, 7 years old

    Love is when mom sees dad in the toilet and she’s not disgusted.

    Mark, 6 years old

    Love is when mom makes coffee for dad and first tries it herself to see if it’s delicious.

    Dani, 7 years old

    There is no need to say “I love you” if it is not true. But if it’s true, repeat it more often, otherwise those you love may forget.

    Jessica, 8 years old

    If you want to learn how to love better, you need to start with someone you can't stand.

    Nikka, 6 years old

    My mother loves me most of all. I don't see anyone else kissing me goodnight.

    Claire, 5 years old

    I know that my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old things and she has to buy new ones for herself.

    Lauren, 4 years old

    These are children's answers to the question: “ What is love?”

    ?”, to which they answered during the competition for the most loving child. And the winner of the competition was a four-year-old boy - one day he saw that his neighbor, whose wife had recently died, was crying bitterly. The child came into his yard, climbed onto his lap and sat there until the man felt better. When his mother asked what he said to his neighbor, the boy replied: “Nothing. I just helped him cry."

    Can there be happiness without love?

    The concept of love is interpreted as something important for the existence of an individual in society. On the other hand, many disputes arise regarding life without this feeling. “The most important thing in life is love” - sounds from almost all media in any country. You can live without this important feeling. The question arises, what will such a life be like, like what? A subject deprived of love can exist like everyone else. At first glance, his life is no different: he goes for walks with friends, watches TV, goes to work, eats, sleeps. Having everything important that he dreamed of from early childhood, he still feels an insatiable feeling of loneliness. Love is a feeling that can change life, pushes to achieve feats, contributes to the self-improvement of each individual: people go in for sports, take care of their appearance, increase the level of self-education, everything to please their soulmate. Therefore, the main thing in life is love, which can rule the world and people.

    Not every individual is capable of love. Sometimes, without meeting the same person or due to upbringing, a person is able to refuse the feeling of love, compensating with other emotions. It is common for people who have not met their soul mate to create families with people who show a sense of care and attention. Let it be so, not mutually, they create new cells of society, come to terms with it, live happily. Someone in this position is destined to fall in love with a partner unexpectedly. A small spark of brightly colored emotions will flare up and a person will learn about the benefits of mutual love and a family created in harmony. The inevitable option is that love will not come. There is a positive side - that crisis moment will not come when this feeling is destined to fade away and develop into a habit. Happiness exists without love; it is hidden in the spirituality and self-development of individuals who are able to form a prosperous family on the basis of this.

    Love in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:

    Love is an intimate and deep feeling, a desire for another person, a human community or an idea. In ancient mythology and poetry, a cosmic force similar to gravity. In Plato and in Platonism, love is eros - the motivating force of spiritual ascent. in everyday usage, platonic love is love free from sensual attraction. Sexual love in its modern form of individually selective feeling is the result of the long historical development of the human personality.

    (Agape) Roman (d. c. 137) - a 9-year-old girl, a Christian martyr, who suffered persecution by Emperor Hadrian, one of the three daughters (along with Vera and Nadezhda) of St. Sophia of Rome. Commemorated in the Orthodox Church on September 17 (30), in the Catholic Church on August 1 and September 30.

    How is sympathy different from love?

    If you follow the logic of the same Stenberg, then sympathy will include only one component of the three necessary for love - intimacy. It turns out that this is simply affection, including, among other things, trust. It is believed that you can feel sympathy for several people at once, but love only one.

    Tenderness, spiritual closeness, trust and affection can exist simply between comrades. So do common interests. In this case, the relationship lacks passion and devotion to one person. There can be many friends. It turns out that sympathy is very strongly connected with friendship and, in fact, is what it is in some sense.

    But sympathy can develop into something more over time. In a relationship, passion and a desire to be faithful to the chosen one may appear. And it is impossible to predict when this will happen or whether it will happen at all.

    What's the result? Will you be able to define the word “love”? Most likely, only someone who has experienced such a subtle feeling for understanding will be able to do this. And it is not at all necessary that his interpretation will be similar to someone else’s. Everyone determines for himself what love is for him.

    But supporters of the glass of water theory have a different opinion on this matter. Interesting? Read further at the link.

    How are the concepts of fidelity and love related?

    Based on the material presented above, it follows that love is a mutual, noble feeling, based on mutual understanding, mutual development, and mutual support. Does such a sublime feeling exist without fidelity?

    A human quality that promotes the manifestation of perseverance in relation to a certain event or subject, based on personal choice and attitudes, is usually called loyalty. For a morally mature individual, love is a conscious choice. Only when both subjects create a common concept of existence, make a choice towards creating a common good, developing family values, and how they plan to live, a true feeling of love is formed. Accordingly, this is a conscious choice leading to maintaining fidelity.

    Cheating is an action that implies not only an individual’s mistake, but mainly his immaturity and short-sightedness in creating relationships. But it happens that loyalty is maintained in a relationship not only because of feelings. This happens when one partner is comfortable living in such an environment. In a meaningful and healthy relationship, the presence of love involves a feeling of loyalty. Infidelity in a relationship where both partners do not value each other and do not want to develop together is regarded as betrayal.

    Fate of the name Love in love and marriage

    Does the meaning of the name Love promise happiness in love? Romantic adventures are important in Lyuba’s life. She has many hobbies that bring into her life not only variety and exoticism, but also disappointment.

    Often outwardly Love is relaxed, sociable and cheerful, but inside she lives another person, immersed in her own plans, sensitive and passionate. The girl with this name is very sexy, enjoys great success, and amazes her fans with her passion. Many men want to date Love. Because of her, they lose their heads and destroy their family. A woman named Love tries to put her chosen one in a dependent position.

    Since there are always many fans around Lyubov, such diversity makes it very difficult for her to make an unmistakable choice. In intimate relationships, Lyuba lacks warmth. She often does not rely on herself, so she can use the services of fortune tellers or try to find out her fate using horoscopes.

    Her family life is not always strewn with roses. Love dreams of being loved, but often betrays itself, choosing for the sake of external well-being a man who is far from his ideal. Because of this, her first marriage may be completely unsuccessful. But Love does not remain alone for long, and remarriage will make her more flexible and tolerant. Lyuba treats children calmly and strictly, but their father is closer to them.

    What is love from a psychological point of view?

    What is love from a psychological point of view? Experts consider it as a sensual phenomenon between a man and a woman (although there may be variations), which has its own path of development. That is, this is not something that was born once, but something that requires time and mutual efforts of partners.

    Many people confuse love with passion : people meet, violent emotions are born between them, which is nothing more than a change in hormonal levels.

    Scientists have proven that the body of a person in love intensively produces hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and others. Under their influence, people feel happiness: this state can be compared to inspiration and a feeling of flight, but it does not last long.

    The butterflies in the stomach last only a few months, and when the last one flies away, the physical state returns to normal, and the partners decide that the love has passed and go their separate ways. In fact, she hasn't been born yet .

    The meaning of love in human life

    The need for love - to love and be loved - is one of the basic ones, therefore all individuals strive to experience this feeling and find the person who is meant for them. Although many people, having experienced disappointment in a partner or mental anguish due to unrequited feelings, would prefer to never fall in love, so as never to suffer again.

    But if this happens, then the meaning of all human existence, if not disappear, will be greatly modified. Indeed, at the basis of many phenomena of life lies precisely this feeling. It motivates people to improve themselves, promotes spiritual growth and human progress in general.

    Celebrities named Love

    1. Lyubov Petrova Orlova (1902-1975) - famous film actress, idol of the Russian public of the 1930-1950s.
    2. Lyubov Polishchuk - (1949-2006) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, starred in more than 80 films.
    3. Lyubov Egorova - (born 1966) famous Soviet and Russian skier, winner of six Olympic gold medals (1991,1994).
    4. Lyubov Wasserman, Lyube Vaserman - (1907-1975) Soviet Jewish poetess.
    5. Lyubov Khavkina - (1871-1949) Soviet theorist and organizer of library science.
    6. Lyubov Popova - (1889-1924) Russian and Soviet painter, painted in the avant-garde and graphic genres.
    7. Lyubov Voronkova - (1906-1976) Soviet children's writer, author of many children's books and a series of historical stories for children.
    8. Lyubov Capital - (1884-1934) nee - Ershova; Russian poetess, playwright.
    9. Lyubov Pustilnik - (d. 2012) Russian literary critic.
    10. Lyubov Dobzhanskaya - (1905/1908-1980) Russian and Soviet theater and film actress.
    11. Lyubov Gakkebusch - (1888-1947) Ukrainian Soviet theater actress, teacher and translator.
    12. Lyubov Sokolova - (1921-2001) Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1990).
    13. Lyubov Axelrod - (1868–1946) Russian and Soviet philosopher and literary critic.
    14. Lyubov Gurevich - (1866–1940) Russian writer, literary and theater critic, public figure.
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