Compatibility of temperaments of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic: work, friendship, love. Who does a choleric person, a sanguine person, a melancholic person, or a phlegmatic person get along with?

Compatibility of temperaments of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic: work, friendship, love

Compatibility of temperaments
As you probably already understood, absolutely all character traits, to one degree or another, influence a person’s behavior. This is why sometimes close and dear people stop understanding each other and begin to quarrel regularly. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that there are character traits that even with a strong desire cannot be changed.

In view of this, if you want to avoid minor omissions, then try to determine what type of character the person close to you belongs to and, if possible, try not to commit actions that will obviously upset him.

Temperament compatibility:

  • Choleric. At work, people with this temperament are better off making friends with sanguine people. Since they are also quite energetic, together they will be able to achieve all their goals quite quickly. As for friendship and love, it is best for such people to only let phlegmatic people close to them. The latter have a fairly calm and balanced character, thanks to which they can gently cool down the ardor of a choleric person at the right time.
  • Sanguine. In principle, a sanguine person, if desired, can get along with any person. His ability to adapt to new circumstances gives him the opportunity to fruitfully cooperate and make friends with both choleric and melancholic people. The only area of ​​life in which he is not ready to give in is romantic relationships. That is why men and women with such a temperament do not get along with stubborn and conservative phlegmatic people.
  • Melancholic . The best ally of a melancholic person at home and at work can be a sociable and energetic sanguine person who will listen and lend a helping hand at the right moment. Also, a melancholic person can communicate quite calmly with a phlegmatic person. The latter's slowness and calmness will have a positive effect on the hypochondriac, thereby helping to ensure that he does not commit rash acts.
  • Phlegmatic . The best ally at home and at work for people with a similar temperament are melancholic people. With their softness and sensitivity, they transform a cold-blooded phlegmatic person into a person who is ready to move mountains for the sake of a loved one.

What kind of work is suitable for choleric people?

Certain professions are suitable for each type of temperament. Ask yourself: are you a creative person or a leader? Innovator or entrepreneur? When choosing a suitable career, consider your morals. Key qualities of a choleric person when choosing a profession:

  • sociability;
  • straightforwardness;
  • persistence;
  • adaptability;
  • poor or average self-control.

It is important to note that people of this type do not tolerate monotonous and boring work well. The ideal option for a choleric person to work is in the sphere of communication with people. Top 10 modern professions suitable for energetic and sociable individuals:

  • Journalist.
  • Marketer.
  • Sales Manager.
  • Event organizer.
  • PR manager.
  • Shop assistant.
  • Administrator.
  • Fitness trainer.
  • Motivational speaker.
  • Targetologist.

Often people with explosive temperaments become bosses. On the one hand, this is good, because this type finds it easy to work in the managerial field. A big plus: from birth they are given rapid career advancement, thanks to their enthusiasm and sociability. There are also negative aspects: the team will begin to dislike an emotionally unstable leader.

A subordinate position is difficult for choleric people: they are accustomed to acting on their own initiative and do not listen well to their leaders. When a boss and a subordinate are choleric, a conflict arises between them, which leads to the inevitable dismissal of one of them. Either you or you. To prevent controversial situations, learn to listen to your superiors, and sometimes carry out assignments that you do not consider important and worthy of you.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person

Compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person
The union of a choleric person and a sanguine person almost always brings very good results. A choleric person with a strong character often lacks the strength to complete what he started, and if during this period a sanguine person happens to be near him, he will bring all his ideas to life in the shortest possible time. In addition, people with this character can come together based on common interests or hobbies.

While doing what they love together, they will be able to forget for a while that they both have a fairly purposeful character, which periodically leads to the fact that they begin to fight for the palm. The most unpleasant thing is that if the choleric person does not learn to give in to the sanguine person, then their friendship will end quite quickly and in the end they will become sworn enemies who will always look for a reason to annoy each other as much as possible.

Choleric and career

Choleric people are born bosses . They have enough strength, motivation and persistence to achieve success for themselves and others. They work quickly and intensely, making decisions on the fly. Together with them, everyone around them begins to work at the same pace.

However, sometimes a choleric person can be a rather formidable and rude boss who yells at his subordinates, controls them excessively and criticizes them.

The main work criteria that a person of choleric temperament values:

A choleric subordinate is a very proactive and energetic worker. He does not wait for new tasks to be assigned to him; he directly asks for them or looks for them on his own. However, he may be trying to take his boss's place and is a serious competitor for him.

Cholerics are well suited for such professions as actor, private entrepreneur, politician, correspondent, coach, director.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a melancholic person

Compatibility of a choleric person with a melancholic person
Choleric people, as a rule, are very hot-tempered, impatient and straightforward. And it is these character traits that most frighten timid and suspicious melancholic people. For this reason, the union of people with similar temperaments in real life is almost impossible. Yes, they can try to be friends or live together, but due to their completely polar characters, they will constantly have rather violent showdowns, from which the persistent and hot-tempered choleric will always emerge victorious.

The melancholic person in such an alliance is assigned the role of a victim, who will always have to agree with the opinion of her opponent. True, if a melancholic person is lucky and meets an unforgiving choleric person, then it is likely that they will be able to coexist quite tolerably together. Also, such an alliance is possible if the choleric person tries to slightly curb his excessive straightforwardness and demandingness, and simply protects the melancholic person from all sorts of troubles. In this case, being able to feel strong and needed can make a person more gentle and patient.

Who is a choleric person: a hot-tempered aggressor or a brave and energetic leader

If a choleric person is dissatisfied with something, he immediately starts a loud showdown that turns into a fierce fight. He is overly emotional and often crosses the boundaries of what is permitted. It is impossible to calm him down, and life with such a person is a complete nightmare. This is how a choleric person appears in the eyes of others. However, is this true?

Choleric people suffer greatly from the stereotypes that society has invented about them. And now it’s time to find out the real facts about choleric individuals.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a phlegmatic person

Compatibility of a choleric person with a phlegmatic person
A union of people with similar types of temperament can be called ideal only if the phlegmatic person is responsible for the more routine and responsible part of the relationship. In this case, the choleric person will be the generator of ideas, and the phlegmatic person will be the person responsible for their implementation.

But, in general, it is better that in such an alliance it is the phlegmatic who holds the reins of power; his equanimity, prudence and consistency will slightly restrain the impatience and incontinence of the choleric person, and as a result he will begin to react less sharply to external stimuli.

If such an alliance lasts for a long time, then it is likely that people with similar characters will be able to build very warm and trusting relationships that no major quarrel can destroy.

Compatibility table

There are many versions of compatibility by type of temperament; in essence, they are similar to each other.

Temperament compatibility chart

TemperamentCholericSanguineMelancholicPhlegmatic person
CholericPoorly compatibleNot bad, but there may be difficultiesPoorly compatiblePerfect fit
SanguineNot bad, but there may be difficultiesNot bad, but there may be difficultiesPerfect fitPoorly compatible
MelancholicPoorly compatiblePerfect fitPerfect fitNot bad, but there may be difficulties
Phlegmatic personPerfect fitPoorly compatibleNot bad, but there may be difficultiesPerfect fit

Thus, before entering into a new relationship (no matter whether it’s friendship or love), you should find out the temperament of your future partner and compare it with your own character. It is quite possible that abandoning such relationships will save nerve cells and relieve many problems.

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a melancholic person

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a melancholic person
You have probably heard more than once the folk wisdom that two cardinal opposites attract. The same can be said about the union of a sanguine person and a melancholic person. As practice shows, two people with completely different temperaments feel quite good together. Thanks to the fact that a melancholic person knows how to shut up and step aside in time, a sanguine person in all life situations feels that he is right and this gives him confidence that a loved one understands him very well.

But this state of affairs does not mean at all that the main thing in such a union is the sanguine person. Since, due to his temperament, he does not know how to correctly express his feelings, most often it is the melancholic person who helps him develop this character trait. And precisely because two similar people are able to complement each other quite unobtrusively, their union always turns out to be very strong, and all of the above applies to both friends and married couples.


Compatibility of temperaments is a necessary component of any relationship. Although some temperaments are considered incompatible, you can always find exceptions in which one of the people is inferior to his other half.

If there are different temperaments in the union, you can use the following tips to help you get along better.

  • If there is a choleric man in the couple, the woman should remember that he can be harsh, emotional, but quickly move away. Such a temperament can say too much, but then he will definitely regret it. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to be offended by your soulmate and accept her for who she is.
  • A phlegmatic wife will be calm and slow. Such people are reasonable and need to weigh the pros and cons before taking action. Don't rush your significant other and scold her for being slow. Praise is considered the best behavior. Psychologists advise praising the wife of a phlegmatic person for her thoughtfulness and seriousness, because you can always rely on such a person.
  • A melancholic woman is a sensitive and sentimental person. If a couple has different temperaments than the husband, the partner should show patience and understanding towards his other half. A melancholic person is easily hurt, and he can easily withdraw into himself. Therefore, you should treat his “attacks” and experiences with restraint.
  • When paired with a sanguine person, you should not fight for leadership. Also, you can’t put pressure on him with the seriousness of your intentions.

For information on compatibility by temperament type in marriage, see the following video.

melancholic - melancholicmelancholic - sanguinemelancholic - phlegmaticmelancholic - cholericcholeric - phlegmaticcholeric - sanguinecholeric - choleric


Each type of temperament has its own peculiarity, a personality trait that cannot be changed; it only needs to be taken into account and accepted. This is why it is possible to foresee in advance how the relationship will develop and what possible pitfalls are possible.

Determine temperament, take the test

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a phlegmatic person

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a phlegmatic person
At first glance, it may seem that the determination and sometimes excessive initiative of sanguine people does not fit in any way with the calm and balanced character of phlegmatic people. But in practice, this combination gives a very good result. If these two people meet, they usually remain faithful to each other for the rest of their lives. If they have any quarrels or misunderstandings, they always find the strength to discuss the current situation.

The only stumbling block in such relationships is the intolerance of criticism by phlegmatic people, so if a sanguine person tries to directly point out mistakes to a loved one, then most likely he will be offended by him. In view of this, if you want to avoid any complications in the relationship, then try to give criticism in minimal portions. As for dominance, in such couples the sanguine person almost always dominates, while the phlegmatic person tries to remain in a secondary role.

Choleric in childhood


  • A choleric child studies at an average level. He gets distracted in class and doesn't listen to the teacher because he doesn't have the perseverance. He may also skip classes.
  • The favorite school subjects of such children are those that require physical activity, as well as lessons in a playful way.
  • Such a child does not tolerate situations when the teacher criticizes him, especially in front of other children. He can start a conflict, yell at the teacher, disrupt the lesson.


  • The little choleric is constantly in the spotlight. He competes for the title of leader and simply the best child. If no attention is paid to him, he can be attracted by cruel methods (ridicule, insults, fights).
  • A choleric child does not seek to single out any of his friends. He is equally sincere and even naive with everyone. If a sanguine person sees no point in getting close to friends at all, then a choleric person tries to become close to everyone he knows.
  • This child protects other children because he loves to be a patron since childhood. He likes the feeling of being feared or adored.


  • A choleric schoolboy often gets into fights. If he is not raised properly, he will try to solve all problems with the help of violence and threats.
  • You can't yell at a kid like that. This will definitely not make him more obedient, he will only be offended by the adult, begin to snap and run away from home.
  • A choleric person has a lot of energy. It is important to engage him in different activities so that he is always occupied with something.
  • It is better to immediately teach your child to resolve conflicts peacefully, control his emotions, respect peers and adults, and train concentration.

Compatibility of a melancholic person with a phlegmatic person

Compatibility of a melancholic person with a phlegmatic person
Melancholic people by nature are very timid, shy and suspicious, therefore they feel completely free with reliable and calm phlegmatic people. If people with such temperaments form a couple, then their union looks ideal from the outside, especially if the woman has a melancholic character. The man next to her feels like a real ruler of the world, because every day she admires how quickly he solves all problems.

True, even in such an alliance, minor quarrels may periodically arise. Most often, they appear due to the fact that a melancholic person simply cannot understand what mood his loved one is in at the moment and, for example, when he, tired, comes home from work and offers him a walk or a visit. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the phlegmatic person, getting angry, does not even understand that the reason for this behavior of the melancholic person is his inability to show his emotions to others.

Temperaments from a psychological point of view

The role of temperament and character in a person’s professional self-determination
The concept of temperament has been known for a long time; at different times this definition was given a similar meaning. Modern psychology has processed all the findings collected over millennia:

  • Choleric temperament is based on strong, unbalanced and mobile nervous processes, which determine the presence of unrestrained and expansive behavior and increased psychosexual activity. These are active, excitable and energetic people. Choleric people are most often extroverts and easily make new contacts. They quickly get carried away by new things, make a lot of effort towards the goal, but very quickly get tired and deplete their energy reserves. The imbalance of nervous processes leads to frequent changes in behavior. They love to be leaders and public (sometimes even shocking) people. They are persistent, impatient, unbridled, hot-tempered and emotional, and can be aggressive. In sexual relationships, they also quickly become aroused, ignore foreplay and quickly complete the act (due to haste, premature ejaculation may occur).
  • Sanguine temperament is strong, balanced, agile, with a level of psychosexual activity above average. Sanguine people react quickly and adequately to the outside world, showing interest in significant and little-studied materials. Like all extroverts, they do not experience difficulties in communication, they are sociable and sociable. They have high adaptability to changing living conditions, are restless and somewhat impulsive. They are smart, but prone to changeable moods, interests, and aspirations. They constantly need new experiences and rush into new relationships with energy and ease. They easily experience their failures and troubles. They are emotional, have rich and expressive facial expressions, and love to attract attention to their person. They are amorous, but fickle and superficial in their feelings. They are famous as good, but not permanent, sexual partners who know how to feel the needs of a loved one.

Typical behavior of a phlegmatic person

  • The phlegmatic character is formed on the basis of strong, balanced and sedentary nervous mental processes, causing inert and calm behavior. Psychosexual activity is below average. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by some slowness, calmness and inexpressiveness of facial expressions. They are not irritated by monotony and monotony. Communicate with a limited circle of people. It takes a long time, but they thoroughly master new behavioral forms. They are persistent, persistent, constant in their judgments and feelings, balanced, not prone to emotional manifestations, and always finish what they start. They are calm, have persistent aspirations and moods, and are stingy with emotions and feelings. They can exhibit both endurance, depth, constancy and thoroughness, and laziness with a tendency to perform the same habitual, monotonous work. As introverts, it is difficult for them to make contact with strangers, start new relationships, master a new profession, or move to work in another team. They respond poorly to attention to themselves and practically do not react to external stimuli. A phlegmatic man in love replaces the lack of imagination with the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • A melancholic temperament is formed if a person has weak, unbalanced and sedentary mental processes. Psychosexual activity is weak. Melancholic people are characterized by vulnerability, inertia, acute sensitivity to injustice and excessive sensitivity. Gradually ripening sensations have a great influence on their mood and quality of life. They are careful about their partner’s feelings and prefer to listen rather than talk. They are prone to asthenia and the syndrome of anxious anticipation of failure (including sexual failure). They are impressionable, modest, cautious, have restrained and subdued movements and speech. Their facial expressions are usually inexpressive. In ordinary life they have content, depth and responsibility. At the same time, they are shy, timid, indecisive and unsure of themselves. They get tired quickly, difficulties can cause an inhibition reaction or even break the personality of a melancholic person. They are characterized by unstable attention and a slow reaction to events. In intimate life they take a passive position, they tend to play the role of a victim. Relationships are especially difficult when a man is melancholic and a woman is phlegmatic.

Melancholic behavior

Important! Each temperament has both positive and negative traits, which can be leveled out by proper education, control and self-control.

Temperament affects:

  • speed of mental processes;
  • mental stability and speed of switching of various processes;
  • manifestation of extraversion or introversion;
  • intensity of emotions, willpower, and so on;
  • the nature of intimate relationships.

Two choleric people - compatibility: description

Two choleric people - compatibility
Some people associate choleric people with a kind of time bomb that explodes at the most inopportune moment. Such people are very hot-tempered, impatient, overly persistent and demanding, so if two choleric people live under the same roof, then minor quarrels occur every day. But still, one should not think that men and women with such a character cannot have anything in common.

If they have common interests, then they will be able to communicate normally quite easily. As practice shows, two choleric people can make wonderful friends who value their relationships. But they rarely make married couples, and this is due to their explosive and unpredictable nature. Due to the fact that choleric people do not know how to restrain negative emotions, scandals in such a family occur with enviable regularity, and in the end everyone remains unconvinced.

Choleric and relationships

It definitely won’t be boring and calm in a relationship with a choleric person. In love and friendship he is passionate and jealous. A choleric partner is very sensitive to the fact that a person close to him communicates with someone else. In front of him, it is better not to praise someone else, because the choleric person will take it as a reproach and cause a scandal.

Such a person gives himself completely to any relationship . He is ready to give gifts, shout about his feelings to the whole world, do crazy things, sacrifice something important. In return, he will demand unconditional devotion and loyalty. And not just physically. The choleric will consider it a betrayal that he will be put in second place. But he is always the first! Also choleric people:

Relationships with a choleric personality are often short. Other people find it difficult to cope with their unpredictability and violent emotions. A choleric person suffering from loneliness among a crowd of people is not uncommon.

Two sanguine people - compatibility: description

Two sanguine people - compatibility
Sanguine people by nature are very pleasant people to talk to. They easily make contact even with those people whom they see for the first time in their lives. Their sociability, optimism and energy help them find the positive in everything and move towards their goals as quickly as possible. Such people will never criticize or say nasty things behind your back.

If they see that a person has made a mistake, they will try to point it out as tactfully as possible and even help correct all the consequences of a rash step. In view of all this, we can say that the union of a sanguine person and a sanguine person is simply doomed to exist for a long time. Due to their character, they will support each other in any situation, and they will do this even knowing that their loved one is a little wrong.

Suitable professions

Sanguine people should avoid professions associated with monotonous, monotonous actions. They need constant physical activity and communication. Boring office work can drive them crazy.

Here are some suitable professions:

  • manager,
  • advertising specialist,
  • leading,
  • guide,
  • teacher,
  • HR specialist,
  • journalist,
  • salesman,
  • administrator,
  • advocate,
  • waiter and others.

Two melancholic people - compatibility: description

Two melancholic people - compatibility
A melancholic person is a deep pessimist who almost always exaggerates his grievances and problems. Now imagine that two such people will be friends or live together. As a rule, if two melancholic people get together, they simply complain to each other about their problems. At first they may even like it, but over time they begin to notice that their opponent, instead of supporting them, is trying to prove that his life is much worse.

Usually it is on this basis that melancholic people have omissions, as a result of which their friendship falls apart. Indirectly, this course of events is also facilitated by the fact that melancholic people, at the slightest stress, become depressed and simply begin to go with the flow.

Features of a sanguine man

A sanguine man and a sanguine woman differ in relationships, communication and other areas, although general positivity will always be inherent in them.

Such men are true “heart stealers,” they will always find an approach to any woman, their charm and sociability will not leave any representative of the fair half of society indifferent. They are dreamy and amorous, most often succumbing to new hobbies, but if they are already married, then the marriage union is rich in emotions, colorful colors, and lightness.

Two phlegmatic people - compatibility: description

Two phlegmatic people - compatibility
Phlegmatic people are considered the most stress-resistant people because they remain calm in any difficult situations and almost never panic. Some people consider such people to be too cold and unemotional. But in fact, phlegmatic people know how to love and make friends, they just show their real feelings only to the closest and dearest people. For all their slowness, they almost always achieve their goals, although sometimes it takes a lot of time.

Phlegmatic people first think carefully about all their subsequent actions and only after that they begin to take some measures. This character trait allows them not to make mistakes that lead to minor quarrels and major scandals. It is thanks to this trait that two phlegmatic people can quite calmly coexist together sometimes, helping each other with advice or actions.

Who is better for a choleric person to be with?

Compatibility of a choleric person
I would like to say right away that it will be very difficult for a person with any temperament to get along with a choleric person. Since these people are very unpredictable and often unreasonably aggressive, even very patient and calm people will not be able to stay close to such an individual for a long time.

In everyday life, sanguine people are considered the most acceptable allies for choleric people. Since they know how to adapt to the prevailing circumstances, they manage to smooth out all the sharp corners of such an alliance. Moreover, it is sanguine people who are able to find the right words and calm choleric people. As for compatibility with the two remaining types of temperament, everything is much more complicated.

Cholerics get close to phlegmatic people, but, as a rule, they do not have a strong union. The main reason in this case is the excessive calmness of phlegmatic people. The fact that they are unable to give them a worthy emotional response greatly irritates choleric people and in the end they simply break off the relationship. But an alliance with melancholic people is impossible in general. No matter how hard a choleric person tries, he cannot tolerate the inertia of a loved one for long.

Choleric woman: characteristics by temperament

A woman with such a temperament is a bright, creative person with a lively mind. It is these girls who attract all the attention of men, shining with their intelligence and desire to show themselves. Cholerics also have a number of unpleasant features, which are more relevant to women:

  1. For hormonal reasons, girls are more prone to mood swings than men. Therefore, in women the features of choleric temperament are more pronounced.
  2. Men should be more careful: such a life partner will prefer a successful career to family life.
  3. Representatives of both sexes crave constant attention, including romantically. That's why they are not the most faithful couples.

Who is better for a sanguine person to be with?

Compatibility of a sanguine person
As mentioned above, a sanguine person, thanks to his natural ability to adapt, will be able to get along with any person. Such people radiate optimism in any life situation, so they easily manage not to notice the character flaws of the person next to them. But if you think that they don’t see them, then you are deeply mistaken. Sanguine people understand perfectly well what negative qualities their loved one has; simply because of their peace-loving nature, they try not to run away from the person towards whom they have the warmest feelings.

But still, such people also have their own red line. He does not accept excessive anger, envy and imbalance, so, for example, it is unlikely to get along with a choleric person. Melancholic and phlegmatic people are more suitable for them because, despite all their disadvantages, they still know how to value those who are close to them.


I think that many people have long known this interpretation of temperament types: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic. Most likely, you even know what type you are. However, if no one knows who he is and if you are not too lazy, then you can take the test first: 1. Eysenck test (57 questions)

Or 2. There are 4 subtests (160 questions in total)

Now I will briefly describe these types:

1. SANGUINE - emotional and characterized by good performance. He quickly navigates an unfamiliar environment, is proactive, optimistic, becomes part of a team in a short time, creates a positive microclimate around himself, and experiences failures relatively easily. At the same time, he avoids acute problems and often simplifies the tasks.

PHLEGMATIC - calm even in the most difficult situations, calm, stable and consistent in aspirations and relationships. Adheres to the established routine, strives for a system, is leisurely and thorough. At the same time, he is inert, slowly switching from one job to another.

CHOLERICA - characterized by quick actions and decisions, frequent mood swings, and increased excitability. In relationships he is often too harsh and straightforward in his assessments. He is often quarrelsome and does not know how to restrain himself. Has influence on others, quickly moves from one thing to another. Loves to be the center of attention.

MELANCHOLIC - easily tired, lacking self-confidence, anxious and suspicious. Well versed in shades of feelings, careful and prudent. Secretive and shy, very worried about the slightest reason. Difficulty adapting to new people.

Now let's move directly to your compatibility.


This type is quite complex in terms of relationships. Moreover, this complexity is expressed not only in incompatible types, but also in relation to people who have the same type. If the other person is of the same type, then this can lead to a conflict over the zone of influence, since control over the situation is often important to choleric people.

Choleric people treat sanguine people quite normally. After all, both types are often extroverted. But the best combination is between choleric people and phlegmatic people. They, as the most inert type, are perfectly stimulated by choleric people to activity.

Phlegmatic people themselves relax choleric people and prevent them from completely abandoning their main activity or going crazy. In the choleric type, the incompatibility of temperaments is most manifested with melancholics due to the strength of the first type and the weakness of the latter type.


As already mentioned, phlegmatic people go well with choleric people due to their calmness. Quite good, but somewhat monotonous relationships develop between phlegmatic people and melancholic people. They can communicate, but due to the introversion of both types, communication will take a very long time to develop on the desired wavelength. Phlegmatic people will have great relationships with sanguine people.

The latter will slow down the communication process as extroverts. Phlegmatic people, as ideal listeners, will gratefully absorb the chatter of sanguine people. Conversations with phlegmatic people are very boring. Both are introverts, so a certain situation is needed that can influence the relationship between two phlegmatic people.


Sanguine people usually get along well with each other. They know how to get along with any people, but communication with each other is simply a fairy tale.

They are sociable and active, making them excellent listeners and ideal talkers. Good relationships develop with choleric people who love monologues that sanguine people will listen to. Sanguine people generally communicate well with other people, but best of all with melancholic people, who will be stimulated by them.


Melancholic people are the most difficult type in terms of communication. They find it difficult to connect with other people due to a heightened sense of hostility. Moreover, this feeling is often exaggerated. Therefore, melancholic people need their own sanguine person who can stir them up.

But there is also a separate compatibility for girls :)

Sanguine girls are distinguished by the abundance of relationships with choleric people. Mutual likes and dislikes are found to the least extent during contacts with melancholic people.

Interpsychic relationships in melancholic girls are found with representatives of the same sex of choleric and choleric-sanguine temperament types, while the latter have only antipathies.

For all:)

Sources used:


Who is better for a melancholic person to be with?

Compatibility of a melancholic person
Melancholic people are very vulnerable people who love peace and quiet. Emotional stability is important to them, so loud, always scandalous people simply scare them. It is for this reason that it will be very difficult for a melancholic person to coexist next to a choleric person. People with such an impulsive character, as a rule, always try to prove that they are right with the help of a scandal, and this contributes to the fact that the melancholic person closes in on himself and becomes depressed. The best option for a melancholic person is sanguine people.

Unlike choleric people, they know how to listen patiently and lend a shoulder at the right moment. Also, a melancholic person can get along with a phlegmatic person. True, such a union will also not be cloudless, since the latter does not know how to openly express his feelings, then from time to time this character trait will irritate a melancholic person and minor quarrels will arise on this basis.

How to raise a sanguine child

The behavior of a sanguine child always makes parents smile. This is an eternal restless and cheerful person. He will not throw tantrums like a choleric child, this is their main difference. But his creativity can ruin the wallpaper in your living room, and the kitchen will become a testing ground for studying frying pans, pots, scattered flour and cereals.

Such a child has enormous potential. Even as a child, you can spot him and send him to a club or other activities where he will be one of the first. Try to find an approach to such children, they will not respect you if you constantly raise your voice or categorically forbid something.

To explain something to a teenager with this type of temperament, you need to use pictures, tables, and show by example. You need to communicate with teenagers, giving them the opportunity to make decisions themselves and take initiative. Do not forget that in your family there is a person growing up who can achieve a lot with the right attitude towards people and work.

Who is better for a phlegmatic person to be with?

Phlegmatic Compatibility
The distinctive features of phlegmatic people are calmness, seriousness and concentration. They try to build their life so that there is no negativity in it at all. Therefore, if a person who is next to them begins to make a loud scandal, then they try to do everything to ensure that the conflict ends as quickly as possible. In view of this, the most unacceptable union for such people is choleric people.

Their impulsiveness and harshness will greatly irritate phlegmatic people, and they will try to distance themselves as far as possible from the unpredictable person. Cheerful and open sanguine people are most suitable for phlegmatic people. They will constantly push phlegmatic people to take active action, thereby winning them over even more.

general characteristics

Let's start with the fact that the division into types of temperament began even before our era with the name of a famous person in medicine and psychology - Hippocrates. He was the first to give the name “sangua” - blood (ancient Greek). The scientist believed that in people with this type of personality, “vital juice” (this is the meaning of the word) predominates, which fills a person with joy and optimism.

The description of a sanguine person should begin with the fact that these people have a strong and stable nervous system.

A sanguine person is a person who is distinguished by endurance, high energy, sociability, and efficiency. Briefly about these people, we can say that they are lucky - they are naturally endowed with communication skills, leadership, and leadership abilities.

If you have forgotten, let me remind you that there are 4 types of people based on the properties of the nervous system, its strength and excitability: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. So there is a stereotype that a sanguine person is the best psychotype of a person. But this is a mistaken opinion, because each type has its own positive and negative aspects.

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