Megalophobia: causes and treatments for fear of large objects
June 07, 2021 There are a large number of structures of enormous size in the world. These are different
Woman with an open smile
A charismatic woman is... Concept, innate charisma and ways to develop it
There is probably no person who is not familiar with the word “charisma”. They talk about charisma
Where to look for the meaning of life if you have lost it, and is it necessary to do so?
May 19, 2021 « What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good.”
Neuron structure
Nervous tissue: neurons and glial cells (glia)
The functions of neurons are diverse. Neuron is a nerve cell, although this word is also sometimes used
Methods of medieval philosophy
DOGMATISM - what is it. Dogmatism in science and philosophy
Dogmatism is a concept of human thinking, which sets him up to accept concepts, facts, formulations with
How to make your husband leave on his own
How to get rid of your husband forever - advice from psychologists and magical spells
Many women are concerned with the question of how to keep their husband, but there is another problem - how
Mental disorders associated with schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is classified as a group of psychotic disorders characterized by severe course and personality disorder.
gross exerciser photo
Gross simulator for rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system in children
Very often, exercises to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system are done in a sitting or lying position.
Fear of pain: physical pain. What are we really afraid of?
September 01, 2021 Every person is endowed with defense mechanisms, reflexes and a sense of self-preservation. Every
Functions and structure of the cerebral pons, its description
The rear axle of a car is one of the main units of a rear-wheel drive car, it connects
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