Project work in psychology on the topic “Characteristics of extroverts and introverts”

What is extraversion

The term “extroversion” comes from the Latin extra and vert - turned or turned outward .

In a broad sense, “extroversion” means an individual’s focus on the outside world. This is reflected in a person’s lifestyle - a tireless desire to be among people, to gain new information and ideas, to be in the center of events. Priority is given to all processes occurring outside the inner world of the individual.

Extraversion is an innate psychophysiological need for priority satisfaction of external attitudes . This is a set of personal qualities that shapes the desire to form new social connections.

An extraverted person most often chooses a job that involves communicating with people, not unreasonably believing that this is the right choice. They are characterized by impulsiveness, optimism and carelessness.

How does this work in practice?

An extrovert recharges and replenishes energy by interacting with other people.

Therefore, he loves to do everything together: study, work, relax, etc. For an introvert, collective actions, on the contrary, are a waste of energy
. Therefore, he prefers to work, relax, etc. alone or in a small circle of well-known and close people. Of course, introverts also communicate, attend various public events, etc. But since for them this is not recharging, but a waste of a very valuable resource, they do this very selectively.

The concept of “ambivert” was introduced not as long ago as the previous two terms. An ambivert is a person who combines traits of both types.

: He can direct energy both inward and outward.
This is a very flexible personality type: ambiverts adapt well to their environment
, and they are equally (or almost equally) happy in company and alone. They will not be confused both at a chamber meeting and at a large corporate event; they can relax at a party or while reading a book. On the other hand, ambiverts cannot be constantly introverted or constantly extroverted - they need to change “roles” from time to time.

They can behave differently in different companies: at work - alone, at home - completely different. So you may think you can easily tell whether someone in front of you is an introvert or an extrovert, but ambiverts will ruin your guessing statistics.

It's worth noting here that many people think of extroverts and introverts as radically opposing personality types, and in many ways this is true. However, as in the case of other similar categorical divisions, one should not forget about their conventions

. And the introvert probably has things that he likes to do in company, and the extrovert needs to be alone from time to time. It all depends on the individual, his character, environment and situation. Moreover, there are practically no pure extroverts and introverts - we are all a certain mix.

What is introversion

The opposite of this concept is introversion, which means maximum immersion into oneself .

An introvert's personality is very impressionable and sensitive to all manifestations of surrounding factors. She is characterized by deep introspection, fixation on her own experiences and self-criticism and self-flagellation. Thoughtfulness, measuredness, lack of spontaneous manifestations and initiative in communicating with new people - this is all introversion.

Many people tend to perceive introverts as dark and negative people. But this is not at all true; introversion is a type of healthy personality characterized by the experience of internal emotional reactions. Extroverts, on the contrary, open all experiences to the outside world: they share with other people or express their emotional state to the world with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Some scientists in psychology consider this phenomenon as psychophysiological (excitation of the nervous system).

The theory of Carl Gustav Jung

Initially, the concepts of introversion and extraversion in psychology were identified by Carl Gustav Jung. These are types of temperament, the manifestation of which comes from the attitudes of the individual.

By attitudes Jung understood the attitude towards the perception of the surrounding world.

According to Jung's theory, all living beings are divided into two types:

  1. Subjects with a high reproduction rate and low life expectancy due to poorly developed defense mechanisms (extraversion).
  2. Subjects with a high level of development of defense mechanisms and low fertility (introversion).

Based on Jung's theory, extraversion is mobility, emotionality, empathy, and easy adaptation in society . A person with this type of temperament is characterized by lightning-fast decision-making and an insatiable interest in everything new.

Characteristics of an extroverted personality:

  • focusing on external objects
  • low level of development of reflection
  • a large number of social connections
  • high risk of fatigue due to high energy costs for communication and learning new information

Based on Jung's theory, introversion is the subject's ability to focus on his experiences in the process of life.

Personality characteristics - introversion:

  • concentration on the inner state of mind
  • restraint in emotional expressions
  • unsociability
  • isolation
  • contemplative orientation
  • preoccupied with one's problems
  • rigidity inability to change plans abruptly

Extroversion and inroversion are completely different in their sensory manifestations and behavior. Scientists have conducted many interesting studies. For example, based on some of them, it has been proven that extroverts prefer brighter clothes with decorative elements, while introverts choose monogamous colors and practical, comfortable clothes. Extroverts love energetic, dynamic music, while introverts opt for calm, melodic compositions.

Temperamental characteristics also influence the organization of your workspace. Extroverts like to decorate their office and workspace with various decorative elements, prefer to keep doors open, have spare chairs for guests and place bowls of candy on their desk. Introverts, on the contrary, do not tolerate unnecessary details in their workplace and strive to isolate the workspace from their colleagues.

Extroverted individuals find it easier to find a soul mate, but their choice is often impulsive and therefore relationships may not last.

Hans Eysenck's theory

Based on Jung's research, Eysenck, in addition to “extraversion” and “introversion,” also introduced the concept of “neuroticism.”

Neuroticism in psychology is a reflection of the level of emotional stability under the influence of various stress factors. A high level of neuroticism manifests itself in excessive anxiety, self-doubt, and neurosis-like vegetative states.

The scientist understood all these three concepts as genetically determined personality characteristics. To be able to determine the personality type, Eysenck created his own method of psychotypes, consisting of a scale of extroversion, introversion and neuroticism and including 57 questions. Based on this test, you can easily determine the type and degree of neuroticism of an individual.

Is it possible to become an extrovert?

In recent years, scientists have found that the number of introverts and extroverts is 1:4 . And paradoxically, almost every person would like to develop strengths of the opposite type.

For example, introversion is punctuality, thoughtfulness, perseverance and unconventional thoughts. An extroverted personality has its own strengths - sociability, optimism, versatility. Is it possible to somehow balance all these qualities in people? Unfortunately or fortunately, no. Extraversion or introversion is a way of communicating with the world, determined by the work of neuropsychological processes. And correcting these processes requires enormous willpower and constant concentration.

But the main thing is that each person is individual and it is much more effective to develop their strengths, thereby enriching their personality.

In psychology, there are many great people of both types, for example, Albert Einstein, George Washington, Bill Gates, Dostoevsky and Chekhov were introverts, and Julius Caesar, Victor Hugo, W. Churchill, Yesenin and Gorky were extroverts.

Links and literature

1.Eysenck G.Yu. Personality structure. M.: KSP+; St. Petersburg: Yuventa, 1999.

2. Eysenck G.Yu., Wilson G. How to measure personality. M.: Cogito-Center, 2000.

3.Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. L., 1968.

4. Anastasi A. Psychology of individual differences: texts - M., 1982.

5. Wundt V. Soul and brain. St. Petersburg, 1901.

6. Danilova N.N. Psychophysiology. Uch. for universities. M.: Publishing house Aspect-Press, 2001.

7.Drobnitsa I.P. Theoretical model of extraversion-introversion

7.Ivanov E.M. The problem of searching for the substrate of subjective reality. B\m, 1993.

8. Ilyin E.P. Differential psychophysiology – 2nd ed., add. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

9. Maryutina T.M., Ermolaev O.Yu. Psychophysiology, teaching. allowance. M.: publishing house YuRAO, 1998.

10. Morin E. Spirit and brain // Modern science: human knowledge. – M.: Nauka, 1988.

11. Nebylitsyn V.D. Psychophysiological studies of individual differences. M.: Nauka, 1976.

12. Sokolov E.N. Theoretical psychophysiology. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1986.

13. Jung K.G. Psychological types. St. Petersburg: Yuventa, M.: Progress - Univers, 1995.

Correlation between personality type and temperament type

If we talk about the correlation between temperament types and personality types

, then Eysenck derived the following formula:


  • choleric people (in combination with high neuroticism);
  • sanguine people (in combination with low neuroticism);


  • melancholic (combined with high neuroticism);
  • phlegmatic (in combination with low neuroticism).

The diagram is presented more clearly above on the so-called Eysenck square. You can read more about these categories and take the test for extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism (PEN) in the corresponding article. We also present another well-known Eysenck questionnaire - only for introversion/extraversion and neuroticism (in other words, the Eysenck temperament test). Both tests will tell you whether you are an extrovert, an introvert or an ambivert.

It should be borne in mind that there are almost no representatives of pure types of temperaments, although usually one type still dominates. Therefore, purely theoretically, it is possible to imagine the combination of “choleric introvert” or “phlegmatic extrovert”, but these are extremely rare situations. “Typical” combinations are much more common: choleric and sanguine people are extroverts, phlegmatic and melancholic people are introverts.

Is it possible to change your personality type?

Considering some of the realities of modern life, tailored for extroverts, some are interested in: how can an introvert become an extrovert? Sometimes the same question comes up, but with the opposite vector: can an extrovert become an introvert? In general, it must be said that, as in the case of temperament, introversion/extroversion is amenable to some correction, but there is no need to talk about a complete change in personality type

. Some experts say that this personality characteristic is innate, others say that it is formed in the first years of life. One way or another, you won’t be able to “remake” even a child, much less an adult.

Moreover, each type - ambivert, extrovert, introvert - has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in fact, the question should not be “How to change your personality type,” but “ How to more effectively use the advantages and neutralize the disadvantages of your type


In any case, an introvert cannot become a full-fledged extrovert. However, if he sets a goal, he will be able to adjust and form the desired traits in himself, for example, improve communication skills. The same is true in the opposite direction: an extrovert can develop the habit of finishing things. True, you should be prepared in advance for the fact that such changes may require quite a lot of effort.

. To more successfully achieve your goals, read our articles “Leaving Your Comfort Zone” and “Three Brains - Two Eyes,” and do not hesitate to contact specialists if necessary.

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