Essay on the topic “What is cruelty?”: writing features

general description

A person’s rude treatment of others cannot be called correct and adequate. The consequences of the actions are to cause pain and suffering. It is necessary to understand why this happens.

Definition of rude attitude

The history of mankind is filled with cruel events. Military actions, conflicts, torture, violence against women and children, neglect of the older generation accompanies the development of any society. A person with cruelty traits is not able to help another, but, on the contrary, commits only evil acts.

From a scientific point of view, cruelty is a moral and psychological trait of a person, manifested in a merciless, impudent, insulting attitude towards other living beings, causing them pain and attempting to kill them.

The offender derives pleasure from the knowledge that he has caused suffering or torment to a living being.

Objects of ill-treatment:

  • people (adults and children);
  • animal.

This topic causes wide discussions among lawyers, philosophers, psychologists and the church. Abuse is subject to criminal liability.

Subjects of crimes have an unhealthy psyche, usually deviations arise due to mental trauma, similar treatment or temporary clouding of reason due to drug use.

Synonyms of the concept:

  1. Ruthlessness.
  2. Inhumanity.
  3. Heartlessness.
  4. Flayering.
  5. Atrocity.

Issues of combating such actions are resolved individually, because what is considered humiliating and unacceptable for some, brings pleasure to representatives of other cultures and is revered or respectful. When committing a brutal crime, we mean awareness of the results of one’s actions in relation to the object.

The tendency towards heartless behavior is inherent in every person, being the opposite of pity. The more intensely and deeply a person hides his inhumanity, the more forcefully it breaks out.

Cruel acts are called aggressive, but these concepts do not replace each other. An aggressive person is filled with feelings of fear, hunger, self-defense, possessiveness, and cruelty is empty. This is indifference to the feelings and needs of others, lack of understanding of other people's suffering.

Ruthlessness reflects dissatisfaction with oneself or the manifestations of one's life, holding others accountable instead of one's own changes. This is a line that conceals deep internal problems (excessive sentimentality, emotional sensitivity, psychological trauma, demonstration of strength).

Stages and types of inhumane treatment

A merciless person is perceived by society as strong and omnipotent due to a lack of sensitivity and a reduction in moral principles. This feature is not positive and strong among others. Due to the lack of internal and external restraining factors (sensitivity to them), the manifestations become more intense each time.

Stages of abuse:

  1. Insulting other people.
  2. Assault.
  3. Beating to the point of fractures and severe injuries.
  4. Torture, sadism, murder.

The tragedy of a person with a disturbed psyche often ends in the commission of a crime. Such a person is left alone with problems, their inner world constantly hurts, so sensitivity to the pain of others disappears.

Main factors:

  1. The person is not socially active.
  2. Any communication traits are difficult.
  3. Relatives and relatives are absent.
  4. There are internal grievances.

Innocent people suffer after cruel acts are committed. Such actions often lead to a tragic ending. Psychologists say that violent manifestations are a normal state of the individual in a short period of childhood, when the child learns about the world and learns to control emotions.

Heartlessness has many faces in its manifestations, but there is no person who has not encountered it. The main reason is dissatisfaction with life, in which the accumulation of stress and irritability requires an outlet. The objects of moral and physical bullying are children, colleagues and subordinates at work, as well as homeless animals.

When a person does not have serious emotional breakdowns, the responsibility for ruthless treatment lies with both parties to the conflict.

Displaced aggression manifests itself with the emergence of society, its norms and attitudes. When a person cannot show dissatisfaction and aggression, defending his own point of view before an authoritarian boss, he takes out his grievances and negativity in the family.

When in family relationships education is created on the control of personal feelings and absolute obedience, over time such a person will show ruthlessness.

How does it manifest in humans?

The manifestation of cruelty in humans can be considered from the point of view of neurophysiology. This quality often appears in the form of a person’s response to any stimulus. This is due to the innate human need for a feeling of comfort and security.

In the brain, the amygdala and posterior hypothalamus are responsible for cruelty. The first ensures the collection of information and gives the second a reaction to act.

The adrenal glands secrete the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are the ones who increase a person’s level of rigidity. The level of cruelty can also be influenced by the hormones dopamine and serotonin. This is especially true when a person demonstrates physical cruelty, and he requires clarity of movements, sharpness and reaction.

The tone of the skeletal muscles increases and pain sensitivity decreases. The breathing of a person who is planning cruelty is usually rapid and shallow. Sweating is increased, fine motor skills are impaired, and the pulse quickens.

Is cruelty visible in facial expressions?

It is worth taking a closer look at the facial expressions of a cruel person. He may begin to “play” with his jaw muscles. His gaze is usually focused and does not look around.

Examples and preventive measures

Authors of different periods in their works touched on the topic of rough treatment. It is important to take the right path of correction in time and not be cruel to living beings.

Literary illustrations

In the story “The Overcoat” by N. Gogol, the mockery and humiliation of Akaki Bashmachkin by his colleagues is clearly visible at first. A man cannot fight back and does not react to bad jokes. Approaching his cherished goal - buying a new overcoat, Akaki saves money, denying himself everything. Subsequently, the inhumane act of the thief destroys all hopes. The overcoat is stolen, but Bashmachkin fights for his thing, turning to his friends for help.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that everyone refuses the main character and does not strive to find the loss. The attitude of others subsequently leads to the death of the hero. According to the author, “indifference is considered the highest rigidity .

In Turgenev's story "Mumu" cruelty is manifested in Lady Gerasim. A woman does not care that, by taking the life of a harmless creature, she inflicts moral pain on her subordinate. When Gerasim drowns his beloved dog, he is not considered a cruel person. The order for the murder is given by the lady.

In Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time, Grigory Pechorin shows his cruel feelings by humiliating the young cadet Grushnitsky for the sake of his own greatness and amusement. Pechorin also makes Bela fall in love with him and then leaves her. The main character of the novel amuses himself by torturing others, causing suffering.

Pushkin A.S. touches on this topic in the novel “Dubrovsky”. The two main characters, friends Kiril Troekurov and Andrei Dubrovsky, are quarreling. Due to pride, arrogance and cruel behavior, Kirila did not apologize to his friend for the insults, but began to take revenge. Thanks to his connections, Troekurov deprived the impoverished Dubrovsky of his last estate. The embittered and cruel Kiril does not care about the future place of residence of his former friend, he shows his superiority and greatness. Andrei Gavrilovich cannot come to terms with the betrayal of his comrade, and soon falls ill and dies.

An example of heartlessness is manifested in the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” For Evgeny Bazarov, his own pride and beliefs are important. He treats his parents coldly and, after a long separation, does not pay them due attention, thereby offending them. This is unfair and cruel to the parents, because at the end of the novel, only the father and mother mourned Eugene’s death.

Ways to fix

The state of mixed rage and helplessness requires psychological therapy, as over time it leads to psychosomatic disorders (mainly of the cardiovascular system) and disrupts the social interaction of the individual. A person becomes indifferent and does not realize the gravity of his crimes, not understanding who is being harmed.

The most terrifying reason for heartlessness in terms of its consequences is the desire for revenge for the pain suffered. The danger is due to the fact that a person chooses the most painful and terrifying options for dealing with the offender. A similar thing happens when personal pain within has destroyed all remaining emotions and leads to madness.

A person brought up in inhumane conditions considers this the norm, a manifestation of love. Correcting such a worldview requires considerable effort and time and is not always successful.

Much attention is paid to overcoming hostility and aggressiveness as one of the main social problems in the world. Various psychosocial technologies are being created aimed at preventing human aggression, measures that can resist inhumane treatment. In today's Russia, preventing atypical, cruel behavior of children and the younger generation is an objective necessity.

Stages of preventive measures:

  1. Studying the role of family, parents (type of upbringing and behavior).
  2. Correction of mother-child relationships.
  3. Developing a healthy lifestyle and personal resources.
  4. Building new correct human relationships, compassion and control over emotions.
  5. Establishing close contact with household members.
  6. It is important to separate and discuss dangerous situations, to trace good and bad deeds from childhood.
  7. Timely find out the reasons for severe aggression.
  8. Emotional support for self-confidence.

A child should not withdraw and be afraid to have a heart-to-heart talk with a parent. Everything comes from childhood - the formation of character in adolescence, correct and proper behavior. It is important to identify the problem in time and find rational solutions.

Legal assessment

According to criminal law, cruel behavior is illegal and is regarded as socially dangerous.

The law recognizes special cruelty in the commission of crimes as an aggravating circumstance. It influences the strengthening of measures and increasing the terms of punishment.

Evidence indicating particular cruelty in the commission of a crime is:

  • causing a large amount of physical damage;
  • the use of drugs or poisons that had a painful effect on a person;
  • burning alive;
  • prolonged deprivation of food and water;
  • causing harm to the victim’s loved ones, which caused him additional suffering;
  • bullying of the victim.

In literature

The theme of cruelty is touched upon everywhere in literature. It takes different forms, can be presented as the main idea or present only for the sake of the psychological characteristics of one character, but, one way or another, can be traced in different works.

One of the first works devoted exclusively to cruelty is most often called N.V. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat.” Human malice in it leads to the death of the main character. The unfortunate and insignificant “little man” Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin is bullied by his colleagues, becomes a victim of a thief and does not receive any help. Indifference and neglect cause his illness, from which he dies. “Leave me, why are you hurting me?” - asks Bashmachkin and it is impossible not to sympathize with this unfortunate man. The story did not gain fame during the writer’s lifetime, but the theme of “poor officials” was further developed in Dostoevsky’s early works.

In “Matryona’s Yard” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, a cruel attitude towards a village woman is shown. Matryona is kind and always helped those in need, but she did not receive love from either her family or her fellow villagers. The ex-fiancé took revenge on her and deliberately tried to complicate her life. Just like Bashmachkin, she dies without receiving understanding and help.

Manifestations of cruelty can also be seen in the works of A.S. Pushkin. For example, in “Dubrovsky” it is expressed twice: in Troyekurov’s betrayal of his former friend and his decision, contrary to his daughter’s pleas, to marry her to an unloved person.

In “The Wonderful Doctor” by A.I. Kuprin there is not only cruelty, expressed in indifference to the hard life of the large Mertsalov family. Doctor Pirogov here seems to dispel all the darkness with his kindness. The writer draws a parallel and shows not only evil, but also the other side of the coin. He gets the point across differently. Instead of relying on the reader's pity evoked by the unenviable end of the main characters, he sets a positive example by embodying humanity in the only "wonderful" character.

Thus, the theme of cruelty is very common and beneficial. It is shown both in the example of family relationships, and in neighborly, friendly and simply casual relationships. Writers never tire of reminding us that indifference is also cruelty, sometimes more crippling than real violence. Such works are needed to remind readers of how important it is to be human.

Summing up

Of course, few people want to be the victim of a tyrant.
But if you look at the situation from a different angle, you can even find positive aspects. A person who always does good is not always happy. He does not forgive insults and humiliation, and is often afraid to refuse others so as not to offend. After all, if such a person dares to go against it, then the qualities of an evil person can easily be attributed to him, and he does not want this at all. Sometimes aggression and negative manifestations of a person are completely mistakenly regarded as evil. For reference!

If, in the opinion of others, a person behaves cruelly, this does not mean at all that the person behaves this way all the time.
It is unlikely that anyone will experience positive emotions when they see a man frantically hitting another. Most would consider him a monster or a sadist. But if, in fact, that man was fighting off his beloved woman or child from the rapist, or perhaps he was defending himself - a frequently encountered example of cruelty in life today. If in broad daylight he witnessed a murder or violence, which caused a storm of negative emotions in him, such a person can hardly be called cruel. What do you think about this, our readers?
We'd love to hear your opinion. Dagirova Lidiya · Jun 16, 2020

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What is cruelty? This is a rude, inhumane attitude towards someone, deliberately causing him physical or moral harm. Unfortunately, I think every person in his life has at least once encountered cruelty towards himself, other people or animals.

However, on the morning after the ball, the hero sees the old colonel in a completely different light. He sees how soldiers under the command of the girl’s father punish the Tatar by beating him with whips. Even when the offender’s back turns into a continuous bloody mess of wounds, the old colonel does not stop and continues the punishment. The hero is so shocked by what he sees that his fate completely changes. He refuses military service, moreover, the man’s cruelty overshadows even the narrator’s love for his daughter. We see how cruelty changes people: from a caring and loving father, a man turns into a ferocious rapist who does not even see the boundaries of his inhumanity. Thus, the reader should understand that even the most familiar and, at first glance, most pleasant people can turn out to be cruel, which is very important to realize in connection with the spread of domestic violence in the modern world.

Thus, human cruelty can occur where a person does not expect to see it at all, and the main thing in such cases is not to allow inhumanity to take over.

Essay on the topic of Cruelty

Cruelty and severity seem to be identical concepts, but they are similar only in that they have a special impact on personality development. And it can be negative or positive. By treating a person with severity, but not replete with insults and curses, you can strengthen his will and make him truly strong.

An individual who strives to improve society through necessary innovations and restrictions, rather than horrific repression, is unfairly called ruthless. She wants to achieve well-being, not to intimidate anyone. Cruelty cannot be justified by anything, because its outcome is always sad. Those who happen to suffer from it never become the same and suffer for the rest of their lives, without hope of salvation.

Severity has reasonable limits and does not lead to sad consequences, unless, of course, it turns out to be excessive. Sometimes it is necessary to take drastic measures to save a close friend, to raise children correctly, instilling in them respect for various values. Using brute force and pointing out weaknesses cannot help anyone find their calling and realize much. It will be possible to intimidate even the most stubborn person who is ready to fight restrictions.

Cruelty has not saved a single lost soul throughout history. Moreover, it allowed the heartless instigators to ensure that the public domain was no longer remembered.

Natures thirsting for fame and honor often made decisions to start wars, kidnappings and bloody intrigues. The victims were innocent people. They were tools in the hands of bloodthirsty initiators, without realizing it. They could be forced to commit treason or harbor criminals under pain of painful death. Such an attitude cannot lead to a successful ending. And reasonable severity towards those who need it will strengthen the spirit.

Although the above concepts seem similar, their impact on each of us is different. And if cruelty can destroy, severity only helps to significantly change priorities and stop succumbing to temptations.

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