How to induce fear in your interlocutor and be guaranteed to win in any negotiations

In order to achieve their goals, people often use the psychology of influence, which helps to manipulate a person. Even in ancient times, one could notice the facts of how the priests controlled the people, instilling in them that religion was harsh, and everyone would be punished if they did not follow the established rules and customs. The psychology of influence has a strong effect on the subconscious, forcing the victim of influence to follow the lead of a skilled manipulator.

Experts say that it is easier to influence or control a person when he experiences fear , or when he himself needs it, for example, he is pursuing his own goal and he is forced to succumb to influence. People with weak character and insufficiently educated people are also susceptible to manipulation.

Influence a person by instilling fear

Often people submit to influence in a state of fear. If we take as an example an ordinary group of young people relaxing in their usual circle, you will notice that there is a certain hierarchy . Someone is higher and has authority, and someone is lower, simply by being in this company.

Those who are lower are subject to the influence of others. They, as a rule, are afraid of falling flat in front of their “friends” and are ready to fulfill their requests because they sympathize with them, or try to imitate their manners and lifestyle. Fear awakens an inferiority complex in a person, as a result of which a person begins to realize that he is worse than others.

Psychological impact on human consciousness

People want to be psychologically higher, stronger than others, sometimes they study how to influence people, or are even interested in how to psychologically break a person.

People often try to influence each other by instilling fear or using “innocent” blackmail from their point of view, because in this way you can not only manipulate a person, but also use him for your own purposes at any convenient moment. Finding themselves in such a trap, many people withdraw into themselves, continuing to doubt their own abilities. This can be seen not only in the example of a youth company, but also in society in general, at work enterprises, etc.

Even elementary criticism can already be considered an element of the psychology of influence; having felt guilty, a person is more likely to make concessions and undergo some coercion. Spreading gossip, rumors, intimidation in any form is also part of the same opera of negative influences on a person.

Read about manipulating human consciousness using NLP in this article.

“Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!... I’m glad to be deceived myself!”

Quote from the poem “Confession” by the great Russian poet S. A. Pushkin. He dedicated this work to the stepdaughter of the owner of the neighboring estate, Alexandra Osipova (Alina), while in the village of Mikhailovskoye. The poet understood that his declaration of love was hopeless, since her heart was occupied. And the last line of the poem “I myself am glad to be deceived!” speaks of a certain love game, flirting, which Pushkin offers to the young lady. He is ready to do anything to get her reciprocity. Even self-deception. This is an example from the literature. And, by the way, there are a great many of them.

Well, let's return to the problem of self-deception in life.

About positive influences on a person

We must pay tribute, there is also a positive impact on a person, these are all kinds of requests, admonitions, advice, support, praise. It seems flattering, and you don’t really want to resist such influence. But it still remains a psychological influence on consciousness and can also be used as an element of manipulation of your behavior.

Why is this method considered effective?

For this magical ritual, the egg was not chosen as a tool by chance. Any magician will explain to you that this product is unique. His sphere, containing a chicken embryo, really helps to find out whether a person has an evil eye or damage. In any case, that's what healers say.

When its presence is confirmed, it is with eggs that the evil created by enemies or envious people is rolled out. The durable shell, which protects the bird’s embryo during its maturation, according to healers, personifies a person’s aura, his energetic shell, which protects against harmful spiritual and physical influences. A fertilized chicken egg will certainly show why a person is haunted by a series of troubles and misfortunes

At the same time, it is important to know the rules for checking the evil eye and egg damage and correctly interpret the results of the procedure

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Influence a person by satisfying his needs

It is often possible to observe situations in which the dominant person exerts his influence on the victim only because he, to some extent, provides the victim with what he wants or satisfies a need. Human dependence gives rise to a feeling of inferiority and painful expectation in the victim of such relationships.

You can influence a person in different ways, influence knowing that the person is lower than you in status, weaker in character or financially dependent, and also knowing that the victim will still obey, because she needs something from you.

Experts in the field of adult psychology argue that the social environment is divided into two parts: those who influence and those who are influenced . Recently, using modern technologies, scientists have developed schemes by which one can easily determine which person can be manipulated more and which less.

But let's start with the fact that the influence can be positive and negative. Anything that does not lead a person to a positive result is a negative influence. Thus, the management system has developed some processes that allow you to manage people at a professional level, helping them achieve the best results, and therefore extract maximum profit .

A psychology professor at the University of London found that having power does not mean influencing . A person has his own energy, thinking and vision. A person with power can only demand, but this does not mean that he has influence. To influence means to instill one’s opinion , which means, in a certain way, to impose one’s own conclusions and priorities, to guide a person, to show him the path.

Here are some stimuli that often trigger fear:

  • Public speaking
  • Flying on an airplane
  • Being alone
  • Unknown
  • Waiting for rejection
  • Rejection
  • Confrontation
  • Violence or aggression

A fear that is disproportionate to the actual danger is a phobia, a type of fear that causes a person’s ability to function normally to be impaired. A phobia can develop without an objective reason, but it can also develop after experiencing fear.

Psychotherapy helps to overcome phobias.

Influencing a person for your own benefit

It turns out that positive and negative influence on people occurs for the sake of profit, but how then can these two influences be distinguished? If we take ordinary office work and, accordingly, subordinates as an example, we can see the following picture. The fact is that the positive influence of a manager on an employee increases good results, which the employee himself can feel (monetary rewards, time off, bonuses for good work).

Negative influence is beneficial only to the dominant party, and the victim at this moment is only a means to achieve the goals of the manipulator through deception.

For example, an employer, leaving an employee to work overtime, may not pay him the corresponding amount, but pay him much less, but at the same time, the employer is able to influence, claiming that this is the highest payment possible at the moment, and in the future the conditions may change.

Just expectations of improvement can be the “carrot” that a naive employee will chase for quite a long time.

The psychology of influence is a very broad topic that you can talk about for hours, but the important component remains that the person who has the skills and methods of manipulation is able to influence . Basically, as mentioned earlier, you can manipulate or control a person by providing him with a reward for this, instilling certain information, and also instilling fear, which psychologists generally do not welcome.

Read on the topic: Robert Cialdini “Psychology of influence”

The book by an American professor of psychology and sociology may not be new, but it is one of the fundamental books on this topic; it will be especially useful for those who are actively influenced or those who influence, so to speak, in an official manner - teachers, politicians, media persons .

Continuing the topic of psychology of influence, you can watch a video about the manipulation of consciousness:

Easy way

Take a raw egg, preferably white and from a domestic chicken, in your right palm and say the following words to it: “Roll the egg, from right to left, from the west side to the east side, from the south to the north, from the angel to the demon. Tell me the truth about God’s servant (name).”

Now, very carefully, slowly, roll out the person with it: using circular movements, move the egg along his body clockwise in the following sequence:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • hands;
  • back;
  • legs and feet.

After completing the procedure, break the egg into a saucer. If it has not changed color, the integrity of the yolk has not been compromised, there is no evil eye or damage. A dark and cloudy egg mass with spilled yolk and blood particles means you will have to carry out a ritual of cleansing from the evil eye.

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How to determine damage or evil eye

To do this you will need a glass of water and a fresh raw egg. Hold the filled glass with your left hand above the subject's head. Break the shell on the edge of the container and mix the contents of the egg with water. Hold the glass over the person’s head for another 30 seconds, and then carefully examine its composition:

  • If the intact yolk lies on the bottom, surrounded by transparent white, the aura is clean.
  • The protein threads stretching from the yolk indicate that the destructive effect of spoilage has already begun.

Look carefully at the strings: one speaks of an unintentional evil eye. Numerous threads ending in small air bubbles indicate the presence of damage aimed at a long period.

The method of experienced healers

It can be used independently at home. To carry out this procedure, you should prepare:

  • fresh egg;
  • a glass of water (you can use purified and tap water).

Carefully break the shell and, being careful not to damage the yolk, pour the contents of the egg into the water. Place the glass with the mixture on the crown of your head, sitting comfortably on a chair. Press your chin to your chest. Do not move and hold the glass for 3-4 minutes. It is allowed to change hands.

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Then remove the glass, being careful not to shake the contents, place it on the table and begin analyzing the result.

  • A whole yolk, clear water, and the absence of cloudy white threads indicate the purity of your aura.
  • Thread-like, thin shoots from the protein indicate slight, “amateur” damage. Its healthy aura rejects it and within one year sends it to the offender, strengthening it many times over.
  • The yolk remained in its original form, and the white began to resemble a jellyfish with fringe and columnar legs - you should sound the alarm: you have become a victim of damage, although not too strong, to loneliness, tears, failure. This effect resolves within 3-7 years if no measures are taken to remove it.

  • When you see bubbles on the protein columns, you can talk about a fairly strong effect, most likely made by a professional black magician. Yolk and protein threads have a reddish tint - the ritual was performed on human or animal blood. Such damage is usually caused by illness or problems in business. You may have already begun to notice the first signs of such a negative impact. For example, troubles rained down like from a cornucopia, conflicts arise out of the blue, you constantly feel exhausted and tired.
  • The yolk looks as if it has begun to cook, and the white is covered with bubbles - you are destined for torment in life.
  • The egg seems to have been boiled whole - an ill-wisher wants to limit your freedom. You can forget about peace and happiness in your home or among loved ones.
  • Many columns with bubbles and, in addition, black spots everywhere, including the yolk, indicate that you have been damaged to death. Before you begin to remove such damage, think about who in your circle you might have annoyed in such a way.

And finally, signs of the most severe damage. If, along with the changes listed above, you see gray-green spots inside the yolk, they predict a person will die in agony. According to the laws of magic, such damage begins to take effect after 21 days. This terrible plan is completed within a year. In this case, in addition to the procedure for removing damage, it is necessary to go to church, pray for God’s forgiveness, repent, let go of grievances from the heart, and forgive your enemies. This is the only way to avoid a difficult fate.

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