Is easy-going personality a character trait or a lifestyle?

How to be an easy woman? And in general, how to be an easy person in communication, life, in relationships with the opposite sex is a question that worries a lot of people. This question arises due to the fact that difficulties have arisen in communication and relationships. Misunderstandings and resentments arose. Maybe you've already ended your relationship... Maybe you're going through a divorce. Or, you feel intense loneliness. That is why you asked the question “How to be an easy person, an easy woman in communication and life?

What is human character

Translated from Greek, character is translated as “seal”, “minting”, that is, on the one hand, it is a distinctive sign, and on the other, something stable and inherent in a specific subject or object.

In psychology, character

is a set of persistent individual personality characteristics that determines the type of behavior and the form of relationships with other people.

Character traits, as personality traits, are as follows:


  • its components have a long-term effect, stability, and do not change quickly and easily;
  • character has practical significance; it determines a person’s actions in all spheres of life.

A person can show heroism, cowardice, be anxious, aggressive or soft, weak-willed. If such manifestations occur frequently and are clearly expressed externally, then they will say about the person: “He has such a character.”

When a kind-hearted and gentle person flares up under certain conditions and shows aggression, then those around him will not call it character; rather, they will attribute it to specific circumstances.

Knowledge of a person’s character allows one to predict his behavior and actions in various situations, as well as correct them if necessary. We always know in advance who we can turn to for help, with whom we are not afraid to enter into risky ventures: “He can’t do anything differently, that’s his character.”

Good morning magic

Have you asked those people who like to get up early what helps them to be so easy to get up early in the morning? For some it’s morning exercises, and for others it’s dousing with cold water. But whatever it is, the main thing is that early rises charge a person with energy for the whole day. And what fresh nature and clean air it is in the morning!

In conclusion, to summarize, we note that an easy-going person is someone who can easily and without much effort or requests go or go somewhere.

Character Traits: General Information

Not every feature of a person can be attributed to his stable, permanent character trait. We have already said that a good-natured person can lose his temper, and, for example, an optimist can fall into melancholy. But we will not describe the first as an aggressor, and the second as a whiner.

In psychology, there are three leading groups of character traits, which together constitute it.

1 group of traits - attitude towards oneself

This group includes both positive and negative characteristics that show the individual’s attitude towards himself and his self-awareness.

Character traits with a plus sign

- inner dignity, honor, pride, self-criticism, appropriate modesty, adequate self-esteem.

Traits with a minus sign

- vanity, inflated self-esteem and self-esteem, pride (not to be confused with pride), touchiness, shyness (not to be confused with modesty).

Group 2 – attitude towards others

Characteristics that show the basis of a person’s relationships with other people - in the family, in a team, in a circle of friends.

Character traits with a plus sign

- responsiveness, respect, communication, sensitivity, willingness to help, ability to work in a team, decency.

Traits with a minus sign

- callousness, contempt for others, snobbery, rudeness, neglect, isolation, callousness, individualism.

3rd group of traits – attitude to activity

This group combines character traits related to their business, profession, and work in general.

Character traits with a plus sign

- hard work, activity, responsibility, creativity, a penchant for creativity, initiative.

Traits with a minus sign

- laziness, procrastination, irresponsible attitude to business, lack of initiative, passivity.

Based on a sample of these characteristics, you can create a portrait of a person.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

easy, easy, easy, ukr. light, blr. lungs, other Russian, Old Slav. lgъk ἐλαφρός (Supr.), Bulgarian. lek, g. Leka, Serbohorv. varnish, slovenian láhǝk, woman láhka, lǝhâk, Czech. lehký, slvts. l᾽аhký, Polish. lekki, v.-luzh. lohki, n.-luzh. lekki, letki. Praslav. *lьгъкъ is related to Lat. levis “light, fast”, Old Indian. laghúṣ, raghúṣ “rough, light, insignificant”, Avest. raɣu-, female rǝvī (*ragvī) “agile”, Old Irish. compare step. laigiu “less, worse”, root. lе – the same (Prakelt. *lagiōs; see Pedersen, Kelt. Gr. 1, 39, 69), Greek. ἐλαχύς “small”, ἐλαφρός “light”. Along with this, there are forms with a nasal infix: Avest. rǝnǰyō “lighter, more dexterous” from raɣu-, d.-v.-n. lungar, lts. liêgs, goth. leihts (: d.-v.-n. gilingan “to succeed”); see Bernecker 1, 753 et seq.: M.–E. 2, 493; Trautman, BSW 158 et seq. Initial glory. the form is not a form with n̥, but without a nasal, contrary to Vondrak (BB 29, 114); see Mikkola, RS 1, 16; Bernecker, ibid.

Features of human character formation

For a long time, philosophers believed that character is an innate human trait. That is, he is born with a certain set of qualities that do not change during the formation process. Today this view is not supported. It has been proven that character is formed throughout life and depends on upbringing, environment, entry into a certain social group, professional activity, etc.

For the first time, the idea of ​​a significant influence on the character of external factors was expressed by the scientist D. Locke, who argued that psychophysical properties and upbringing influence the formation of character equally.

Modern science (last century) supports this hypothesis.

According to researchers, personality formation is influenced by


  • labor education;
  • personal example;
  • physical education;
  • self-development;
  • moral and ethical education;
  • correct formation of habits.

Regardless of age, the process of character formation is exposed to the influence of the information field, including the perception of the individual


  1. cultural values, ideology cultivated in society;
  2. personal example of people respected for a particular person;
  3. public opinion and common judgments in society;
  4. literature, television, cinema, theater.

A mature, thinking person can also correct his character. Thus, character formation occurs throughout life.

Three main factors influence its changes


  • physiological (gender, temperament);
  • social (education, culture, family, school, team);
  • personal (self-development, self-education).

The first stage of character development is early infancy. At this level, it is very important to give the child love, care, and a lot of attention, since it is here that the emotional component is formed for the rest of his life.

Further personality development occurs in early preschool age. The child studies and copies the behavior patterns of adults nearby. Direct teaching with appropriate emotional reinforcement (praise) is important. It is at this age that such traits as kindness, responsiveness, and hard work are formed.

At primary school age, the main role is played by the assessment of the child’s actions and actions by adults, the concepts of “good” and “bad” are instilled. Character traits related to work appear: responsibility, punctuality.

Adolescents are actively developing moral and ethical standards and their volitional sphere. By the end of school, the character, as a rule, has already been formed; then it is only corrected.

In the dictionary of Synonyms 2

• adj1. fluent, free, carried out without difficulty (about the ability to speak, read, play a musical instrument) 2. weightlesslight in weight3. airy, ethereal, giving the impression of something light, weightless 4. not difficult, uncomplicated, simple, elementary, uncomplicated, uncomplicated, trivial, feasible, not difficult, not difficult at all, not difficult at all, not difficult to handle, not difficult to handle, not difficult at all, not difficult to handle, execution5. weak, not strong, having insignificant concentration (about wine, tobacco)6. weak, small • adj1. airy, ethereal, giving the impression of something light, weightless 2. not difficult, uncomplicated, simple, elementary, uncomplicated, uncomplicated, trivial, feasible, not difficult, not difficult at all, not difficult at all, not difficult to handle, not difficult to handle, not difficult at all, not difficult to handle, execution3. weightlesslight in weight4. fluent, free, carried out without difficulty (about the ability to speak, read, play a musical instrument)5. weak, not strong, having insignificant concentration (about wine, tobacco)6. weak, small

The relationship between temperament and character

Character and temperament are often identified, but they are different concepts.

In psychology, different points of view have been expressed on this matter.


  • both concepts are identical;
  • temperament is a part, the core of character;
  • two concepts are antagonists;
  • temperament is the natural basis of character.

Temperament is more closely related to the properties of the human nervous system and is directly determined by them. Character is greatly influenced by society and upbringing. If character is subject to correction, then temperament is an innate property that remains with the individual for life.

The social environment in which an individual grew up and lives has a strong influence on character, while temperament remains unchanged. The content of a person’s actions depends on character, but only their manner and style depend on temperament.

Important: temperament cannot be assessed as “good” or “bad”, but character consists of those traits that can be regarded as positive or negative.

The type of temperament and character are connected and interact with each other in a single appearance of a person, forming an inseparable alloy - a characteristic of his individuality.

Be as easy as possible to live

To live comfortably, in peace, it is advisable to be as light as possible.

Regina Brett's famous conclusions:

  • When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
  • Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
  • It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, a second childhood depends entirely on you.
  • Don't save anything for a special occasion. This special occasion is today.
  • In case of any so-called catastrophe, ask yourself the question: will it be so important in five years?
  • It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad – it will change.
  • Don't take yourself seriously - a wise person doesn't do that.

If you look closely at these tips from Regina Brett, they all boil down to keeping it as light as possible. Not to suffer and torment that life is not fair, but to see it mostly as good.

What are the character types?

In psychology, there are several classifications of character types. One of the most famous is the typology proposed by the American psychoanalyst Alexander Lowen.

Character typeIts characteristics
OralA person experiences a sharp change in mood and is highly dependent on others. Infantility, tendency to melancholy and depression, fear of rejection, low self-esteem.
MasochisticA person who loves to suffer has a very high sensitivity. There is intuition. They are not confident in themselves, they are closed.
HystericalHigh level of ambition, ability to control behavior and actions. Arrogance, rational thinking. Developed emotions with the ability to contain them.
SchizoidVery low self-esteem, lack of control over emotions and their inadequacy. Affective disorders.
PsychopathicDesire to dominate, increased anxiety. The predominance of image issues over internal content. Preoccupation with control over circumstances.
NarcissisticSelf-confidence, high ambitions. Aggressiveness, assertiveness, arrogance, tenacity.

Also in psychology, individuals are divided into introverts (closed) and extroverts (sociable).

One more typology of characters can be identified


Character typeIts characteristics
HyperthymicThe person is very sociable, “talkative”, with pronounced facial expressions. Lots of initiative and energy, but loses his temper easily.
DisthymicPessimists are introverts. They have a keen sense of justice and a very limited circle of friends. They make decisions hard and are slow.
ExcitableThey are power-hungry and love conflict situations. Very unpleasant to communicate with. When calm, they are attentive and pedantic; when excited, they are aggressive and irritable.
StuckAn arrogant person, loves to teach others, considers himself smart. Excessive demands on both yourself and other people
AnxiousThe personality is extremely insecure, afraid of disputes and conflicts. Looks for support everywhere.
DemonstrativeSociable, adaptable. Schemer. They can cause irritation due to their self-confidence. Born artists, boastful, hypocritical.

Psychological character of a person

Character is one of the components of the psychological portrait of a person. But it alone is not enough to form a full-fledged opinion about a person, which is necessary, for example, for hiring a responsible job or making an informed choice in your personal life.

At the same time, you need to determine the person’s temperament.

There are four in total


  • sanguine
    _ A person with a stable nervous system is quite mobile and balanced. The processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system quickly appear and also quickly decline. Optimistic, sociable. The downside is that they are capable of irresponsibility and frivolity.
  • choleric
    _ A very mobile nervous system. It gets excited quickly, but cools down slowly. Extremely restless, always having to do something, energetic. Disadvantages: conflict-ridden, aggressive, hot-tempered.
  • phlegmatic
    . The nervous system is very stable and balanced, but not dynamic. Cannot switch from one topic to another, does not work at “high speeds”. But the result will be impressive - everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Reliable, responsible. Disadvantages - clumsy, rather dry in communication.
  • melancholic
    . The nervous system is very weak, vulnerable, impressionable. Soft, sensitive people. Cons: low performance, suspiciousness, isolation.

Individual abilities are considered as the third component within the psychological portrait


  • general, formed under the influence of intelligence. This is mental flexibility, hard work, and the ability to adapt.
  • special, appealing to a certain direction: to oneself personally, to communication, to completing a task.

To compile a psychological portrait, the following are also taken into account: intelligence, emotionality, feelings, communication skills, stress resistance, self-esteem.

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

bubbly, without (weight, problems), painless, thoughtless, blown by the wind, vaudeville, airy, possible, intelligible, graceful, child's play, accessible, intelligible, silly, (barely, barely, barely) (noticeable, tangible), for what has it become?, elegant, every fool (maybe he can), like two fingers (on the asphalt, piss), like (a feather, fluff), sociable, light, lightweight, lightweight, frivolous, light, light, light, lighter (light , feather, fluff), small, light weight, unnoticeable, boyish, trifle, soft, on fish fur, don’t hit someone lying down, not a big trick, not difficult, not great, not a big trick, not warming, not (represents, constitutes, worth) not ((the slightest, no) labor, (the slightest, no) difficulty), not a trick, not a thing, small, unimportant, weightless, shallow, gentle, unnoticeable, insignificant, non-conflicting, weak, unfastened, unsophisticated, unburdensome, unfounded , loose, not dusty, frivolous, uncomplicated, undignified, there is nothing (easier, simpler), not difficult, not heavy, not heavy, uncomplicated, no matter, costs nothing, explainable, just a breath, a couple of trifles, cobwebby, plastic, plastic, trivial matter, trivial, according to (shoulder, strength), superficial, pliable, knocked down (by the wind, the wind), mobile, flexible, malleable, portable, feasible, comprehensible, very light, simple, simpler than a steamed turnip, simpler than pie, empty, empty, trifle, trifling , trifling, trifling, fluffy, just (spit, sneeze), entertaining, childish, manual, net, accommodating, sliding, weak, handy, agreeable, thin, chiseled, persuasive, (easy) doable, easy to carry, (easy) understandable, accommodating, ultra-light, compliant, cold, comic, elastic, elementary, ethereal, clear. Ant. heavy, complex, difficult, important, difficult, cunning, tricky, weighty, ponderous

Social character of personality

The concept of social character was introduced into science by E. Fromm.

Social character of personality

is a set of traits that arises in people belonging to the same social group. Moreover, these special features appeared under the influence of common experiences and an identical lifestyle.

The psychologist has developed two types of social characters: unfruitful and fruitful.


Type of social characterIts signs
ReceptiveCharacterized by weakness of will, servility, low activity, cowardice.
OperationalAmbition, a high level of aggression, egocentrism, and arrogance are inherent.
CumulativeDominant signs: lack of creativity, causticity, stubbornness, possessive instinct, suspiciousness,
MarketCharacterized by such features as: lack of integrity, unprincipledness, low sense of purpose

These types are called unfruitful because they are “takers”, believing that they can only receive benefits from the outside.

Fruitful type

This is a kind of humanistic ideal to which we need to strive. It is characterized by: reliance on one’s own strengths and their use both to receive benefits and to give to other people. A fruitful social character gives and does not receive; it is based on love, the highest degree of which is maternal love, which does not know selfishness.

Hidden and obvious accentuation of personality

Accentuation refers to the dominant personality traits, that is, some characteristics are moderately developed in us, while others are excessively developed.

As a result of accentuation (from the word “accent”, i.e. strengthening), the personality becomes disharmonious.

Strengthening individual traits


  • cause a person’s vulnerability, are his weak point, “Achilles’ heel”;
  • limits a person’s abilities in certain areas of activity.

For example, a personality with an accentuation of weak will can be used by people and is completely unsuitable for working in leadership positions.

Accentuation is not a psychological or mental deviation, but an extreme variant of the norm.

There are several reasons for this


  • dominance of one trait is formed only at certain stages of development, and can be minimized with age;
  • accentuation does not always appear, but only under certain circumstances;
  • accentuation does not in any way prevent a person from adapting to society, with the exception of a number of restrictions that we mentioned above.

Depending on the dominance of one of the character traits, the following types are distinguished:


Type of accentuationCharacteristic
DemonstrativeThe desire to be in . Deliberate behavior, boasting.
PedanticCaution, fear of change, thoroughness, thoughtfulness.
ExcitableVery impulsive behavior. Lives by impulses, instincts, drives.
HypertemicAlways cheerful, active, thirsty for life. Sociable, optimistic, easily overcomes difficulties.
StuckRemembers insults and troubles for a long time, is vengeful, petty
DysthymicPessimist, always sad and despondent. Concentrated on the dark sides of life.
CyclothymicChanges from thirst for life to pessimism occur frequently and regularly.
ExaltedA violent reaction to any event, a state from delight to universal sadness.
EmotiveHigh sensitivity, empathy, sincerity, tearfulness.
AnxiousAnxiety for any reason and for no reason. Wariness, timidity, uncertainty.

Accentuation is considered obvious in cases where it accompanies a person most of the time, almost always.

If the dominance of any trait appears in stressful or critical situations, then the accentuation is called hidden.

In the dictionary Synonyms 4

painless, thoughtless, airy, graceful, accessible, elegant, sociable, lightweight, lightweight, light-weight, frivolous, light, lightweight, slight, light, unobtrusive, small, weightless, shallow, gentle, unnoticeable, insignificant, weak, unfastened, simple, loose, not dusty, frivolous, uncomplicated, not difficult, not heavy, not heavy, simple, trifling, superficial, mobile, flexible, portable, feasible, very light, simple, trifling, trifling, trifling, fluffy, entertaining, sliding, weak, thin, accommodating, ultralight, elastic, elemental, ethereal

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