Message: what is it in psychology, examples (message of life, activity)

Message - this word of American origin is used in modern slang as a synonym for the word message or message. This is a method of communication where certain information (in direct or veiled form) is conveyed by one participant in communication to another (in a group or individually).

The meaning of the word message cannot be fully equated to a message or notification, since it has its own nuanced, highly specialized focus. Here the true meaning of the message comes to the fore, and the requirement for the perceiving person to grasp it. That is, it is not so much factual information and analysis of its individual elements that constitute the message, but the main idea, the meaning that slips through many words and external factors.

What is this message?

The most logical place to start is with translation options. English is famous for the fact that it sometimes has a myriad of meanings for words. Of course, this is some exaggeration, but a very small one. So, let's open the English-Russian dictionary and read the possible translation options:

  • message;
  • letter;
  • message;
  • idea;
  • sermon;
  • report;
  • assignment;
  • request.

There are other options, but these are enough to understand the meaning of the word. And at one time people picked up and quite actively used tracing paper from the English “message”. What is it in this case? It was mostly used as a synonym for “idea” or “main idea.” That is, a person speaks on television or on the street, and you, for example, recently came up and asked: “What, exactly, is the message?” Of course, they may not understand you, then you can reformulate: “What is the speaker talking about, what is the main idea?”

Of course, it’s interesting why this word suddenly became popular, but more on that later. Now it is more important to find out the analogues of the word.

Form or content

To convey a message, the form of the message is not important.
The content is important, but the meaning is even more important. The message answers the question: “What do you mean?” The message is the main, sometimes veiled, idea of ​​the message

But there is also a direct feed.

It doesn’t matter in what “wrapper” the message is wrapped. It could be a multi-hour lecture or just one sentence, a colorful narrative with lots of comparisons or a dry technical text.

Any form of message can be chosen: oral or written speech, installation, painting, music, etc. It is important that listeners catch and understand the idea that the author wanted to convey. How he will achieve this is a secondary question.

Where do borrowings come from?

But, as you understand, in the journalistic environment they do not strictly monitor the purity of the Russian language, so it is from the media that we draw more and more new borrowings. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used foreign words in his works. For example, there are borrowings that are necessary and justified, and there are simply fashionable ones. The former include various scientific terms, and the latter include twin words that duplicate their Russian counterparts. By the way, in the end these borrowings still leave the language: they don’t take root. The same applies to the word messege. Now many people know that this is a message, but few people use this word.

But we still want to express the idea of ​​why such borrowings occur in general. On the one hand, it all comes down to the charm of a foreign language, and on the other, to brevity. Precisely because the English language accumulates many meanings in one word. And in this sense, there are only two wishes - you must observe moderation and not lose your sense of taste.

Let the last paragraph be our message to the reader. There is no need to explain the meaning of the noun. In fact, there is nothing wrong with borrowing. The main thing is that one language does not harm another. In addition, borrowed foreign words are one of the ways to develop the native language.

Words such as messege are a definite result of the relationships between different peoples, professional communities, and countries. In the Russian language, borrowings differ in volume and nature; they make it possible to trace the history of the literary language and dialects. Modern spoken Russian language is enriched if new words are used in speech that can replace familiar ones. However, everything should be in moderation.

Form or content

The form of the message is not important to convey the message

Content is important, but meaning is even more important. The message answers the question: “What do you mean?” The message is the main, sometimes veiled, idea of ​​the message

But there is also a direct feed.

It doesn’t matter in what “wrapper” the message is wrapped. It could be a multi-hour lecture or just one sentence, a colorful narrative with lots of comparisons or a dry technical text.

Any form of message can be chosen: oral or written speech, installation, painting, music, etc. It is important that listeners catch and understand the idea that the author wanted to convey. How he will achieve this is a secondary question.

How to use messengers

To start immediately writing messages to your friends without any restrictions, just download the selected messenger. To do this, you need to open the Google Play application for Android, the App Store for Apple, or the Microsoft Store for Windows Phone. Then you need to enter the name of the messenger in the search bar. After this, you will need to click on the “Install” button.

During installation, contacts from the smartphone are usually transferred directly to the application. At the same time, the user sees which of his contacts already have the same messenger installed on their phone. This greatly facilitates the possibility of further communication with him using this messenger.

Video “How to download WhatsApp on an Android phone, install and use. For beginners"

Five most popular instant messengers

Recently, many different systems for exchanging information have been invented. Let's look at 10 (ten) popular instant messengers, indicating the official sites from where they can be downloaded and installed.

Option Description

“Unlimited messengers” is a standard option from the SberMobile operator - it provides traffic for WhatsApp (WhatsApp), Viber (Viber), Skype (Skype) and Facebook Messenger (Facebook). These services are very popular due to their powerful functionality:

  • Instant text messaging;
  • Receiving and sending photos and videos;
  • Sharing arbitrary files;
  • Audio calls and video calls;
  • Sending and receiving short voice messages;
  • Send contacts and location data.

They also have group chats for communication on various topics.

From June 26, 2021, all functionality of these services is available completely free of charge. The option is enabled by default for any configuration of minutes and traffic, regardless of other unlimited limits, even if the Internet has run out. This allows you to save on traditional voice calls by calling through instant messengers to other subscribers using the same services. Thanks to the free option, you can reduce the number of included minutes and save on mobile communications. For example, a minimum package of 150 minutes, 3 GB of Internet, 50 messages and instant messengers will cost only 200 rubles/month - 1% of this amount will be returned in the form of “Thank you” bonuses.

The option from SberMobile is available for connection in all regions of the operator’s presence. The list includes Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Tambov, Voronezh and Tula regions, as well as many other Russian regions. Check their list on the operator’s website.

Other options

Together with instant messengers, the operator offers a number of additional services:

  • Unlimited social networks – 69 rubles/month or free with a subscription fee of 400 rubles/month. The list includes VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram;
  • Video – unlimited access to YouTube, RuTube and the game streaming service Twitch for 199 rubles/month. The option is provided free of charge if the subscription fee for the selected tariff plan exceeds 800 rubles/month;
  • Music for 99 rubles/month or free on tariffs starting from 500 rubles/month. The list of music services includes Yandex.Music, Google Music and Apple Music. Unlimited traffic for the application is also provided

For example, on a tariff with 600 minutes and 30 GB of Internet, all options are provided without additional subscription fees, which allows you to save money. A proprietary mobile application is used to select packages. Available packages – from 150 to 1500 min, from 3 to 30 GB. Subscription fee – from 150 to 1150 rubles/month (with a return of 1-30% of the amount in the form of “Thank you” bonuses).

message - Wiktionary




Root: -.

MFA (USA): units. h.

  1. report, dispatch
  2. commission, errand, mission]]


Comes from Old French. message, from later lat. missaticum, from missus “thrown, sent”, further from mittere “throw, throw; release; send", further from an unspecified form of English. message - from the 13th century; messenger - originally borrowed. in the form messager. Used materials from Douglas Harper's Online Etymology Dictionary. See References.


Verb, correct.

Root: -.



Comes from Old French. message, from later lat. missaticum, from missus “thrown, sent”, further from mittere “throw, throw; release; send", further from an unspecified form of English. message - from the 13th century; messenger - originally borrowed. in the form messager. Used materials from Douglas Harper's Online Etymology Dictionary. See References.



Noun, masculine.

Root: -.



Comes from Old French. message, from later lat. missaticum, from missus “thrown, sent”, further from mittere “throw, throw; release; send”, further from an unspecified form Materials used from the Online Etymology Dictionary of Douglas Harper. See References.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a chat for communicating within the Facebook social network without permanent authorization. The program is free and automatically synchronizes your contact list from your personal Facebook page. The user receives notifications about comments, meetings, or notifications from friends. Has an intuitive interface.

Inside the service, both text messages and video/audio calls are implemented, there are packs of stickers and Emoji, and it is possible to exchange photos and video materials. The service provides written communication, as well as the ability to attach stickers and Emoji, share photos and videos, make video calls and create group conversations. There is also a secret chat option, with the ability to set a certain time for storing messages, after which all messages will disappear. You receive push notifications about all new messages. You can make electronic payments, although this function is only available if you have a US bank card.


  • encryption capability;
  • bot support;
  • ability to turn off notifications;
  • geolocation determination;
  • confirmation of message viewing;
  • “Secret Chat” function and self-destruction of messages.


  • no support for Windows;
  • data privacy;
  • you can delete messages only on your gadget;
  • messages cannot be deleted or edited.

Facebook Messenger doesn't reach the title of best, but it can easily be called the most popular messenger.


WhatsApp messenger icon

The most popular program is WhatsApp.

Main functions available:

1 Can be downloaded and installed on Android, iPhone, Windows or Mac computers - easy to download and install.

2 Messaging using an Internet connection: Wi-Fi or mobile. Depending on the operator and tariff chosen, data charges may apply - I have not encountered this.

3 Group chat, in which you can exchange messages, photos and videos simultaneously with 256 participants - really convenient.

4 Audio and video calls are a complete analogue of telephone and video communications, but only using the Internet (free and unlimited via Wi-Fi, paid when using mobile Internet traffic). In this case, the mobile phone is used exclusively in operating mode via the Internet, and not via cellular communication.

5 WhatsApp Web client for computers - you can install an application on your computer that will synchronize with WhatsApp on your mobile phone. Then you can communicate with friends and acquaintances using the keyboard and computer monitor, although communication will be provided by a mobile phone.

It is convenient to communicate via a smartphone using an audio or video call. For many people, text messages are more convenient to type and send using a computer or laptop. WhatsApp chats are easily synchronized across all devices.

6 File exchange: photos, videos - quick data exchange without resorting to email.

You can also take a photo using the built-in camera on your smartphone and instantly send the photo or video. Even with a slow Internet it works well.

7 Documents – sending “attached files” also without resorting to email, directly using the messenger.

You can send any file up to 100 Megabytes: in PDF format, document, presentations, spreadsheets, etc.

It is important here that the recipient can open the attached files on his phone or computer so that he has the ability to view these files. Otherwise, the recipient will not be able to see what was sent to him

8 Voice messages - you speak, but they don’t listen to you right away, but listen to the sent message when the opportunity and time for this arise.

You can quickly record a voice message and send it immediately. Suitable for those who like voice communication, but do not like typing text messages. But it is not suitable for those who do not like to listen to sent messages. Such messages will not find a grateful listener; they simply will not be listened to.

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