Coping strategies in psychology - what determines human behavior during stress?
Chronic stress is a pressing problem for many men and women. The results of numerous studies show
Transactional analysis, role relationships
Ego states according to Eric Berne. Introduction to Transactional Analysis
Life is multi-layered and complex. This is especially well understood in the practice of relationships. Today we
Symptoms and signs of Parkinson's disease in older adults
Any deviations in the behavior of newborns cause concern for parents. To one of these alarming symptoms
The girl looks in the mirror
How to completely change yourself in 12 months and become better than you are
At one point in my life, I realized that something was missing in me:
Giftedness, talent, genius: distinguish between concepts
Giftedness, talent, genius: distinguish between concepts
Tips Giftedness Talent Genius How are talented people different? Conclusion Intellectual skills, creative tasks of a person,
Fear of small children or pedophobia: symptoms, causes
What is pedophobia? Fear of children is an irrational phobia. According to one version, this
What age is a teenager? Physiological and psychological characteristics of adolescence
November 7, 2019 Personality psychology Angelica Braldi Quite often, the behavior and actions of a child are adult
Abilities in psychology. What is it, definition, types briefly, examples
Abilities: definition, classification, characteristics
Definition of the term “ability” in psychology Abilities are in psychology the properties of the human psyche, conditioned
easy degree of adaptation
Adaptation of a child to kindergarten. Methodological development (junior group) on the topic
Adaptation in kindergarten is the process of a child getting used to new conditions of his life:
Inscriptions in English and a girl with a loudspeaker on a yellow background
Not in the mood: how to delicately refuse sex to a man?
Tips on how to refuse a guy without offending: Pexels Not knowing how to gently refuse fans,
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