Abilities: definition, classification, characteristics

Definition of the term “ability” in psychology

In psychology, abilities are properties of the human psyche, determined by the special development of functional organs and psychological structures, which allow him to master new knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific field of activity with particular speed and success.
For people who have certain abilities (in a specific field of activity), the speed of mastering new knowledge and skills is several times higher than the effectiveness of development in this area for those people who do not have such abilities.

For example, if a child has mathematical abilities (ease of arithmetic calculations, good memory, pronounced logical thinking), it is much easier for him to study mathematics and solve complex problems, unlike a child who does not have these abilities.

To successfully master and carry out different types of activities, different abilities are required. The speed and quality of acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities in the relevant field of activity depends on them.

Ability Theories:

  1. According to the structural approach, abilities are basic concepts, units of analysis, elements of structure. Inclinations determine the area of ​​opportunities for developing abilities. They manifest themselves in activity. B.M. Teplov noted that there is a direct connection between inclinations (absolute ear for music) and subject specificity.
  2. The functional approach (personal) considers ability as a functional formation that appeared in connection with the solution of a life personal problem. For example, if the subject is motivated to become a musician, then hearing can be formed (pseudo-absolute pitch). Abilities are formed and developed in activity by transforming other natural inclinations.

Origin of abilities and their structure

There are 2 theories of the origin of human abilities. The theory of the emergence of abilities through the transfer of genetic information from parent to child and the theory of the development of abilities as a result of training, upbringing and the influence of the external social environment on a person.

The genetic theory of the emergence of abilities is based on well-known facts, when the children of outstanding scientists or artists also became scientists or achieved success in the relevant field of art. For example, a very common occurrence was the discovery of appropriate musical abilities in children of musicians (Mozart, Haydn).

Another striking example is the emergence of a whole dynasty of musicians and composers among the descendants of the famous great composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

The theory of the emergence of abilities under the influence of training and factors of external social influence is based on a number of experiments that confirm the development of almost any abilities, in the case of correct and systematic training of a person by experienced teachers, as well as as a result of proper upbringing in early childhood, when the main anatomical and physiological components are formed child's psyche.

As a result of the coexistence of these theories, modern psychology accepts them equally. The formation of abilities is influenced by both heredity and environmental factors, which can compensate for the lack of any innate abilities or, on the contrary, suspend their development.

The basic structure of abilities (in a general sense) consists of the following parts:

  1. Information part (knowledge about the world and society, scientific knowledge, knowledge about ways to carry out certain actions in various types of activities).
  2. The psychophysical part (experience in carrying out certain actions in the field of activity being mastered, expressed in specific skills and abilities).
  3. The creative part (the ability and willingness to find new types of solutions to any problems, the ability to create more effective skills and abilities).
  4. The emotional part (the ability to form positive emotions in relation to the activity being carried out, the ability to use emotions to more effectively master skills).

The presence of the above elements in the structure of abilities allows a person to effectively develop his abilities in any field of activity.

The development of individual elements of the ability structure affects the overall progress of the development of the ability itself, which in turn leads to a further strengthening of the development of its individual parts. Thus, the development of an ability is a mutual cyclical process involving the ability itself and its individual parts.

The structure of the ability of any specific activity, in addition to the general structure, will include a number of additional qualities that a person performing this activity must have.

For example, the structure of abilities that a person engaged in musical activity must have includes such elements as a sense of rhythm, an ear for music, and musical memory.

With regard to literary activity, in addition to the general structure of abilities, it should include such additional elements as clear functioning of the speech apparatus, a developed sense of aesthetics, the need for self-expression and fantasy.

Each specific type of activity has its own structure of abilities. A person carrying out any type of activity must have the appropriate abilities.

Inclinations are the natural basis of abilities

Abilities have a complex structure. Among the qualities and properties of a person, which are united by the concept of “ability,” there are natural ones (congenital or hereditary). This natural basis of abilities is called inclinations. These include primarily psychophysiological and anatomical-physiological features.

  1. For example, the type of higher nervous activity or temperament - in a number of professions people with a sanguine temperament are more successful, and in others - phlegmatic or choleric people. And the sensitivity of a melancholic person can make him a great artist or poet.
  2. The inclinations also include innate features of the sensory system. For example, a person with a high sensitivity to color discrimination can become a good colorist, and a person with an ear for music can become a musician.
  3. In order to become a long-distance runner, you need a large lung capacity and endurance, and to play basketball, you need to be tall.

But the key word “can” determines the role of inclinations in a person’s life. Inclinations do not predetermine a person’s life path and may not develop into abilities, but remain “ballast”. On the other hand, the ability to perform certain activities can be developed even with weak natural prerequisites, if there is a desire. It will just take more effort and time, and not everyone needs it. For example, it has now been proven that with due persistence, anyone can learn to draw.

Inclinations are prerequisites, a kind of potential that still needs to be developed to the level of ability. And in this development, the main role is played by the social factor - the environment in which the personality is formed, the social environment, incentives and motives.

Social factor

Along with inclinations, abilities include a set of skills, abilities and knowledge related to specific activities. And only if they are present will the makings work. The formation of abilities includes a number of processes that are in one way or another related to the interaction of society and people.

  1. Development of potential, which is only possible through activity. That is, to become a musician, you need to learn to play at least one musical instrument. To become a writer, you must not only be able to write, but also know the laws of style, composition, etc. But most importantly, you must engage in the activity for which you want to develop abilities. They just won’t fall like manna from heaven.
  2. Any ability is a complex and, in addition to inclinations, includes many personal qualities. Thus, for abilities in the field of artistic creativity, the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and intuition is important, and for success in the exact sciences, abstract logical thinking is required.
  3. Mastering an activity is a prerequisite for developing abilities. This involves training in techniques, methods, and techniques of activity. If a person with good abilities as a swimmer does not learn to swim, then these abilities will never manifest themselves.

Thus, abilities are the result of the development of all spheres of personality. Moreover, it is possible to develop abilities and transform potential inclinations into real mastery at any age. Although it is best, of course, to begin the development process in childhood, when the psyche is more flexible, and perception is lively and vivid, and any activity is mastered in a playful form.

Proper upbringing and sensitivity to the needs and interests of a child are a guarantee that he will grow up to be a capable person. And you need to pay close attention to the kids. The fact is that there is one interesting mental phenomenon that can suggest the presence of inclinations and the possibility of developing abilities for a certain type of activity. These are inclinations.

What are tendencies?

We approach different types of activities differently - we categorically do not like something, we would like to do something, but there is not enough time, and we always find time for some activities even at the expense of our own rest or household chores.

  1. There are types of activities that a person has a penchant for, that is, a literally irresistible desire to engage in them. He strives for this, overcoming obstacles, making a lot of effort to master the activity he likes, enjoying the process itself. Psychologists believe that aptitudes are an indicator of a person’s potential abilities for an activity he or she likes. And if there are no inclinations, and the activities do not bring pleasure, and the result is uninteresting, then most likely it will not be possible to develop abilities.
  2. True, along with true inclinations there are also imaginary ones. They most often appear under the influence of a feeling of envy, when a person likes the result of the work of others so much that he also wants to learn the same thing, for example, to draw, or achieve success in sports, publish his own book, etc.

Imaginary inclinations can arise as a result of imitation. In childhood, it often happens that a child goes to a sports section or art school after his friend, without experiencing any interest in the activity itself. Or girls often want to become singers, imitating their favorite actress.

It is not difficult to distinguish imaginary inclinations from true ones. Mastering the activity in this case is not enjoyable, and the very first failures lead to loss of interest.

A brilliant teacher: how abilities influence the profession

“Being a genius and having exceptional intellectual abilities are not the same thing.”
Walter Isaacson, editor-in-chief of TIME magazine, biographer of Steve Jobs

In 2021, TIME magazine published the article “What Makes a Genius a Genius?” Walter Isaacson highlighted 5 points:

  1. Passion for excellence.

    The most important thing to know about geniuses is that genius does not equal intelligence. “At a certain point in life it becomes obvious that there are a lot of smart people out there. What makes a person special is imagination. The ability to think differently"

  2. Love for simplicity.

    The beauty of Apple products, of course, is their simplicity.

  3. The ability to make others do the unthinkable.

    Jobs's trick was to not give in to other people's doubts and hesitations. On the contrary, when employees or colleagues declared that a problem could not be solved, Jobs simply stared at them and then said: “Don’t be afraid. You can do it."

  4. The ability to doubt other geniuses.

    Only after challenging one of Newton's theories did Einstein come across the theory of relativity.

  5. Respect for diversity.

    Benjamin Franklin, according to Isaacson, had a quality that people do not usually associate with the figure of genius. His genius was in tolerance. He understood that a society that was more diverse, more tolerant of every person would be stronger.

Makings of

Makings of

– these are innate, stable psycho- and anatomical-physiological characteristics of the nervous system, which serve as the basis for the formation of certain abilities.

The anatomical features of the structure of the analyzers (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, vestibular) and the associated areas of the cerebral cortex are identified as inclinations. Inclinations are the basis of abilities that are discovered and developed under favorable conditions only in the process of activity.

It is characteristic that, on the basis of the same inclinations, different abilities can develop: for example, on the basis of a well-developed auditory analyzer, different musical abilities can be formed: absolute pitch, a sense of rhythm, musical-auditory concepts. A person with perfect pitch can become a brilliant singer, a brilliant conductor, a brilliant composer.



- these are the individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are manifested in activity and are a condition for the success of its implementation. The speed, depth, ease and strength of the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities depend on abilities, but they themselves are not limited to them.

There are different approaches to defining abilities, but the most in-depth analysis of the problem of abilities was given by B.M. Teplov, founder of the school of differential psychology and scientific director of the laboratory “Psychophysiology of Individual Differences”. According to his concept, only anatomical, physiological and functional characteristics of a person can be innate, creating certain prerequisites for the development of abilities, called inclinations.

Human abilities are only an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills. Whether or not this knowledge and skills will be acquired, and whether the opportunity will turn into reality, depends on many conditions:

  • on whether the person will need this knowledge and skills;
  • will the people around him (family, school, friends) be interested in him mastering this knowledge and skills;
  • on how he will be trained;
  • on how work activity will be organized, in which this knowledge and skills will be needed and consolidated, etc.

Abilities are a possibility, and the achieved level of mastery in a particular matter is a reality. Can abilities be measured and developed?

A.V. Petrovsky argues that “abilities are revealed only in activities, and only in those that cannot be carried out without the presence of these abilities”


“You can’t talk about a person’s ability to draw if they haven’t tried to teach him how to draw. Only in the process of learning drawing and painting can it become clear whether the student has abilities. This will be revealed in how quickly and easily he learns working techniques, color relationships, and learns to see beauty in the world around him.”

Arthur Vladimirovich Petrovsky Soviet and Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of history of psychology, social psychology and personality psychology

At present, science does not have the means by which it would be possible to draw a conclusion about a person’s abilities through a single test.

Ability exists only in development and does not exist outside of specific human activity, and its formation occurs in conditions of training and education.

The surest way to determine a person’s abilities is to identify the dynamics of success in the process of learning and activity.

Levels of ability development

The development of abilities is non-linear; there are three levels of their development:

  1. Giftedness.
  2. Talent.
  3. Genius.

"Genius: 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."

Thomas Edison


This is a special level of development of abilities. Giftedness

- a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, extraordinary) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

Gifted person

- this is a person who stands out for his bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in a particular type of activity.



- outstanding human abilities, demonstrated in a certain field of activity, allowing, based on making non-standard decisions, to achieve high results.

Talent is extraordinary abilities that appear with the acquisition of experience and allow you to achieve success in your chosen activity.

To put it simply: talent is what you do best. There is no clear answer to the question of genetic predisposition to certain talents, but most scientists are still inclined to believe that the inclinations are laid even before birth, forming a person’s talent. In the Bach family, for example, there were many talented musicians.

A separate isolated ability, even a very highly developed one, cannot be called a talent. For example, having a phenomenal memory. Thus, in medical practice, a case is described of a man who could not forget anything; he could literally convey the contents of an article he had read a few days ago, and at the same time could not express a single thought of his own.

Talent is a certain combination of abilities, their totality. If one ability is relatively weak, it can be compensated by another.



- the highest level of development of a person’s abilities, making him an outstanding person in a certain field or field of activity. The rare manifestation and originality of a man of genius has given rise to many attempts to explain this phenomenon. Thus, some classify geniuses as mediums, with whose help some higher being communicates to humanity the results of his unique thoughts.

Others believe that the manifestation of genius is associated with certain mental disorders. For example, the feverish state of geniuses during creativity is similar to manic excitement, and the characteristic signs of paranoia (egocentrism, increased self-esteem, excessive persistence in their actions, lack of remorse, commitment to one idea) are typical characteristics of a genius.

Some psychologists believe that the human brain contains within itself a huge, as yet far untapped, redundancy of natural capabilities and that genius is not a deviation from the norm, but, on the contrary, the highest completeness of the manifestation of natural capabilities.

But others say that the line between genius and mental disorder is very thin and can sometimes be blurred.

Talent and genius: similarities and differences between concepts

These are different degrees of human development. Both of these qualities are laid down at the genetic level, but talent is in the form of inclinations or abilities, and genius is the only development strategy.

As history shows, if certain conditions are required for the development of talent, then geniuses can be made anywhere. That is, a person will be talented thanks to someone or something. He will become a genius in spite of everything. But it is impossible to predict at what age this will happen. Sometimes already in adulthood, after 50 years, a person shows genius.

Ability System

Russian and Soviet psychology is the psychology of activity. All our skills are developed through activity. What does it take for a person to choose a profession?

First, general ability

- favorable opportunities for the development of such characteristics of the human psyche that are equally important for many types of activity. These include: the general level of intellectual development, attentiveness, memory, volitional qualities, competent speech, performance, etc.

Secondly, special or professional abilities

- opportunities for the development of individual mental qualities for a specific type of activity: musical, mathematical, linguistic, sports, etc. They require persistent and long-term training for their development.

Thirdly, interest

- an individual psychological feature of a person, which is characterized by a selective focus on the phenomena of reality. Interest is manifested in a positive emotional reaction and intellectual cognitive activity. Only if these two signs are present can we be considered to have a particular interest.

Fourthly, the tendency

- the desire to engage in a certain activity, the thirst for this activity. These are a person’s desires, motivations, needs for certain types of activities, the desire not only for the result, but also for the very process of what a person does. A real inclination usually combines a stable interest in certain phenomena of reality and a stable desire to act in this direction. An inclination is an attraction or interest in an activity.

General and special abilities

General Abilities

provide relative ease and productivity in acquiring knowledge and carrying out various types of activities. General abilities are mental abilities: criticality of the mind, its independence, depth, inquisitiveness, quickness of mental orientation, speed of thinking.

In the structure of the abilities of some people, these general qualities can be extremely pronounced, which indicates that they have versatile abilities, general abilities for a wide range of different activities, specialties and occupations. People with general (mental) abilities, as a rule, quickly master new types of activities, areas of knowledge, and learn well.

Special Abilities

is a system of personality traits that help achieve high results in a particular area of ​​activity.

There are types of special abilities:

  • educational and creative;
  • mathematical;
  • structural and technical;
  • musical;
  • literary;
  • artistic and visual.

Interests and inclinations

There are many similarities between interests and inclinations, but there are also differences. You can, for example, show an interest in cinema: keep track of all film premieres and enjoy going to the cinema, read books on cinema, study biographies of artists, but at the same time do not at all strive for activities in the field of cinema. There are many football fans who do not miss a single football match, but do not engage in physical education or sports themselves, and do not even do morning exercises. These are precisely those cases when there is interest, but there is no inclination.

In relation to choosing a profession, the following types of inclinations are distinguished:

  • a penchant for working with people;
  • a penchant for working with technology;
  • tendency to work with conventional signs;
  • a penchant for working with plants and animals;
  • a penchant for working with artistic images.

Teaching abilities

Pedagogical abilities

They call the totality of individual psychological characteristics of a teacher’s personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity.

The difference between pedagogical abilities and pedagogical skills is that pedagogical abilities are personality traits, and pedagogical skills are individual acts of pedagogical activity carried out by a person at a high level.

Basic teaching abilities

  1. Didactic abilities - the ability to convey educational material to students, making it accessible to children, to present the material or problem to them clearly and understandably, to arouse interest in the subject, to arouse active independent thought in students.
  2. Academic abilities - abilities in the relevant field of science (mathematics, physics, biology, literature, etc.).
  3. Perceptual abilities - the ability to penetrate into the inner world of a student, pupil, psychological observation, associated with a subtle understanding of the student’s personality and his temporary mental states. The ability to perceive a student, to perceive another person.
  4. Speech abilities - the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts and feelings through speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimes.
  5. Organizational abilities are, firstly, the ability to organize a student team, unite it, inspire it to solve important problems and, secondly, the ability to properly organize one’s own work.
  6. Authoritarian abilities are the ability to directly influence emotionally and volitionally on students and the ability to gain authority from them on this basis.
  7. Communicative abilities - the ability to communicate with children, the ability to find the right approach to children, to establish relationships with them that are appropriate, from a pedagogical point of view, and the presence of pedagogical tact.
  8. Pedagogical imagination (or predictive abilities) is a special ability, expressed in foreseeing the consequences of one’s actions, in the educational design of the student’s personality, associated with the idea of ​​​​what the student will turn out to be in the future, in the ability to predict the development of certain qualities of the student.
  9. The ability to distribute attention simultaneously between several types of activities; is of particular importance for the work of a teacher.

Special teaching abilities

  1. The ability to correctly assess the internal state of another person, sympathize, empathize with him (the ability to empathize).
  2. The ability to be an example and role model for children in thoughts, feelings and actions.
  3. The ability to evoke in a child noble feelings, desire and desire to become better, to do good to people, to achieve high moral goals.
  4. The ability to adapt educational influences to the individual characteristics of the child. When there are 25 people in a class, it is important to understand who has what temperament and character.
  5. The ability to instill confidence in a person, calm him down, stimulate him to self-improvement.
  6. The ability to find the right style of communication with each child, to achieve his favor and mutual understanding.
  7. The ability to command respect from a child, enjoy informal recognition on his part, and have authority among children.

Creativity as a component of pedagogical talent

“Creativity is simply making connections between things. When creative people are asked how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything, but just noticed it. This becomes clear to them over time. They were able to connect different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This happens because they have experienced and seen more than others, or because they think about it more.”

Steve Jobs


(from the English creation - “creation”) - a person’s creative abilities, which can manifest themselves in thinking, feelings, communication, individual types of activity, characterize the personality as a whole or its individual aspects, products of activity, the process of their creation.

More often than not, creativity is viewed as a critical and relatively independent factor in giftedness that is rarely reflected in intelligence tests and academic achievement. IQ tests do not provide an opportunity to understand a person's creative thinking and creativity.

Creativity is determined not so much by a critical attitude to the new from the point of view of experience, but by receptivity to new ideas.

Creativity Options

One of the creators of the theory of creativity, J. Guilford, identifies six parameters of creativity:

  1. ability to detect and pose problems;
  2. ability to generate a large number of problems;
  3. semantic spontaneous flexibility - the ability to produce a variety of ideas;
  4. originality - the ability to produce distant associations, unusual answers, non-standard solutions;
  5. the ability to improve an object by adding details;
  6. the ability to solve non-standard problems, showing semantic flexibility (the ability to see new features in an object, find their new use).

Creativity = Convergent Thinking + Divergent Thinking

thinking (from the Latin convergere - “to converge”) - uses previously learned algorithms for solving a specific problem. Involves exact adherence to instructions or sequence of actions to solve a problem.

This is linear thinking, logical thinking, which assumes one single correct solution to a problem.

Divergent thinking

(from Latin divergere - “diverge”) - a method of creative thinking that involves finding multiple solutions to the same problem.

Divergent abilities are manifested in the ability to put forward a large number of interesting and unusual ideas, in the rejection of stereotypes.

How to develop creativity?

  1. Read the signs from end to beginning. Sometimes it can be quite fun, as the results can be very varied.
  2. When reading a book, try reading sentences from the bottom of the page to the top, that is, the actions will happen in reverse order.
  3. In your spare time, start thinking up various names by combining completely random letters that come to mind.
  4. Draw non-existent creatures, things.
  5. While no one is looking, try writing with your left hand (or right, if left-handed), and those who are especially fearless can even try with their feet.
  6. Combine seemingly incongruous words.
  7. Imagine any word as an abbreviation, which then needs to be deciphered.
  8. You can come up with a non-standard use for every item of everyday life.
  9. You can stack one item with another, trying to achieve improvement.

Steve Jobs Methods

Develop Diverse Interests

After graduating from college, Steve Jobs decided to continue doing what interested him, such as calligraphy. Although his famous speech at Stanford did not

talked about the practical side of calligraphy, he said that many things for the Macintosh were created thanks to this skill.


In The Making of Steve Jobs, Brent Schlender notes that Jobs often took part in brainstorming walks with other people. Recent research confirms that such walks can help unlock creative ideas.


After completing his studies at Reed College, Jobs spent several months in India, where he practiced Zen Buddhist meditation. Jobs was so fascinated by Zen that he decided to move to Japan to continue his practice. He told his biographer Walter Isaacson:

“If you just sit and watch, you will notice how restless your mind is. If you try to calm him down, it will only make the situation worse. But when it does happen, you will be able to hear very subtle things - your intuition begins to open up, you begin to see things more clearly and learn to be in the present moment.”

Steve Jobs

Meditation helped Jobs develop creativity. Specific meditation practices not only increase creativity, but can also help develop empathy.

What do we call abilities?

This concept is not as clear as it seems, and therefore is explained by scientists in different ways.

Most precisely, this concept was formulated by B. M. Teplov, who proceeds from three ideas:

  • abilities are individual properties of a person and, from the point of view of psychology, are inherent in every person
  • but these are not all properties, but only those with the help of which success in life is achieved
  • Abilities do not include knowledge and skills that have already been accumulated by a person.

Abilities are manifested and preserved only in constant development, because, say, a musician ceases to practically maintain his form, his abilities are lost over time. A person develops and improves his abilities when he puts them into practice. It has been noted that to successfully complete a task, it is not enough to have any one ability; a combination of them is necessary, but it may happen that a less developed ability is compensated by another, more developed one.

Interaction and mutual compensation of abilities

Skills, according to B.M. Teplov, can only exist in a constant process of development. Abilities that do not develop, that a person stops using in practice, are lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with the systematic practice of such complex types of human activity as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, etc., can we maintain and develop the corresponding skills.

Teplov said: “Lack of abilities can be compensated for in a very wide range of other highly developed abilities. For example: the lack of absolute pitch can be compensated by an acquired skill.”


1 - social aspect - B.M. Teplov: “People with different predispositions can achieve equally high achievements: that is, they can be artists, scientists.”

2 - Psychophysiological aspect - people with differently developed characteristics achieve the same performance. For example: slow reactions and poor distribution of attention are compensated by predicting changes in the situation in the future. This is compensation due to experience.

There is also compensation due to style of activity, since, for example, people with different styles of activity achieve 100% of the plan in a particular area.

Speaking about skills, it is important to note that they are different for each person. Each person has an individual specific combination of abilities, and the success of his activities is determined by the presence of a certain combination of abilities. Some abilities can be replaced by others, similar in their manifestation, but different in origin. The success of the same activity can be influenced by different abilities, so that the absence of one ability can be compensated by the presence of another, that is, the success of an activity depends not on one ability, but on a combination of different abilities, and this combination, which gives the same result, can be obtained in different ways. If there are no necessary conditions for the development of some abilities, their deficiency can be compensated by the higher development of others. One of the most important features of the human psyche, wrote B.M. Teplov, is the possibility of broad compensation of some qualities by others, therefore, the relative weakness of one ability does not exclude the possibility of successfully performing even the activity that is most closely related to this ability. The lack of abilities can be compensated to a very large extent by other, highly developed abilities in a person.”

L.S. Vygotsky: “It is necessary to study not only what kind of memory a child has, but also how he knows how to use it.”

Ananyev considered the problem of the relationship between the biological and social foundations of the psyche. He distinguished himself:

1 - functional mechanisms determined by the natural organization of man;

2 - operational mechanisms acquired in the process of education and training in general, socialization - this is a characteristic of a person as a subject of activity;

3 - motivational characteristics of a person as an individual and personality.

The key to learning skills is to understand the relationship between the functional and operational mechanisms of individual skills. For example: Perception, memory, thinking, a comprehensive study of the mechanism of mental functions.

From the point of view of the structure of Ananyev’s abilities, the functional mechanisms of abilities are determined by human nature (for example, the ability to think). The operational mechanisms of abilities are the use of ready-made codes (linguistic, logical, numerical). For example: the executive stage of thinking is a feature of a person as a subject of activity, regulatory mechanisms are a consequence of the development of functional and operational mechanisms. In the process of ontogenesis, external and internal regulation of abilities develops on the basis of systems of orientation, control and correction for making decisions and assessing situations. All systems are interconnected by interaction, and in the process of development, functional and operational mechanisms become self-regulating.


There are a large number of abilities that differ from each other according to different criteria:

  • by origin: natural and social. The former are congenital or biological, the latter were acquired through the process of learning and socialization (what is it?);
  • by focus: general and special - having a wide scope of application or needed only for a specific type of activity or action, respectively;
  • according to the degree of development they distinguish: giftedness, talent, genius - from simple to complex;
  • according to development conditions: potential and actual. The first are those abilities that can develop under certain conditions. The second are available to the individual at the moment.

Special Abilities

These are opportunities for the development of individual mental processes and qualities of activity.

General Abilities

These are favorable opportunities for the development of human mental characteristics, which are equally important for many types of activities. Such general abilities are the ability to develop resourcefulness and intelligence in a person.

The totality of general special abilities characteristic of a particular person constitutes giftedness.

Professional abilities of the individual

The main psychological resource that a person invests in the process of work and activity is professional abilities.

So, a person’s professional abilities are the individual psychological properties of an individual that distinguish him from others and meet the requirements of labor and professional activities, and are also the main condition for the performance of such activities. Such abilities are not limited to specific abilities, knowledge, techniques and skills. They are formed in the subject on the basis of his anatomical and physiological characteristics and inclinations, but in most specialties they are not strictly determined by them. More successful performance of a particular type of activity is often associated not with one specific ability, but with a certain combination of them. That is why professional skills are determined through successful specialized activity and are formed in it, but they also depend on the maturity of the individual and his relationship systems.

Activities and abilities of a person regularly change places throughout an individual’s life, being either a consequence or a cause. In the process of carrying out any type of activity, mental new formations are formed in the personality and abilities, which stimulate the further development of abilities. When the circumstances of an activity become more stringent or when the conditions of the tasks or the tasks themselves change, the inclusion of different systems of abilities in such activities may occur. Probable (potential) abilities are the basis of new types of activities. Since the activity is always adjusted to the level of ability. So, professional abilities are both a result and a condition for successful work activity.

Universal human abilities are those psychological properties that are necessary for the involvement of an individual in any professional and work activity: vitality; ability to work; the ability for self-regulation and activity, which includes prognosis, anticipation of the outcome, goal setting; the ability for empathy, spiritual enrichment, cooperation and communication; the ability to be responsible for the social outcome of work and professional ethics; the ability to overcome obstacles, immunity to interference, and withstand unpleasant circumstances and conditions.

Against the background of the above abilities, special ones are also formed: humanitarian, technical, musical, artistic, etc. These are individual psychological characteristics that ensure the success of an individual in performing certain types of activities.

Professional abilities of an individual are formed based on universal human abilities, but later than them. They also rely on special abilities, if they arose simultaneously with professional ones or earlier.

Professional skills, in turn, are divided into general, which are determined by the subject of activity in the profession (technology, people, nature) and special, which are determined by specific working conditions (lack of time, overload).

Also, abilities can be potential and actual. Potential - appear when new tasks arise for the individual, which require new approaches to solution, as well as under the condition of the individual’s support from the outside, which creates an incentive to actualize potential. Relevant – already today they are carried out in a procession of activities.

Definition and characteristics

Abilities are the psychological properties of a person that allow him to be successful in a particular activity. This is what you do best.

Abilities develop from inclinations - personal innate characteristics. For example, you have good hearing - this is the makings of it. If you develop them, you can become a good musician.

Abilities and inclinations are closely related, but different in nature. The inclinations are innate, that is, they are present in a person regardless of his will and desire. They just are.

But to turn them into abilities, you will have to practice a lot, which requires effort and time. A newborn baby cannot walk. It will take at least a year, many attempts will be made to get on his feet, thousands of falls will be experienced before he learns to control his body.

Abilities can be characterized as follows:

  • it is something individual - something that distinguishes us from others;
  • the success of an activity is determined by the level of development of abilities: the more they are developed, the more effect a person gets from using them in his business;
  • they are not skills, but determine the ease of their acquisition;
  • they are not inherited and do not arise independently;
  • if you do not develop your abilities, then they will gradually fade away to the level of inclinations.

Talent – ​​a high level of development of creative abilities

If a person who has pronounced abilities in a certain field of activity constantly improves them, they say that he has a talent for it. It is worth considering that this quality is also not innate, despite the fact that many are accustomed to thinking so. When we talk about the levels of development of creative abilities, talent is a fairly high indicator of a person’s ability to engage in a certain field of activity. However, we should not forget that these are nothing more than pronounced abilities that must be constantly developed, striving for self-improvement. No natural inclinations will lead to recognition of talent without hard work on oneself. In this case, talent is formed from a certain combination of abilities.

Not a single, even the highest level of development of the ability to do something can be called talent, since to achieve a result it is necessary to have such factors as a flexible mind, strong will, great ability to work and rich imagination.

What abilities are there?

It is customary to consider abilities obtained from nature, based on biological data and specific, arising under the influence of socio-historical conditions. Natural ones include memory, perception, thinking - inherent in all people and some animals. These abilities are laid down from birth and are biologically determined. They are based on innate inclinations and are formed with the acquisition of life experience. But man is a social being and therefore he has specific abilities. People possess them, because no one except them has speech and logical thinking.

Some abilities are classified as general, and others as special. Possession of speech and precise movements of the arms and legs, for example, is common to all people. Specific abilities are those that are manifested in certain types of activities: mathematics, music, painting, sports, etc.

If a person has developed abstract thinking, then we have the right to talk about his abilities for theoretical activity. Anyone who likes to perform specific actions, to do something with their own hands, has practical abilities. A person is easily given knowledge, he quickly learns new material, in this case we are talking about his ability to study, and the one who likes to create objects of spiritual culture, strives to discover or invent something - he is characterized by creative abilities.

There is a category of people who are able to quickly establish relationships with people, even influence them. Such abilities are manifested through the possession of speech, and this has largely helped man become a social being. Almost from birth, a person develops a need for emotional communication. This makes it possible to build behavior depending on the situation, to guess the intentions of other people. Mastering social norms helps you quickly establish relationships with other people. There are people who know how to convince others. But it often happens that a person has several abilities, and this combination is called giftedness. Possessing one ability does not guarantee complete success in life. The interaction of abilities, their mutual complementation of each other, give a high result.

Diagnostics of abilities

Identifying abilities is still one of the most difficult tasks in psychology. At different times, many scientists put forward their own methods for studying this quality. However, at present there is no technique that allows one to identify a person’s ability with absolute accuracy, as well as determine its level.

The main problem was that abilities were measured quantitatively, and the level of development of general abilities was derived. However, in fact, they are a qualitative indicator that must be considered in dynamics. Various psychologists have put forward their own methods for measuring this quality. For example, L. S. Vygotsky proposed assessing a child’s abilities through the zone of proximal development. This involved dual diagnosis, where the child solved the problem first with an adult and then independently.

Another method of measuring abilities using testing was proposed by the founder of differential psychology, the English scientist F. Galton. The purpose of the technique was to identify not only the presence of ability, but also the level of its development. First of all, the levels of development of intellectual abilities were studied using tests for general intelligence, then the subject answered a block of questions that revealed the presence of special abilities, as well as their level.

The following diagnostic method belongs to the French scientists A. Binet and Simon. Here, too, the level of intellectual abilities was first determined using 30 tasks, arranged in ascending order of difficulty. The main emphasis was on the ability to understand the task and be able to reason logically about how it could be solved. Scientists assumed that this skill underlies intelligence. They own the concept of mental age, which is determined by the level of solving intellectual problems. Each completed task was a criterion for determining this indicator. After the death of the scientists, the tests were translated into English and presented in the United States. Later, in 1916, the American scientist Lewis Terman modified the test, and the new version, which was given the name “Standward-Binet scale,” began to be considered a universal method for identifying abilities.

There are many methods for identifying specific abilities, but they are all based on determining intellectual indicators in the first place. This is due to the opinion of scientists that in order to develop creative and other abilities, the level of intellectual development must be above average.

What are the makings of a person?

A person is characterized by the possession of certain inclinations: a distinction is made between congenital and acquired. The development of a person’s abilities takes place in several stages, but only certain abilities reach a high level. To achieve it, you must have a certain initial level. The deposit becomes the basis from which further steps are taken. It also determines individual characteristics during the formation of special abilities. Individual abilities develop through the interaction of hereditary characteristics and the environment, and this manifests itself already at birth.

From childhood, a person is ingrained with such properties that with age can help or hinder the formation of specific abilities. At the same time, based on the research conducted, it has been proven that the human nervous system does not predetermine forms of behavior, and inclinations are not formed in it. A person’s nervous system determines his temperament; the choice of activity by each person depends on it.

The conducted research allows us to assert that inclinations are determined by the social environment. Training and upbringing fundamentally influence behavior and psychological state. Studies have been conducted to identify differences in abilities between men and women. In childhood, there was no significant difference in abilities. But with age, when life experience accumulates, when professional activity leaves its mark, the differences become more pronounced.

Men who engage in physical labor have more developed coordination of movements, they do not experience difficulties with orientation in space, etc. Women have better developed speech, faster speed of information perception, counting, etc. Thus, the social environment has a direct impact on the formation of abilities , complementing and developing biological ones.

List of abilities

  • academic
  • analytical
  • artistic
  • verbal
  • Gnostic
  • deductive
  • didactic
  • diplomatic
  • inventive
  • intellectual
  • research
  • cognitive
  • communicative
  • constructive
  • creative
  • linguistic
  • mathematical
  • mental
  • mnemonic
  • musical
  • oratorical
  • organizational
  • pedagogical
  • perceptual
  • educational
  • entrepreneurial
  • prognostic
  • psychophysical
  • sensory
  • suggestive
  • creative
  • telekinetic
  • technical
  • mental
  • managerial
  • physical
  • artistic
  • empathic
  • aesthetic

Degrees of development of abilities

Let's take a closer look at the abilities of different levels of development:

  1. Inclinations are not yet abilities, but their most initial level, which says that they exist at all. They represent a person's inclination towards a particular type of activity. For example, if you see that your child draws more often and better than other children, then perhaps this is a sign of artistic (creative) abilities.
  2. Giftedness is the highest form of development of inclinations. For example, you are an excellent cook, but you are not a culinary professional.
  3. Talent is a personal characteristic expressed in the ability to create something unique.
  4. Genius is the “ceiling” of the development of the first three categories. “Brilliant people are brilliant in everything” - a person can easily perform any action.

Diagnosis of intellectual abilities

A person's level of intellectual development presupposes his ability to use his mind for thinking, understanding, listening, making decisions, observing, perceiving relationships and other mental operations. One of the most widely used methods for determining the degree of development of this quality is IQ tests, in which a certain set of tasks is proposed, and a fixed amount of time is allocated for their completion. The scale of points that can be scored when passing this test ranges from 0 to 160 and represents the range from retardation to genius. IQ tests are intended for people of any age.

Another popular technique - SHTURE - also reveals abilities. The level of development of intellectual abilities in schoolchildren is the goal of diagnosing this method. Includes 6 subtests, each of which contains from 15 to 25 tasks of the same type. The first two subtests are aimed at identifying the general awareness of schoolchildren, and the rest reveal:

- ability to find analogies;

- logical classifications;

- logical generalizations;

— finding the rule for constructing a number series.

The method is intended for group research and is limited in time. High statistical indicators of the SHTUR technique allow one to judge the reliability of the results being revealed.

Natural gift from birth

Based on the opinion of psychologists, we can safely say that abilities and inclinations are closely related to each other. But in order to say more about the interaction of these personal qualities, it is necessary to understand what inclinations are and define the concept of “ability.”

  1. An ability is a person’s personal predisposition that allows him to achieve certain successes and heights in his life. These are the personal qualities that we have been able to discover in ourselves with little to no effort, and we always get satisfaction from them.
  2. Inclinations are those traits of our personality thanks to which we can develop our abilities. These skills are directly related to the nervous system and often have prerequisites in the anatomical or physiological properties of a person.

Now that the definition has been given, it is immediately clear that inclinations are the main guide in personality development. In addition, inclinations are responsible for the development of abilities in general, and under favorable conditions people reach a certain level in their lives. Moreover, these properties are acquired throughout a person’s life, regardless of whether he wanted to achieve a certain success.

Scientists are still debating whether the inclinations have innate roots or are acquired. However, although the anatomical roots of inclinations have not been proven, scientists argue that with the right approach in early childhood, competent upbringing and favorable living conditions, it is much easier for a person to adapt on the path to successful life.

If in childhood there are no conditions for development and parents do not help to discover the interests that the child shows, then most likely this person will not be able to find himself and develop a certain talent. Such an erroneous approach to education is often observed.

Parents ignore their child's natural inclinations, imposing their own unrealized dreams on him. Simply put, the child is forced to live the life of his parents, which they were unable to live. At the same time, he does not have the opportunity to realize his natural inclinations.

The basis of abilities and conditions of formation

Inclinations are the prerequisites for the emergence of abilities in an individual, a single biological basis. With them a person is born. Congenital inclinations are physiological and anatomical characteristics that are determined by heredity. The structure of the skeleton and internal organs, the development of sensory organs, the hemispheres of the brain, the quality of the nervous system and its stability do not develop in the same way for everyone.

Inclinations can appear in an individual under the influence of social factors and the environment in which he finds himself.

Development conditions:

  1. The presence of congenital inclinations.
  2. Support from parents and relatives. Having timely noticed the child’s attention to a specific area, parents should use the interest and support him in his endeavors. This will help strengthen a sense of responsibility, will, firmness of conviction, and determination.
  3. Good material conditions, developed structure of clubs and sections.
  4. Competent specialists interested in positive results are an integral part of the process of developing abilities.
  5. A well-thought-out training program - a systematic approach can develop innate qualities.

The development of inclinations should not go in only one direction. Interest can and should be shown in many areas. It is important to try to realize your innate qualities in all possible directions.


You can get information using tests. They can be general or highly specialized.

First, the individual must pass general tests so that the researcher understands which properties predominate in him. Testing requirements:

  • standardization - the procedure must be uniform in order for the results to be reliable;
  • reliability - questions must be tested in practice;
  • unbiased attitude towards the subject on the part of the researcher.

The results obtained are announced, and other tests are compiled on their basis.

When determining creative inclinations, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of creativity:

  • semantic flexibility;
  • creative thinking;
  • originality of associations.

Diagnosis of creative abilities

A universal technique for measuring the level of creative abilities is the Guilford technique, which exists in various modifications. Qualities of creativity that can be identified using this method:

— originality in drawing up associations;

— semantic and semantic flexibility;

— ability to create new ideas;

— level of development of imaginative thinking.

In this study, the subject is offered various situations, a way out of which is possible only with a non-standard approach, which presupposes the presence of creative abilities.

Qualities that a respondent must have to successfully pass the test:

- perception and correct understanding of the proposed tasks;

- working memory;

- divergence - the ability to discover the original in the ordinary;

— convergence — the ability to recognize an object based on qualitatively different characteristics.

High development of creative abilities, as a rule, presupposes intellectual development at an appropriate level, as well as the presence of self-confidence, a sense of humor, fluent speech and impulsiveness in an individual.

The main difference between tests for identifying creative abilities and similar tools designed to determine intellectual abilities is the absence of a time limit on solving tasks, a complex structure that suggests the possibility of several solutions, as well as the indirect construction of sentences. Each successfully completed task in the test indicates the presence of ability in one or another area of ​​creative activity.

Development methods

Development of abilities in children:

  1. A game. You need to play with the child so that he tries on the roles. In the future, he himself will begin to choose the characters whose roles he wants to play.
  2. Individuality. The teacher helps the child choose a club that interests him, and enroll in a sports section if there is an urge. Parents should approve of his intentions and not interfere with the development of individuality.
  3. Height. The child must take part in competitions, competitions, and performances related to his favorite activity. This way the baby will be able to feel the first notes of glory, the taste of victory, and the bitterness of defeat.
  4. Mastery. It comes after training and knowledge of the sphere. If a child does not stop in the face of failures and difficulties, he can achieve great heights.

When identifying a direction of interest, it is necessary to regularly practice, try to acquire new knowledge and skills, so that the development is active and bears fruit.

Types of abilities

If you observe people, you can see that each of them stands out in some area of ​​activity more clearly than in others.

This fact made it possible to identify several types of human abilities:

  1. Mental or intellectual - help a person quickly perceive, process and reproduce information, build logical chains, and plan.
  2. Technical - allow you to understand the essence of the operation of various mechanisms, assemble, disassemble them, create new ones, improve old ones.
  3. Logical-mathematical - present in people who are “friendly” with numbers: accountants, financiers, programmers.
  4. Creative - help people go beyond the norm, thanks to limitless imagination. They allow an individual (what is this?) to successfully adapt to any situation, think variably, and create something new.
  5. Literary ones are close to creative ones. But what is meant here is a specific predisposition to writing.
  6. Musical skills are the ability to hear, feel and reproduce music.
  7. Physical – determined by the capabilities of the body. Such abilities are successfully used in sports, dancing, fashion, military training and others.
  8. Communication skills involve empathy (what is it?), the ability to establish contact with people, and create emotional connections. Such qualities are relevant for psychologists, speakers, journalists, and public activists.

Features of specific human abilities

In turn, specific human abilities are divided into general and special.

General specific abilities can be determined by a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication (level of intelligence, level of development of memory and speech, mental abilities).

Special specific abilities characterize success in specific types of activities and communication. Such types of activities require a special kind of inclinations and their development (literary and linguistic abilities, mathematical, artistic and creative, technical, sports abilities).


Abilities perform certain functions in the process of passing through the stages of development and formation of a person’s personality.

  1. Incentive – personality traits give rise to the desire to become the best in the chosen field, developing the necessary character qualities.
  2. Cognitive – constant study of new areas of knowledge.
  3. Communicative – development of communication skills and formation in society.
  4. Diagnostic – analysis and assessment of strengths and opportunities for work in the chosen field.
  5. The manifestation of abilities for a person is some kind of presentation of the quality of his work - a presentation function.
  6. Constructive - involves strengthening thinking, having a plan for development and personality formation.

Types and structure

Abilities have a complex structure. Inclinations in psychology - anatomical, physiological, psychophysiological features. Characteristic:

  1. Temperament can become a predominant factor in choosing a profession. Phlegmatic people are successful in one area, sanguine people in another.
  2. The inclinations include the innate characteristics of the sensory system. If a person distinguishes colors and shades well, he can become an artist.

Makings do not affect a person's life path. Peculiarities:

  1. Only with active activity can a subject develop potential and manifest it. If a person wants to become a musician, he practices playing musical instruments; to become an artist, the individual tries to create paintings.
  2. Mastering the activity. If a person has the inclination to work with wood, but he is not trained in various processing methods and working with hand tools, he will never become a carpenter.

The learning process must begin in childhood.


  1. There are types of activities for which a person shows a strong inclination. He wants to do them as much as possible, without paying attention to other important matters. Inclinations allow you to achieve results in a certain direction, since the individual will go through obstacles to achieve the desired result.
  2. In addition to real ones, there are imaginary inclinations. More often these are desires caused by feelings of envy.

In psychology, there are two types of abilities:

  1. General - intelligence, memory, attention. Their development is influenced by perseverance, independence, and determination.
  2. Special - associated with a specific type of activity. Develop quickly with practice.

Stages of development of inclinations:

  1. Reproductive - when learning, a person performs patterned actions. In this situation, a person can become a master in a field of interest to him, but his manipulations will be standard.
  2. Creative - with the development of inclinations, an individual moves away from imposed stereotypes and standards and comes up with his own scenario of actions. Such people reach great heights and are distinguished by extraordinary thinking.


Many psychologists have studied the problems of developing abilities. They tried to answer the question why some people develop quickly and reach great heights, while others cannot find themselves throughout their lives. Based on the ongoing research, several methods have been compiled that allow you to find a hobby and develop talents.

Abilities should not be confused with inclinations or talents. Makings is a “dormant” potential that may not be revealed until the end of life. Talents will break through, no matter what a person does. Abilities help an individual develop in an area of ​​interest.

How to find them in yourself

Some people, being at a fairly mature age, say that they do not have any abilities or even the makings of them. This is fundamentally wrong, since everyone has them , it’s just that not everyone realizes and develops them.

How to find your abilities when it seems that “nature has rested on you”? It is necessary to do research work, which consists of three steps:

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pen and write down all your dreams that you have had from the moment you remember yourself to the present day. Write absolutely everything, leaving nothing out. This step may take an hour, or a day. Write until you are sure that you really remember everything.
  2. Then select from this list those items where we are talking about what you wanted to do , who to work (we eliminate the dream of traveling to Africa to scratch the belly of a crocodile).
  3. Read the remaining paragraphs one by one. Take your time, listen to yourself , to your feelings after reading each one.
    For example, you wanted to be a veterinarian. Remember what you did while dreaming about it? Maybe the yard cats were “treated” and the neighbors’ dogs were walked? What emotions do you have now when you remember? Perhaps you feel a surge of energy and a desire to immediately go to school or open a veterinary clinic. Or maybe you understand that this profession no longer resonates in your soul. You are far from animals in principle, and this activity does not attract you in any way. So, let's cross it out.
  4. Having sorted the wheat from the chaff, you will be left with a very small list of what really generates a powerful positive response within you. These are your inclinations that need to be developed . How to do it? Read on.

Origin and study

Researchers have debated the nature of the emergence of abilities for many years. Some argued that at birth a person is a blank slate that can be directed in any direction with proper upbringing and training. Others attributed abilities to God's gift, which cannot be spoiled by training or upbringing.

Serious study begins in the 19th century. The first scientist who began to develop this topic at a scientific level was psychologist Francis Galton. He studied in depth the biography of popular people. In the course of his research, the scientist came to the conclusion that they had hereditary abilities for their favorite activity.

After the first successes in this direction, other researchers began to study the issue, among whom was Charles Spearman. He carried out an empirical study of human abilities. The psychologist was interested in applied research, and developed a series of tests that could indicate a person’s inclinations and talents. Based on the results, it was possible to understand what type of activity the individual was inclined to.

The next scientist who took a big step in developing this issue is Joy Gilford. He developed his own model, in which he indicated that ability has three qualities - product, operation, content.

Other scientists who have repeatedly addressed the development of this issue are Vygotsky, Shadrikov, Ananyev, Kholodnaya.

The concept of character, its structure and formation. Typology of character

Character is a certain style of a person’s views and behavior, which is formed and strengthened under the influence of life influences and upbringing.

Character is a significant feature of the human psyche, the totality of a person’s relationships with the world, with other people, with himself.

A person’s character expresses a certain stock of needs and interests, aspirations and goals, feelings and will, manifested in the isolation of his reality and behavior, views and manners. Character is characterized by the following basic qualities: moral education, completeness, integrity, confidence, strength, poise. Moral education characterizes a person both in his attitudes and behavior and is the leading and most socially valuable quality of character. Completeness characterizes the diversity of needs and interests, activities and hobbies, and the diversity of human activity. Some people are distinguished by their versatility, others by their narrowness, one-sidedness and limited development. Integrity is characterized by the internal unity of a person’s spiritual camp, the consistency of his relationships with various aspects of reality, the absence of contradictions in aspirations and interests, and the unity of speech and action. Determination characterizes the firmness and steadfastness of behavior, which always corresponds to the prevailing beliefs, moral and political ideas and concepts, the developed basic orientation that gives meaning to human life and activity. Strength characterizes the energy with which a person pursues his goals, the ability to passionately achieve and develop enormous strength to confront and overcome difficulties and obstacles. Balance characterizes the optimal or favorable ratio of restraint and activity for activity and communication with people.

These basic characteristics have a complex, sometimes contradictory relationship.

Completeness, integrity, confidence and strength of character are determined by life influences and upbringing.

Character is formed as a result of a person’s constant interaction with the people around him, in the process of understanding the emerging circumstances of life and upbringing. The range of impressions and diversity of people's activities depend on the completeness and strength of their character.

A person’s character receives its content depending on the goals that set the direction of his activities.

Orientation is a characteristic of a particular person, a selective attitude towards the reality he experiences, which affects his activities.

The basis of orientation is worldview as a set of views on nature and society. A worldview becomes a belief because it becomes a person’s internal property and has a profound influence on his actions.

Worldview as such is not a subject of study in psychology; psychologists study how a worldview, which becomes a person’s belief, permeates his consciousness and activity.

A person’s self-determination, the goals he sets for himself, the means he prefers in the struggle to achieve his goals are closely related to his worldview as the content of his orientation.

People with the same worldview have significant individual differences in character.

In a word, the worldview that makes up the content of a person’s orientation is the basis of character.

Character traits are a structural unit.

Character traits are complex individual traits that are sufficiently inherent in a person and allow, with a certain probability, to predict his behavior in a particular case.

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