Mysteries of the human psyche: How to put a person into a trance

You should not abuse this information, but situations are different.

For example, you need to implant your suggestion into the head of a manipulator who considers himself smarter and mentally stronger than you. Or there are many strangers around you who will not allow your interlocutor to relax, focus on internal experience and enter into a trance in the traditional way. Or maybe you simply don’t have time to use classic adjustment and guidance techniques, and you only have a few seconds to suggest.

Therefore, you need to master the technology of instant hypnosis.

And for this you need to understand its essence.

A person instantly enters a trance state when a strong emotion covers him

. Be it anger, fear, discomfort or another emotion.

It also perfectly induces a feeling of confusion and confusion into a trance.

. When he tries to understand what is happening and fails. When he doesn't know how to behave in this situation.

At these moments, your interlocutor’s subconscious is desperately looking for a hint from the outside. And it will gratefully accept this hint, without any reflection.

Therefore, a person in a state of instant hypnosis and confusion cannot lead or dominate you. On the contrary, he sees in you a person capable of becoming a support even in a difficult situation. Able to explain what is happening and what he should do.

Remember, in one of the lessons I gave as an example a story about a famous professor who came to talk to a Zen master. The master invited him to drink tea on the way, put a cup into which he began to pour tea. But when the cup was filled, the master did not stop and continued to pour. The professor exclaimed in bewilderment - and then the Zen teacher explained that the professor’s cup of consciousness was full, and therefore he would not know Zen until this cup was freed.

Appreciate the beauty and precision of the master’s work!

1. He adjusted

under his interlocutor, taking on the role of a hospitable host and offering the tired guest a cup of tea from the road.

2. He attracted attention

professor, pouring him tea: it’s rare that someone manages not to follow the trickle of tea filling his cup. Especially when the liquid level approaches the edge..

3. Next he caused confusion.

, continuing to pour, instead of being embarrassed by his mistake and rushing for a rag.

4. After waiting for the professor’s exclamation, the Zen master gave a powerful suggestion

in the form of a metaphor that provoked a restructuring of the interlocutor’s internal picture of the world.

After this, the professor was ready for new information, which he no longer perceived as a holder of academic degrees, but as a grateful student.

The history of hypnosis

Priests and healers had the ability to influence the subconscious. These people occupied a high position in society and enjoyed great respect and authority. They feared shamans, worshiped them and asked for advice. Hypnotic rituals were an integral part of the worship of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Greeks and Indians. In a state of deep meditation, the clergy predicted the future, helped rulers make fateful decisions, hypnotized people and healed people from serious illnesses.

Officially, hypnosis as a method of working with the subconscious was recognized in the 19th century. Then the Scottish surgeon James Braid first used the method of influencing the subconscious on his patients, putting them into a trance with the help of a foreign object. At his instigation, the term “hypnosis” was established as a medical definition.

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is translated from Greek as sleep. This artificial state is very different from normal sleep. The patient, immersed in a trance, is in a borderline state between deep sleep and reality. By influencing the feelings, experiences and memories of a person, the hypnotist completely blocks her consciousness. In this position, the individual does not control himself, obeys the commands of the psychotherapist, reacting to his words, questions and orders.

Hypnosis affects different people differently. This depends on many factors:

  • age;
  • health status;
  • features of mental development;
  • attitudes and education;
  • suggestibility.

During hypnotic sleep, the patient experiences an aggravation of all senses. He begins to smell, see, hear better.

During medical research, it was found that while in a state of hypnosis, the human brain begins to solve problems that were previously beyond its power.

By putting the patient into a trance, the psychotherapist controls his reflexes. By his order, the heartbeat can speed up or slow down, the menstrual cycle in women can be restored, and sensitivity in the patient’s body can disappear or worsen. Having returned to the waking state, a person, on a subconscious level, retains the attitudes laid down during hypnosis, gradually changing his life for the better.

Whether such a psychotherapy session will be successful depends entirely on the doctor’s ability to win over the patient, as well as the types of hypnosis that he uses in his practice. By carefully studying the methods of putting an individual into a trance, you can independently master the basics of influencing the subconscious.

What to do during a trance

During the session, you need to pay attention to the issues that concern the person. This could be childhood trauma, sexual abuse, phobias, or health problems. Without the appropriate medical knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to help a person with severe psycho-emotional problems, therefore, if you have independently studied how to enter a state of hypnosis, it is better to use your knowledge to help people simply relax, calm down, relieve increased nervousness and stress, and overcome insomnia.

General recommendations

It will take time to learn hypnosis techniques, so it is best to be patient. Self-confidence, willpower, knowledge of the basics of psychoanalysis, the ability to listen and hear other people are very important skills for a hypnotist. If he has even the slightest doubt, he will not only not conduct the session, but can also greatly harm the health of another person.

The room in which the session will be held should be isolated and comfortable, and no extraneous sounds should penetrate into it.

Requirements for a psychotherapist

To successfully put a person into a trance, a psychotherapist must have experience in such work. He must be a mentally healthy person, without internal fears and phobias, or harmful addictions. You cannot use the basics of hypnosis to harm other people. Psychology books and video tutorials can be used as aids for learning hypnosis methods.


An important tool with which a person is immersed in a trance is the voice of a psychotherapist. To influence a person and make him obey, it must be a pleasant timbre with correct pronunciation and without an accent. The hypnotist’s manner of speech is not loud and shouty, but confident and calm. The voice should evoke only one desire in the patient - complete submission.


Before using hypnosis, the doctor does a lot of preliminary work with his patient. Such communication makes it possible to get to know a person, instill trust in him, understand what kind of help he needs, and which method of hypnosis is best to use.

You need to establish contact with the person. To do this, during a conversation, you should completely copy his posture, facial expressions, and manner of speech, thereby arousing sympathy and affection. After he has relaxed, you can move on to the hypnosis process.

Before the session, the hypnologist must talk with the patient


If you want to master the secrets of hypnosis, you should learn to concentrate your attention on the same subject for a long time. To do this, draw a black circle (2–4 cm in diameter) on a landscape sheet. Hang it at eye level. Having moved away to a distance of 2.5 m, concentrate your attention on the drawing. Look closely at it for 15 minutes. Next, complicate the task: walk around the room and look at the circle from different sides.

Requirements to become a hypnotist

Many people want to know how to learn the basics of hypnosis at home. This is due to the fact that this method of working with the subconscious allows a person to calm down and get rid of fears and phobias. It is possible to acquire knowledge that would help to apply hypnosis in practice without special medical education. Many books have been written on this topic and dozens of video lessons have been filmed. Such intervention must have a good purpose. You cannot hypnotize unnoticed, without the consent of the individual, since such an intrusion can cause irreparable harm to his health.


When getting started with the basics of hypnosis, it should be taken into account that only a person with a strong and strong-willed character, who does not have hidden complexes and family problems, can successfully master the influence on the subconscious of other people. A person practicing hypnosis must be mentally healthy, be able to win over others, and evoke in them a feeling of trust and sympathy.

The hypnologist must be able to gain the patient's trust


One of the main components of a successful session is the concentrated and intent gaze of the hypnotist. To develop such a view, you need to train, and the following exercises will help you with this:

  • during a conversation, try to hold the gaze of your interlocutors without blinking;
  • learn to focus on drawn objects of various sizes; for convenience, hang them on the walls of the room;
  • develop peripheral vision, trying to cover more space with your gaze (for this exercise you need to go to a stadium, square, crowded park).


The hypnotist's voice plays a huge role. It must have special attractiveness and strength. Having heard it, a person should unconsciously want to obey and do as he is told. The voice cannot be trembling and endlessly interrupted, or be too quiet. A confident, calm and pleasant timbre is the main requirement. It is important that the speech is correct and does not hurt the ears of other people.

Basics of Psychology

To put a person into hypnosis, you need to know psychology. This is a therapeutic session designed to help the individual, solve his problems, cope with complexes, fears and addictions. If you simply pick up any shiny object and start waving it in other people's faces to tell them to sleep, it will not give any positive result.

Any practicing hypnotist, guided by knowledge of psychology, develops his own technique to help put a person into a trance.

Types of hypnosis

Immersion in trance can be carried out both openly and covertly.

A person agrees to voluntarily succumb to the influence of hypnosis if he needs psychological help, wants to solve existing internal problems, and get rid of phobias.

In this case, therapy sessions are held under the strict supervision of a doctor who addresses the patient’s subconscious and works with his memories, emotions and experiences. This type of trance helps:

  • cope with complexes;
  • solve family problems;
  • get rid of psychological trauma;
  • cure harmful addictions.

Properly conducted hypnosis sessions help get rid of bad habits

Covert hypnosis is used on people without their consent. Fraudsters resort to this method of influence to force their victims to do as they need (give money and apartment keys, sign documents). This type of hypnosis causes harm to a person because it goes against his interests and will.

Psychotherapists divide introduction to trance into three separate categories.

  1. With light hypnosis, the patient seems to be in a shallow sleep. It seems to him that he is watching a film from the outside in which he is the main character. The patient fully hears everything that is said and reacts to external factors.
  2. Average hypnosis is being awake while asleep. In this state, the individual’s subconscious is open, and he is able to answer any questions from the doctor, while the body is constrained by muscle tension. In psychology, the term “waxy flexibility” is used to refer to this condition, when the patient shows miracles of physical endurance.
  3. Deep hypnosis puts a person into a trance, the psychotherapist completely controls his subconscious. So a person can be inspired to do anything (make him kill, steal, convince him that white is black). After the patient who has been subjected to deep hypnosis comes to his senses, he will not remember anything.

You can put a person into a hypnotic state, both with the help of various sound (monotonous) signals, and by influencing his senses. Very often, psychotherapists use a metronome, shiny objects, and meditative music during sessions, which allow him to hold the patient’s attention and help gain control over him. Working with a person’s feelings, the doctor achieves the same result only by relaxing the body, regulating breathing, and closing the eyes.

Entering and exiting trance

Simple techniques are used to put outsiders into trance. A certain factor influences the human psyche. Using a state of shock or surprise to focus the individual’s attention is the first stage. On the second, it is necessary to completely concentrate the person on the hypnotist and his words (a certain timbre of voice, tactile contacts or additional tools are used).

To enter a trance, you must:

  1. Prepare the person being hypnotized (give the right morale).
  2. Use relaxation techniques (method of relaxation of each muscle or Jacobson).
  3. Use one or more methods to quickly enter a trance (using a pendulum, tactile or visual sensations).

You cannot put a person with mental disorders into a trance. Schizophrenia and split personality are direct contraindications for hypnotherapy. Only one person can enter and exit the borderline state (the procedure is carried out without strangers).

Methods of inducing trance

During trance, the patient's consciousness is open to the influence of the psychotherapist. The doctor addresses childhood fears, deep feelings, old grievances and experiences.

Psychotherapists use three methods of putting a person into a trance.

  1. Classic hypnosis. Such influence helps to completely subjugate the patient. Work with an individual is carried out using strict verbal commands. If the doctor does not have the necessary qualifications and experience, this type of trance can be harmful to the patient. Classical hypnosis is used to treat addicted people because it addresses their hidden fears. There are many classical techniques, but only in 25% of patients the subconscious is receptive to this type of hypnotic influence.
  2. Ericksonian hypnosis. This type of work with the subconscious is named after the famous physician who practiced in the twentieth century, Milton Erickson. During a session, the psychotherapist turns to the hidden reserves of a person’s psyche, and does not subjugate him to himself. Having gained access to consciousness, the hypnotist turns to accumulated experience, hidden experiences, painful attitudes and secret desires. The basics of this type of hypnosis are widely used not only in psychiatry, but also in the media, marketing, politics and pedagogy.
  3. Regressive hypnosis. While working with a patient, the hypnotist turns to the past. Most of the complexes that cause people to suffer in adulthood were instilled in early childhood. Psycho-emotional traumas, family conflicts, lack of love and understanding of parents, sexual violence that a person once experienced torment him throughout his life and give him no peace.

The psychotherapist selects the method of work individually, focusing on the needs of the patient.

Hypnosis with an object

To fix consciousness, the psychotherapist uses things such as a metal ball, pen, or key during the session. The main rule: they must be placed at least 25-30 cm from the patient’s eyes. After the person has fully concentrated on the subject, the hypnotist makes various suggestions. For example: “We are carefully watching my palm! Up and down! Up and down! You get a feeling of pleasant relaxation and bliss! You want to sleep more and more! Your eyes are closing!”

The patient experiences a feeling of pleasant relaxation, heaviness of the body, drowsiness, and light drowsiness. He falls into a hypnotic sleep. The verbal messages spoken by the doctor help the patient to more clearly feel the changes occurring in the body and mind. Often, a doctor will use a countdown to help a person relax. Suggestions can be made without the help of objects. To do this, the individual must take a relaxed position and lie comfortably on the sofa.

Three yeses

Inside each person lives a strict censor who does not allow outside interference. Attitudes and moral principles govern everyone's life. Focusing on his internal dogmas, a person either shares the views of other people or adheres to his own opinion. By using a psychological technique called three “yes”, you can ensure that your interlocutor completely relaxes and opens his subconscious.

Research has established that if a person voluntarily agrees to various questions more than three times, then the information that comes next will be perceived by his brain as his own conclusion.

To achieve three positive responses, the hypnotist asks: “Is it summer outside now?”, “Do you like to walk in nature?”, “Do you like sunny weather?”, “Are you comfortable and warm?” The patient gives positive answers to all these questions. Finally, the main question is asked: “Does your body relax, your eyelids close, do you begin to fall asleep?” In this case, the patient will also be forced to agree, perceiving the doctor’s verbal suggestion as his own desire.

However, it should be noted that this method of hypnosis will only work if the psychotherapist has previously met with the patient and gained his trust and respect. If during a session a person constantly thinks about other things (he is thirsty, does not like the atmosphere of the office, the light from the window is disturbing), then there will be no success.

Three “yes” - a method of inducing trance, used by a hypnologist only after achieving confidential contact with the patient

Five steps

Before starting such a psychoanalysis session, it is necessary that the individual agrees to follow all your orders and advice. The method is very simple but effective. Once contact with the patient has been established, the following manipulations must be carried out:

  • approach a person sitting on a chair and extend your right palm;
  • ask the patient to raise their hand and touch you;
  • within a few minutes you should feel the contact, applying pressure with your palms: all joint movements must be carried out very slowly;
  • Next, you need to address the patient with a verbal order: “Take a deep breath! Close your eyes!";
  • after the patient has done what you told him, sharply remove your hand and confidently pronounce the instruction: “Sleep!”

Shaking hands

Immersion in a trance is carried out by shaking hands, which is confirmed each time by certain verbal instructions. It is important that a person feels all the physiological changes that the psychotherapist programs him for.

The first squeeze should be accompanied by the following words: “You are safe! You feel warm and good!” Second, touching the patient’s hand: “You are completely relaxed! Your eyelids become heavy and your eyes close!” The final handshake should be accompanied by the phrase: “You are slowly falling asleep!”

Fractional method

This method of hypnosis is based on the teachings of two practicing psychotherapists: Ernst Kretschmer and John Fogg. This method of immersion in a trance helps people who do not believe in such methods of treatment and are afraid of other people's interference in their psyche.

First, the psychotherapist puts the person into a state of light drowsiness, and then pronounces the necessary suggestion: “I count to three! After that, you will wake up, and I will send you back to sleep, which will last much longer! Upon completion of the first part of hypnosis, the patient is asked to analyze his feelings and determine what experiences and emotions bothered him during the session. Having made the appropriate conclusions, the doctor conducts a repeat session.


This method is used with skeptical patients who do not believe in the power of hypnosis. During the session, the doctor gives the person several contradictory instructions, thereby completely confusing the patient.

When he is completely disoriented, the command is given to relax, close his eyes and fall asleep.

Triple helix

The patient's attention is diverted to the conversation with the psychotherapist. The doctor begins to tell one story, then, stopping in the middle, starts a new story, and again without finishing, remembers the third story, which he completely ends.

As a result, the person remembers the details of only the first two stories, and completely forgets about the third, although the psychotherapist included special verbal suggestions there.

Fakir's way

This type of hypnosis was invented back in 1813 by Abbot Faria, who put people into a trance using a gaze. During sessions, the psychotherapist does not use any additional objects. This technique is used to treat alcohol and drug addicts.

Establishing close visual contact with the patient, the doctor gives him a verbal instruction: “You look into my eyes! Your body relaxes, your arms become sluggish and your legs become heavy! Your eyes gradually close and you fall asleep! You're falling asleep! You're falling asleep! You sleep until I wake you up!” All this time, the doctor looks into the eyes of his patient, without blinking or looking away.

These are just some of the hypnosis techniques that psychotherapists use in their practice. Leading specialists with extensive experience develop their own effective techniques that help them work with the psyche of patients and achieve positive results.

Recovery from hypnotic sleep

However, it is not enough to put one into hypnosis - one must take one out of it, and this is also one of the stages of the hypnotist’s work. The safest method for all participants in the process is a gradual awakening of consciousness (like the template “And about “Ten” you will wake up”). If during a session of classical hypnosis the hypnotist leaves his ward, often the latter continues to sleep - but after some time, after the rapport is broken, it is no longer hypnotic, but simply sleep. If we talk about a shallow level of trance, characteristic, for example, of NLP, then the person seems to “wake up”. As happens with some people who give all their savings to gypsies and other scammers. To avoid ending up in the shoes of the unfortunate victims, read how to resist hypnosis in the next article.

Pros and cons of hypnosis

This treatment method can have both positive and negative effects on a person. Its main advantage is that, working with the subconscious, the doctor does without physical impact on the patient’s body. Medical induction into trance gives excellent results, effectively curing various diseases, fears and phobias.

The disadvantage of this treatment is that not all patients can be hypnotized. Many people are afraid of such interference in their subconscious, speaking out against such therapy. Hypnotic trance is one of the components of complex treatment, which is aimed at helping a person solve an existing psychological problem.

How to end a session

It is important to end your hypnotherapy session correctly. It is forbidden to abruptly remove a person immersed in a trance or to interrupt the moment of relaxation. Many hypnotists use a count from 10 to 1 for this. You need to give the instruction: “Now I will count to one, and you will begin to wake up!” You will feel invigorated and energetic!”

After your session, be sure to talk to your partner about how they felt. This will give you the opportunity to understand your weak points in order to improve your hypnosis technique in the future.


If you decide to study and practice hypnosis on your own, there are certain rules that must be strictly followed.

  1. You cannot use a hypnotic trance without the knowledge and permission of the person. Such an impact on consciousness should only carry a positive charge.
  2. Do not overuse hypnosis sessions. There is no need to hold more meetings than are required for the patient to cope with his problem. Each hypnosis session is strictly regulated, otherwise the patient may feel unwell afterwards.
  3. It is necessary to correctly remove the person from the state of hypnotic sleep. It is important that the individual slowly comes to his senses and regains his strength.
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