What is transcranial micropolarization? Transcranial micropolarization (TCMP), or brain micropolarization, is a method
The so-called “ancestral memory” makes people afraid of the dark. Firstly, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, since
Most of our illnesses are due to anxiety, worry and stress. The more and more often a person worries,
Metastases are the migration of carcinogenic cells from the primary tumor to other organs, which is typical for
Medical information is reliable Checked by Eremin Alexey Valentinovich Irresistible craving for psychoactive substances is called syndrome
Uncontrollable aggressiveness or uncontrollable aggression can be directed “outward,” manifesting itself in the form of curses,
A person is not just a biological organism that needs to satisfy such basic needs,
A special place in the development of the individual and the human collective is occupied by the ability to transmit, receive and process
A marital relationship is like a living organism. They differ in the individual characteristics of the partners, communication style, etc.
Stress can be destructive to our health. The consequences of frequent worries affect everyone's work