Droppers for binge drinking - what drugs are included in the composition?

This program can be prescribed only after consultation with a neurologist.

The regulation of all life processes depends on the functioning of the brain. Unfortunately, the most common cause of premature death is vascular disease. The final “blow” to the body is usually a stroke. In 90% of cases, patients who have suffered this disorder are unable to take care of themselves. There is practically no successful treatment for the consequences of a stroke, but there are effective prevention methods that improve cerebral circulation. Such measures will significantly reduce the risk of stroke.


Alcoholism does not appear immediately. The disease goes through several stages until a person develops an uncontrollable desire to drink alcohol. This pathological craving is called alcoholism. Alcohol addiction begins with psychological attachment. Then, gradually, drinking becomes a way of life. This desire often appears during a period of problems in the family or at work, because at the beginning, alcohol allows you to temporarily distance yourself from failures and quarrels.

When the use begins to be regular, a new alcoholic develops physical dependence. It is at this time that the alcoholic begins to binge, and his illness becomes obvious to others.

One of the most striking manifestations of alcoholism in stages II and III is binge drinking. A condition associated with excessive prolonged drinking is accompanied by alcohol intoxication. Binge drinking can be defined as drinking alcohol for more than a day. Drinking intoxicating drinks at this stage is associated with avoiding a severe hangover; it has nothing to do with pleasure. The patient completely loses interest in everything around him, all needs come down to one thing - getting a new dose of alcohol.

Binge drinking is a condition that, without medical attention, can cause enormous harm to health or cause death. The body has difficulty processing alcohol, as the functioning of vital organs is disrupted. In a stressful situation, the body needs help. It is best to remove alcoholics from binge drinking using an intravenous drip.

Headache, weakness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, alcoholic psychosis, hallucinations, delirium tremens, tremors - a good reason to call a psychiatrist-narcologist, who, in turn, will select the necessary medications to treat the alcoholic at home or in a hospital setting.

It is necessary to put in IV drips during binge drinking because alcohol abuse incredibly wears out the body, and internal organs are under attack.

A drip is an accelerated course of cleansing the body of alcohol breakdown products, which lasts 3-4 hours. Often, after the drip, the patient falls asleep, which helps the body remove toxins from the body faster. This method of administering medications eliminates the symptoms of heart failure, improves the functioning of the liver, brain, kidneys, and normalizes the patient’s mental state.

The following medications may be included in the drip for alcohol intoxication:

  • Detoxification solution: saline solution, hemodez, glucose, saline solution.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Vitamins (especially groups B and C).
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers.
  • Potassium-magnesium complex preparations.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Antiemetic drugs.
  • Cardioprotectors.
  • Antiepileptic drugs.
  • Nootropics, etc.

Drugs are prescribed depending on the patient's condition. The narcologist selects them based on an examination of the patient and adjusts the composition according to the situation.

Why does circulatory disturbance occur in the vessels of the brain?

In medical language, the deterioration of cerebral blood supply, which has become chronic, is called “dyscirculatory encephalopathy.” It causes various pathological processes in the central nervous system, often irreversible. According to doctors, this disorder is caused by atherosclerosis or arterial insufficiency. But there are also other fairly common reasons:

  • constant stress;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • scoliosis;
  • constant excessive physical activity;

In addition, osteochondrosis sometimes provokes discirculatory encephalopathy. Sedentary work or lack of physical activity also significantly impedes the flow of blood through the vessels. Therefore, to improve blood circulation in the brain, it is advisable to do exercises in the morning and periodically warm up during the day.


For different symptoms, appropriate intravenous drips are prescribed. For example, with severe vomiting, the main task of the dropper is to stop the gag reflex and replenish the lack of fluid and microelements in the body. Preparations used to prepare solutions:

  • Sodium thiosulfate. Reduces the negative effects of alcohol, cleanses the blood of decay products.
  • Magnesium sulfate. Cleanses the liver, which suffers more than other organs.
  • Cerucal. Prevents vomiting and nausea.
  • Essentiale. Restores damaged liver cells, improves metabolic processes.
  • Mildronate. Saturates the blood with oxygen and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Piracetam. Participates in many metabolic processes, accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol.
  • B vitamins. Improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Sodium chloride and glucose are almost always the main components of the solution. They cleanse the blood and normalize the balance of electrolytes.
  • Sodium bicarbonate nullifies the effect of acids.
  • Relanium, Seduxen - sedatives. With their help, emotional state and sleep improve.
  • Drotaverine, analgin. These medications relieve headaches and general stress in the body.

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How do sedative drips work?

As you know, a sedative through a dropper begins to act almost immediately after it enters the human body. Intravenous infusions of drugs for nerves and stress are the most effective way to correct pathological conditions when the situation needs to be stabilized very quickly.

So, sedative droppers for nerves help in just a few minutes to eliminate the main manifestations of a nervous disorder and significantly improve the general condition of the patient. After their penetration into the structural units of the central nervous system, excitation processes slow down and inhibition processes intensify. As a result, a person’s acute reaction to stress is replaced by indifference and indifference to what is happening.

Over time, droppers for nerves and stress can eliminate the main manifestations of mental disorders. Thanks to their use, it is possible to get rid of the following symptoms of a nervous breakdown:

  • hand tremors and increased sweating;
  • tachycardia (accelerated heart rate);
  • spastic phenomena in different parts of the digestive tract;
  • discomfort in the intestines, diarrhea;
  • state of emotional stupor;
  • disorientation in space and time;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia, nightmares.

Calming droppers for neurosis after the first use make it possible to stabilize the state of the nervous system, provide sound and deep sleep, and eliminate increased anxiety and nervousness.


In narcology, there are many treatment regimens for alcohol intoxication. There is more than one way to get an alcoholic to stop drinking. Medicines are often used in several combinations:

  • Saline solutions bind toxins, dilate blood vessels and restore the balance of electrolytes (Disol, Acesol, Trisol, Reamberin, Reosorbilact, etc.)
  • B vitamins normalize metabolism in cells and have a positive effect on the nervous system (thiamine, cobalamin and pyrodoxine)
  • Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant
  • Cardio- and hepatoprotectors restore and support the functioning of the heart and liver (Riboxin, Thiatriazolin, Mexidol, Heptral, etc.)
  • Magnesium and potassium preparations restore cellular metabolism and normalize blood pressure and heart function (combined drug "Panangin", magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, etc.)
  • Diuretics intensively remove excess fluid and toxins (Furosemide or others)
  • Glucose solution destroys and neutralizes toxins, nourishes all cells.

It is difficult to answer unambiguously which droppers and combinations of drugs are used for withdrawal from binge drinking, since the medications are selected by the doctor based on the severity of the patient’s condition and his state of health. The narcologist monitors the procedure and, if necessary, changes the composition of the dropper. The doctor monitors the procedure, which often lasts 40-50 minutes.


Dripping an alcoholic is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and eliminate the negative consequences for the body during heavy drinking. For treatment, the patient’s age, duration of binge drinking, general condition, age, presence of mental disorders, pregnancy, drug intolerance, and allergies are important.

If the procedure is carried out at home, vitamins, sedatives, glucose and saline solutions are used in the dropper. If the patient’s condition requires hospitalization (for example, difficulty breathing or severe pain), then doctors, after a blood test in the hospital, determine which drugs will be administered for alcohol intoxication.

If uncontrolled drinking lasts 14 days or more, then the alcohol addict is treated in a clinic. Drinking alcohol for such a long period causes serious disturbances in the body’s functioning. You should not take risks and try to quit binge drinking without medical supervision, especially in old age. Pregnancy also completely excludes home drips for binge drinking.

Please note that the dropper can only be used the next day after drinking alcohol. If there is already alcohol in the addict’s stomach, then it is impossible to completely prevent its spread in the body. An anti-binge drip in this situation will not bring the desired result, and the risks of deterioration in the patient’s well-being will increase.

Depending on the patient’s well-being, the composition may include antiemetics, vitamins, anticonvulsants, diuretics, nootropics, sedatives and others. The composition of a binge drip may differ if the addict drank surrogate alcohol, that is, everything that is not intended for internal use: Hawthorn tincture, cosmetic product, cologne, technical ethyl alcohol, household product and others.

When does the body need cleansing?

Blood delivers oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients to cells that are necessary for their normal functioning. If it does not contain toxins, your health remains satisfactory. After taking various medications, drinking alcohol, or severe infections, toxic substances appear in the blood. The body cannot get rid of them on its own. In this case, a dropper helps to cleanse the blood of toxins.

Procedures are necessary if:

  • poor immunity;
  • a significant increase in blood cholesterol levels, which can cause a stroke or heart attack;
  • ethanol, poison, drugs in the body;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • heart pathologies.

You can use droppers at home. You do not have to go to the clinic, which is very important if your health deteriorates significantly. We employ only highly qualified professional doctors. They have the necessary skills and practical experience. Specialists will correctly install the IV and help you regain health by ridding your body of toxins.


To treat an alcoholic during a binge, there are many types of droppers that help cope with intoxication of the body after prolonged drinking. We will tell you about the most famous ways to cope with alcohol intoxication. Only a psychiatrist-narcologist will be able to select the optimal composition of the solution after examination and based on test results, if necessary.

With glucose-saline solution

The glucose-saline solution looks like an alternating infusion of sodium chloride 0.9% and 5-10% glucose. This composition reduces the concentration of alcohol in the blood, normalizes fluid metabolism in the body, and improves the rheological properties of blood. If there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure or suppression of blood circulation, special solutions are used to stabilize the condition.

With polyion solution

The main remedy for normalizing water-salt balance. With their help, a polyion solution of crystalloids, electrolyte disturbances are corrected, the concentration of ions in the blood is optimized, metabolic processes and heart function are improved.

With vitamins

The vitamin complex can enhance the effect of the glucose-saline solution: metabolic processes are more effectively improved and the functioning of organs and systems is restored. The first to mention is thiamine (vitamin B1), which is involved in the oxidation of ethanol. Ascorbic acid is added to the solution for the dropper; thanks to the vitamin, the synthesis of hormones in the body is enhanced, vitamin E is able to protect cell membranes from their oxidation by alcohol metabolites, vitamin PP accelerates cleansing of the body and helps protect the liver.

Dry drip

“Dry drip” is a relative concept. This is the name given to the independent use of certain medications when trying to quit binge drinking at home, which are not prescribed by a qualified narcologist. In fact, dry drip is self-medication; delay in contacting a specialist can aggravate the alcoholic’s condition. Antidepressants and sleeping pills can be added to these drugs to eliminate psychological cravings for alcohol. Drugs are used to restore physical condition - electrolytes, vitamins, drugs to normalize blood pressure and metabolism, and saturate the brain with necessary substances.

The use of tablets puts additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract. If metabolic processes are disrupted, the ability of the stomach to absorb substances decreases, and accordingly the effectiveness of the drugs also decreases. Do not forget about vomiting: medications will leave the stomach long before the substances take effect. Also, “dry” has a significantly delayed effect on the body. This means that the alcohol addict will suffer from withdrawal for a longer period of time, and there is no guarantee of a positive outcome of the procedure.


To accelerate the elimination of alcohol breakdown products, special infusion solutions with a balanced electrolyte composition are used - fumaric and succinic acid. The components activate chains of metabolic reactions, therefore, alcohol is eliminated faster. The use of some ready-made droppers helps to improve the supply of oxygen to tissues, more gently eliminating the manifestations of acidosis and its consequences.

The introduction of large amounts of fluid is an important factor for natural stimulation of accelerated diuresis. The use of simple glucose-saline solutions, even without other drugs, can significantly improve the patient’s condition in the first hours after the procedure. First of all, solutions are administered that contain vitamins, electrolytes in the form of salts, and dextrans. The dropper helps reduce blood pressure, eliminate arrhythmia and partially relieve swelling.

Pros and cons of a cleansing dropper

The advantages of using IVs to remove toxins from the body are obvious:

  • quick positive result: drugs enter directly into the bloodstream and reach their target almost instantly;
  • prompt normalization of water-salt balance: all components of the dropper are combined with each other and make it possible to cope with poisoning without the slightest harm to health;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • removal of heavy metals, toxins, poisons and other harmful compounds;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system, heart and blood vessels.

Unfortunately, this popular method also has some disadvantages:

  • hemorrhage or hematoma may appear at the site where the needle is inserted into the vein;
  • there is a risk of inflammation of the vein or the formation of blood clots in it;
  • placement of an IV in violation of the rules leads to tissue necrosis;
  • there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction to the drug entering the blood.

Almost all the disadvantages of using IVs appear if the procedure is carried out by a not very experienced health worker. Contact us. We employ doctors with specialized education, extensive practice, and have the appropriate diplomas and certificates.


Self-medication during binge drinking is dangerous for the patient. Only a qualified psychiatrist-narcologist can prescribe a drip for alcohol intoxication. The slightest inaccuracy in determining treatment can lead to worsening of the condition or even death. Incorrect installation of a catheter in a vein is fraught with painful hematomas, thrombosis, and phlebitis.

The drug treatment clinic of Dr. Lazarev in St. Petersburg at the address Lodygina Lane, 7, k.2 will help patients get out of binge drinking anonymously at home and in the hospital. You can sign up for an IV or call a doctor at home by calling: 8.

You can anonymously place an IV for alcohol intoxication at Dr. Lazarev’s clinic. No information needs to be provided. The only information that is needed is about chronic diseases and the duration of the binge. And, of course, the voluntary consent of the patient.

Only a physician is able to assess the severity of an alcoholic’s condition, decide on his hospitalization if necessary, select medications for an intravenous drip, and give further recommendations.


08/31/2021 I would like to note the good work of nurse Tatiana. She has a very light hand. I have complex veins, but she gave me a course of IVs without any problems. Clinic administration - pay attention to its high professional training.

Roman Gavrilyuk

08/31/2020 This is not the first time I have applied to your medical center for tests, IVs and more. The doctors are wonderful, the service is top notch. The staff is friendly and attentive.

Vyunova G.V.

02/15/2020 02/15/2020 I express my deep gratitude to neurologist Sergei Yuryevich Vasilenko. I asked for a consultation after an MRI of the spine. The doctor conducted the appointment very carefully and professionally. In the future I would like to visit Sergei Yuryevich if I suddenly need his consultation. He spent enough time and explained everything very clearly. I was 100% satisfied with the consultation. I wish there were more such attentive and professional specialists. PS Good luck to Sergei Yuryevich in his medical practice.

Reshetnyak V.N.

04/28/2018 I underwent IV drips at this clinic. She came “crawling” and left dancing. High level of professionalism and skill. Now only here. I recommend to all.


05/27/2018 I contacted the RIORIT center based on a recommendation. I immediately noted the polite administrators, who provided complete, competent information at every visit. I would like to express my deep gratitude to therapist N.D. Telegina. Her recommendations, treatment and prescribed procedures literally lifted me to my feet. The magic droppers had a very strong therapeutic effect for me. After the first visits, I decided to bring my husband. He completed a course of IV drips with good effect.


04/16/2016 We, a family of 2, were examined at the “RIORIT” MC, we really liked the fast and good service, we had intravenous drips painlessly, and all the tests were ready on time. I would especially like to note the sensitive and attentive attitude of the doctor - a therapist from God - Natalya Dmitrievna Telegina. We wish you continued prosperity and excellent service.

Reutova Lina and Reutov Alexey

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Intravenous drips will help in the following situations:

  • when breaking the binge;
  • to relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism.
  • a slight hangover when you need to be in shape;
  • in case of acute alcohol intoxication of moderate or severe degree;
  • a dropper is necessary after a binge that lasted three days or more;
  • if the hangover is severe or there are special medical conditions.

Infusion therapy allows you to deliver the necessary substances and fluid to the body tissues through direct injection into the blood.


  • You can use a drip to treat binge drinking only after making sure that there are no contraindications to all components of the drip;
  • In cases where binge drinking lasts longer than a week, the drip can be life-threatening;
  • Serious diseases: a history of heart attack and stroke, diabetes mellitus, asthma are a contraindication to the procedure;
  • The advanced age of an alcohol addict increases the risk of complications;
  • Presence or suspicion of traumatic brain injury;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Active stage of cancer;
  • Coma for unknown reasons.

People who drink alcohol frequently and over a long period are likely to develop serious health problems, and any drug without a doctor’s prescription can have an unpredictable negative effect: from allergies to exacerbation of diseases of internal organs, respiratory and cardiac problems. In such situations, withdrawal from binge drinking by means of a drip is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to receive specialized care in medical centers in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors. Otherwise, in addition to binge drinking, complications and possibly death may occur.

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