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There are many types of women, and each of them attracts the attention of the opposite sex in its own way. Women with the so-called masculine character type are no exception. They are often compared to men, attributing to them qualities characteristic of the stronger sex: willpower, determination, dominance.

Women with a masculine personality live a completely ordinary life, work, fall in love and build relationships on a par with tomboys, prudes and other types. They have the same problems, needs and desires as other girls, and there are both pros and cons to dating this type of lady.

It is difficult to identify positive and negative traits in relationships with such women, because the pros can become cons overnight. Women with a masculine character have willpower. They are able to carry their family on their shoulders, overcome difficulties on their own and find a way out of difficult situations. This behavior can be called a plus only if the woman is single. If she is married or in a relationship, it is difficult for her to share roles with a man and find a place for him in her life. In this regard, rarely does anyone stay close to a strong-willed and strong woman who needs a true hero with a calm disposition, ready to accept the chosen one with all her character traits.

A plus is the straightforwardness of ladies with a masculine character. They are able to directly say what they need, win the attention of men and go through life at the speed of a racing car. These qualities turn into a minus at the moment when the object of sympathy simply runs away from such pressure, not wanting to become a young lady who is conquered and “dragged into a cave on the shoulder.”

The positive features of such women include genuine feelings and emotions, however, they can also turn into a minus during intimate life. For example, a tendency to lead in everything and everywhere will lead to the fact that both partners want to play the role of “first fiddle”, so problems in the relationship only increase.

The disadvantages include the appearance of a woman with a masculine character, because they often emphasize androgynous or masculine features. However, these disadvantages can turn into advantages, because not all men like romantic young ladies. Such a woman will be able to independently repel any offender, and immediately this plus also becomes a minus: she does not need a strong male shoulder for protection, because she herself can do everything.

This type of woman can build a relationship with a man, and quite successfully. Ladies must determine for themselves which character traits can be smoothed out, where to give in a little, and where, on the contrary, to “push up”. Change is possible, but for this, some women with a masculine character require professional help from a psychologist, while others need a friendly shoulder.

It is important for ladies to learn to be feminine, flirt and allow a man to gain their attention. You don't have to turn into a fool to do this. It is enough to suppress the rudeness and pressure in yourself, allowing the man to court you gallantly. Gentle touches, a bouquet of flowers, kisses and attention from a gentleman can melt any heart.

Women with a masculine character should believe in themselves and remember that a man loves to take care of the one he has chosen as his life partner. They should be allowed to do men's tasks, including hammering nails, hanging shelves, and fixing cars. Partners can do this together, but a woman should still become wiser and sometimes take a step back, give in and enjoy the fact that she is taken care of, and not trying to show strength and power.

Building relationships for ladies with a masculine character is no easier or more difficult than for girls of other types, because each has shortcomings that need to be overcome. It is important to meet the same person who is ready to share love and build relationships together, coping with difficulties. Remember that you are not on opposite sides of the barricades, but together you are fighting for mutual love and a happy future.

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27.01.2019 03:29

Masculine character traits.

To be considered courageous, a guy should have the following character traits:


They say about such a man that behind him is like behind a stone wall.


A man is expected to remain stable in his thinking, habits and actions.


This trait is described by the phrase “a man said, a man did.”


When a man adheres to certain norms and his own developed system, he also looks courageous and reliable.

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Despite the fact that it is also characteristic of the female character, this trait is masculine.


This trait can be expressed in the manifestation of independence in forming an opinion, despite one’s own dislikes or likes.


Or low level of emotionality. Dryness and unshakable calm are often useful in business.


One of the facets of integrity. Not the best quality, but masculine.


While girls tend to be daydreamer, men are more inclined to look at the world without rose-colored glasses.


A trait that allows you to “survive” in any conditions.


The ability to find benefits and be entrepreneurial is very useful.

High reactivity.

In psychology, this is the ability to respond to changed circumstances. Works well when paired with entrepreneurial spirit.

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Makings of a leader.

Whatever you say, leadership is more inherent in the male genome, transmitted from primitive ancestors-providers.


Its principle is well preserved in peacocks; it is the males who fluff their tails.


In the correctness of actions and words. It is necessary not only to do something, but also to clearly understand why exactly, then such a trait will testify to courage.

Virgo: queen of prudence

Surprisingly, the most feminine ladies are also among the women with a masculine character. Despite the rather soft nature of women of the Virgo sign, these are ladies with a steel core inside. In any situation, they can correctly and quickly prioritize and determine what is of paramount importance at the moment. These resourceful girls are able to instantly find a way out of any difficult or unforeseen situation. Virgo women are very hardy and patient. They can work 24/7 for a long time without showing their fatigue. For such strong and persistent personalities as women of the Virgo sign, it is fundamentally important to independently achieve success through their own work, without any outside help.

Capricorn: the iron lady

Capricorn women also have masculine character traits. The increased emotionality and sensitivity characteristic of women is alien to them. In terms of willpower and endurance, these ladies will give odds to many representatives of the stronger sex. An iron grip and nerves of steel are the main characteristics of women of the Capricorn sign. They are completely independent of external circumstances and instantly adapt to changes of any kind. In any actions of these ladies there is certainly some kind of personal interest, since they always and in everything strive to benefit. Capricorn women are independent and independent individuals who reject any help. They also always adhere to their own point of view and never change it.

Added: 2020-12-13 17:15 Last modified: 2020-12-18 20:32

Showing sincere feelings

How to understand that a man really loves you? Look at his reaction in several situations:

Showdown. If a man is interested in you, he will not ignore you or leave you during controversial situations.

Men, if something is important to them, prefer to find out right away. Meeting his friends and parents. Men tend to have strong friendships that they value very much.

Not every girl is introduced to her friends, and even less so to her parents. Meeting his loved ones is a sure sign of his concern. Behavior at home. If a man is planning a future with you, then he will not refuse to help you around the house, make joint purchases, and give gifts.

Trap 1. Man and woman: the legend of two halves

There is a fairly common myth, coming from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, which says that a man and a woman are two halves of one whole. This leads to the conclusion that they are inherently imperfect beings. If they do not find a mate, then they remain inferior. Such a myth creates in a person a forced need to find a partner. Whether you like it or not, in order to be happy in life, you need to find a partner; you won’t be able to be happy alone. The result is the following arithmetic: each represents fifty percent, and when added it turns out to be one hundred. But everything that is created from a “lack” has little value and does not give rise to free relationships, but only dependence on another person.

I prefer another approach: a man and a woman are not halves of one thing, but represent two types of people. In this case, they can already be considered as full-fledged beings. They have the opportunity for everyone to live their own (female or male) full life and interact with the other sex not as defective, but as different beings. A woman is not an attachment to a man. Therefore, the basis of their interaction is not fusion, but some kind of confrontation. In it they do not absorb each other, but remain themselves, maintaining their difference. In this case, communication between a man and a woman takes on the character of a dance, in which the beauty of their relationship can be revealed. Remember tango: no one is inferior to anyone, but the movement is still joint! The difference between a man and a woman lies in their nature. Due to the fact that from the point of view of nature they have different purposes, it distributed energy resources differently. Women received much more of it, since they are responsible for reproduction. Nature does not like to take risks, and therefore a woman’s biological resource is superior to a man’s. Even such a simple example as the number of orgasms clearly shows the difference. How many orgasms can a man experience at one time? One two. Three is already a rarity, and not every time. How many orgasms can a woman experience without harm to her health? Some sources indicate that there are several dozen of them. And the average lifespan of women exceeds that of men. Therefore, when they say that women are weak creatures, this must be viewed in a narrow context.

As for men, their strong point lies elsewhere. When a female becomes pregnant, she becomes vulnerable to external threats. The male's task is to organize a safe space. Therefore, men have much more so-called social energy. It is no coincidence that in the history of human development, the leaders of science and art are mostly men. It is very difficult to immediately name the names of women who were famous philosophers, scientists, and musicians. The social world in which we live was created by men and according to men's rules.

Thus, men and women have their own strengths and weaknesses. A woman can give energy to a man to implement his life plans, and a man can help a woman manage her natural potential. In such relationships, no one suppresses anyone, no one competes with anyone. Accepting that we are different creates psychological safety in relationships. It turns out that men and women are full-fledged beings, although different. Their combination will give not just one, like fifty plus fifty, but a doubly whole: one hundred plus one hundred percent will give two hundred. Completely different arithmetic!

The role of mom.

Very often, men remain immature for a long time and prefer not to burden themselves with serious obligations in the form of a stamp in their passport, the birth of children and the general family budget. However, over time, they feel the need for physical satisfaction and look for a role model where a woman is ready to act as a mother, fully providing, serving as a shield between him and the adult world.

However, they do not strive to start a family, but simply follow the usual behavior that developed in childhood. When a girl copes with the role, they are completely satisfied, but they often find entertainment on the side and prefer an “easy relationship”, without getting married, so as not to burden themselves with responsibility, which they are very afraid of. Unreliable unions do not last long; when a self-sufficient woman realizes the problem, she often changes her partner.

The nature of men and women

Women can be divided into two groups - those who chase men, but do not achieve success, and those who fight off admirers, dodge flowers, sweets and gifts. Men, in fact, are not divided into these two groups, they simply react differently to the mentioned types of girls.

Most likely, you want to become part of the second group of girls, which means that now you belong to the first. Do you want to know what your mistake is and why some people get everything and others nothing?

It's all about how the opposite sex perceives you. Ask how he can even perceive you? Quite different. You can be a friend, a funny KVN girl, a brother, a sweet fool, a naive listener. As you can see, you can have many roles, but we will only talk about one.

Aries: takes on the ram

Hard work, determination and assertiveness are the main masculine character traits of Aries women. And the ladies of this zodiac sign approach any business extremely responsibly and seriously. They never rely on fate or luck and firmly believe that their future depends only on themselves. Aries women are magnificent and strict bosses, as well as successful businesswomen. They are accustomed to active, persistent work and a frantic pace of life, so they leave little time for rest. In extreme situations, they are guided by masculine logic, relying not on emotions, but on common sense.

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