Self-knowledge: how to understand and use your character traits
Self-knowledge: how to understand and use your character traits
Strong character traits are associated with personal and social well-being. Knowing the characteristics of your character and thinking
Human temperament: essence, types and their characteristics
The type of temperament is an innate feature of the human nervous system. Basically, throughout his life he
The roof has gone crazy. What possibilities does the human brain hide within?
The human brain is still the biggest mystery. However, thanks to the rapid development of neuroscience, we have learned
Open MR machine
What do cystic-glial changes in the brain mean?
Magnetic resonance imaging is an informative non-invasive way to study cerebral structures. Diagnosis of pathological processes of the brain
Physiotherapy - Alcoclinic
Treatment of neurotic and somatoform disorders
Signs and symptoms of astheno-neurotic syndrome The syndrome is manifested by physical fatigue, weakness, inability to perform long-term physical
5 Ways to Resolve Conflict
The conflict between the individual and the group and its features in psychology
Sooner or later there will be an explosion: no one can live without conflicts. One of the common forms:
First aid for a child
Delayed psychospeech development (DSRD). Treatment of PVD in children
Psychospeech development delay (PSRD) is a group of disorders that are united by clinical symptoms of retardation
Retrocerebellar cyst of the brain
Treatment of retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain
A common brain lesion is the formation of a cyst, which is a benign neoplasm filled with a liquid substance.
periods of human life
Developmental and age psychology: lecture notes
The concept of “age” can be considered from different aspects: from the point of view of the chronology of events, biological processes
Profession psychologist, what subjects need to be taken, what universities teach, salary
Profession psychologist, what subjects need to be taken, what universities teach, salary
For many, the profession of psychologist is associated with all sorts of myths generated by television and the abundance of pseudo-psychological literature.
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