Profession psychologist, what subjects need to be taken, what universities teach, salary

For many, the profession of psychologist is associated with all sorts of myths generated by television and the abundance of pseudo-psychological literature.

In order to meaningfully approach the choice of specialty, it is necessary to clearly understand what psychology is and who a professional psychologist is.

The word “psychology” is made up of two Greek words “soul” and “study”. It follows from this that science is engaged in the study of the human psyche and the processes associated with its development.

People who observe the forms of mental phenomena of the individual are called psychologists. Let's talk in detail about how to become a psychologist.

Who is a psychologist

A psychologist is a specialist focused on helping other people. He has a pronounced humanitarian orientation and puts the interests of the people who turn to him for support first.

It is necessary to dispel the main myths associated with the personality of a psychology specialist:

  1. It is generally accepted that this is a person who has the ability to see through others. But it is impossible to fully understand the inner world of people; it is necessary to be in constant movement towards knowledge and creative development.
  2. These are special people, gifted by nature with understanding of others. But it is impossible to achieve success in the profession without developing communication, understanding and empathy skills.
  3. They have the ability to control people's behavior and feelings. Possessing individual methods of influencing the behavior of others, a true specialist does not abuse them. With their help, he tries to create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, without seeking power over others.
  4. A true professional knows himself well and always maintains his cool. But a psychologist cannot be called a superman; he only knows methods of self-regulation and is constantly engaged in self-improvement and self-knowledge.
  5. This is a person of great intelligence and vast life experience, capable of showing the right path to achieving the desired results. But professionals should not impose their life perception and act as a shepherd. It is necessary to strive to help a person find his own path.

What does a psychologist do?

The main place of work of a psychologist

– these are schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, psychological assistance centers, and private practice. Using proven methods, specialists determine the abilities and individual qualities of schoolchildren and pupils and build a separate training program for each.

Corrective work also falls within the competence of psychologists. They help children overcome difficult moments in life and form behavioral patterns in critical situations. However, almost half of the working time has to be devoted to paperwork: compiling psychological characteristics

, reports, work plans, etc.

Human resources departments of various enterprises also become the place of work for many specialists. They are employed by HR managers and perform a number of the following functions:

    ✔Recruitment of personnel taking into account the results of assessing personal qualities
    ✔Assisting new employees in adaptation ✔Conducting training sessions ✔Proper placement of employees’ workplaces based on an analysis of psychological compatibility ✔Assistance in the development of management methods

The goal of a psychologist’s work in a corporation is to increase the company’s performance indicators and motivate staff as much as possible. Knowledge of psychology and tools for influencing people’s consciousness is also in demand in mass media, advertising, political activity, and jurisprudence. A psychologist can conduct a private practice and engage in research in his field.

Characteristics of the profession, what it does, functions and tasks

The characteristics of the profession undergo changes depending on the processes occurring in society.

The main distinguishing features of the profession of a psychologist from a psychotherapist and psychiatrist is working with healthy people. His competence does not include making a diagnosis or prescribing medication.

Its tasks are research, counseling, psychological diagnostics and correction.

Professionals who study the soul perform the following basic functions:

  • social-diagnostic , which involves providing assistance in difficult life situations, stabilizing the state of mind and improving the psychological state of the individual,
  • socialization assistance in the process of integrating the individual into the social system, finding ways to overcome negative situations in public life,
  • preventive , which consists in preventing serious diseases associated with a mental state and directing further personal development,
  • education of psychological culture,
  • facilitating people's working conditions , creating a healthy microclimate at the enterprise.

What should a psychologist know and be able to do?

The set of specific responsibilities and knowledge of a psychologist depends on the scope of his activity. • A school psychologist must be well versed in child and family psychology, in matters of adolescent career guidance and apply his knowledge in consultations. • A social psychologist provides free consultations to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. He can receive calls on the helpline. • A clinical psychologist works with children and adults, families and couples, helping to solve a wide range of problems: from divorce to drug addiction. • A corporate psychologist analyzes labor processes, reasons for staff turnover, and creates psychological comfort in the team. Such specialists must understand labor and management psychology, social and engineering psychology.

What qualities and skills should you have?

People who decide to choose the profession of a psychologist must possess and improve the following qualities:

  • the ability to calmly endure stress, suppressing uncontrollable outbursts of emotions,
  • philanthropy,
  • goodwill,
  • the ability to hear the interlocutor and establish psychological contact.

The training of true experts in the human soul occurs throughout their professional life. To improve their skills, specialists need to attend thematic seminars, engage in self-study, and take an interest in new methods and techniques.

The work must be guided by a variety of knowledge, including knowledge of anatomy, physiology of the nervous system, philosophy, logic, sociology and higher mathematics. A specialist must know not only general professional disciplines, but also specialized ones.

Where do they study to become a psychologist?

You can get a specialty as a psychologist only after 11th grade by enrolling in the Faculty of Psychology at a university.

After 9th grade, it is possible to enter college for the following specialties, which are a preliminary step to the profession of psychologist:

  • social work for people choosing social psychology,
  • medical or nursing for clinical specialists,
  • preschool education, teaching in primary grades, pedagogy of additional education for educational psychology,
  • physical education will help in the future to master sports psychology,
  • law and judicial administration, law enforcement for those who choose the legal field.

Higher education at the university is obtained at the following levels:

  • bachelor's degree,
  • specialty,
  • master's degree

College education takes from 1 year 10 months to 2 years. Upon completion, it is possible to enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a higher educational institution.

How many years the training will take depends on what kind of training the applicant plans to undergo. After 11th grade, studying at a university at the Faculty of Psychology will take at least 4 years, with a bachelor's degree upon completion.

Full-time master's studies last for 2 years. Advanced training courses last from 3 to 6 months.

Where to apply: the best psychological universities in Russia

Applicants considering a psychology major have a wide range of choices. The area is vast - there are many directions and specialties. There are even more courses that offer psychological education in six months. But practitioners say that this is a slippery choice for beginners with a blank slate of knowledge. What will you do if a person comes to you with a problem, but the courses did not tell you about approaches to it? Call the coach? Google? And in such diplomas, they will often write “course participant without the right to qualify” - think carefully about what you are spending time and money for. For independent practice, you need a higher specialized education, so we choose academic psychological education in public and private universities.

Academic psychological education in Russia

Top socio-psychological universities

NameProfilesPeculiaritiesCost per year, RUB
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov 16 programs. Passing score from 308. Media psychology. Psychology of negotiations and conflict resolution. Psychology of personnel management. Psychology of sports. Neuropsychology and neurorehabilitation. Psychology programs have been taught at the university since its founding. But a separate faculty was opened in the mid-60s of the twentieth century. Today, the Faculty of Psychology is a leader in the Russian psychological education market. New directions are being developed: psychological safety and computer psychology. 391 000
National Research University Higher School of Economics1 profile “Psychology”. The passing score is a minimum of 60 in each subject. Specialists are trained in an interdisciplinary manner - at the intersection of psychology with psychophysiology, economics, mathematics, and neurobiology. A foreign language is taught at an advanced level. 470 000
Russian State Humanitarian University4 directions (2 bachelor's and specialty degrees each): psychology, psychological and pedagogical education, clinical psychology, psychology of professional activities. Passing score from 205. RSUH operates on a dual specialization system. Along with general psychological education, a student can receive additional knowledge in counseling, pedagogy, and management. 223 000
First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M.Sechenova Specialty "Clinical Psychology"The university has a rich research base. Clinical psychology combines classical psychology and psychiatry. Graduates work in the positions of neuropsychologist, pathopsychologist, and consulting psychologist. 240 000
Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University7 psychological faculties. 22 areas of training: special (defectological) education; psychological and pedagogical education; clinical psychology and much more. At MSUPE, the priority area is child psychology. Students are offered rare applied courses, such as the psychology of child prodigies. 75000 to 236000
St. Petersburg State University13 departments, 6 areas: psychology, clinical psychology, psychology of professional activity, conflictology.The task of the faculty is the basic training of practical psychologists, as well as specialists for pedagogical and research work.213 300 – 232 400
Far Eastern Federal University2 profiles: psychological counseling, psychodiagnostics, conflict management in intercultural communications. Passing score 208/211. The department of a leading regional university offers to work on its own modern psychophysiological equipment. The educational process is based on workshops, trainings, business and role-playing games, and BlackBoard information technology. 210 000
Novosibirsk National Research State University3 departments: personality psychology, clinical psychology and comparative psychology. In each of three subjects: Russian, biology, social studies - at least 50 points. When applying to NSU for psychology, you do not need to take mathematics. Modern educational technologies are used in the educational process. Students can practice at the Center for Psychological Consulting, the Educational and Scientific Center for Psychology, and the Center for Applied Behavior Analysis. 165 000
Kazan Federal University2 faculties: Institute of Psychology and Education and Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications (conflictology)One of the leading educational centers in Russia. Now the university is preparing psychologists who can take an active part in the development of international projects. Emphasis is placed on the development of new areas: bioethics, interaction with artificial intelligence, neurocognitive technologies. 142 000
National Research Tomsk State UniversityThe faculty has 7 departments, 6 modern laboratories, and a Center for Social and Psychological Education. Directions: personality psychology, clinical psychology, educational psychology, psychology of social communications, organizational psychology. NI TSU is considered a classic research university. Recognized center of science, education, innovation. 142 800

Problems of psychological universities in Moscow and Russia.

To be in demand, build a career and receive decent pay, a psychological basis is not enough. Today you already need to be able to make a name for yourself: psychologist-trainer, conflict specialist, mediator, psychodiagnostician - this requires knowledge in business, marketing, promotion through advertising. After a classical academic education, you have to look for courses and learn additional skills.

Correspondence and distance learning

It is possible to obtain part-time education at a university, and the duration of study is increased by a year.

In Moscow, several institutes offer applicants to study as a psychologist through correspondence courses. At the same time, study can be combined with work.

Educational institutions offer distance learning to specialists who wish to undergo retraining. Upon completion of the course, a professional retraining diploma is issued.

Please note: correspondence and distance learning are best considered as additional or second higher education that contributes to advanced training.

The position of psychologists in our society

The specialty “Psychology” is represented in almost every university in the country, which is 445 educational institutions. In universities they teach you to analyze emotions and characters, evaluate capabilities and abilities, and competently support in difficult moments. Small and large companies from different fields of activity need in-house psychologists, including institutions that are part of the system of law enforcement agencies. It has become a common practice to hire an employee after the “blessing” of an HR psychologist.

However, a low salary with a large amount of work and responsibility does not contribute to the popularity of the direction among applicants. Moreover! The Institute of Public Opinion “Anketologist” provided interesting data: as of October 2019, only 4% (!) of Russians preferred to turn to specialists for help, 56% preferred to “cry into their vest” with family, friends, and friends, and this also indicates the degree trust in psychological services. True, Covid-19 has significantly shaken up this area. The pandemic, economic recession, loneliness, and self-isolation have caused general tension - and the population has literally flocked to professional psychologists for help.

The first quarter of 2021 was marked by a sharp rise in psychological assistance – a 300% jump when compared to the same period last year. During the second wave of the pandemic, demand also exceeds supply – there are 8 requests from clients per 1 ad.

Where can a psychologist work?

Depending on the education received, a psychologist can work in educational institutions, government and commercial enterprises, rehabilitation centers and medical services. institutions, armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

For specialists in the field of psychology, many paths are open for professional growth and material well-being.

Career growth of a psychologist

Today, the profession of psychologist is quite in demand. Career growth is available to specialists seeking self-improvement and professional success.

Achieving the level of a highly qualified specialist is possible only with constant development and training.

A professional who has made a name for himself can count on promotion and the creation of a private office.

Is it worth studying to become a psychologist? The pros and cons of the profession

Before choosing the profession of a psychologist, it is necessary to clearly understand what the work involves and consider the positive and negative aspects of the specialty.

The advantages include:

  • ample opportunities for self-realization,
  • awareness of significance and necessity, based on the ability to provide real help and support to others,
  • opportunities to apply acquired knowledge in real life,
  • the presence of a creative component in the profession.

The disadvantages of the profession are:

  • deep penetration into work, which can negatively affect personal life,
  • danger of emotional burnout,
  • an abundance of stressful situations.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of the profession, everyone comes to their own conclusion whether it is worth connecting life with psychology.

How much does a psychologist earn?

The average salary of a psychologist in Russia greatly depends on the region in which the specialist lives. Using the example of the price for an individual appointment, Elena Gamayun explains that in Moscow the cost can start from 3,500 rubles for a session lasting 45 minutes. However, rarely does anyone succeed in limiting themselves to a one-time visit to a psychologist; as a rule, a course of ten or even 15 sessions is required. Beginning specialists charge slightly less - from 2,500 rubles. The cost of working for a renowned psychologist with a doctorate or master's degree, whose name is often found in the media, can start from 15,000 and reach up to 25,000 per session.

Everyone has the right to set the price they see fit, but it is important to understand that the figure should generally correspond to the income level of potential clients, therefore in small cities where earnings are lower than in the capital and other large cities, the cost of admission can start from 1,200 rubles .

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