IDENTIFICATION - what it is in simple words. Identification in psychology
Updated July 24, 2021 430 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Now
Psychological portrait of a temperamental man
Who is a temperamental person and how to recognize him?
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist From time to time we hear that someone is temperamental. More often
Is psychoanalysis a huge fraud of the 20th century or a brilliant method of treating mental disorders?
Nowadays all kinds of aphorisms about the meaning of life are in fashion. Here are some of the most popular: “Than
Friendly relations
How has social media impacted interpersonal communication?
Every person encounters society in one way or another. Kindergarten, school, work, leisure –
to mature
How to quickly grow up and become responsible: rules for combating infantilism
There is no specific age when you can confidently say that you have become an adult. Maturity –
Fundamentals of public speaking - photo
Fundamentals of public speaking: rules for speaking at a speech
The ability to win over an audience is the most important skill for a person striving for success in
moral standards
The influence of social norms and moral values ​​on the life of society
Moral standards are similar to legal ones. The thing is that they play the role of the main
How to change character: is it possible to correct and change for the better?
There are no ideal people. Each of us can be cheerful, sociable, nervous or withdrawn. Eat
communication functions
Concept of communication. Communication functions. Role, tasks, essence of communication
Communication in the broad sense of the word is communication, the transfer of information from one person to
The brutal truth or the white lie: is it always necessary to tell the truth?
Reasons for lying Why some people prefer to lie or why they do it: it’s more profitable to lie,
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