Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy: what is the difference?
For more than two years I have been going to psychoanalytic therapy - the “light version of psychoanalysis”. I didn't choose
Criteria for internal and personal growth and development of a person.
The issue of determining the level of personality formation and the stages of its development remains quite controversial. Various concepts have been put forward
“I-concept”: characteristics, features, meaning
The term “Self-concept”, which today can be heard from psychologists of various directions, sociologists and others
Cognitivist direction in the study of personality and its characteristics (theories of J. Kelly, J. Rotter, L. Bandura, etc.)
General idea of ​​the cognitive theory of personality The founder of the cognitive approach to personality development is the American
Comparative analysis of the use of high and regular doses of Lucetam (piracetam) in patients with residual schizophrenia
Pharmacokinetics When taken orally, it is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma
Personality structure according to Freud, Jung, Platonov, Rubinstein
Personality structure Personality structure is the connection and interaction of its various components: abilities, volitional qualities,
Anaprilin – capsules, solution, tablets
Make an appointment by phone: +7 (343) 355-56-57 +7 About the disease Cost of services Make an appointment About the disease
Clopixol Depot - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
N. B. Zharkova, G. I. Kopeiko, A. A. Mukhin NCPZ RAMS, Moscow Psychiatry and
Deductive method: what is it in simple words, examples
What is the deductive method? The deductive method (from Latin deductio - deduction) is a method
Types of content analysis in psychology and psychodiagnostics
Essence and features There are several options for describing this definition: A formalized way of processing graphic or
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