Is honesty a character trait or a conscious choice of a person?


  • Sincerity and Honesty: Differences
  • Myths
  • The benefits of honesty and sincerity
  • Disadvantages of Honesty and Sincerity
  • When is honesty important?
  • Honesty in love
  • Sincerity and family ties
  • Honesty and business connections

In childhood, people are brought up on good fairy tales, where honesty defeats lies, and the truthful Ivanushka fights the intriguer Koshchei. They talk about the power of sincerity in school, citing as examples sentimental stories from Russian and foreign literature. But the children are growing up. The world is getting cruel. Sincerity is killed by indifference, and lies slip from the lips automatically. A person learns the subtle art of concealment, reticence, and deception for the benefit of humanity. Honesty, the unattainable height of morality, everything moves away and becomes an exorbitant feature, gaining value. Sounds sad. But is the situation so bad? Are honesty and sincerity always positive?

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

The problem of honesty in literature

Text by N.S. Leskova about Selivan seemed interesting to me. The writer raises an important moral problem in it - honesty. The narrator had to spend the night in the house of Selivan, whom everyone considered a robber and thief (prev. 1).

When she and her father discovered that they had forgotten their aunt’s box of money, they thought that the “robber” was already far away. Imagine their surprise when Selivan returned the box. He didn’t even take any money from there (sentences 17–18).

The author finally convinces us of Selivan’s integrity when he refuses the reward. Thanks to this incident, everyone was convinced that the hero was an honest person. The writer's position is clear to me.

Honesty is one of the important personality qualities. And your actions can change the attitude of society. I agree with the writer that honest people deserve praise and respect.

I will prove my point by turning to works of fiction. Let's turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin's " The Captain's Daughter ". Grinev, having broken free, lost a hundred rubles to Zurin in billiards. Perhaps Zurin was wrong, because he saw that in front of him was a very young man. He even deliberately got the young man drunk and praised his performance.

The next morning, Grinev realized the irresponsibility of his behavior, but he repaid the debt, despite Savelich’s resistance. It seems to me that the hero acted honestly. Reflecting on this problem, I remember one parable. A tramp found a wallet in the market containing one hundred gold coins.

Being an honest man, he gave his find to the lost one, hoping for a reward. However, the merchant accused him of stealing some of the money. The dispute was decided by a judge who gave all the gold to the poor man. He explained this by saying that the wallet that the poor man found contained one hundred gold pieces, and the one that the merchant lost contained two hundred. This means, the judge decided, someone else lost this wallet.

Thus the poor man was rewarded for his honesty. Thus, the problem of honesty is relevant at any time. And there have always been people who acted honestly, and others who wanted to appropriate for themselves what belonged to others. The choice always remains with the person.

About types of honesty

There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is honesty a character trait or a conscious choice of a person?

Good health to everyone)) post inspired by comments from Gennadij Moshchenko

I want to talk to you about honesty. I don't want to speak in my own words. Why ? Because she sometimes interferes with my life and I don’t want to admit it. It turns out that I'm being dishonest with myself. Okay, here's what I found on the internet

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty? Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About the types of honesty There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself. Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest? Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways. Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, isn't it?

A little about straightforwardness However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!

I won't ask you the question: are you even? just talk about honesty)

Question or no question) I googled quotes and aphorisms about honesty) choose any button)

and as always we poke - we don’t poke) we think - we don’t think) we speak - we don’t speak) we are kind and easy to communicate)

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways.

How do personality traits manifest themselves and how to recognize them?

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

self-esteem. Character traits are manifested in relation to oneself: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with a high level of self-control or lack of will; assessment of an individual's attitude to society

There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;

the positive or negative qualities of a unique personality are determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative spheres; clarification of a person’s position in society occurs in close connection with opinions about him; when studying psychological factors, special attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, which characterize the development of personal qualities; Observing the emotional perception of situations allows us to assess the individual’s reaction when solving problems or its absence; measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious person are manifested in work activity in the form of a creative approach, enterprise, initiative and getting things done to the desired result.

A review of the individual properties of people helps to create an overall picture of behavior in the professional and social spheres. The concept of “personality” is a person with individual properties determined by the social environment. These include personal characteristics: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people taking part in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in social relationships through communication and the work sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their uniqueness and significance in the public.

A person’s personal and professional qualities are manifested in the formation of a worldview and internal perception. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life and his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions that influence the formation of his personality.



  1. The amount of money corresponded to approximately $13 dollars in local currency, adjusted for purchasing power


  1. ↑ Honesty // Dictionary of Ethics / ed. Guseinova A.A., Kona I.S. - 6th ed. - M: Politizdat, 1989. - P. 396-397. — 447 p. — ISBN 5-250-01027-X.
  2. A.S.
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  3. , With. 68.79.
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  5. André Comte-Sponville.
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  12. // Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary / ed. W. Elwell. - M: Spiritual Revival, 2003. - P. 1385. - 1488 p. — ISBN 5-87727-030-3.
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  16. Intellectual Honesty // Betrand Russell's Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals
  17. Metzinger, Thomas.
    Intellectual honesty // Brain science and the myth of one’s self. - AST, 2021.

List of positive human qualities: adjectives and characteristic words in alphabetical order

During my consultation, we will examine each point in more detail and try to find these characteristics in ourselves. But for your reference, I will give a short list of advantages that are excellent for defining your “I”.

A B C:

  • Authoritative – commanding respect, able to behave properly in society, personable.
  • Active is someone who cannot and does not like to sit idle. He is always in the center of events and busy with business.
  • Atypical – different from the rest, extraordinary.
  • Prosperous – having exceptional skills, kind and selfless.
  • A lively person is one who has a bright, restless character.
  • A cheerful person is an active person who excludes fatigue from his daily worries.
  • Polite - well-mannered and tactful, able to choose the right words and actions so as not to offend the interlocutor.
  • Attentive - is sensitive to others, their opinions, views and desires, as well as to current phenomena.

G, D:

  • Harmonious – distinguished by sophistication, peace of mind and taste.
  • Hospitable - one who is always happy to receive guests.
  • Farsighted – boldly looking into the future and confidently making plans.
  • Delicate - the one who cannot cause offense, selects the right expressions.
  • Good-natured - loving nature and people, not tolerating hatred and evil.
  • Friendly - a person who loves, respects and values ​​his friends.

F, Z, I:

  • Vital – sensual and open.
  • Caring – someone who knows how to give joy to others and gets pleasure from it.
  • Shy - shy.
  • Amazing – surprising with words and deeds.
  • Sincere - telling the truth, even if it is unpleasant, and not hiding feelings.
  • Proactive – takes the initiative into his own hands and makes decisions quickly.
  • Ironic – having a great sense of humor.

K, L, M:

  • Creative – able to generate unusual ideas, creative.
  • Sociable – sociable, easily finding a common language.
  • An eloquent person is one who speaks beautifully and knows how to persuade.
  • Painstaking - “meticulous”, neat.
  • Affectionate – treating others with tenderness and love.
  • Curious – eager to learn new things and expand their horizons.
  • Wise - reasonable, maintaining clarity of mind under any circumstances.

N, O, P:

  • Unforgettable - spectacular, someone who cannot be gotten out of your head.
  • Outstanding - someone who knows how to stand out from the crowd.
  • Extraordinary – distinguished by its capabilities and appearance.
  • Charming – a pleasant personality in all respects.
  • Responsive - someone who will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation.
  • Witty - resourceful, inventive.
  • Attractive - liked by others due to appearance, behavior, skills.
  • Professional – knowledgeable in his field, possessing individual abilities.

R, S, T:

  • Joyful – positive, giving joy to others.
  • Versatile – curious, loving to learn new things.
  • Decisive – brave, making decisions quickly and confidently.
  • Serious - one who takes the assigned tasks responsibly.
  • Calm – having a quiet and modest character.
  • Tactful - knowing when to stop.
  • Creative – with creative thinking and extraordinary abilities.
  • Demanding – defining specific rules and requirements and persistently following them.

U, F, X:

  • Confident – ​​casting aside doubts and moving towards one’s own goals.
  • Unique is someone who is not like the rest.
  • Sophisticated – having a “high” sense of style.
  • Phenomenal – a person with personal skills.
  • Household – showing care in the home, creating comfort and coziness.

C, Ch:

  • A goal-oriented person is an individual who knows his worth and achieves what he wants.
  • Humane – responsive and kind.
  • Sensual – the owner of a subtle mental structure, not afraid to show emotions.
  • Sensitive is someone who knows how to feel the world and those around them.

Sh, E, I:

  • Generous - sharing benefits, welcoming.
  • Meticulous – attentive and neat, performing tasks conscientiously.
  • Energetic – active.
  • Clear is one who is not clouded by troubles.

So, in this article I told you what qualities there are in people. The list will help you get to know yourself, your loved ones and acquaintances better, and will also give you new ideas for writing a resume.

National differences

A pilot study on honesty was conducted between 2013 and 2021. The researchers handed over “lost” wallets, both with small amounts of money and empty ones, to shopping center security and hotel administrators. The wallets contained business cards with the coordinates of the “owners”. In total, 17 thousand wallets were abandoned in 355 cities in 40 countries. There was significant variation in return rates across countries. The percentage of return in each country also depended on the availability of money in the wallet. Empty wallets were returned less frequently. The extreme values ​​were obtained in Denmark (82%) and Peru (13%) - with money available; for empty ones: Switzerland (73%) and China (7%). An increase in the amount of money led to an increase in returns in all countries.

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