Who are nymphomaniacs, how to recognize them and why they are dangerous in simple words

Who are nymphomaniacs and why most often a person encounters pronounced hypersexuality in adolescence. Puberty, a surge in hormones, a desire to explore the unknown side of life - all this entails excessive sexual activity. But when puberty ends, and the increased interest in sexual intercourse does not, an incurable psychological illness begins to form. Who are nymphomaniacs, how to recognize them and why they are dangerous - we will find out further.


Who are nymphomaniacs in simple words

A nymphomaniac is a woman suffering from a psychological illness that manifests itself in the form of increased sexual activity, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and the need to change sexual partners, regardless of their age, status and even gender. Nowadays, doctors can divide nymphomania into two types:

  • When a woman’s sex life is based on the desire to change as many partners as possible.
  • When a woman pursues a goal to achieve satisfaction in any way.

When a woman pursues the goal of achieving satisfaction

Based on its origin, this disease can also be divided into several types:

  • Congenital nymphomania. A girl begins to be sexually active at an early age and strives to change as many partners as possible. This type of disease is perfectly reflected in the heroine of Nabokov’s novel, Lolita.
  • Acquired nymphomania. It stems from another serious mental disorder and is often associated with a turning point in a girl's life.
  • Menopausal nymphomania. Develops in women in old age as a result of changes in the woman’s hormonal levels.
  • False nymphomania. A type of imaginary mental disorder in which a girl convinces herself that she is sick, trying to assert herself through sexual relations.

The norm for a nymphomaniac is 10-15 sexual acts a day, it is possible that with different partners.

The word “nymphomaniac” comes from Ancient Greece. There are many mythical stories about wood nymphs who are hypersexual. They lured travelers who had lost their way into the dense thicket and persuaded them to engage in a wide variety of types and positions of sex. Having escaped from the captivity of the slutty beauty, the man could never again obtain satisfaction from sexual intercourse with his woman.

Preoccupation with sex life

Before the medical term “nymphomania” was formulated, this disease was called “rabies of the uterus.” Back in the 16th century, European gynecologists tried to develop a way to treat women from “rabies of the uterus.” The main symptom was not considered to be preoccupation with sex life, but hysteria and excessive aggression. In the Middle Ages, the disease was fought with harsh methods: electric shocks or the administration of strong narcotic substances.

It is a common belief that nymphomania is akin to prostitution, but this is not entirely true. The main goal of a nymphomaniac is to achieve satisfaction, and not to use sex as a way to earn money.

“Uterine rabies” in most cases is combined with other mental disorders. Schizophrenia, neurosis, sadomasochism, exhibitionism - this is an incomplete list of diseases found in nymphomaniacs. It is also common to have several sexually transmitted diseases.

Complexes acquired in childhood

Most women suffering from this disease suffered deep emotional trauma in childhood - they became victims of rape or beating by a man.

The main reasons for the formation of nymphomania are

  1. Damage to the central nervous system. Brain injuries, diseases of the vascular system, damage to the hypothalamus - all this leads to hypersexuality.
  2. Manic-depressive disorders lead to increased uncontrollable agitation.
  3. Hormonal changes that occur during puberty, after childbirth, and during menopause also cause short-term nymphomania.
  4. Uncertainty and complexes often lead to a woman trying to assert herself through open sexual behavior.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system in girls (such as malignant tumors, neoplasms in the ovaries) are accompanied by the release of large amounts of female hormones into the body.

Now experienced psychotherapists are working to get rid of the disease. Regular conversations with specialists, taking medications and a strict diet avoiding chocolate, spicy foods and alcoholic drinks, which cause a surge in estrogen, help girls reduce the obsessive desire to have sexual intercourse with any partner.

It is difficult to identify a nymphomaniac woman

General characteristics of the condition

It is impossible to visually assess a woman and tell whether she has nymphomania. She never expresses her thoughts about the pathological condition. One can only assume the presence of constant sexual desire during a conversation and a psychological assessment by a specialist.

For a woman suffering from nymphomania, the main indicators are:

  1. Switching sexual desire
    . If a woman suffers from mild nymphomania, in the course of her life she can switch her attention to other needs. For example, prolonged exercise. This condition is especially observed in patients whose lives have been without a new man for a long time.
  2. Nymphomaniacs combined with frigidity
    . This condition is extremely rare. It is characterized by the presence of constant agitation. But at the same time, the patient cannot achieve orgasm even during sexual intercourse with different sexual partners. There is prolonged sexual arousal in the head, but there is no reaction from the genitals. This aggravates both conditions, frigidity and nymphomania intensify.

  3. Lack of maximum satisfaction
    . Even if a woman is able to achieve orgasm, complete release for the body does not occur. She is in constant search, in her head there is a continuous desire for sexual intercourse. Therefore, new sexual partners constantly appear in her life.
  4. Menopausal nymphomaniac
    . This is a woman whose body has entered menopause, physiological changes have occurred, but chronic agitation is still present. The condition may be aggravated by depression, itching and burning in the genital area. The patient is characterized by psychological abnormalities.

After sex and orgasm, a woman continues to experience sexual hunger. There is no satisfaction on the physical plane. The same applies to the psychological state.

Relatives, close people, and the woman herself may suspect nymphomania. But it is completely impossible to cope with the condition on your own. For examination and therapy, 2 doctors are recommended:

  • psychotherapist;
  • sex therapist.

If there is nymphomania or andromania, the patient must independently decide that she needs help. If she is not aware of this, diagnosis and subsequent treatment will be difficult as she resists adequate therapy. Gradually, in such patients the condition worsens.

Signs of nymphomania

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish a nymphomaniac from a healthy woman with liberated behavior. But still, there are several features by which you can identify a girl suffering from “uterine rabies.”

  • Frivolity in choosing a partner. Often, for a nymphomaniac, age, status, appearance and feelings for a sexual partner do not matter at all.
  • A too rapid transition of relationships into the sexual sphere when choosing a woman should alert a man.
  • Inability or low likelihood of achieving orgasm. The sexual withdrawal and coldness of a lady suffering from nymphomania, a certain frigidity, does not allow her to receive satisfaction from sexual intercourse. Pursuing the goal of achieving orgasm, she begins to randomly search for a suitable partner.
  • An uncontrollable state of agitation. To be aroused, an ordinary woman needs to have feelings for a man, as well as endure a little foreplay before sexual intercourse. A nymphomaniac is not able to control arousal; it is felt regardless of the circumstances.
  • Dreams and fantasies of erotic content. Sex haunts the nymphomaniac even during sleep. Early maturation. Not always, but quite often, rapid puberty (menstruation at 9-11 years of age) is a sign of congenital nymphomania.
  • The second and subsequent sexual acts with a man do not bring pleasure, interest in him disappears.
  • Susceptibility to depression, irritability, poor appetite, bouts of agitation, accompanied by excessive sweating and high body temperature.

Liberated woman

Where to meet?

If you don’t know where to find a nymphomaniac, then it’s very easy to find out.
Where would you go for easy sex? Of course, to various clubs where you can pick up a girl. Girls who suffer from an uncontrollable craving for self-satisfaction also go there. How to find a nymphomaniac among all the others? And this is where the main problems begin. There are a lot of people in such places and everyone is busy having fun. It is difficult to keep track of the behavior of specific individuals. Rather, you should rely on luck. Another option is to look for closed clubs where lovers of swing and various perversions go. However, in this case the problem will be in finding such a place. As a rule, people do not advertise establishments of this format at all. Usually information is transmitted personally from person to person.

The most arrogant option is to look for the lady where she is looking for psychological help.

For example, Sexaholics Anonymous clubs and the like. The chance of finding a nymphomaniac there is much higher. However, it should be understood that the girls there are trying to get rid of addiction and it would be wrong to pull them out of the fight again. It is important to know that many women with this disease suffer greatly, falling into depression and remorse.

Interesting facts about nymphomania

“Uterine rabies” is a very non-standard mental disorder that has many subtleties. That is why there are many interesting facts about nymphomania.

  • The term “nymphomania” is Greek. This was the name given to women who expressed excessive sexuality. The term literally translates as “ardent bride.”
  • The term is often used figuratively when talking about an overly passionate girl.
  • There is an analogue of a mental disorder of sexual behavior for men - satyriasis, the name of which also comes from ancient Greek mythology. Centaurs who lived in the forest and raped young girls were called satyrs.
  • One famous scientist, Groneman, suggested that only those girls who have a developed cerebellar surface can suffer from nymphomania. As a result of this pathology, according to the scientist, excessive sexuality develops.
  • There is a myth that the “ardent bride” can only be a tall, slender blonde with large breasts, full lips and lush eyelashes. This myth is associated with the spread of this type of girl in pornographic films and photo shoots. In fact, the appearance of a typical nymphomaniac is far from perfect: short stature, plump hips, small breasts and predominantly pointed facial features.
  • A girl obsessed with sex is the secret fantasy of many men. In their dreams, she embodies all his erotic desires. The reality is much harsher. A nymphomaniac is absolutely indifferent to her partner’s feelings, she is focused on her own needs, and having achieved her goal, such a girl loses interest in the man.
  • Modern European doctors do not recognize the term “nymphomania.” It is quite difficult to find the line between mental disorder and high sexual activity. In the West, all such phenomena fall under one definition - hypersexuality, which is observed in only 10% of men and 5% of women in the world.
  • Sex brings virtually no pleasure to nymphomaniacs. This is comparable to eating the same product every day, even your favorite one. Over time, it gets boring, and you no longer receive proper satisfaction. But you still can’t stop. Girls suffering from hypersexuality experience the same feelings during every sexual intercourse.


Nymphomaniacs, like other addicted people, often do not admit their problem.
They justify promiscuous insatiable sexual activity by individual temperament and free lifestyle. Only qualified specialists can distinguish a hypersexual woman from a person suffering from pathology: a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

If the examination confirms the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:

  • a diet excluding aphrodisiacs: chocolates, smoked and spicy foods, spices (ginger, parsley, celery, garlic), strawberries, wine;
  • drugs that reduce libido;
  • physiotherapy;
  • psychotherapy sessions with a psychiatrist who treats patients with sexual dysfunction.

If nymphomania develops as a consequence of a concomitant disease, its treatment is started immediately.

Famous nymphomaniacs


Cleopatra was distinguished by her temperament and ardor of character. There is a myth that Cleopatra had a huge harem of young Egyptians, with the help of which the queen satisfied her sexual needs. After a passionate night with Cleopatra, his partner faced inevitable death.

Valeria Messalina

At all times, Caesar's wife Valeria was famous for her dissolute behavior. Messalina hid in a brothel, posing as a prostitute and indulging in carnal pleasures. “Messalina syndrome” is the name given to nymphomania in some countries to this day.

Catherine the Great

In addition to her vigorous reform activities, the empress is known for her love affairs with men of different classes. But none of Catherine’s favorites could satisfy her, since the woman from an early age resorted to using dildos of various diameters.

Lindsey Lohan

The Hollywood star has repeatedly found herself in the spotlight of the yellow press. Lindsay is accused of nymphomania due to the huge number of young people with whom she was spotted in bars, clubs and public places. Also, the girl turned to psychotherapists with the problem of erotic dreams that tormented her.

Paris Hilton

For many years, Hilton was haunted by rumors and scandals. In 2011, Benitez, a famous musician, filed a complaint against the celebrity for seduction and dirty harassment.

Negative moments from living with a nymphomaniac

Guys often have an illusory idea of ​​nymph girls. It seems ideal when you don’t have to persuade someone to have sex, and the lady agrees to any kind of pleasure.
However, such a point of view has nothing to do with reality. There is no guarantee that you will always have access to anal or oral sex. Now let's talk about the negative sides:

  1. The girl will constantly want sex. It doesn’t matter at all whether you’re tired at work, your penis hurts, you want to sleep, or anything else. The lady physically suffers without sex and she doesn’t care about your excuses.
  2. A woman, in addition to her restless desire for you, will often masturbate. Orgasm helps her feel normal, which means she needs to cause it as often as possible.
  3. You are unlikely to be able to talk about high things, because... 80% of all dialogue will be about sex.

These are just minor negative aspects of living with a nymphomaniac.
Along the way, you will have to solve a huge number of problems if you are not in it for one night. Therefore, it is worth considering whether such an acquaintance is necessary at all. If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my Instagram and my VKontakte page. Look at real reviews of Igor Lapin’s pickup training:

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Why are nymphomaniacs dangerous?

No matter how desirable nymphomaniacs may seem to men, they pose a certain threat. First of all, nymphomania is a serious pathology, and not a dream come true. Both very young and older women are susceptible to it. They are obsessed with sex and are not interested in personal development, career or family.

The emergence of mental female pathologies

Nymphomania is dangerous for the carrier of the disease. The girl is susceptible to developing terrible infectious diseases. Too much activity in bed leads to rapid weight loss and the appearance of other mental pathologies.

For a man, a woman’s hypersexuality also poses a danger. Sexually transmitted diseases, destruction of the psyche and family life will certainly be an addition to a night of love with a nymphomaniac.

Nymphomaniac who has overcome her mania forever

History knows amazing examples of women from different nations and classes whose destinies were united by an insatiable mania for sex.
The ancient Greeks coined the term “nymphomaniac,” which roughly translated means “passionate bride.” According to Hindus, these nymphs invented all the Kama Sutra poses and taught people sophisticated pleasures. In addition to the high poetic style with which the ancient Greeks described the pleasures of nymphs, there was a completely down-to-earth name for a woman’s hypersexuality, coined by Plato - “rabies of the uterus.” According to the philosopher, at certain periods, a woman’s uterus, trying to realize the reproductive function, turns into a beast and encourages the woman to have intercourse at any cost.

A nymphomaniac is a woman who wants to make love in the evening despite the fact that she did her hair in the morning. Maureen Lipman

A Nymphomaniac's Tale

Alina Filippova;

I was 10 when my parents divorced and my mother started drinking. She couldn't cope with stress without alcohol. From then on, she stopped following me; unknown drunkards could live in our apartment for several days. After 3 years of such a life, I met an adult company. They were 18-20, I felt good with them, so soon I spent all my time with them. My first sexual experience was at the age of 14. We all had too much alcohol, I woke up in bed with a guy and his girlfriend. From that time on, I couldn't help but want to sleep with him again. And after the night with him, I no longer wanted to see him, I wanted to find another partner. Now I’m 28, I don’t have a family and children, there are only men who change every night. They haven’t brought me pleasure for a long time, I just feel that I exist only thanks to sex.

Svetlana Ivanova;

I started being sexually active at the age of 16. We dated for 2 years, after which he left me saying that I was a complete zero in bed. Hearing these words, it was as if I became a different person. One night with an old friend, another night with a complete stranger from a bar. Now I'm 23, I change partners every evening, be it a taxi driver, a lifeguard at a resort or a childhood friend. It’s difficult for me to cope with my desires, but for several weeks now I’ve been visiting a psychotherapist and getting tested for various infections. I want to quickly get rid of this terrible addiction - addiction to sex.

Therapy methods

Nymphomania is a serious pathological disorder of psychological background, accompanied by physiological changes and discomfort. The condition has a negative impact on personal life. Therefore, treatment is required immediately. The sooner you see a doctor, the lower the risk of psychological complications, negative condition of the genital organs and other parts of the body.

The table indicates the main attending physicians and the need for consultation and therapy.

DoctorNeed for treatment
PsychotherapistThis is necessarily the attending physician, with whom we consult throughout the pathology treatment. He must first eliminate the problem, find its root cause, and prescribe treatment methods. In addition to consultations, he may recommend medications. For example, sedatives, tranquilizers
MRI SpecialistThe need for MRI arises when there is a possibility of developing neurological abnormalities associated with brain pathology. For example, benign or malignant tumor, inflammatory processes
EndocrinologistNymphomania can develop due to physiological hormonal imbalance or serious disorders. Such patients undergo mandatory treatment by an endocrinologist, taking tests for the presence of all hormones in the body. If any of them are abnormal, hormonal therapy is recommended
ImmunologistThe specialist prescribes a specific diet that completely excludes foods that have aphrodisiac properties.
VenereologistIf a woman is promiscuous, her body may develop sexually transmitted infections or even immunodeficiency. The doctor identifies all pathologies, prescribes comprehensive treatment that restores the reproductive system and other parts of the body

As soon as a comprehensive examination has taken place and the main cause of the pathology has been determined, a course of treatment is required. An integrated approach is important so that the condition does not reoccur.

If a woman has increased libido and signs of nymphomania, it is better to start drug therapy in a timely manner. Many psychotherapists and sex therapists recommend the drug Bromcamphor. It adequately controls libido, but does not disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. The patient will experience comfort and slight sedation. It is also important to constantly visit a psychotherapist who monitors her condition. The prognosis for treatment is positive if you consult a doctor in a timely manner before contracting severe infections that can lead to death. That is why nymphomania needs to be controlled and visited by a sex therapist and psychotherapist.

Questions and answers

What is psychological nymphomania

Nymphomania is a complex mental condition associated with an obsession with sex to the detriment of family, work and social life. The reasons may be physiological or psychological. Physiological factors include hormonal diseases, tumors, and impaired brain activity. In psychological nymphomania, obsession is associated with traumatic experiences, mental disorders, and stress. This disorder is similar to other addictions, such as alcohol or drug addiction. Nymphomaniacs cannot control their behavior, even realizing its consequences.

Partners of a nymphomaniac

Dependence is not always expressed in frequent changes of sex partners. Its manifestation can be observed in monogamous relationships. Sex addicts primarily focus on the number of orgasms they have. In such a situation, a woman is capable of driving her partner to physical and mental exhaustion. Not every man can withstand such a pace. Then the woman is forced to look for new partners or resort to other methods (for example, masturbation). Nymphomaniacs have little interest in the personality of their partner. They evaluate a man solely as a sexual object. Therefore, family life rarely goes well.

How nymphomaniac mothers ruin lives

The disorder ruins the lives of not only nymphomaniacs. It has a detrimental effect on her loved ones. Mothers are often unable to hide their obsession. As a result, the child develops an incorrect understanding of sexuality. Frequent changes of partners take root in children's consciousness as the norm. Growing up, they suffer from antisocial behavior. Interpersonal communication problems may occur.

Children often experience feelings of loneliness and uselessness. After all, the mother is more concerned with herself and her interests. They develop complexes and fears. Health problems (insomnia, enuresis, allergies and other diseases) may also appear.

Confrontation between asexual and nymphomaniac

Asexuality is considered the diametrically opposite sexual disorder. Asexual women not only do not enjoy intimacy, they do not experience attraction at all. Psychologists associate asexuality with the same reasons as nymphomania.

Asexuality should not be confused with a conscious refusal to be sexually active for ethical or social reasons. This is not a refusal of sex, but a lack of desire as such. Asexual women can be in strong, long-term relationships. However, they choose a companion based on his personal qualities and common interests. They are more adapted to society.

Childhood and adolescence of a nymphomaniac

In childhood, both girls and boys are interested in building their bodies. In addition to studying their own genitals, they can ask the opposite sex to show theirs. This is the norm within the framework of child development. In this way he understands the world.

One can suspect the pathology of hypersexuality when a girl uses indecent expressions that refer to the genitals or the act itself. May constantly touch his genitals. It is also important to pay attention to the general mental state: frequent mental agitation, negative emotions predominate.

The cause may be psychological disorders described above. As well as lack of parental attention. In the latter case, hypersexuality is both an attempt to attract him and to provide attention to oneself. Over time, however, this may pass.

During adolescence, interest in sex, erotic fantasies and dreams are a manifestation of normal physiological development. But if a girl engages in early sexual intercourse of her own free will, or rubs her genitals on a chair during school hours, this is a manifestation of pathology.

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