What is euphoria - types and methods of achieving it, why it is dangerous

Euphoria - what does it mean?

The term "euphoria" comes from the Greek word "euphoria", which translates as "state of pleasure". This is a spontaneous and pronounced emotional uplift, accompanied by causeless fun, joy, a feeling of happiness and optimism for no good reason.

The cause of euphoria is a biochemical reaction in the brain. Endorphin connects with the receptors of nerve cells, and dopamine transmits impulses through the processes of these cells that cause pleasant sensations. When the amount of these hormones increases, this reaction increases several times and causes euphoria.

Important! Euphoria gives the patient only pleasant sensations, but a long-term feeling of delight and happiness is considered unhealthy and dangerous for a person.


Like any drug, cocaine is dangerous in the development of an overdose. A cocaine overdose causes too much stimulation of a person's central nervous system. As the central nervous system becomes overloaded, blood pressure, respiration, heart rate and temperature increase. Also noted:

  • agitation
  • anxiety
  • confusion
  • enlarged pupils that do not respond to direct light
  • fever and sweating
  • increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • muscle tremors, especially in the face and fingers
  • nausea and vomiting
  • pale complexion
  • rambling speech
  • anxiety
  • in the most severe cases, loss of consciousness and coma, which can result in respiratory arrest.

Main reasons

The risk of overdose increases in hot weather due to the dehydration that accompanies cocaine use. But the most common reason is the desire to “catch up” with a new dose. Because the effects of cocaine are short-lived, the user has a strong desire to prolong the pleasure, which encourages him to take another line. However, the body cannot absorb the drug quickly enough. This causes cocaine to accumulate to toxic and lethal levels.

An overdose can also occur when cocaine is used together with other psychoactive substances (for example, heroin, marijuana or alcohol).

First aid

It is important to understand that patients with cocaine overdose can be aggressive and disoriented. They often experience delusions of persecution and hallucinations.

Caution should be exercised as such a person becomes somewhat dangerous to others. Physical restraint should be avoided whenever possible due to the risk of fever

In any case, you should call an ambulance.

If a person begins to lose consciousness, try to maintain contact with them to prevent them from falling into a coma. Place the patient on their side to prevent choking if they vomit, and provide fresh air.

Health care

The ambulance team arriving at the scene assesses the patient’s condition, based on which they prescribe a set of emergency measures. When respiratory function is depressed, artificial ventilation is used, and for cardiac arrhythmia, magnesium sulfate or anaprilin can be prescribed. Doctors also carry out measures aimed at detoxifying the body (droppers with glucose or saline solution, plasmapheresis).

What causes euphoria?

A euphoric state can arise as a result of three groups of reasons:

  • naturally, as a result of normal causes;
  • in a toxic manner, through the use of drugs and alcohol;
  • psychologically and physiologically, in diseases and injuries.

The state of euphoria can be caused by drug intoxication

Natural causes

Elevated mood in this case manifests itself for normal reasons natural to humans.

This group includes:

  • euphoria of love or euphoria of passion;
  • delight in music or film soundtracks;
  • happiness when receiving good news;
  • feeling of pleasure after playing sports.

Love euphoria, which occurs when falling in love, is considered the most common subspecies in this group. Unlike pathological types, it does not last long: a euphoric state occurs often, but quickly fades away and gives way to other emotions.

Toxic causes

A euphoric state can be obtained through the abuse of alcoholic beverages and psychotropic drugs.

Alcohol euphoria is characterized by loss of attention

This subgroup includes the following types of euphoria:

  • alcoholic, accompanied by mental retardation;
  • opium, which does not affect the speed of thought processes;
  • heroin, characterized by sharp changes from euphoria to melancholy.

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When toxins leave the body, the state of toxic euphoria also disappears. The desire to regain a sense of joy and serenity often leads people to drug addiction and alcoholism.

Mental and physiological reasons

Physiological and mental reasons that provoke a euphoric state include the following pathologies:

  • skull injuries, especially with damage to the frontal lobes of the brain;
  • oligophrenia;
  • clinical depression;
  • affective disorders;
  • manic syndrome;
  • hyperthymic psychopathy;
  • affective insanity.

Unreasonable euphoria can be caused by manic syndrome

Getting rid of such conditions is carried out by doctors of psychotherapeutic and neurological profiles.

"Deadly" high without drugs

Parents! You should know about this. Forewarned is forearmed.

“Dog high” (“Space Cowboy”, “In Seventh Heaven”) or the game of choking is a way of obtaining dubious euphoria, common among modern children and adolescents.

To get a high, the holotropic breathing technique and a special method of tightening a rope around the neck are used, which then must be quickly removed. After temporary hypoxia, blood suddenly rushes into the brain, and the person sees hallucinations and experiences a state of intense euphoria. Yes! This is a “high” without drugs! But how many lives have already found themselves in that same “seventh heaven”!

Symptoms by which you can understand that your child is “playing” to be choked:

  • characteristic bruises on the neck (or a mark from a rope);
  • frequent fainting;
  • dyspnea;
  • lethargy;
  • very pale skin;
  • “bruises” under the eyes;
  • the desire to retire, to be alone.

Other dubious ways to achieve euphoria without drugs are short-term pinching of the carotid artery or inducing fainting by pressing on the chest of someone standing against a wall, limiting the flow of air. Popular among schoolchildren. Children usually gather in groups to get high in this way.

Even if these “games with death” do not end in her favor, they have disastrous consequences for the body. Due to a constant lack of oxygen, irreversible changes develop in the brain: decreased intelligence, memory impairment, severe lethargy, irritability and insomnia. An ischemic stroke may develop. Due to oxygen starvation, the heart also suffers.

Symptoms of a state of euphoria

Euphoric states are accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • causeless feeling of pleasure, joy and happiness;
  • serenity, carelessness, excessive optimism;
  • decrease in intellectual functions;
  • active but unproductive activity;
  • increased gesticulation, waving of arms;
  • rapid, unintelligible and verbose speech;
  • imaginative fantasies without trying to realize them;
  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.

The main symptom is the patient’s feeling of satisfaction and serenity for a long time, for no apparent reason. Other signs may appear differently among patients, or may be absent altogether.


Euphoria is a bright, emotionally expressed state. If it is caused by natural factors, no special diagnosis is required; the person experiences short-term inspiration and excitement, and then his mood becomes normal. You should consult a doctor when unmotivated joy persists for a long time, is replaced by anger and depression, and is accompanied by disinhibited behavior. Patients with such symptoms are examined by psychiatrists, narcologists, and neurologists. Diagnostic methods used:

  • Clinical conversation.
    Typically, patients are not critical of their own condition. They describe their mood as cheerful and joyful, but do not attribute it to symptoms of illness or intoxication. Their speech is accelerated or slow, emotional, with an abundance of interjections and perseverative repetitions. The doctor receives reliable clinical information from the patient’s relatives. Signs of pathological euphoria are long duration, absence of situational causes, exhaustion of the body, manifested by depression and anger.
  • Observation.
    Patients demonstrate an unreasonable feeling of contentment, carelessness, and serenity. The mood is high, but there is no increase in productive activity, verbosity is unfocused (fragmentary phrases), thinking is accelerated, but unstable. These features are manifested by the inability to maintain a conversation and plan behavior. Facial expressions reflect joy, gestures are extensive.
  • Psychodiagnostic tests.
    In a state of euphoria compensation, special questionnaires and drawing tests can be used for diagnosis. The method of V.V. Boyko “Tendency to Euphoria” is used to identify hypomanic tendencies in the personality structure - SMIL. According to the drawing tests, the level of self-esteem, the presence of impulsiveness, and expansiveness of behavior are determined.

Psychodiagnostic techniques are used to examine patients

Why is euphoria dangerous?

Euphoria can greatly harm a person. An enthusiastic state observed over a long period of time impairs the functioning of self-control mechanisms. This leads to unbalanced behavior, uncontrollability, and hysteria. This behavior can be harmful to both the patient and people around him.

Frequent manifestations of causeless euphoria lead to hysteria

Other effects of euphoria include:

  • dissociation of mental activity;
  • social maladjustment;
  • loss of sense of reality;
  • toxic dementia.

The narcotic type of euphoria is often accompanied by euphoric pain: severe physical or psychological discomfort, which the patient talks about with pleasure and joy. This is a dangerous condition that can cause serious injury.

Important! In some cases, euphoria can be fatal.

Features of the substance

Many people hear the word snuff for the first time and do not understand what it is. This word is used to describe snuff. In the old days it was often used for headaches. He was very popular in his time in Russia. It was accepted by people of different genders and ages.

Today this phenomenon is gaining popularity again. This name refers to a tobacco product that is intended for internal use. It also consists of tobacco leaves grated to a powder. The resulting mixture usually needs to be sniffed through the nose, but you need to know how to use snuff correctly.

If there are many types of such a product. However, dry snuff is considered the most popular. In many countries it can be bought in specialized stores. In most cases, the powder contains aromatic additives. They allow you to improve the smell of the mixture and get more pleasure.

Today, such tobacco is popular among young people. Teenagers often draw a parallel between the use of snuff and certain drugs. Such substances are used by young people when they want to stand out from others.

After consuming the substance, a feeling of vigor appears and concentration of attention increases. When using snuff, this effect lasts for 10-30 minutes. Then the state of recovery is replaced by nausea, weakness, and headache.

Another popular type of tobacco is snus. It is produced in Sweden. To make chewing tobacco, the raw materials are dried in the fresh air under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Then the snus is saturated with steam and placed into packages.

In addition, it is worth noting the Asian variety of tobacco – nasvay. It is made from plant ash and slaked lime. However, it is not possible to legally use this substance in Russia. It was banned back in 2011.

To achieve results from using snuff, it must be used in a certain way. The correct technique may vary:

A small pinch of tobacco is rolled into balls, which must be placed in each nostril. In this case, a person may begin to sneeze reflexively. On a flat surface, make trails of tobacco and inhale it through a straw. Often an ordinary pen is used for this purpose. The tobacco should be placed in the groove between the thumb and forefinger and inhaled

In this case, skills are of no small importance. The manipulation must be done carefully, since the face may become covered with tobacco dust.

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Treatment methods

Pathological forms of a euphoric state are usually treated with medications, droppers and psychotherapeutic techniques.

Drug treatment

Treatment of the euphoric state is carried out with the help of tranquilizers, vascular drugs, and antidepressants.


Drug groupsInfluence on aggressive behaviorExamples of funds
NormotimicsThey relieve sudden mood swings and smooth out the transitions from euphoria to depressive states. Used as symptomatic therapy. Valpromide, Carbamazelide
TranquilizersRelaxes and calms, relieves unbalanced behavior. Used for mental forms of euphoria. Hydroxyzine, Phenazepam
Antipsychotic drugsThey are used for mental illnesses that cause a feeling of excessive joy, pleasure and happiness.Haloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
Sedatives with natural ingredientsThey relax and calm the nervous system, allowing you to cope with pathological causeless joy. Reduce the symptoms of a euphoric state, relieve hysteria and imbalance. Persen, Novo-passit,
Sedatives with alcoholValosedan, Corvalol
Bromine-based sedativesAdonis Brom, Bromcamphora
Other sedativesMagnesia, Afobazole
NootropicsStimulate blood circulation, improve intellectual abilities and memory. Used for head injuries or problems with blood supply to the brain. Picamilon, Nootropil, Phenibut
AntidepressantsIncreases the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain. They help overcome depression, which causes unmotivated delight. Melipramine, Trizadone, Fluoxetine
DiureticsCause forced diuresis, help get rid of the euphoric state caused by toxic causesDiakarb, Trigrim
B vitaminsThey improve the functioning of the nervous system, help cope with unstable conditions, and smooth out the symptoms of euphoria.Angiovit, Compligam B, Pentovit

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Important! In case of toxic poisoning caused by abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs, blood purification using a dropper is used.

The dropper is used for toxic poisoning or simply to remove alcohol from the blood

Under the supervision of a nurse or doctor, the patient is given a mixture of glucose and saline over 30-120 minutes. Once the toxins leave the body, the euphoric state caused by them will also disappear.

In Dahl's dictionary

5 secrets on how to quickly get rid of nicotine addiction at home
: sniff, sniff something, hoot, smell; strain your sense of smell, try to hear the smell with your nose; to desire by instinct, to seek by instinct; recognize by smell, nose, instinct. Sniff tobacco, stuff your nose with ground tobacco. I don’t like the smell of cloves, but I like to smell violet. What are you smelling, or does it smell fried? Take another sniff. Don't sniff lemons with a pig's snout. I humbly thank you, I don’t sniff or smoke, but I eat tobacco, so come on! For a runny nose, others sniff crushed sugar. He smokes and sniffs tobacco. Sniff nafyrok from the nail of your thumb, shielding it with your index finger; sniff the tip, from the hole, between the cords of the raised thumb. | *Pry, out of curiosity, into none of your business; to find out at hand, to spy and find out. Spanish tobacco is sniffed from the tip of the finger and snorted. Today I don’t smell it, I don’t feel like smelling it. The dogs sniff, mutually. The pig sniffed the wind: it smells like onions! Without sniffing, you won't recognize it. I sniffed all the tobacco. I smelled where the burning smell came from. Smell horseradish with bread. She sniffed, sniffed all corners, searched. I’ll sniff the fresh air and breathe it in. The dogs sniffed and recognized each other. Smell what it smells, sometimes it means. *refusal or threat. I smelled this perfume. He got wind of it, found out, checked it out. He's sniffing around to see if there's anything he can profit from. They sniffed, understood each other, and secretly at the same time. Sniffing Wed. duration action according to verb. Sniff sib. to sense, to search by instinct, smell; | *scout, find out. Snuff, snuff, ground, prepared for snorting, nasal, anti-sex. smoking and chewing. Sniffed about. hunter sniff, esp. snoop around, find out everything. | Sniffed Wed. sneezed, nose Sniffer m.-schitsa w. who sniffs tobacco. Smell m. sniff, drink, pinch. Smelled it in one sniff. Smelling vol. perm. rotozey, gaping, nurse. Sniffy arch. weak, frail, brainy.

General concept

An attack of euphoria: what is it? Novice psychologists are often interested in this question.
Euphoria is a feeling of a sudden emotional shock, good mood, an explosion of positive emotions, causeless happiness. It makes people more courageous, gives them self-confidence, and increases adrenaline in the blood. Elevated mood, as a rule, does not last long. It is usually accompanied by lethargy, confusion, and loss of critical thinking. Euphoria often acts as a trigger for starting any activity. It helps to make decisions on issues that have been ignored for a long time, to make important decisions.

Euphoria: what does this feeling mean from the physiological point of view is a question for many people. From a physiological point of view, such mood elevations are the result of a sharp increase in the level of four hormones: endorphin, serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine. The degree of elevated mood and happy inspiration of a person depends on their concentration.


The highest stage of euphoria is called ecstasy.
This condition is addictive. This leads to the person trying to recreate and provoke euphoria in order to feel ecstasy again. Normally, people rarely feel causeless happiness, since this state is very energy-consuming for a healthy person.
With psychological and physical abnormalities, people may experience euphoria much more often. At the same time, it will be replaced by a state of apathy, depression, and moral exhaustion. With frequent mood changes and a regular feeling of happiness turning into ecstasy, a person needs to radically take care of his lifestyle: restore his psycho-emotional state, add moderate physical activity, and do what he loves.



In addition to events that are pleasant for a particular individual, the following factors can cause euphoria:

  • Intense physical activity. Yes, starting training, especially after a long break, is not easy for many. But as you get used to this daily routine, playing sports begins to deliver positive emotions, which reach their peak when you complete your workout and perform exercises to the limit of your physical capabilities.
  • Stay at a concert, performance. A visit to a spectacular show of your favorite band or a tour of famous artists will not leave anyone indifferent. And almost every spectator experiences euphoria throughout the entire concert.
  • Achieving a goal, especially if serious difficulties had to be overcome to complete this task.
  • Religious thoughts. For a believer, visiting shrines, turning to God and immersing in prayer causes a state close to euphoric.
  • Communication with the opposite sex. The hero of one well-known film sincerely believed that love is nothing more than a chemical process. Indeed, the feelings a person experiences during the beginning of a relationship are caused by the release of endorphins.
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