What is Oneiric syndrome or Journey to fairy-tale worlds
Oneiric syndrome (oneiroid) (ancient Greek ὄνειρος - dream, εἶδος - appearance), schizophrenic delirium - a psychopathological syndrome characterized by
Ophthalmologist examining a patient
How to determine intracranial pressure in adults. Symptoms
Increased or decreased intracranial pressure (ICP) is accompanied by a number of negative symptoms, including dizziness,
Throbbing pain in the head: why does it happen?
Glaucoma: Throbbing pain on the right side of the head may begin in those who have it.
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Essential tremor is a fairly common hereditary disease of the central nervous system that can occur in children, however
Human energy - what it is, its types, methods of accumulation
Energy. It is manifested not only by heat or light. There is also a subtler substance which
What you need to know about dementia - why it develops, methods of treatment and prevention
Home care for people with dementia Care for older people with dementia is based on
Treatment of obsessions
About the treatment of severe depression - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Clinic V.L. Just a minute
Psychiatry is often “mystified”, as a result of which the treatment of mental illness seems to most to be something extremely extraordinary,
Why the problem occurs - Verimed
Workaholic is a diagnosis. How to detect and treat work addiction
The term “workaholism” was introduced into scientific terminology quite recently - in 1971, when a psychologist
Perseveration, verbigeration and other speech stereotypies
Perseveration is a stable reproduction of any statement, activity, emotional reaction, sensation. From here the motor ones are distinguished,
Symptoms and signs of Parkinson's disease in older adults
Tremor is a fairly common motor dysfunction, the main symptoms of which are uncontrolled movements (shaking,
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