100 questions to ask a guy: the most interesting, provocative, tricky

Are you a girl with a home upbringing, who was taught by her parents to be polite with adults and modest with guys, or, on the contrary, a street leader, whom even adult local authorities are afraid of?

The latter is, of course, a joke, but if you are a girl, then no matter what your character, temperament and upbringing are, your soul is sensitive and vulnerable. How does this manifest itself?

You love. And all the rules by which you lived before suddenly collapsed or showed their complete failure. Do you blush in his presence, don’t know how to behave, what questions to ask a guy so that he doesn’t get bored with you? Let's deal with this problem together.

Can any topics be discussed?

At the very beginning of the conversation, we said that the guy could be asked questions on any topic from the list of decent ones. And what is indecent, you will understand for yourself when you think about what question you would absolutely not want to answer. Each person has his own sore subject, try not to bring up those layers that he does not want to stir up. If you are constantly met with his excessive secrecy, perhaps he never became yours.

Try to avoid topics that are unpleasant to him

Results: useful tips and general conclusions

Question is the key to knowledge. By asking questions (to a guy, to ourselves, or to the world), we will inevitably get an answer. And that’s why, before you ask, think: are you ready to hear the answer? The answer, and this happens all the time, you may not like it very much. But here, choose for yourself - the bitter truth or the sweet ignorance.

  • Don't be afraid to miss something. If there are cornerstone issues - for example, a guy prefers a raw food diet or is an adherent of some sect - this will quickly come up. Everything else can be figured out slowly.
  • When asking, know when to stop. At the fiftieth question, the guy will definitely have a strong feeling that he is being tested. This feeling should not arise.
  • Don't influence his answer. Don't interrupt, offer answers, or share your personal experience on the matter before he speaks. Let him speak out independently.
  • When asking questions, remember the answers. If you're bad at remembering, write it down. So that there is no awkward situation when you offer to go on a picnic and fry pork kebab to a vegan.
  • Accompany your questions with an introductory speech. That is, put them into context. For example, “Oh, the neighbors are fighting again. She constantly nags him for drinking. Well, this is how a person relaxes. I was working and tired. By the way, how do you relax?”

And if you have no one to ask questions but yourself, register on a dating site. Read our review and choose what suits you. Choose guys according to the same principle - the one who fits. And don't settle for less. Good luck!

Topics for conversation

If you are a lively, active girl who constantly refreshes her knowledge, you will always have questions for a guy on any topic - with a trick or a hint, provocative or funny. Liveliness and flexibility of mind are developed over the years, and questions for conversation with a guy can arise spontaneously - from hearing the news, after watching a movie or reading a book. Of course, the guy is not a girlfriend, but you shouldn’t tremble at the thought of what questions you can ask him.

If he likes you for who you are - spontaneous, this is the best thing that can happen in your life.


There is no need to bombard a man with questioning messages right away. This approach to getting to know each other can put an end to communication altogether. It’s better to choose the most interesting questions for a guy from the top and get the most frank answers to them.

  1. Has it been a long time since you did anything unusual, for example, bathed naked or didn’t sleep for two days?
  2. Do you have a favorite hockey (football) team?
  3. What book (film, song, dish) is your favorite?
  4. What do friends, parents, lover mean to you?
  5. Are stupid people annoying?
  6. How to force yourself to work if you are lazy?
  7. Name 3 websites that you visit most often when alone?
  8. Favorite place in your hometown? What's connected with it?
  9. How to kill boredom, the most original option?
  10. Which city do you consider the most beautiful and unusual?
  11. What little thing can improve your mood?
  12. Did you have a nickname as a child? And now?
  13. What is femininity (love, tenderness, marriage, family) for you?
  14. Is there life on other planets?
  15. How will you spend a million?
  16. Do you see strange dreams? What are they about?
  17. Does love inspire or destroy?
  18. Do you know what unrequited feelings are?
  19. Do you know how to arrange romantic dates?
  20. Do you like to talk about politics?
  21. Could you give up everything and go to another country alone?
  22. Is it possible to be offended forever and never talk to the person again?
  23. What do you do when you leave VKontakte?
  24. Who is in charge in a relationship: a man or a woman?
  25. What's your ideal vacation?
  26. Do you need a housewife wife or a lifelong friend?
  27. How can I offend you?
  28. What lifts your spirits?
  29. Capable of compromise?
  30. Would you like to live in a different time?

When choosing questions about a guy’s life and interests, focus on the contents of his profile and photographs on the wall. Messages written in the subject will show the man that you are really interested in him.

On a note! To keep the conversation going, do not use questions that can be answered in monosyllables. The interlocutor should have the opportunity to speak out.


When communication begins on a social network, a girl seems to be deprived of her main weapon - feminine charm. On the Internet, she is judged only by what and how she writes and what photos she posts. Therefore, you need to write correctly, briefly and clearly.

Questions for communication on VKontakte

To start dating, you can ask a guy any question on the social network VKontakte, whichever one comes to mind first. Women's intuition can be very accurate, so don't stress out about what questions you have. Just look at his page, photos, you can look through the pages of your friends (without fanaticism, just for reference) - and the first list of questions will probably appear on its own.

What to write

It’s good when the guy himself offered you acquaintance and friendship on VK. But if you initiate this, there will be continuous doubts about what questions to ask a guy to interest him. Don’t invent anything, write it as it is - I’ll be glad to see you among my friends, do you mind? Or something like that, and then time will tell.

Interesting questions for a guy

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1.If you could get into my dreams today, what would you do?

2. What do you think is my favorite piece of clothing?

3. Which part of my body do you like best?

4. Where would you like to be now?

5. How do you feel about me?

6. How would you behave if you were shy and I was flirting?

7. What do you prefer to sleep in?

8. What do you find irresistible about me?

9. What is your idea of ​​a perfect date?

10. If we were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?

11. How would you make me fall in love with you?

12. If you liked a girl, how would you like her to seduce you?

13. How do you let a girl know that you like her?

14. Which touch best conveys “I love you!”

15. Where is your favorite place to spend your weekend? Am I included in your plans?

16. Would you prefer a swimming pool or a jacuzzi?

17. What would you do if I kissed you?

18. Would you like a cute or sexy photo of me?

19. If I showed a little nudity on a date, would you like it or be turned off by it?

20. What is your favorite type of kiss?

21. What kind of underwear do you like on a girl?

22. If you saw me naked, on what part of the body would your gaze linger?

23. Would you rather see me in my underwear or completely naked?

24. What is your favorite thing to do with me?

25. Would you rather hug me for 5 seconds or kiss me for 1 second?

26. What do my lips taste like?

27. How would you react if I opened the door for you while completely naked?

28. Name a few nice things that you would like me to do for you?

29. Tell me an embarrassing story that happened to you.

30. What is the biggest misconception about you?

31. What interesting tricks do you use on girls?

32. Tell us about your most secret weakness?

33. If you had x-ray glasses, what part of the body would you check first?

34. If a genie gave you one wish, what would you wish for?

How to interest a man? Psychological techniques for communication

The first practical technique is admiration for a man

Men are attracted to girls who are truly interested in them. If you find him attractive and cool, he will be attracted to it. But here it is important not to confuse two concepts: considering a man cool and being emotionally dependent on him are two different things. Many girls are afraid to express their sympathy for a man, fearing that he will lose interest. So, don’t worry, this won’t happen.

Representatives of the stronger sex only lose interest when they feel that the girl is emotionally dependent on them. When you are dependent, you don't show genuine admiration. Because any expression of sympathy is made with an attempt to please, and this is repulsive. You don’t need to try to please or impress a person, just sincerely admire him, remaining a self-sufficient girl (without losing your head), and he will feel it.

Tip #2 - Love yourself

Men love girls who love themselves. And the more you love yourself, the more you will be admired.

If you love yourself, then you automatically begin to communicate correctly with a man. You will no longer allow your interlocutor to cross the boundaries of your comfort zone, and he will respect you. Plus, a person feels very well how you feel about yourself. And when a man sees that you are enjoying yourself, his brain automatically starts looking for reasons why you are cool. And he will definitely find (he who seeks will always find).

Tip #3 - Positivity

When communicating with a man, be positive. There are a lot of people in life who constantly complain about life and are in a negative mood. They immediately push away. But if a person is positive, he immediately stands out from the gray mass and is more pleasant to communicate with. Men are crazy about such girls. Never complain to him about his life. To the question; "How are you?" or “How are you?”, always answer excellent or everything is great.

Of course, I think there are men who are attracted to women with pessimistic thinking, but such representatives of the stronger sex can hardly be called positive and successful.

Tip #4 - Find something in common between you

People like those who share their point of view. If you pay attention to those things in which you have different points of view, then you will not have the necessary connection with your man. You need to find something in common. For example, you may like the same cuisine or music. You may like the same countries or have the same opinion on an issue. These are the things that you should focus on. And try to avoid topics in which you may have disagreements.

Tip #5 - Experience intense emotions together

Emotions are the foundation of great communication and falling in love.

In order for a man to remember you for a long time, experience some bright events together that will remain in his memory. For example, it could be a roller coaster or going to any extreme attraction.

If a man experiences a strong range of emotions next to you, then he remembers these moments well and for a long time. And these memories will be associated with you, because... it was you who were with him at that moment.

Life story: I am actively studying the topic of seduction, going on dates, talking to girls. At some point I became very bored. Because everything has become familiar and monotonous, and all people are the same as a carbon copy.

And then one girl writes to me and invites me to the climbing wall. It was her hobby, and she was really into it. The height of the walls that had to be climbed was unrealistic. In order to impress her, I managed to climb to the very top, but the fear inside me said that I might crash if the insurance didn’t work. The adrenaline was just going through the roof.

In the end, everything went well and I will remember this day forever. I remember this girl more than all the others, only due to the extreme and unusual (for me) time we spent.

Tip: There is no need to go on a date to a cafe or restaurant. Conversations over a cup of coffee will be boring, and the date will most likely be rotten. Better do something together (it is joint actions that unite people). Going on a quest, cool attractions, camping together, or surviving in the wild forest with a minimum supply of food, this is what will make your date cool and your relationship more trusting.


Well-formulated trick questions are necessary in correspondence with young boys and adult men. With their help, the girl creates a provocative situation, forces the interlocutor to reveal his real thoughts and express his point of view on controversial life issues.

Take several phrase options from the list and send them to your chosen one:

  1. Is it true that weak men are afraid of strong women? Or are you not afraid?
  2. How do you feel about cheating in marriage?
  3. Do you often deceive others?
  4. If you know that you will not be punished, what dirty trick would you like to commit?
  5. Can you trust your wife with the family budget?
  6. For the sake of your beloved, will you give up friends, work, hobbies?
  7. If your ex calls and asks you to reconnect, what will you do?
  8. Who should apologize first after a quarrel: a guy or a girl?
  9. Will you allow your beloved girl to view your SMS, calls, read messages from friends on VK?
  10. How do you feel about emancipation?

Tricky questions from a pen pal are often not to the liking of the interlocutor. The fact is that, according to psychology, men become more constrained if they are asked about personal matters and are put in an uncomfortable, ambiguous position. To move on to this series of questions, you need to gain their trust.

On a note! If a guy takes your relationship seriously, he will not answer tricky questions in a hurry, he will take pauses and think through the message.

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