What kind of expressive person is he and what are the reasons for this behavior?
The concept of expressiveness came to psychology from linguistics, where it denotes a certain set of means of expression
Why you can’t change your life: what is “fear of success”
April 01, 2021 Changes in a person's life are turning points that change attitudes.
Arteriovenous malformations of cerebral vessels: treatment, operations and consequences
Congenital complex vascular malformation. The formation is a tangle of vessels that directly connects the arterial and
Whiskey gives you a headache worse than vodka
The most common causes of pain in the temples: Narrowing of cerebral vessels; Disruptions in the circulatory system
Sluggish schizophrenia and its negative symptoms
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is associated with impaired mental and emotional functioning. Similar
Causes of pain in the occipital region of the head. Self help
Why does the right side of the head hurt? Physiological causes Episodic hemicrania is detected in many healthy people,
Headache. What to do? Alexey Malkov's answers on the TUT.BY portal
Most often, the burning sensation is localized in the back of the head (less often in the frontal part), but it can
Neuropsychological analysis of corpus callosum pathology
Congenital malformations of the fetus are not as common as we have already said - approximately
C:\Users\Inna\Desktop\Academy of Additional Education\October\ARTICLES NCRDO\37 How to cope and overcome anxiety\2.jpg
Fears in teenagers: what are they, and how to help cope with them?
Anxiety is a negative mood with feelings of restlessness, tension and fear. In moderate
Diagnosis - Summer
An Inside Look at Autism: A Review of Autobiographical Essays
Autism: what is it Autism is a disorder of psychological as well as mental development. Disease
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