What is social status: concept, examples, types
Lesson plan: Man’s place in society Prescribed and achieved social status Diversity of social roles
the right kiss
How to kiss correctly: all types of passionate kisses and what to do if you still don’t know how to kiss
About how to kiss a guy correctly, at least once in your life (or rather,
LHC procedure
The Curse of Stephen Hawking: About Lou Gehrig's Mysterious Disease
How is PLS diagnosed? What examinations are carried out Symptoms Prognosis How the disease progresses How to cope
sociopathy concept
Misanthrope, introvert, psychopath, social phobe - how to distinguish a sociopath from them?
Sociopathy (dissocial personality disorder) is a term that has recently appeared in psychiatry and denotes a persistent character disorder
Meningitis in adults and children: symptoms, signs, treatment
Causes of meningitis Meningitis can be of infectious or non-infectious origin. The infectious form of the disease develops in
Stroke is caused by cholesterol in the blood vessels of the brain.
Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) - symptoms and treatment
Stroke is a serious nervous disease due to disturbances in the vital functions of the brain. IN
Guide to antidepressants: how do they work?
Quite often in people's lives situations arise that unsettle them, when everything goes wrong.
Psychology of color: black, combinations of black and white.
The nature of black Colors are light waves of different lengths that are perceived by human vision
Who is a misanthrope - signs, why one becomes one, types, character, is it good to be a misanthrope?
Who is a misanthrope - signs, why one becomes one, types, character, is it good to be a misanthrope?
All people are different, some evoke sympathy, others aggression, hostility and even hatred. Different attitude
How to survive an existential crisis: diagnosis and self-help
I am an HR specialist at EPAM, a psychologist, and have been studying the topics of motivation, emotional burnout,
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