Headache. Disturbances of venous outflow - what are doctors silent about?
05/10/2021 | Category Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis Many who had an ultrasound of the neck saw
Molecules of joy: how our brain creates neural connections and forms habits and intelligence
Hormones influence the mechanisms of emotion formation and the action of various neurochemical substances, and, as a result,
Drugs that modify the course of multiple sclerosis - DMTs. Basic therapy
MDTs (course-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis) are becoming increasingly common and clinically justified in
Duel with illness. Is it possible to recover after a stroke?
What is a stroke and why is it dangerous? Stroke is a circulatory disorder in the brain.
Chronic vascular diseases of the brain
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Hypothalamic syndrome: treatment in Russia, Saratov, how to treat pubertal hypothalamic syndrome         
Vascular crises (angiodystonic crises) are acute transient disturbances of systemic hemodynamics or local blood flow caused by
Polyneuropathy in somatic diseases: the role of a neurologist in diagnosis and treatment
According to the speed of development, they distinguish: acute polyneuropathies develop in less than four weeks: most often
Ceraxon, 10 pcs., 10 ml, 100 mg/ml, oral solution
Ceraxon tablets: composition and action Ceraxon is sold in several forms: injections; pills; solution for
Neurosis detector: what makes a good psychological test and can it be fooled?
The history of psychological tests began in France, when, commissioned by the Ministry of Public Education, researchers Theodor
Psychogenetics in simple words: how the invisible gives rise to the visible
History of psychogenetics The history of the development of psychogenetics can be divided into five stages: Development of basic variational
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