Description of the signal transmission circuit in neurons
Nicotine addiction or why it is so difficult to quit smoking
Article for the “bio/mol/text” competition: The impact of tobacco smoking on human health is a favorite topic of journalists. Exist
So, what to do if you find yourself with increased anxiety that is preventing you from living a normal life? Below I will give a few recommendations that will help you somewhat reduce your anxiety level on your own.
Anxiety: why does it occur and how to overcome it?
Ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally move on to real actions that will help
Headache as a symptom of a cold
Coronavirus vaccination: what you need to know about unwanted effects
Causes of headaches due to viral diseases, colds and flu Headaches due to flu and
The drawings on the rocks are made in red
Red color in psychology: meaning for women and men
Red color has a more active influence in human psychology than any other color. This
muzh tiran priznaki - Psychological violence in victim-tyrant relationships
“He doesn’t give up, but makes life unbearable”: how to understand that you are stuck in a relationship with a psychological rapist
: Reading time: A psychologist talks about psychological violence to which we are accustomed to turn a blind eye,
Can a man love at the same time?
Can a man love at the same time?
Hello girls! Have you ever encountered a love triangle in your life? When a man rushes about
Fear of reptiles-hepertophobia
What is herpetophobia: signs, causes, treatment
Slava Profina 07/25/2018 no comments 0 Every person has their own fears or phobias.
10 reasons why you will never succeed in life
Surely there have been cases in your life when you had a great opportunity to take on
What to do if you don't like your new job? Advice and recommendations from a psychologist
October 6, 2018 Psychology of communication Ekaterina Gordeeva I’ve wanted to change my job for so long! We were looking for suitable
Alcohol depression: symptoms and treatment
Alcoholic depression, how to notice and treat a dangerous condition in time
Home>Articles>Alcoholic depression: symptoms and treatment quick menu (hide) How does alcoholic depression begin? Symptoms
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