When intracranial pressure increases, fluid accumulating in the ventricles of the brain leads to dull, arching pain.
Headaches due to a brain tumor: causes and characteristic differences
Bursting, dull headaches are among the so-called “general cerebral symptoms” that occur in people with
How to become a tough, strong-willed person and develop self-confidence: a detailed guide
How to become a tough, strong-willed person and develop self-confidence: a detailed guide
One of the key success factors is developed willpower, which helps a person overcome difficulties.
Signs of madness.
Why do people go crazy? Causes and signs that a person has gone crazy
Often in the media you can find out about people who have gone crazy or ended their lives
human visual system
Retrobulbar neuritis: features of the disease, symptoms and treatment
Causes of the disease Most often, optic neuritis develops in multiple sclerosis and is its
Speech, reading and writing disorders after stroke. How can the patient’s family and friends help him?
Stroke, or acute cerebrovascular accident, remains one of the leading causes of death. Practice shows
Intercostal neuralgia - causes, symptoms, treatment
In our Center we can offer comprehensive treatment of intercostal neuralgia using a radiofrequency device
How does the human brain work and what are its functions?
Vision as it is
“But he’s brainless, he doesn’t understand anything!”, “She’s stupid, she has no brains at all!”, “Oh
The likelihood of developing schizophrenia during adolescence
It is difficult for any parent to imagine that their child may be susceptible to any mental illness.
What to do if your boss is a tyrant and how to put him in his place: advice from a psychologist
Unfortunately, sometimes in our lives there are tyrant bosses who constantly ignore the opinions of their employees,
vertebrobasilar insufficiency
Venous discirculation: what is it, brain damage
The physiology of the cerebral venous system is currently still poorly understood. Therefore o
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