Modern principles of treatment of post-infectious asthenic conditions in children
One of the main areas of work of our clinic is child neurology, psychology and psychiatry, pediatric
What is a focal change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature?
The medical term “vascular genesis” arose from the religious doctrine of genesis (origin, origin). Meaning tied
9 tips for insomnia during pregnancy
Sleep disturbance during pregnancy is a common cause that causes a woman severe discomfort and
Causes of dizziness accompanied by surges in blood pressure
Dizziness is one of the symptoms that attracts the attention of people whose blood pressure regularly fluctuates.
Fear of intimacy - where it came from and how to deal with it
Perhaps you have already met people on your way who were sincere interlocutors, tactful lovers
For many people, senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease are synonymous, but in fact
Recurrent ischemic stroke: survival prognosis
Recurrent ischemic stroke: survival prognosis
Repeated ischemic stroke occupies one of the first places among diseases leading to disability of patients
Recovery after a spinal stroke - Alkoklinik
Spinal stroke: who is at risk and what the consequences may be
Date of publication: September 12, 2019 Spinal stroke is a severe pathology caused by an acute disorder
Panic attacks after alcohol
Panic attacks after alcohol as a result of taking minimal doses
Home>Articles>Panic attacks after alcohol quick menu (hide) Causes of panic attacks Symptoms of occurrence
Duplex scanning of the internal carotid artery. A formed small atherosclerotic plaque is visible, the lumen of the vessel is slightly narrowed (A); later stage of atherosclerosis - the lumen of the vessel of the internal carotid artery is partially blocked by a large plaque (B); occlusion - complete closure of the lumen of a vessel with a plaque (B); artery tortuosity (D) (Image: Science and Life)
The effect of coronavirus on the human brain and nervous system
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease with increasing impairment of memory, thinking, intelligence, speech, praxis and
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