9 tips for insomnia during pregnancy

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy is a common cause that causes a woman severe discomfort and leads to loss of strength due to the fact that the body cannot replenish it at night due to lack of proper rest. During pregnancy, restful sleep of sufficient duration is very important, since if it is lacking, not only the mother, but also the child begins to suffer. Considering this, it is important to immediately seek medical help and treatment if a disruption in biorhythms occurs. It is strictly forbidden to choose your own medications, as this can easily cause serious harm to the unborn child and mother.

Insomnia during pregnancy occurs in most women and is manifested by problems with falling asleep and insufficient sleep duration, starting from the early stages of pregnancy. It is provoked by hormonal changes (sleep disturbance during menopause also occurs due to hormonal surges). Often the disorder occurs in women who previously had no difficulty sleeping at all. A particular danger of sleep disturbance is associated with the fact that a woman gradually becomes overtired, which has an extremely negative effect on the fetus and can even cause the loss of the child. According to medical statistics, in the first 4 months of pregnancy, sleep disturbances are observed in 80% of women, and in the later stages - in 97%. Sleep problems in the first weeks after the expected conception are regarded as one of the indirect symptoms of pregnancy.

For the occurrence of sleep disturbances, the impetus is various physiological changes in a woman’s body, as well as her psychological state, which usually becomes unstable. When a doctor comes to him with a complaint of insomnia, he immediately tries to find out what category of factors affect the woman. After determining them, the most effective treatment in a particular case is prescribed.

Sleeping position

Most women avoid lying on their stomach when they find out they are pregnant, but this sleeping position does not cause problems in the first trimester. In the second and especially the third trimester, you should avoid sleeping on your stomach, and sleeping on your back can lead to compression of the inferior vena cava due to the pressure of the ever-growing uterus, which negatively affects blood circulation in the lower parts of the female body and the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Women with larger bellies may find it most comfortable to lie on their left side with pillows under their belly and right leg. The choice of side does not matter, but to improve blood circulation, pregnant women are advised to sleep on the left side, on the side of the heart. This will facilitate blood flow to the placenta, supplying the fetus with nutrients and substances necessary for proper development. This body position also benefits kidney function by reducing swelling in the legs and arms.

Insomnia in late pregnancy

In later stages, the uterus enlarges, the load on the internal organs and on the body as a whole increases. Sensitive mammary glands prevent you from finding a comfortable position. Due to hormonal changes, the 3rd trimester is characterized by restless, short and uncomfortable sleep, restless legs syndrome, and frequent awakenings due to the need to empty the bladder. A pregnant woman cannot fall asleep again after waking up.

Compared to the first and second trimesters, the likelihood of insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester increases.

Also in the last stages, training contractions begin. What to do in this situation? This is a physiological process and there is no need to fight it in any way. Just know that they can happen before labor and don't be alarmed if you feel uterine contractions.

The situation is aggravated by fatigue, aching pain in the joints of the pelvis and sacrum. Many women sleep little during this period and wake up frequently. Often this condition is considered physiological and is tolerated without turning to specialists. This is the wrong approach: sleep definitely needs to be improved.

Comfortable indoor environment

The temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 20 °C. Don't forget to ventilate the room. In winter, open the window and leave the room for a while. In more comfortable temperatures, leave the window half or fully open at night. Provide fresh air and, if possible, cold air, especially in the third trimester when you may experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

Arrange for sleep in a quiet, darkened room. However, if before pregnancy you fell asleep to quiet, calm music or soft night lighting, do not change your habits. The most important thing is to create calming conditions for yourself that are conducive to falling asleep.

What is insomnia: types of asomnia

Doctors distinguish several types of asomnia, as insomnia is also called.

Coming. It manifests itself during strong emotional experiences: both positive and negative. In the first month of pregnancy, this type of insomnia is often caused by joy.

Short-term. The causes of this type of insomnia are physiological changes in the body. It will pass as soon as the expectant mother gets used to her pregnancy. As a rule, this takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

Chronic. If you suffered from insomnia before pregnancy, it will most likely continue to plague you during your new condition. The danger of this type of asomnia is that the woman cannot rest for many months, and therefore she approaches childbirth exhausted. Only a doctor can help you cope with this type of asomnia.

The stomach should not be empty or full

In the absence of gestational diabetes, meals should be completed at least two hours before bedtime. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest as they may make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. For dinner, choose foods that contain complex carbohydrates and proteins that will make you feel full without weighing down your stomach. Dinner timing and food choices are also important when dealing with heartburn problems. Hot spices, fried foods and citrus juices should be avoided. Some expectant mothers recommend eating almonds, so store this product in a plate on your nightstand.

Try not to drink liquids at night. The uterus of pregnant women expands, causing pressure on the bladder and reducing bladder space, and good blood circulation promotes effective kidney function. Therefore, frequent urination during pregnancy is a physiological norm. Unfortunately, this process can be very tedious. The only thing you can do is limit the amount of liquid you drink before bed. If you follow this rule, you may only get up to go to the toilet twice at night instead of five.

Why pregnant women may have trouble sleeping

The first and most important cause of sleep problems during pregnancy is an increase in the size of the fetus. This makes it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

If a woman has slept on her back or stomach, she may have trouble sleeping on her side, as doctors recommend. Additionally, changing sleep positions becomes more difficult as pregnancy progresses. Other common physical symptoms that may also interfere with sleep include:

  • Frequent urge to urinate.
    The kidneys work harder to filter the increased volume of blood passing through the body, and this process creates more urine. The second factor is that as the baby grows and the uterus becomes larger, the pressure on the bladder increases. Third, amniotic fluid is renewed every 2-3 hours, which cannot affect the pregnant woman’s diuresis day or night. Nocturnal urination at night also increases if the child is especially active at night.
  • Cardiopalmus.
    The heart rate increases to ensure good blood flow to the uterus. Moreover, the more blood enters the uterus, the faster the heart works to send enough blood to the rest of the organs.
  • Difficulty and rapid breathing
    . The increase in hormones during pregnancy causes you to breathe more deeply and may feel like you are short of breath. In the future, breathing may be difficult as the enlarged uterus takes up more space, which puts pressure on the diaphragm.
  • Lower back pain and leg cramps.
    Extra weight during pregnancy affects leg and back pain. During pregnancy, the body also produces the hormone relaxin, which helps prepare for childbirth. One of the effects of relaxin is to loosen ligaments throughout the body, making pregnant women less stable and more susceptible to injury, especially in the back.
  • Heartburn and constipation.
    Many pregnant women experience heartburn, which occurs when stomach contents back up into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the entire digestive system slows down and food stays in the stomach and intestines longer, which can cause heartburn or constipation. These sensations may worsen in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach or colon.

Sleep problems can also arise for other reasons. Many pregnant women experience dreams that are more vivid than usual, and some even experience nightmares.

Stress also interferes with normal sleep. A pregnant woman may be worried about her baby's health or nervous about giving birth. All of these feelings are normal and can cause insomnia.

Avoid taking stimulants

Fortunately, there is now a wealth of information available about the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine or drugs on the developing fetus. Of course, a conscientious mother who cares about the well-being of her baby will refuse to use them. There remains coffee, which is allowed during pregnancy in small quantities, especially for women who are accustomed to drinking it in large quantities. However, if you have problems sleeping, you should avoid this drink so as not to stimulate the nervous system with caffeine.

Remember that it is not only active smoking that harms you and your baby. When you are in a smoky room, you also inhale toxic compounds. It is harmful to the fetus and may cause sleep problems.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

Sleep disorders often occur in the early stages, in the 1st trimester. In this case, types 1 and 3 of insomnia, which we discussed earlier, are characteristic.

Sleep disorders are associated with the restructuring of maternal organs and their functions necessary to ensure normal growth and development of the fetus. Such problems include daytime sleepiness, which occurs due to increased levels of progesterone: this hormone has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system.

An interesting fact is that drowsiness is one of the indirect signs of conception, as it occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the delay.

Experts recommend getting some sleep if weakness prevents you from concentrating on everyday tasks. But you shouldn’t stay in bed all day - this can cause nighttime insomnia during pregnancy.

In the 2nd trimester you may experience disturbing dreams. They are associated with fears and anxiety. If such dreams are scary, you should deal with your emotional state.

It is worth noting that in the 2nd trimester the frequency of insomnia increases compared to the 1st trimester.

Find your rhythm

Listen to your body. Some women take time to nap during the day to quickly restore energy. However, it can cause a restless night's sleep for some women. Only you can determine what is best for you. Whenever you feel sleepy, go to bed if possible. Wake up in the morning without an alarm clock - your body itself will tell you that it has rested. However, if you can't sleep, counting sheep is unlikely to be an effective remedy. Instead, get up and do something that will allow you to relax and restore mental balance.

Sometimes following evening rituals helps. Choose the most suitable ritual for yourself. Perhaps you like to take hot baths, or maybe drink cocoa or milk with honey. Reading a good book before bed and a cup of herbal lemon balm tea puts many moms in a good sleep state.

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy, treatment of pregnant women for insomnia problems

A woman's pregnancy causes a global restructuring of the body. And the restructuring is not always useful and acceptable for the body of the expectant mother.

Pregnant women often suffer from the problem of insomnia - a condition that cannot be ignored or tried to be suppressed on their own with pills chosen at their own discretion. Of course, if sleep disturbance occurs once or twice, there is no need to sound the alarm. But if the problem of insomnia begins to worsen and affects the general condition of the pregnant woman’s body, you need to think about making an appointment with a doctor who treats insomnia, for a consultation at one of the Somnology Centers in Moscow or the Sleep Medicine Center.

Only a doctor who treats the problem of insomnia in his field of work - a somnologist - will be able to offer the correct approach to treating the problem of insomnia in a pregnant woman. After all, in this case, the responsibility of the somnologist lies double: for the state of the pregnant woman’s body and for the condition of the fetus. But a lot depends on the patient - the expectant mother - you should not delay a visit to a doctor treating insomnia. In the early stages of a sleep disorder problem, treatment for insomnia may not be as thorough. A somnologist at the Sleep Medicine Center in Moscow can offer a pregnant woman cognitive behavioral therapy and various non-drug treatments for insomnia. After all, treating the expectant mother with serious sleeping pills and drugs that cause a number of side effects is categorically not recommended. For this reason, somnologists at the Somnology Center in Moscow in Khamovniki were able to find a gentle approach to treating the problem of insomnia based on modern technologies, modern equipment and the experience of somnologists who have thousands of positive results in treating patients, including pregnant women, and thousands of positive reviews from grateful patients.

Sleep Medicine Center in Moscow on the basis of the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki

The somnology center in Moscow in Khamovniki (Efremova str., 12/2) has extensive experience in treating patients with problems of insomnia, snoring, and obstructive apnea. Modern treatment methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, polysomnography, CPAP therapy, meditation, used by doctors treating insomnia (somnologist) in Moscow, give excellent results and allow you to cope with the problem of insomnia in most cases once and for all.

The head of the Somnoligious Center in Moscow, in Khamovniki is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation - Roman Vyacheslavovich Buzunov .

Head of the clinic - BUZUNOV ROMAN VYACHESLAVOVICH - President of the Russian Society of Somnologists, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading Russian expert on insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy, Professor of the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation with courses in Pediatrics and Nursing , Clinical Psychology and Pedagogy FSBI DPO “Central State Medical Academy” UD of the President of the Russian Federation,

President of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Society of Somnologists",

Biography on Wikipedia

Information about outpatient consultations and examinations : www.buzunov.ru.

Make an appointment : +7 (495) 7-33-195, +7 (985) 77-33-195 The team of the Sleep Medicine Center based at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki are top-level professionals who have focused their knowledge on the problems of sleep disorders. Somnologists in Khamovniki in Moscow have hundreds of patients leaving the clinic, overcoming the problem of insomnia (using the method of cognitive behavioral therapy), snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP therapy), and leaving positive reviews about the Somnology Center in Moscow in Khamovniki. The Sleep Medicine Center in Khamovniki is one of the best insomnia treatment centers in Moscow. Individual treatment regimens for insomnia for men, women, the elderly, children and adolescents are drawn up.

Treatment of pregnant women for the problem of insomnia at the Sleep Medicine Center in Khamovniki in Moscow is carried out using the most modern technologies and modern equipment on an outpatient basis or in the hospital of the Somnology Center.

What you need to know and do to combat the problem of insomnia in pregnant women

Sleep hygiene. A simple and quite effective rule that will help cure sleep and establish a resting and waking pattern. Comfortable sleeping place, clean and tactically pleasant bed. Fresh air in the bedroom, moderate walks before bed, relaxation therapy. Overeating, especially before bedtime, causes a sleep disorder that does not require treatment, but requires streamlining the diet. For pregnant women, there are special pillows and mattresses that help you choose a comfortable position and fall into a deep sleep. Choice of clothes. Light pajamas with a loose fit are perfect for relaxing. It is better to choose sleepwear from natural materials; synthetic clothing can cause skin irritation and discomfort

If at the moment there is no desire to sleep, then it is better to wait for that very minute and immediately go to bed

During the day, it is advisable not to overwhelm yourself with fears about the problem of insomnia, but simply lead a measured lifestyle in the evening and do not forget about healthy walking for expectant mothers. At the Somnology Center in Moscow in Khamovniki, specialists skillfully work with pregnant women and share practical tips for improving the quality and duration of sleep

Behavior control. Do not use the bedroom, or rather the bed, for constant daytime activities (reading books, watching movies). The bed should be used exclusively for sleeping. This is the only way you will be pleased to return to your nest and enjoy your vacation in comfort. Don't forget to control your time in bed. It is advisable to wake up at the same time. This will help you develop a habit and normalize your sleep.

Relaxation. Absolutely different techniques can be used. Aromatherapy with essential oils. Lavender has a relaxing effect and helps relieve tension. Auto-trainings. Expectant mothers enjoy listening to peaceful compositions and melodies that promote relaxation and induce sleep

There are many methods for relaxation; a qualified somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow in Khamovniki will help you master the technique. A somnologist in Moscow will provide detailed information directly at the appointment and determine whether in this case it is necessary to prescribe treatment for the problem of insomnia with additional over-the-counter medications for insomnia or not. Effective non-drug therapy will help restore strength and improve sleep for the expectant mother.

Traditional methods of combating insomnia

Honey is a healer with a capital letter. If a person does not have an allergic reaction to the product, you can safely test traditional medicine and monitor the success from your own experience. Honey, cranberries and walnuts are an excellent mixture as a sleep aid. We suggest mixing the above ingredients in equal proportions and drinking 2 teaspoons 2 hours before bedtime. A good way to treat yourself to healthy goodies and improve your sleep at the same time. Chamomile or mint tea before bed. A decoction based on mint and chamomile helps relax the nervous system and has a calming effect. After a couple of spoons of honey and cranberries, you can drink mint tea. The hypnotic effect intensifies.

Applesauce combined with honey. You need to take sour apples and prepare a smooth puree, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it. A pleasant dish for dinner, it does not burden the stomach and prevents overeating.

Honey can be consumed in combination with warm milk. A healthy mixture will help improve sleep and restore immunity.

In addition to honey therapy, herbal therapy is often used. Medicinal plants also help restore sleep. All parts of plants are used for brewing: leaves, stems, roots. Aromatic teas help expectant mothers restore sleep and establish sleep-wake patterns. Fireweed tea, passionflower, mint, chamomile are used to brew herbal drinks for pregnant women.

Remember, abuse of medicinal teas is fraught with consequences. Regarding treatment, it is advisable to consult with a somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow and receive recommendations on dosage and standards. An individual dosage regimen is selected for each woman. In addition to tea therapy, you can use aromatherapy from pine cones. A pleasant fragrance helps correct sleep and restores strength to the expectant mother.

In addition to traditional medicine, you can buy medications for insomnia without a prescription at the pharmacy. Taking into account the woman’s situation, the best option is to consult a somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow and get a consultation. Do not forget about your health and the health of your baby, whom you carry under your heart. For more information or to make an appointment with a sleep specialist, call 5.


+7(495) 77-33-195

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Leg cramps

Calf muscle cramps are a nightmare for many pregnant women. Before consulting your doctor about diet, start eating healthy foods, that is, foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Eat bananas, nuts, almonds, dairy products and legumes. Perform preparatory procedures before going to bed. Before going to bed, give your calves a contrast shower and massage them. This will improve blood circulation and provide proper oxygen supply to the muscles.

If you experience a cramp at night, rub your sore leg while moving your toes.

How to normalize sleep

Despite the physiology of the processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother in the early stages, it is unreasonable to ignore insomnia. It is necessary to take measures to normalize sleep, which directly affects the condition of the mother, and therefore the baby.

USEFUL INFORMATION: How to sleep properly during pregnancy: recommendations

To cope with insomnia in the early stages (except for its chronic form) a review of the daily routine, nutrition and proper organization of the sleeping place will help. What you can do to solve sleep problems:

  • Ensure the optimal combination of heat and humidity in the bedroom. The room temperature should be maintained at a level comfortable for sleeping – 16–22 °C, the room should be ventilated frequently, and if possible, the window should be left open around the clock. The flow of fresh, humidified air helps you fall asleep. If the bedroom is very dry, it is recommended to use a humidifier or hang several wet terry towels.

Advice! During pregnancy, it is better to remove indoor plants from the bedroom that absorb oxygen, the lack of which the woman already experiences due to problems with swelling of the nasal mucosa.

  • Pregnancy is the time to arrange a comfortable sleeping bed. If possible, install a wide bed, choose a comfortable mattress and high-quality bedding. Linen and sleepwear should be made from natural materials (cotton, linen), cozy and pleasant to the body.
  • A comfortable sleeping position is of great importance; you will have to choose the right one taking into account your characteristics, i.e., experimentally. Pillows that can be placed under your back, legs, stomach, or at the head of the bed help you get comfortable.

  • Another technique that helps you relax is a warm bath or shower, combined with a light massage of problem areas (feet, lower back, cervical region).

Taking care of yourself and your comfort during pregnancy helps the expectant mother avoid depression, reduce physical stress on the body, and therefore allows her to live normally and fully during the period of bearing a child.

Discuss this problem with your doctor

In general, it is not recommended to take sleeping pills or sedatives during pregnancy, but it depends on the individual case.

If your insomnia is severe and persistent, or if you feel tired, weak, or depressed, discuss the problem with your doctor. Together with your doctor, you can determine the cause of your insomnia. You may need to seek additional help from another professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, especially if you are having trouble falling asleep due to anxious or racing thoughts. Sometimes the problem may be caused by a disorder of digestive or cardiac function, which also requires consultation with a specialist.

What is insomnia

Let's start with the fact that insomnia can only be called constant sleep disturbances that are present for 7 or more days.
That is, if for some reason you periodically fail to get a good night’s sleep, but this happens infrequently, then it is too early to talk about pathology. It is also necessary to take into account that we are talking specifically about night rest. In some cases, during pregnancy, the “biological clock” seems to shift. A woman has difficulty falling asleep at night, and then she compensates by sleeping during the day. Night and day rest are not equivalent. It is at night that active cleansing and restoration work takes place in the body, which is especially important for a pregnant woman. They are regulated by certain hormones, in particular melatonin, the concentration of which increases at 23-24 hours, and begins to decrease in the morning.

Daytime sleep is more sensitive, the phases of deep sleep are short, so a state of long-term deep relaxation does not occur.

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