If a man calls you by a different name, what does that mean?

Psychologists' opinion

A guy can use different epithets in relation to his girlfriend. Basically, they are images of animals that sound affectionate and do not offend the girl. During passionate games, during intimacy, associations with plastic and graceful creatures can be heard. If a man uses the phrase “you are mine,” the guy can rarely explain it. A man wants to subjugate a girl, not always, while expressing the desire to possess her. In some cases, such a phrase speaks of the complex character of the beloved.

A similar thing manifests itself in a man when a desire arises for complete control over a girl, her subordination. Over time, this attitude often manifests itself in the form of jealousy, aggression, if encountered with disobedience on the part of the beloved. When constantly using expressions with the pronoun “mine,” observe the guy’s actions and behavior.

However, there is no need to be upset if this phrase is used in a relationship. Perhaps the guy on a subconscious level expresses his reverent desire to possess you and not let you go. This is a normal desire, which is most often projected in the early stages of a relationship. Usually the expression of sexual desire predominates if the partners have not yet achieved intimacy or intimacy is very rare

The young man unconsciously shows the importance of the presence of a girl in his life

The ladies start and win

Sometimes it happens that relationships are difficult to define. Is this friendship or the beginning of a romantic relationship? You and your gentleman feel good and cozy next to each other, you like the same music, films, lifestyle, you spend a lot of time together. Sometimes it seems to you that this man behaves towards you like your man. And then suddenly the relationship is anything but friendly. Where is the line that separates love and friendship? Unfortunately, there is none. But you can understand what feelings a man has for you by using several techniques.

The edge of originality

Showing originality in choosing an unusual and affectionate nickname for their loved one, girls avoid Cats, Bunnies and Darlings. If you want to be unusual, give your guy a name that matches his personality.

You can use various emoticons, kisses, smiles that will soften the nickname and make it more gentle. If you find it difficult to come up with an original nickname, you can look at how your boyfriend/husband/lover signed you. If it expresses love through characters or animals, you can sign it the same way. From the outside it will look extremely cute.

It is important to control originality and not go beyond acceptable limits. Remember that when your boyfriend sees how he is recorded in the phone, he should be pleased, not offended

The following solutions can be called original:

  • Kitty;
  • Baby;
  • Superman;
  • My savior;
  • The best man;
  • My baby's dad;
  • Master;
  • Lord.

What do pet nicknames mean?

All women melt from the affectionate nicknames that our beloved men give us. But professional psychologists say that these epithets can be used to determine a man’s real feelings, as well as what he wants from you in the future. So before you melt, you should figure out what’s what.

Probably, most often men call their women “cat” nicknames: kitten, kitty, kisulya, and more. Such men are prone to romance and most often have a gentle character. In the hands of a smart lady, this type of man becomes easily controllable and obedient. This does not mean at all that you will be bored together; on the contrary, he will delight you with pleasant surprises and romantic deeds.

Do they call you “my little fish”? In this case, your partner is most likely not constancy, and it is difficult to keep such a person. But if you're a strong woman, maybe you can do it. Try to provide your man with silence, comfort, peace and coziness, which are very dear to his heart.

“Golden”, “golden”, “my golden” - such epithets are most often used by men who are fixated on their careers and those who married for convenience. Often women regard such words as a symbol of love and think that their chosen one values ​​them, but then it turns out that he values ​​not the woman, but the money.

If your boyfriend calls you “darling,” then treat him with more care and attention. Such a man will become a reliable support for you if you are gentle and affectionate with him.

Men who are very conflict-free and peace-loving call their partners “sweetheart.” He will be happy if you don’t make scandals for him or quarrel with someone else in front of him.

If your chosen one calls you “sunshine”, then you should always be on top, be in great shape and in a great mood, since your man considers you his own “calling card”. That is, we must try not to lose ourselves together with him in someone’s eyes.

Men who want to see in their partner, first of all, an ideal housewife, call their women “household” nicknames: hostess, bun, busybody. You will have to try to master cooking, get used to washing, cleaning and other household chores.

If your boyfriend calls you “baby” or “baby,” he is most likely a great friend and sexual partner, but the relationship with him will not lead to anything serious.

Angel, angel - don’t rely on strong feelings. Your partner is most likely only interested in your appearance and a fleeting connection with you. Baby, baby is just a name during the courtship period; he is unlikely to be interested in your real feelings. His desires are definite and he doesn’t want to complicate anything. Darling, darling - your partner in a relationship values ​​certainty and confidence. This is usually what they call feelings in couples that have already cooled down a little or are in second place. Hedgehog - this is the name given to someone or someone who is literally “injected” and does not allow them completely into their life. If this sounds like you, think about it. Maybe we should hide the thorns?!

Gold, gold, gold - this nickname emphasizes the importance of your relationship for your partner. But still, in your relationship there is almost no place for madness and spontaneity. The highlight is that your partner emphasizes your individuality and uniqueness. Meeting you is a great happiness for him. Don't let his hopes down. Kiska is the name given to a girl who evokes strong sexual desire. Kisulya - this nickname indicates that the person has not fully determined his attitude towards his passion. This is no longer just another entertainment, but also not a loved one. Kitty, Kitty - some kind of intermediate nickname. Your partner has not yet decided whether he wants to get close enough to you. This is a kind of “duty” nickname. Kitten - the nickname implies a sea of ​​tenderness and warmth. A person wants to take care of his soul mate, to shelter him from all adversities and misfortunes. Candy, sweetie - most likely they consider you their property. Sweetie - words with the diminutive suffix “-chka” are an intermediate nickname and take root at the transitional stage of a relationship. When the relationship turns into a more serious one, Sweetheart transforms into Lapusik (a romantic mood predominates), Lapendra (ironic-affectionate) or Lapych (respectful-friendly). Chanterelle, Fox - usually so called for its external resemblance to the animal or for its characteristic features - intelligence, cunning, quick wit. It can also mean that your partner doesn’t really trust you. Fox - the word consists of a combination of sounds that is pleasant to the ear. The desire to please is dominant, and the relationship in this couple is very tender.

Column by Victoria Yushkevich: 3 things a loving man does

We can guess as much as we want about a man’s true attitude towards us

It doesn't matter how long you've been together. We girls have different situations and circumstances that make us doubt his love

These doubts eat us away from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relationships, giving rise to feelings such as jealousy, self-doubt, and fear of loss. We can ask a man the question as much as we like: “Do you love me?” - but you probably don’t even like asking him about it. And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts. In general, asking about love when there are doubts in your soul is somehow awkward, you feel like some kind of beggar. Can you imagine for a moment how the beautiful Jolie runs around the house after her husband Brad Pitt and asks: “Honey, do you love me?” Kind of stupid, don't you agree? And if Jolie doesn't do it, then you shouldn't either. Firstly, if your man really loves you, this does not mean that he should tell you about it every half hour. He will not do this, if only because his, a man’s, love is fundamentally different from a woman’s. Women's love stands the test of time, logic and circumstances. If we have chosen our man, we will follow him through thick and thin. Even if your friends tell you that he is worthless and no matter how many times he himself put an end to your relationship, you will devote all of yourself to him. And you expect the same attitude from him. But this is unrealistic. Men love differently. And whatever it is, male love is also love. And if you understand exactly how a man loves, you will find out if he really gives you all of himself. Is it possible to find out if he loves you? - Yes. Typically a loving man does three things.


Pay attention to how your loved one introduces you to other people: their friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: “This is my girlfriend/baby/darling” - in one word he gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious friend zone, it means he loves you

If a man calls you “his,” it means he really thinks so and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and pure. If he introduces you as a friend or simply calls you by name, be sure that it is so - you are just his friend. Deep down in your soul, you know this yourself, right? But as soon as he gives you any title, you immediately understand that the man is making a statement. He declares his intentions towards you.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn money exclusively for you. After all, now you are his family. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and provider. A man who tries to force the idea of ​​equality and financial independence on you is simply fooling you. A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more significant than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could, he is not a man, or rather, he is not your man. Of course, today we often hear from some men that modern women are somehow selfish, almost extortionists. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings, without pretending to anything. But in fact, this is a trick created by men without serious intentions: this way they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? He will still do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help and try for you in everything.


If a man loves you, he will crush anyone who dares to think badly of you and somehow offend you. If you have been offended, a loving man will go and stand up for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will protect what belongs to him. If, in response to a terrible story about how someone insulted you, he just shakes his head or even gets angry, but does not take any action, something is wrong. When a man loves, most likely, you won’t even want to talk about the fact that someone offended you, because he will go to sort it out, and we all understand that this could end badly. Of course, defense is not only about the use of brute physical force. A man who truly loves protects you in other ways: he can give valuable advice or volunteer to do something that, in his opinion, is unsafe for you. He will never send you to the store late at night or to walk the dog, he will do everything himself, even if he hasn’t slept for more than two days.

The material is based on the book “Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man” by Steve Harvey.

Desire to communicate in person

He reports to you about his affairs, despite the fact that you do not ask him about it. You know how his working day went, what mood his boss was in, what establishment he dined at with his business partners. At the same time, he uses almost every minute of his free time to communicate with you: on social networks, SMS messages, by phone or in person. By the way, if a man prefers to communicate with you in person or, in extreme cases, talk on the phone rather than correspond, this indicates that for him you are not just another hobby and he is absolutely serious.

He listens carefully to what you tell him and remembers important events for you that you talked about in advance, for example, the fact that you have to submit a report by the end of the week, and next Wednesday is your niece’s birthday. He catches your mood and changes in it, but does not focus attention on it: you would not have noticed if you had not thought about it. You were a terrible whiner all evening, and he played the role of a clown, so successfully that after meeting him, all the seas of your problems are up to your knees.

Reasons why a man does not call a woman by name

Most psychologists are of the opinion that a man’s appeal to his chosen one is directly related to his attitude towards her. And before understanding the decoding of nicknames, it would be advisable to find out the reasons for refusing to call someone by name.

The most common reasons why a partner ignores her name when addressing a woman:

  1. Copies parent relationships. Everything may be simpler than it seems - in the family it was not customary for men to call each other by name.
  2. Doesn't give any importance to your romance. Psychologists say that when a man is in love, the name of his beloved simply does not leave his lips.
  3. Creates a psychological barrier. This is an option when a guy simply doesn’t want to get close to a girl. In this case, diminutive nicknames are not even acceptable here, the matter is limited to detached addresses - “listen”, “you know”, “look”...
  4. Beneath the sweet epithets lies a real aggressor, a tyrant, a manipulator. In the first stages, it all starts with sugary lisps and cute nicknames, but over time it develops into authoritarianism, moralizing, decrees, mentoring, constant criticism, grumbling, etc. Domestic tyranny is often accompanied by physical violence.
  5. Unsuccessful previous experience. If the past passion that broke his heart had the same name as you, the man develops a psychological defense in the form of denying this name. Don't despair - this can be fixed.
  6. The man does not attach much importance to this fact. For him it’s all the same - a bunny, a little penguin, Anyuta and so on.
  7. Can't remember the name. Of course, if we are talking about first dates, and your name is really rare or exotic. The man resorts to affectionate nicknames in this case, so as not to offend the girl.
  8. When a man thinks that this name does not suit you. This is outrageous, but this also happens! Therefore, instead of calling you Angelica, he will call you less formally.
  9. If the woman is far from the only one. Usually the stereotypical “bunnies, gold, crumbs” are used to describe mistresses, i.e. secondary partners. The man thus protects himself from incidents in confusing names.
  10. The man believes that in a relationship there should not be a dry, official address.
  11. The representative of the strong half of humanity has an excellent sense of humor and he gives nicknames to absolutely everyone around him. But in this case, there will be no banal furry nickname - you will be called in a special way.

Men are so individual in the manifestation of their feelings that it is difficult to immediately determine why he does not call his chosen one by name. Psychologists are of the opinion that a woman’s task is to keep her ears open and quickly find out the reason for this or that treatment.

Yvette, Lisette, Musetta, Jeanette, Georgette

The first thing that comes to mind when a man doesn’t want to call you by name is that he’s afraid of making a mistake. He has a lot of women, and to avoid getting into trouble, he calls everyone “bunnies.” There are such situations. But extremely rarely. More often the reasons may be the following:

  • It’s not for nothing that they say that we come from childhood. probably not customary for men in the family to call each other by name. After all, it happens when a husband calls his wife by her last name, and she answers him in the same way. Plus the experience of my school years, when everyone in the class, out of habit, called each other according to the list in the class magazine.
  • I have a problem remembering names. It happens that ordinary, frequently used words get confused in your head. And this happens quite often with almost every second person. Not wanting to offend a loved one, the interlocutor tries to avoid his name.
  • There was an unsuccessful communication experience , and your namesake broke the man’s heart. It is not surprising that now the partner diligently closes himself off. After all, a name is considered an intimate thing; by saying it out loud, the person will have to trust you. But this matter didn’t work out for him.
  • It happens when a person thinks that a particular name does not suit a particular individual. Although this problem is more common among women. But a male esthete with his artistic vision does not perceive you as Isolda Tikhonovna and prefers to call you a kitty.
  • There are also more serious reasons . When a man wants to maintain distance in a relationship, he is afraid to get closer and thus puts a psychological barrier between himself and the woman.

In the latter case, we may be talking about a phobia or fear of calling a specific person by name. By naming someone, we begin to become spiritually closer to him. For some, this is scarier than being held at gunpoint.

Sometimes only a competent psychologist can find out the specific reason, our complexes sit so deeply in us.

What do men call their girls and what does it mean?

Our hearts skip a beat when we hear addressed to ourselves - beloved, dear, my little... In fact, by the way a man calls you, you can read his true attitude towards you. What does his gentle (or not so gentle) address to you mean?

Baby - Your partner actively calls you for contact, but your real feelings are of little interest to him.

Baby – Your partner is specific and does not tend to complicate things. Perhaps he lacks a sense of humor.

Darling – Your partner in a relationship values ​​confidence and certainty. Feelings come second for him.

Durynda - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. He is energetic and ready to take control of the situation.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - Your partner gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he can be unrestrained, but deep down he is afraid of losing you.

My life - Pathos reveals your partner’s tendency to overdo it. Just in case, check if he has another “life” somewhere on the side.

Hare, bunny, hare, bunny - Your partner is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing with you. Don't be fooled by his appearance - deep down he is jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - Your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kitty, pussy, pussy, pussy - Your partner is in the mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, booger - Your partner feels complete intimacy with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is not averse to teasing you.

Sweetie - Be careful: your partner reacts very strongly to your behavior and seems to consider you his property.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten - Your partner feels closeness and an inextricable connection with you. He wants you to believe him, or tries to convince you of his loyalty.

Paw, lapulya, lapusik - your partner is very active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - Your partner is very attentive and absolutely confident in you.

Fox, fox, fox - All the attention of your partner is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you. Beloved, love - Your partner is prone to sensual excess and is ready to act decisively and assertively

Beloved, love - Your partner is prone to sensual excess and is ready to act decisively and assertively.

Lyalya, Lyalik - Your partner is not at all inclined to restrain his feelings.

Little, Masik, Masya - Your partner’s feelings are very deep, he is ready to be caring and attentive.

Baby, baby – The feelings you evoke in your partner are immeasurable.

You absorb all his attention, and he expects the same from you.

Teddy Bear - Your partner is a very sensual person, but is not in a hurry. He is careful and doesn't want to lose you.

Sweetheart - Your partner promises you a strong relationship. His feelings are in balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka - The feelings that you evoke in your partner are very strong. He tends to get carried away and often does not know the limits.

Mouse, little mouse - Your partner’s feelings go beyond, even if this is not visible from his behavior. Sometimes he can be short-tempered, but he is very attached to you.

Pampushka - Your partner expects complete intimacy and interaction.

Donut - Your partner wants to attract your attention with all his might. Subconsciously, he seeks to protect himself from possible rivals

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - your partner is looking for full contact with you, but most likely, behind this there are not so much feelings as practical interest.

Fish - Your partner views your relationship rather in a business-like manner. He puts first place not romance, but practical interest.

Sweet - Your partner consciously emphasizes his emotionality. At the same time, in his soul he is balanced and calm.

Sun, sunshine, sunshine - your partner experiences genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.

Tiger, tiger cub - Your partner respects your independence. He is not averse to making fun of you, but in fact he is offering you an equal union.

Hamster - Your partner is prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.

Chicken, chicken - Your partner offers you active contact, but, perhaps, deep down he is afraid of something.

Miracle - Your partner literally demands your attention, emphasizing the importance of your relationship

Chocolate - Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in reality you absorb all his attention and deep down he expects the same from you. Yagodka – Your partner is energetic, self-confident and values ​​his independence

Feelings come second to him

Berry - Your partner is energetic, self-confident and values ​​his independence. Feelings come second for him.

Love nicknames

Many men prefer to use familiar affectionate words. And they are more pleasant for women because they do not cause ambiguous associations.

How to affectionately call a guy


This is what self-confident Don Juans call lovely representatives of the fair sex. This is an assertive heart conqueror who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He prefers to play, either attracting a woman or pushing her away, as if there was nothing between them.

“Beloved” is called a cunning man, capable of thinking through his actions and the actions of a woman several steps ahead. He can really truly fall in love with his chosen one and experience sincere feelings. But, realizing that the woman needs him, he will most likely leave.

How to affectionately call a girl


Boring in everything and everywhere - this is how you can describe a guy who calls his significant other “darling.” Routine life awaits a woman who chooses such a person. It wouldn’t even occur to him to add something new to their life together. Very often he turns out to be boring not only at home, but also in bed. You shouldn’t expect any innovations or diversity from such a person. Very often he puts a taboo on everything that a woman offers.

Violate the intimate area

Each person seems to draw a circle around himself, the violation of which by others causes unpleasant sensations. Only those closest to you are allowed into such a personal, intimate zone.

Try to “break into” a man’s personal space. While watching a horror movie, at the scariest moment, scream and, as if by chance, grab the hand of your friend, the gentleman. Or pretend to fall on a slippery surface and hold onto it. After contact, do not let go of the man for several minutes. See if this contact is pleasant for him or if he slowly begins to free his hand.

Call my name softly

If you are satisfied with everything, you are confident in the feelings of your chosen one, and maybe you have been living together for more than one year, there is no need to strain yourself. Everything is completely individual for each couple.

But if the absence of a name brings discomfort, and all the “bunnies” and “fish” only irritate, try to bring the man to a frank conversation. Explain your point of view to your partner and listen to his reasons.

It is worth not starting the situation at the very beginning of dating. At the first attempts to call you a “kitty,” decisively declare: “I’m just Tanya!” Many young people will understand immediately. For slow-witted people, patience is required. Here, like in school, you will have to repeat: I have a name, what is my name, there is no kitty here.

Neglected cases will have to be corrected using more subtle methods. Alternatively, you can find a poster with your name written on it. Place things where indicated. You can often play a song about your namesake. The goal of all actions: the name should be constantly heard by the man.

A very effective method, although it sounds childish, is to call yourself by name during affection: Lena, a good girl, loves Sasha, Lena is smart, what a good guy Lena is, and so on. That is, we act on the subconscious.

What do men call women?

How nice it is when you are affectionately called “my kitty”, “my sunshine”, “pusechka” and other similar names. Such nicknames are a manifestation of feelings, but also carry a certain meaning.

According to research by psychologists and specialists in the field of anthroponymy, a person’s name is the most significant and pleasant to hear. It has also been proven that diminutive nicknames are no less, but even more, nurturing to a person’s hearing.

An affectionate nickname not only characterizes the person to whom it is addressed, but also the person who came up with it. It is worth noting that such treatment is typical only in narrow circles. This is how people in close relationships express themselves. In this regard, you rarely hear “my baby”, “my swallow”, etc. in public.

How to evaluate an affectionate nickname given by a man? After all, the stronger sex is much less likely to display such traits in relationships. However, many men give their loved ones affectionate names that characterize his attitude towards a woman. These can be both common options and exclusive ones, relating only to one single chosen one.

What do men call women and what do these nicknames mean?

“Kitty”, “pussy”, “kitten”, etc. take first place in pet names. According to psychologists, such names are given by sensitive, romantic natures. Although, it is worth noting that fashion also left its mark on the popularity of cat names.

“Baby”, “baby”, “baby” and so on, speaks of the protective role of a man. By calling you this, a man makes it clear that he cares about you and will come to your aid at any time.

If a man calls a woman bunny? “Bunny”, “mouse” - has a double meaning. It can be either a term of endearment or said ironically, implying your weakness in front of him. The man is characterized as the hunter, and you are the prey. It is worth noting that tenderness also takes place in such treatment and most often comes first.

"Fish". This nickname in itself already characterizes what a man wants to see in a woman. Namely, a silent, submissive companion who knows her “place.”

If a man calls a woman darling or sunshine? The nicknames “sweetheart”, “sunshine”, “precious”, “dear” are given to bright women who radiate not only external, but also internal beauty. By giving such a name, a man hopes to always see the image with which he fell in love.

If a man calls a woman darling or beloved? “Darling”, “beloved”, such addresses speak for themselves. By receiving such a name, a woman has the right to consider herself the happiest and most beloved. Men who use these nicknames easily make compromises, value and respect their soul mate.

Nicknames such as “wifey” and “hostess” are nothing more than praise and recognition. Women who know how to cook deliciously, always maintain perfect order and maintain peace in the family are awarded.

If a man calls a woman dear? Not everyone receives such treatment, only those who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes with a man. This is typical for partners who have lived together for decades.

This list can be continued indefinitely. This article discusses only frequently used nicknames. But don't forget, whatever name you come up with, it means something. And this is something, first of all, the feelings of your man.

What's in a name

The ancient man hid his name. It was believed that following it, like following a trail, troubles and illnesses could overtake him. A similar tradition still exists among some nationalities. This also happens because of the fear that, having learned the name, the enemy will be able to harm a specific person using magic.

Therefore, there is an opinion that the reluctance to give a name is rooted in that ancient, deeply hidden fear in us of harming a person, of revealing him to evil forces, by naming a name.

Modern scientists take a different point of view. Dale Carnegie, an American psychologist, believes that a person’s name sounds like the best melody. We grow with a name and get used to it, like to our second skin. Its utterance is also a fact of our existence as individuals. And therefore, any person is pleased to hear a combination of sounds denoting his name.

Most psychologists are sure: by the way a man calls a woman, in public or in private, one can judge his attitude , whether the feelings he experiences are serious and deep. And what is the approximate forecast for the future of such a couple.

But perhaps you should first try to find out the nature of why a man does not address you by name, but calls you “bird,” “sun,” or “mouse.”

Main directions of nicknames

At work or in the company of friends, men, as a rule, behave strictly and reservedly, they want to demonstrate their superiority. But when they are left alone with their beloved, they become flexible, sweet and rejoice in affectionate words towards them.

It is important to know what you can call your boyfriend in order to inspire him to do serious things. It's worth paying close attention to what you say.


By skillfully using affectionate words or expressions, you can please your boyfriend. These include:

Even in everyday life, you need to affectionately call your beloved guy and address him with tenderness. For example, you can lovingly invite him to watch football or promise to cook his favorite dish in the evening. Small gifts and surprises for your loved one will also tell about your feelings.


When choosing a cute nickname for your loved one, try to make it beautiful and pleasing to the ear. For example, the following words would be perfect for a guy:

  1. My hero.
  2. My prince.
  3. My king.
  4. Sultan of my heart.
  5. My wall.
  6. My God.
  7. My happiness.
  8. Apollo.
  9. My Sunshine.
  10. My little ray.
  11. Diamond of my heart.
  12. My star.
  13. Rock, etc.


When alone with your loved one, you can use funny and amusing words.

Let's see which nicknames are best suited in different situations:

  1. Donut is a very cute nickname. The person you reward with it will want to be by your side always. For this, he will be ready to remove other men who get in the way of his beloved.
  2. Microphone - this can be called a man who loves to sing and often takes part in musical competitions, especially if he has dark and short hair.
  3. Sofa is an interesting option for an affectionate and original name for a loved one who prefers to lazily spend time on the couch and sleep for a long time.
  4. Vrednyuchka - it’s easy to guess that this is what they call a person who has a complex character.
  5. Rodent - this name is suitable for someone who loves to snack and often treats himself to different dishes.
  6. Cheburashechka - if your loved one has big ears, you can safely call him that.
  7. Piglet, Piggy - sometimes these words help smooth out a conflict situation between you, especially if it occurs through the fault of a young man.

Try to come up with words so that they emphasize the positive qualities of a man. Under no circumstances should you humiliate or neglect your boyfriend’s feelings. For example, you shouldn’t call him a “rush” in the context of your intimate life.


When thinking about what to name a loved one, you can choose options that rhyme with his name. They will also be pleasant to your loved one. For example:

  1. Andrey - no one is kinder than you.
  2. Konstantin is my master.
  3. Sergey is wiser than everyone.
  4. Yurka is a beautiful figure.
  5. Sasha is our joy.
  6. Maxim - you are the only one.
  7. Matvey - you are braver than everyone else.
  8. Igor is my friend.

A cute rhyme like this can be created for almost every name. The main thing is to show imagination and creativity and, of course, listen to your heart.

List of unusual nicknames

Many girls think about what unusual name they can give to their beloved guy.

But you should be careful in your choice. For example, it's a bad idea to call him by the same name you've given to previous men.

You can add to the nickname your loved one gave you. For example, if he calls you Juliet, then feel free to call him Romeo. This will be a special flirtation in your couple. This doesn't happen for everyone.

If your man knows a foreign language well, call him in a foreign manner, for example, My Honey in English or Amigo in Spanish. Even in a foreign language, the address should be affectionate and make its owner feel special and loved.

I can help you with this

Men like to feel needed. He wants to be useful to you. And if he offers help, it means he cares about you. Men are ready to do something for those they care about, for whom they have their own special plans.


As soon as a man claims his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn money exclusively for you. After all, now you are his family. The primary purpose of a man is to be a breadwinner and provider. A man who tries to force the idea of ​​equality and financial independence on you is simply fooling you. A man who is able to provide for his woman and children always feels more significant than one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than he could, he is not a man, or rather, he is not your man. Of course, today we often hear from some men that modern women are somehow selfish, almost extortionists. And often we have to prove the sincerity of our feelings without pretending to anything. But in fact, this is a trick created by men without serious intentions: this way they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. What if your man has no money? Still, he will do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help and try for you in everything.

Honey! I'm your bunny!

According to psychologists, such cute names that men give to their partners may have some meaning, each of them denotes a specific situation.

If they call you “beloved ,” it means that the man lacks care and tenderness. He needs a feeling of confidence in you. Prove your love to him more often, take the initiative. Such behavior will be appreciated.

They call it "sunshine" ? They are waiting for such radiance and beauty. Don't deceive a man. Try to always look great. Men love with their eyes, and they also love to be proud of the woman who is nearby.

Various “fluffy things”: “bunnies”, “seals” - speak of his gentle nature. Such a man can be easily controlled, he is pliable and is ready to do a lot for your sake.

But when you hear the words “precious”, “my little darling” , you need to be wary. Your partner is interested in you for some selfish purpose. He requires certain benefits from this relationship. Names like “ gorgon” and “goat” hide dissatisfaction and also show some superiority of the speaker.

Please note that by adding the pronoun “my” , the man is subconsciously trying to gain rights over you.

Whether you should trust psychologists in such a complex matter as a relationship with a man is up to you to decide. But maybe, by calling you “my bun ,” he doesn’t mean excess weight, but the desire for a delicious lunch for himself?

Why a man doesn’t call a woman by name: a psychologist’s opinion

As psychologists say, a person’s name is one of the most important sounds for him. A rare girl will be unpleasant if her loved one calls her by name and calls her in a diminutive form.

However, there are male representatives who do not want to call their chosen one by name, but come up with affectionate nicknames, constantly ignoring the name.

Therefore, girls often ask a psychologist for their opinion on the question: why doesn’t a man call a woman by name? The answer to this question is contained in this article.

Lack of serious relationship

Many psychologists assure that if a man does not pronounce the name of his beloved, as if he had forgotten it, then for him this relationship is not something serious.

Most likely, he just considers you another girl with whom the relationship will last, at most, a week. Even if the relationship lasts a significant amount of time, a man on a subconscious level will consider a girl whose name he does not mention as mere entertainment.

Most likely, such a man has a girlfriend on the side, whom he also considers a simple hobby.

Man is a hidden despot

The popular opinion of psychologists when asked by representatives of the fair sex why a man does not call a woman by name is the following opinion - that the man has a despotic character.

At the beginning of the relationship, such a man will be extremely affectionate, but will not pronounce the name of his beloved.

But as soon as time passes, such a guy will begin to criticize his girlfriend, oppress her psychologically, and put himself first in the relationship.

It is very difficult to notice this type of personality in a man at first, especially if the woman is very much in love. One of the surest signs that you should take a closer look at is ignoring your lover’s name.

Psychological trauma

A common reason for a man to ignore the name of his beloved girlfriend is various psychological traumas associated with the person’s personal name. An example could be the aggressive behavior of a person towards this man, most often in childhood, after which he will not be able to pronounce the name of this person, so as not to evoke unpleasant memories.

It will be very difficult to correct this, because not every psychologist can remove the complexes and fears inherent in childhood, let alone an ordinary girl. The best action in this situation would be to show mercy to your loved one, because everyone has their own fears, which are difficult to eradicate.


Despite different opinions, psychologists have the same answer to the question of why men don’t call a woman by name. A guy who ignores the name of his beloved most often has a bad character, an unwillingness to build a serious relationship with a girl, or he has serious psychological problems.

Psychologists recommend breaking up with a person who does not want to give the name of a loved one, but not every girl can follow this advice. In any case, there is nothing good about this problem, so you should at least talk to your loved one about this topic.

Each of these situations negatively affects the relationship, but it is up to each woman to decide which man to live her life with.

Gestures of love

As soon as you meet, he quietly or not very much looks at you from the bottom up - this is a male appraising gaze, which is why shoes are so important in a woman’s image and style. When you are in the same room with him, but talking with other people, from time to time you catch his gaze on you: they are watching you, admiring you. If a man who likes you approaches you, he calls you by name, pronouncing your name clearly and softly.

One of the psychological techniques that helps to please a stranger is copying his posture, gestures, and intonations. But this same action can be performed unconsciously, and then it indicates an unconscious desire to please the interlocutor. For example, a man, like you, crosses his legs, answers you with your own phrases, immediately takes a sip of wine after you bring the glass to your lips.

If you ask a person who is in love with you to write your name, he will write it in large letters, in beautiful handwriting, carefully writing out each letter. A man who likes you will not allow you to get home alone in the evening - even by taxi, pay for your own coffee, or carry a package in his presence - even the lightest one. But carrying a handbag is exclusively a woman’s prerogative. No matter how heavy the handbag is, once you’ve filled it, carry it! A man with a woman's bag in his hands looks funny and stupid. How a man presents himself is also important. Nobody likes bragging, but he will behave this way and tell such stories in order to appear masculine, brave and decisive in your eyes.

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