How to understand that a man wants you: clear signs of desire

Of course, the times of the ancient people are long gone, but the desire to dominate and be the alpha male with men will remain forever. It doesn’t matter who he is: an office worker or a blue-collar worker, sexual attraction will be expressed in exactly the same way. How to understand that a man wants a woman? Where is the line between “cute, but nothing more” and “oh yes! I would rock with her."

Promising eyes2

How to understand that a man wants you? Look him in the eyes! The playful, mocking gaze of the opposite sex is familiar to almost everyone. He looks at his new colleague like a cat at his master's slippers, with undisguised interest. He studies, observes, sometimes provokes. But if his gaze suddenly becomes languid, his eyes become moist or, as they say, become “oily,” then this is a sure signal that he considers his interlocutor as a sex object.

You can also pay attention to the pupils, but in practice no one has ever met the cat from Shrek. Therefore, if he has eyes of the usual normal size, this does not mean that he doesn’t care. And irises that are blurred so that you can’t see them are not at all an indicator of animal lust. Maybe he is an addict or takes antihistamines.

How to behave if a man wants you

If the sympathy is mutual, it is worth maintaining communication, demonstrating your affection, accepting gifts and help. Light flirting is necessary to build further relationships.

But don’t move too quickly to closer contact. Give the man time to show his best qualities and conquer you.

If you do not want to continue the relationship, refuse to date and stop all attempts at flirting. If there is active harassment, explain frankly and delicately that you are not interested in the man and you do not want to continue the relationship.

Of course, a man’s refusal will be unpleasant. At this moment he will show his true colors. Someone will try to make an effort to win their beloved. Some will persistently pursue, and some will say nasty things. But, more often than not, men try to make attempts to get closer.

Exciting touches 4

The strong half of humanity are children at heart; they look at what they like, they touch what they want. In principle, nothing changes with age, if a guy considers a girl as a sexual partner, they tend to touch her on occasion or without.

At first, everything is within the bounds of decency, if the beauty doesn’t mind, heavier artillery enters the battle: hugs, flirtatious stroking, touching near intimate places. Naturally, not on purpose. Therefore, if you feel excessive physical attention, you should either reject or accept flirting. Pretending that “I’m in the house” will be regarded as a guide to further action.

Why does a man want the woman he likes?

If a man likes a woman, he feels tenderness and warmth towards her. He wants to touch her, kiss her, stroke her skin and hair. The culmination of falling in love is sex. At such moments, the couple becomes truly close, feels and understands each other. This is a natural process driven by instincts.

But for sex to be enjoyable, for many women simple sympathy is not enough; they need a permanent and serious relationship.

For men, things are a little different. If they want sex, they can find a temporary partner. But still, many of them prefer to have a permanent woman next to them, whom they love and want to see as a companion for life.

Approach from behind9

The ancestors of men were hunters, and tracking the prey, and then suddenly lunging at the victim, gave them considerable pleasure. Little has changed since ancient times. The woman is also perceived as a kind of prey, which, as before, needs to be pounced on from behind. In the modern world, of course, everything is somewhat different, but the moment has not lost its essence and poignancy.

So, if a colleague or acquaintance comes up from behind and begins to explain something at ear level, this is a direct indicator of intimate interest. He would have mastered it here and now, but, alas, these are not the times. And there are too many people in the office. Another sign is to scare a girl from behind and almost naturally hug her at the same time.

In general, everything connected with the position “from the back” is very exciting for the stronger sex, and if he constantly does different things from behind, this says something. This should not be confused with an angry boss who immediately reprimands his subordinate, who is standing with her back to him. In this case, it doesn't even smell like sex.

What a man does only for the woman he loves

Love and respect are two things that are inseparable from each other.

5 things a man does only for the woman he loves:

  1. He will only listen to the woman he loves. When talking to your man, you will have his full attention. He will listen to you, listen to your advice, express his opinion
  2. Will be open to discussion with you. And this is a good sign. This means that he sees something in the relationship that does not suit him and is ready to find a solution to the problem
  3. A man who loves and respects his partner will try to find a compromise. All people are different and their opinions do not always coincide. Usually in strong relationships where there is love, there is a desire for compromise
  4. He will fight only for the woman he loves. He will protect her from attacks from friends and relatives, because it is important for him to be close to his beloved
  5. A man who has experienced true love knows how valuable it is and will consider his beloved the most important person in his life. If he has to choose between what he loves and the woman he loves, he will choose his beloved. In order to make her happy, he is able to change his life.

During a hug

It’s easy to understand that a guy is aroused by a kiss; you touch your lips, hear his breathing, feel his heartbeat. But hugs will not give you such a range of information. Although at the moment of hugging you can pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • The partner wants to hold the girl close to him, to reduce the distance between the bodies. Uses any reason for this.
  • The guy touches his partner’s neck, face, hair, waist, shoulders, knees, and hands.
  • He does not immediately remove his hands from his beloved’s body, he lingers, he wants to prolong the pleasant moment.
  • The man tries to meet the woman's eyes. The look is deep and long.
  • At the moment of hugging, he puts his head on his beloved’s shoulder and nuzzles his nose into her neck.
  • Makes forward movements: presses tightly and then moves away.
  • After a passionate touch, the skin becomes “goosey” and a shiver runs through it.
  • He fiddles with the hem of his clothes.
  • He tries to penetrate under the girl’s blouse with his palm.
  • Sweaty palms.
  • Increased salivation. The guy is thirsty and drinks a lot of water.
  • Tightens the muscles, keeps the back straight to look more collected and fit.
  • Penile tension. This symptom is the main and most noticeable, especially if the guy has tight pants or thin shorts.

Recently, scientists discovered another hormone - kisspeptin. It activates the cells of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of gonadtrope (sexual behavior). Therefore, excluding lip-to-lip kisses from foreplay is not recommended. This stage triggers a chemical reaction in the body and stimulates sexual desire.

What do men want?

Do you know what men really want in bed? A woman who will enjoy herself with minimal energy consumption. Roughly speaking, he stuck it in once, and she already had an orgasm three times. Few people may admit this, but it is a fact. Regardless of whether it is Pavlik or Alpha, they want the same thing.

Only by seeing your reaction can a man understand that everything is normal. And the phrase “I feel good with you” is simply inaccessible to them. Your attitude towards a man is measured not by words, “I like everything, don’t pay attention,” but by the number of orgasms.

Therefore, always remember - a man calls a woman passionate either if she constantly experiences orgasm during sex with him, or when a man begins to be more important than just a sex partner.

Read also: Dark urine in a woman

And many women don’t even realize what a powerful manipulator they can be if they want to have a man next to them, but don’t want to have children. Why? Because you a priori do not show the man that you have such plans for him. He will not need to become the breadwinner of the whole family and the only thing he can manipulate is your loneliness. But as soon as you show him that this will not happen, and if not him, then there is also Petya, Vasya or Seryozha - the power is in your hands.

Remember that if you are passionate with a man, but not because you are hooked on him, this is your weapon. But if you are addicted to him and show your passion only with him, then he will use it one way or another, and your weapon will become your weak point.

Psychologists' opinion

In order to most accurately understand what a young man’s intentions are, you should find out the opinion of psychologists. When a guy is excited, he can have a lot of symptoms. However, you need to pay attention to how he behaves during the dialogue.

Psychologists say that every man, when communicating with a girl, subconsciously turns over in his head the thought of whether he would sleep with her or not. As a rule, if a man is not interested in a girl, he either does not communicate with her at all, or only on business - very dryly.

There is no need to judge men for this, because the function of selecting sexual partners is inherent in their nature. For women, everything happens the same way. In the first 20 seconds of the dialogue, each of its participants realizes whether he wants sex with his interlocutor.

If during a conversation a man looks into your eyes, smiles and tells interesting stories, then he has a reason for this. Most likely, he is interested in you as a sexual object. Of course, due to some fears and social complexes, he may not show this, but his gaze and attempts to seem like a cheerful person speak for themselves. If you show reciprocity right now, most likely this man will ask you out on a date.

You should not take any gesture of politeness on the part of a man as a sign of sexual interest. It is very important to look at his body language. If a guy stands up so that his body is turned towards you, most likely he is attracted to you. Attempts to close the distance between you indicate sexual attraction on his part.

Many girls don't understand what to do if a guy says he wants you. Psychology can give a very simple answer to this question. Men are simpler creatures than women. They do not like to complicate anything and, instead of hints, would prefer to tell the truth straight out. So, if a man directly tells you about his sexual desires, so be it.

Is love and attraction at the same time real?

“I love and want the man I love, and he loves and wants me!” - the ideal that most girls strive for. But there are often cases when men experience sexual desire for some women, and love for others. When you meet a new partner and are increasingly thinking “I want to tell my man that I love him!”, first make sure you are serious with the help of the tips above.

Do you want to better understand yourself and male psychology? Try taking the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” The lessons are structured so that each participant reveals her strengths and weaknesses in communicating with the opposite sex, strengthens her femininity, and learns to choose worthy gentlemen.

Tell me, have you ever doubted the sincerity of your boyfriend’s feelings? How did you verify his intentions?

Speech signs of sexual arousal

Another sign of a man’s sexual predilection for a woman is the tempo and timbre of his partner’s voice. Women who have experience in sexual life can easily distinguish a man's attraction to a woman by their intonation. It is important to pay attention to the following signs:

  • timbre of voice - if the girl wishes, the man’s voice becomes languid, low timbre;
  • the tempo of the man’s voice becomes slow if his partner desires, verbal pronunciation is slow, interrupted by breathing;
  • the speech of the sexual partner becomes inhibited, with long breaks between the pronunciations of various phrases, which also often do not combine with each other and are drawn out when pronounced;
  • sometimes a man begins to stutter due to desire.

The most valuable thing is actions!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. You should not agree to an intimate relationship without making sure that the young man has serious intentions. If his feelings are sincere, he will definitely prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to court for a long time and seek the attention of his passion. Women should remember this so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

Qualities of a man that women value in relationships

A real man, from a woman’s point of view, must have the following qualities:

  • Be confident in yourself and your abilities, but not overconfident. With such a person a woman feels safe;
  • Kind, not expressing aggression with or without reason. Many people know the expression “The strong must be kind.” Any woman feels delighted if such a man is next to her;
  • Reliable. A woman must be sure that, if she finds herself in a difficult situation, he will be able to protect her;
  • Faithful. There should be trust in a relationship. And if a man cheats on his partner, how can you trust him?
  • Generous. Who would like a greedy man? Reasonable economy is one thing, pettiness and tight-fistedness are quite another;
  • Neat. You can dress simply and tastefully, even if things are inexpensive;
  • With a good sense of humor. You will never be bored with such a person.

A woman, being married to a man, must be confident in the future. The family must have financial stability and emotional closeness. The husband must not only provide financially for the family, but also pay attention to the children.

A little check

With the advent of the Internet in people's lives, guys began to develop a fear of approaching girls. That is, if 30 years ago men could easily meet girls and build relationships with them, now not everyone can just chat. This is due to the fact that almost all communication has moved to social networks, and not every guy can start a real dialogue with a girl.

Because of this, not all guys can show girls their sexual interest. Very often this does not go beyond hidden signals that only psychologists can recognize. However, don’t be upset, because every girl can check a guy’s intentions.

It's very easy to do. The point is that guys would love to be bold, take action, and show girls their sexual desires. However, something always stops them. Not everyone can take the first step. And the second and subsequent steps are much easier for men.

Therefore, if you need to understand whether a man wants you, show him your interest. If he becomes more active and starts communicating with you more and asking you out on a date, he definitely wants you. And if this does not happen, most likely, he simply doesn’t like you.

By the way, while talking with a guy, you can flirt with him a little. If after this he is more friendly and nice to you, then he is interested in you. Continue flirting with him until he takes the initiative.

Signs of male desire

How to understand that a man wants you</p>

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