Interpersonal communication - types and forms of interaction between people

“Communication” is one of the central categories in modern psychology and is on a par with such concepts as “personality”, “behavior” and “thinking”. Interpersonal communication is expressed in attempts to establish and further develop relationships between two or more persons. It involves the implementation of mutual influence on a certain regulation of the actions of all participants in the process, as well as on their individual behavior, intentions and views.

Main types of interpersonal communication

The relationships that are experienced and realized by individuals at the time of interpersonal relationships, depending on the degree of interest, are based on various emotional states. The psychological characteristics of the interlocutors and their level of intelligence are also important for communication.

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The interpersonal type of communication is divided into the following types:

  1. Formal. Occurs without taking into account the psychological and other characteristics of the interlocutors. Masks of compassion, politeness, severity or indifference allow you to veil true emotions and relationships. With frequent contacts, using a standard set of gestures and phrases, you can protect yourself from emotional overload.

  2. Primitive. With this method of communication, the interlocutor is assessed. He is recognized as a necessary or interfering subject. If they believe that he will be needed, then they actively contact him, otherwise communication is rudely interrupted. When you get what you want, interest in such a person completely disappears and its absence is not hidden.

  3. Functional-role. This type of communication is characterized by content regulations. The personality of the interlocutor is less important than his social role. An example of interpersonal communication of this type can be the following partners: teacher and student, boss and employee, public transport driver and passenger.

  4. Business. In this type of communication, the interlocutors take into account each other’s character, age, and mood. Moreover, the interests of the case always prevail, personal differences recede into the background. The usual goal of business negotiations or communication is to reach some kind of agreement.

  5. Manipulative. Communication for the purpose of obtaining benefits. In this case, such techniques as deception, flattery, intimidation, blackmail and others are used.

  6. Social communication. Fully complies with the norms accepted in secular society. The interlocutors behave extremely diplomatically. But at the same time, behind a mask of politeness they hide their thoughts.

  7. Spiritual. Allows for conversation on any topic. This is a type of communication between close people who understand the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor by the intonation of their voice or facial expression.

Interpersonal communication is a special type of human activity during which ideas, feelings and emotions are exchanged and a system of relationships begins to develop.

Removing barriers

Improving organizational communications and eliminating barriers in organizations is facilitated by:

  1. Streamlining the communication process.
  2. Effective use of graphics.
  3. The most effective method of improving communications is filtering information.
  4. Barriers caused by the perception of information. To eliminate this barrier, the position (installation) of the recipient should be clarified and adjusted to the transfer of information.
  5. To eliminate semantic barriers caused by different understandings of the symbols exchanged between the sender and recipient of information, employees need to avoid narrow professional jargon and acquire a culture of speech.
  6. To eliminate nonverbal barriers that arise as a result of incorrect interpretation by participants in the communicative process of eye expression, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, voice modulation, etc., it is necessary to be able to “read” people by their nonverbal signals.
  7. Learn to listen and convey information from participants in the communication process.
  8. It is necessary to provide sufficient information.
  9. Wrong psychological attitude. To overcome a stereotype of thinking, when forming a message, you need to remember, firstly, that the message must be thought through and have confidence that it is not distorted by a stereotype, and secondly, determine what stereotype the recipient has and how to construct the message so that the recipient was not influenced by the stereotype.
  10. Improving feedback.
  11. Increasing the efficiency of information accounting.

Within each management system, it is necessary to select methods for improving communications that will correspond to the culture of the organization, its technical potential, and the degree of importance of tasks at a certain stage of development. Constant modification of communication links is necessary to strengthen mutual understanding between employees of the organization and form its positive image in the environment.

Interpersonal communication among young people

In adolescence and adolescence, an individual begins to form interpersonal relationships with parents, classmates, teachers, friends, representatives of all layers and groups of society. During this period, teenagers become irritable and intolerant. Some of them have a tendency towards aggression. They talk loudly and become emotional.

By the age of 16, most young people begin a period of self-affirmation and self-discovery. They perceive all events that occur critically. Problems of interpersonal communication in the youth community most often result from a lack of compassion and unwillingness to conform to accepted standards of behavior.

Relationship levels

Interpersonal connections differ in different depths and degrees of individual involvement in this process. These nuances allow us to distinguish 3 levels of relationships:

  1. Perceptual. At this level, individuals perceive each other. They try to recognize and understand the individual traits, characteristics and other characteristics of their partner. Although relationships are just beginning, sometimes people immediately feel like or dislike from the first meeting.
  2. Mutual attraction or repulsion. At the second level, the resulting feeling of sympathy makes people try to find out more about their partner. They try to find new features in another person. If individuals experience hostility towards each other, this emotion intensifies and develops into hatred.
  3. Interactive. People who feel sympathy for their partner begin to actively communicate and look for common interests. Individuals who hate each other and cannot avoid contact also interact, but on the basis of conflicts.

These levels go through all interpersonal interactions. When a relationship reaches its maximum level of emotionality, feelings begin to wane. They become an attachment or a habit. And hatred is replaced by ordinary hostility.

Forms and methods of interpersonal communication

The following forms of interpersonal communication are considered:

  1. Dialogue. The form of communication in the form of dialogue is considered the most positive. Relationships are built taking into account the openness and equality of partners.
  2. Manipulation. Manipulation is a form of communication that involves influencing a partner in order to realize desires and intentions that are hidden from him or replaced by others.
  3. Imperative. Imperative communication includes an authoritarian form of influence on the interlocutor, the desire of which is to directly incline him to certain actions. They can be interpreted as orders, demands or instructions.

The dynamics of building interpersonal relationships directly depends on the age of individuals, their nationality and gender.

Women are more dependent on the intensity of interpersonal communication. They feel more acutely the need to convey their personal information to others. They are more worried and depressed by loneliness.

Psychologists call empathy the main component of relationships and various types of communication—the conscious empathy of one person for another. The communication process is very complex. It is different in its manifestations and forms, and is extremely important both for the individual and for the entire society.

Classification of relationships

Interpersonal connections are classified according to various criteria, for example, by purpose and nature. In educational literature they are presented in tables that can be used for lesson presentations.

According to the purpose, interpersonal connections are primary and secondary. In the first case, people communicate with each other on equal terms, without needing anything. Secondary relationships are formed when there is some need, for example, the provision of help or service from one person to another.

By nature, formal and informal (unofficial) connections are distinguished. The first relationship is based on adherence to strict rules of communication and the absence of choice of partner. Typically, such interaction is typical in a business environment. There are no boundaries for informal contacts . They are characterized by emotions, personal preferences and the ability to choose a partner for interaction.

Basics of proper communication

The inability to build relationships often becomes a problem in interpersonal interactions. If a person is afraid or does not know how to establish contacts, the development of connections is unlikely to be successful. Sometimes situations arise when a person cannot find the necessary words or expressions for a constructive dialogue. Because of this, misunderstandings arise in relationships.

The following tips from psychologists will help you learn to communicate with others faster:

  1. You must be able to listen to your interlocutor and be interested in what he says.
  2. A person needs to watch his facial expressions and smile more often.
  3. When communicating, a partner should be called by name more often, when pronounced, its owner experiences positive emotions.
  4. Speech is pleasant to the ear if it does not contain filler words.
  5. A person needs to watch his intonation. An indifferent tone discourages the desire to continue communication.
  6. A person who speaks clearly and beautifully is pleasant to listen to. When a person clearly expresses his thoughts, they will be understandable to the interlocutor.
  7. People need to regularly replenish their vocabulary in order to correctly structure their speech and understand others.
  8. If an individual feels fear when interacting with others, he needs to show willpower and work on his communication skills.

Any person is born and is in society throughout his life. It is impossible to isolate oneself from everyone, although a person can reduce the types of interpersonal connections and leave only the types of relationships necessary for it. However, only the successful creation of communicative interaction contributes to harmonious personal growth.

Types of interactions

Interpersonal relationships are also divided into several types. Each variety has its own characteristics.

Main types of interpersonal relationships:

  1. Familiar. This type of interaction is considered the most extensive and includes many people from the environment. This type of connection even includes people who are familiar to a person only visually.
  2. Buddies. Such connections are based on mutual affection, as well as the desire of both parties to spend time together and maintain relationships.
  3. Comrades. The participants in these relationships are united by common activities. Individuals who maintain companionship have a common goal that they wish to achieve in the group.
  4. Friends. Forming these relationships requires a lot of time, effort and certain personal qualities. Such connections bring great benefits to a person emotionally. In addition, friends provide each other with moral support and try to help in various matters.
  5. Love relationship. Harmonious connections develop against a favorable background and also require a lot of effort and time. Love is a powerful driving force that not everyone can comprehend. The formation of love relationships depends on the individual characteristics of individuals and the ability to find a suitable partner.

The building of any interpersonal connections depends on the people themselves. If a person understands his responsibility for interacting with another person, this shows the importance of the relationship itself.

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